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Orzeml(The Pleiadean) message to our kind

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posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 01:38 AM
No, not a nanny. Freedom, because we're really tied into knots by an invasive slavery and control that would that alone would take the deaths of countless precious and beautiful people, and thankfully as an experiencer I'm aware of something else. This is about our people, who are not capable of doing this kind of thing alone, when the slave masters are ets themselves, and have been in control of this planet for countless thousands years. Its akin to being a good neighbour, or compassion and service. For example, if your neighbours six your old child was being beaten to death in the back alley by a thug screaming for help, would you ignore it? Would you tell him to stop expecting a nanny to rescue him?
Against the controllers of this planet and the life and death of countless numbers, asking for help is imperative. I will continue to ask and nothing you will ever say can stop me, because its absolutely foreign to me your lone dog, every man for himself, we're island and should die rather than seek aid. Don't get it.
I personally gladly offer and receive help on a daily basis, its the humanoid thing to do.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by mystiq

mystiq, when I asked for something that would confirm your and smokingman2006’s shared ideas, please trust me that I wasn’t trying to take them away from you. You write with passion and genuine conviction, and always maintain a level of decorum in your posts. That is more than admirable. But I have to comment on your post. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be being true to my own convictions.

Energy signatures.
War between renegade factions from other solar system and ours.
The Terra Papers.
Soul wiping machines.
Star Federations.

Can you not see the problem here?

To anyone who is unfamiliar with these concepts, the mention of any one of the above subjects would be considered nothing more than science fiction.

There is nothing to substantiate them in the mainstream media, and that is where the overwhelming majority of the general populace get their information. Whether that source is manipulated or not is irrelevant as these subjects have not a thing associated to them that would even suggest they are recounting real events and genuine perceptions. This is my problem with this whole scenario. This is where my cynicism kicks in.

Why do smokingman2006’s “friends” not bother to contact intellectuals and gifted orators, rather than individuals who have no ambition other than to post their “contact” on a web site that reaches a specific audience and, at the end, create a website that’ll match “alien souls”. How will that help us in the hour of a supposed impending catastrophe?
Where is the information or event or message that’ll galvanise the secular side of the population into sitting up and paying attention? No matter what you believe, or what this thread’s author has claimed about our world leaders and their nefarious affiliations, just talking about Federations and Stargates and monatomic gold and Greys and beautiful Nordic alien women will only be viewed as some kind of real life, ultimately sad, role-playing game.

We don’t need any more vague and promissory allusions to enlightenment or the clique-ish belief systems that spring from them.

We don’t need hoaxers constantly jumping on to the band wagon and proclaiming they “know the truth” when they patently do not.

We don’t need to utilise extravagant, florid language that, even if recounting real events, will persist in alienating the mass of people that, at the end of the day, just needs a single event that produces undeniable proof to make them believe.

If smokingman2006 is telling the truth, then serious question have to be raised as to his contacts’ methods, their agenda and competence in communicating grave and momentous information to our species. “They” seem to be content to constantly preach to the converted, rather than trying to convert the fresh and enquiring minds of the unbeliever and cynic.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by RisingSun

What I criticized was your incredibly aggressive attitude.

You are entitled to your beliefs, as is jon1, smokingman2006, myself, et all. This site is about free speech and the right to express it.

It is not about calling someone idiot and threatening violence towards them solely because they don’t agree with your beliefs. That is an attitude that is all too prevalent in this world at the moment, isn’t it, and totally against this thread’s (in my opinion) one important message; tolerance and peace.

I understand that some readers might have been offended by my language, but that is no offense, childish to me. It's WORDS, plain and simple.

You underestimate the power of the written word.

Words start fights and wars.

Words sway people's opinions.

Words hurt.

Plain and simple.

Argue that to the contrary.

Step into the REAL world and take a look around you before you spend an hour going out of your way to box up and slap a bow on some one who said some thing about some thing some one else said.

I do live in the real world. That is why I disagree with the content of this thread. Obviously I do not live in your world and I am thankful for that. I am quite willing and even eager to be taken from my comfort zone by something I see or experience or by a concept that sparks something in my intellect. No one knows everything, and if they think they do or say they do, then they are deluding themselves and are a danger to the easily led.

And forgive me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this a discussion forum, where we all have the opportunity to comment on the OP’s posts, and each others. That’s called free speech, isn’t it?

Now let me rephrase my comment ... What I was trying to say is that I don't think it is very intelligent to just label some one a liar or crazy just because they speak of an experience they had, that you were not fortunate to have.

You believe smokingman2006. That’s fine. I don’t. And that’s fine too.

There are things in this world beyond the little that we individually know, that is, if you even take the time to step outside of your comfort zone and take the time the learn as much as possible about the world around you.

There is a problem there; you should be careful what sources you learn from.

I don't think you are making the effort to expand your mind and spirit. It is your choice whether to stay left behind in the darkness, or to light a match and look beyond that darkness.

That’s an assumption. I have strongly held, positive beliefs about the ETH based on a lifetime of reading on the subject, and those beliefs are the main reason that I found smokingman2006’s claims contrary to my own.

I'm sorry but I believe any thing is possible

Me too. But I do not believe that we should believe everyone who says they have seen the seemingly impossible.

…and I believe that the person who wrote this post at least has very good intentions.

Maybe. Again, that is an assumption based on your own paradigm, and that’s fine.

Plus, I have read other of his posts and he speaks frequently of his experiences with Plebeian's or however it's spelled, I think that would be a little more than coincidental. If he were that insane he would be in a straight jacket, not busy at home typing on an internet forum.

“Pleiadians”. And another assumption.

smokingman2006 is far from insane (something that I’ve never accused him of).

He may be calculating; he may be suffering under a form of depression; he may be being tormented by a self-reproach that is manifesting in the form of a message of deliverance; he may well be telling the truth; he may well be telling the truth but is being lied to.

As he cannot, or will not, provide proof to settle the issue, all we can do is to contend or confirm his claims as we see fit.

By free speech.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by Beamish

Have you read the Terra Papers? They were pre-Sitchin's work. Or the Stargate thread's. Have you explored the many very strong evidence that we already have in pictographs, writings and aritifacts. Not connecting dots is hard to do The current paradigm many live under is the science fiction. The world keeps revealing its secrets. Havent you ever found it odd that a truly enlightened society would not be studying all of this in depth as well as the ufology reports, where there must be ufos reported by pilots and credentialled people on top of the ordinary ones, on a daily basis? Its not even funny, not even amusing to see such a blatant misuse of funds in hiring so tansparent a crew of slave drivers at the top, when it should be an embarrassment to them to keep all the pieces of evidence in tiny little separated boxes while they serve one hidden elite group instead of the people and the truth!

The fantastical beliefs is in ignoring the evidence, testimony and historical evidence of the planet and running with a ludicrously transparent disinfo campaign.

[edit on 3-4-2009 by mystiq]

[edit on 3-4-2009 by mystiq]

[edit on 3-4-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by mystiq

What is not under dispute here is the fact that UFOs traverse our skies.

We all know that UFOs exist, whatever they may be.

Aliens may well have been here in our past. There is nothing to say they definitively have, and conversely nothing to prove they haven’t. There is some circumstantial physical substantiation that could be interpreted as evidence, though it is tenuous and open to varying analysis. For every “alien pictograph”, others will see spirits or primitive representations of gods. Their meanings are all down to personal translation.

What I am highly cynical of are the “historical” and “channeled” texts and stories that have sprung out of this phenomenon; the Terra Papers etc.

It doesn’t matter how realistically they read, nor how well written, paced and structured they are, they do not have anything in them that points even obliquely towards a single piece of corroborating evidence. And that renders them useless as evidence of aliens visiting our planet, or having handed us information.

It just makes them tales.

Just because they purport to contain previously hidden information, does not mean they actually do. They rely on, and include, historical events or established religious imagery or entrenched philosophical thought to attain a measure of connection to the real world. When they tie in with other works that purport to relay alien history, then that adds another layer of authenticity.

If someone who reads them already has either a belief in the ETH, or a budding belief in it, then these works can register strongly as being something profound and important. And that is their strength.

They “connect the dots” for you. It’s what religion has been doing for millennia.

And that, in my opinion, is what smokingman2006 has been doing all along in his threads. The self, same thing.

And guess what?

People believe him because of it.

This is just my opinion. I do not wish to demean your personal understanding of this subject matter.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by Beamish

You know, what is under dispute is not that ufos traverse our skies. I'm sorry, I dont even have the breathe (or in reality the energetic fingers lol) to link thousands upon thousands of links. This is one of those embarrassing cover ups for the elite, because theres too much evidence, too many reports including radar reports, too many testimonials. For the few that still truly think that, I think too flouride has been put in the water!

Edit to Add: The Terra Papers werent channeled. They were from actual contact where a wounded grey was looked after by the Hopis. They are his story that was told to them. And suprisingly the Sumerian tablets reveal the same Enki/Enlil. Though this happened previous to those translations. Another thing that is interesting is in the video I linked above. It discussed how most scholars are trained to relate to writings and information that is not in modern times, as myths and metaphors. But then, that would mean an entirely different mind was possessed by ancient people. In fact the entire thing is absurd. What is lacking is a real honest effort to study and reveal the history, and related and connect our past events with modern events, to actually put it together. Its not even possible to imagine the neglect that has been done as anything other than a massive ongoing disinfo campaign and hiding all info as quickly as possible. The coverup is embarrassing for all involved in it, because its so obvious and transparent.
[edit on 3-4-2009 by mystiq]

[edit on 3-4-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 04:58 PM
We need some more answers smokingman

I hate having my head dug in the ground with my ass sticking out. Thats how I feel about this whole NWO/2012 thing. Even though I am ready to accept dying or losing my whole family if it comes to that I would like to know what else you have to tell us.

Whats the situation look like for earth according to what they're telling you and what you haven't told us yet?

[edit on 3-4-2009 by stevedel0]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by mystiq

That really burns me up, too, Mystiq. That all of this fantastic history has been hidden. Not only hidden, but outright mocked.

I've read the Terra Papers and I am finishing up with the Emerald Tablets. I believe some of the channelings. For example, I have no doubt about the Ra Material, as I read it I have profound spiritual sensations.

Where or where is SM? Another thread had a note from him saying he'd be back soon.....

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
No, not a nanny. Freedom, because we're really tied into knots by an invasive slavery and control that would that alone would take the deaths of countless precious and beautiful people, and thankfully as an experiencer I'm aware of something else. This is about our people, who are not capable of doing this kind of thing alone, when the slave masters are ets themselves, and have been in control of this planet for countless thousands years. Its akin to being a good neighbour, or compassion and service. For example, if your neighbours six your old child was being beaten to death in the back alley by a thug screaming for help, would you ignore it? Would you tell him to stop expecting a nanny to rescue him?
Against the controllers of this planet and the life and death of countless numbers, asking for help is imperative. I will continue to ask and nothing you will ever say can stop me, because its absolutely foreign to me your lone dog, every man for himself, we're island and should die rather than seek aid. Don't get it.
I personally gladly offer and receive help on a daily basis, its the humanoid thing to do.


I'm sorry you think of me as a lone dog, every person for themselves proponent. But it's alright, I have already forgiven you.

What I am trying to show you somehow is that we do not need outside help. Yet you appear enamored by these ET "friends" so much that you willingly choose to abdicate your powers and put your fate, for the lack of a better word, in their hands.

This is no different than all the other people who we say are still "asleep", as they have chosen to abdicate their powers and place their "fate" in the hands of our "Overlords."

Remember what I said in my previous post, when something is missing, a gap is made and it needs to be filled, quickly.

Without going into real psychoanalysis as I am not "qualified" to do that, it seems to me that something had happened in your psyche at one point in time in the past. After that event (or series of events) you have chosen to fill that gap with the ETs, thus externalizing the issue, because you felt powerless yourself to do anything about it, and ETs appeared to have the necessary "clout."

These, and other, constructs need to be healed, and forgiven. I do understand that it might be difficult but nothing is impossible. Else, a person runs a risk of being (mind) manipulated due to those very constructs which really pose a vulnerability, when they do not belong to one's being.

We always seem to seek for things outside of us while all the answers lay within...

Bottom line is, we both seek the same thing, true freedom. I just refuse to abdicate my powers and put myself in someone else's hands as that implies subordination of one kind or the other. And we had enough of that already, don't you think?

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 08:39 AM
Enamored, truly yes. Also the world is not the way you think it is. Very hard job to change it alone, and its the loss of life we're trying to prevent here. But its also to do with why they're here contacting/abducting people to begin with. You see the world closed off, but in the galaxy its more like a small island, amongst many, and the climate is far more interplanetary, never mind that this is one of many projects, which has involved their work and angendas from the beginning, and that what we're facing isn't a human foe. Our "human" (thats debatable) leaders don't serve us.

As for changing it, if you went out your door right now and started handing out flyers you would be targeted. If you actually started making an impact very nefarious things would begin to happen in your loved ones and your own life. How to do this safely, with impact, is quite the puzzle, and so many are thoroughly brainwashed into this false paradigm.

Changing the subject, on the topic of accepting that ufos traverse our skies. A question I consider ludicrous now, however, I just found a very interesting thread.
A memo discussed that was obtained through the freedom of information act, written by General Nathan Twining and J. Edgar Hoover, which definitively states an et presence in our world. I searched and found a link to read this memo.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 06:24 AM
I read another thread created by this guy
is he giving up on that because his predictions are not coming true
Wow missy or whatever your name you actually believe what you are saying. You seem to make statements about things yet offer no proof to back up anything you state. Oh yes, I forgot, believers make such wild statements all the time and people are supposed to believe. Hey guys I spent the night with Dracula, i have no proof but that is because the government elite is working on keeping it hush hush. You don`t believe me
, well like believers say, you can`t prove what i am saying so tough

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by da_beast_666

I have replied to you in smokingmans other thread. These threads are about love and the New Earth. Many have tryed to bring negativity to them, you are just another. I see youve joined ATS today and basically set about de bunking everything. You seem to be on a mission. Its OK that is your calling, but after so many pages of de bunkers it does get tiresome.

I believe 100% totally in an alliance of aliens who come from the higher realms whos frequency is one only of love.

As I said in my reply to you on SMs other thread. Your avatar is in conflict with this frequency and I dont like it one bit. You are free to come on here and de bunk all you wish but I think you are on a hidden agenda.


posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 05:14 AM
Any human which is worth his or her salt can feel right now within themselves that something is just not quite right on our planet right now.

that feeling is called instinct and has managed to get us this far.

The slavemaster are masters of distraction remember this and look under the BS

Peace & hope


posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by smokingman2006

yes,sm, many of us do feel the current running thru all things as the energy field is changing, and it is either having a very positive and uplifting affect on a few or having a definite increase in the impact of the controlled reality; work is being done to change the game and increase the numbers of the few.

Glad to see you back,friend, and looking forward to an update from you.


posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by smokingman2006

Any human which is worth his or her salt can feel right now within themselves that something is just not quite right on our planet right now.

So, by implication, that comment means that anyone who is just living their life normally and to the best of their abilities in these troubled times isn’t valued or useful?

Is that what you are saying?

If it is, then it’s even more proof of your constant divisive and conflict-driven rhetoric.

As the opening comment utilized to return to your threads, it lacks any contributory, positive factors whatsoever. Where are the “words of wisdom” from your “friends”? Did they tell you to just come back and rehash the old “we’re all doomed and the slave-masters are evil” gambit?

that feeling is called instinct and has managed to get us this far.

If our instinct is that effective, then why are we in such a mess as you keep insisting?

Is it only effective when dealing with everyday problems like – say – evolving technology and farming and medicine and science and spirituality and art and culture and philosophy etc.? Don’t forget we’re pretty good at war, too. Has your understanding of our “instinct” taken those incredibly important and deciding factors into account, or was that last statement of yours just bluster and hot air, designed to sound perceptive but, to be honest, ultimately failing badly?

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 02:27 AM
This fella is out there isn't he. I though you needed to provide some kind of evidence to back these statements up or am I wrong? First time on here and read the rules but may have missed the part where you can add fictinional stories. Oh yeh that mystiq is also out there, maybe they know each other?

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by blood_demon

This fella is out there isn't he.

Hello blood_demon, and welcome to ATS.

smokingman2006, for all his faults, is simply following a long tradition of people who have openly declared contact with aliens. (I say openly, but in truth his revelations are well and truly hidden behind the anonymity of his ATS ID.) some of these historical personages could well have had the most incredible of meetings. Many of them are suffering under a delusion, or are just born liars.

Why he’s doing it, well, that’s for us to discuss and him to know. And until he can produce an independent witness, that line of attack is all we have.

And, by the way, any accusation or observation aimed towards him really warrants some kind of supportive argument, don’t you think?

Is he really “out there” when compared to some other contactees? That depends on your approach to the subject. A lot of folks just want to read a good story, irrespective of it being real or not. Kind of makes me wonder if the subject is being taken seriously… Throughout his threads, he has maintained an almost by-the-book account of contact; indeed, it could have come straight from an episode of the X Files, it’s that formulaic. I’ve been calling hoax from page one, and nothing that I’ve read from him or his supporters has changed my mind.

And I’m very willing to have my mind changed, believe me, as I imagine are a lot of cynics and skeptics.

[quoteI though you needed to provide some kind of evidence to back these statements up or am I wrong? First time on here and read the rules but may have missed the part where you can add fictinional stories.

No, no proof is required in the Grey Area.

These threads’ authors can talk about how they actually had and still have solid evidence, as smokingman2006 already has, however, safe in the knowledge that they don’t have to present it. That situation can, as you can probably imagine, present all sorts of deliciously manipulative opportunities for hoaxers, et all, to ply their trade…

Oh yeh that mystiq is also out there, maybe they know each other?

I don’t believe mystiq and smokingman2006 know each other; they merely share a common set of beliefs. Share as in discuss and mutually support their beliefs; the motive behind this discourse, from this thread’s author point of view, I believe is up for grabs…

And, once again, it is easy to prosecute another’s beliefs. The skill is to contend them with respect and a balanced line of reasoning.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by Beamish

Well I find the ufo community to be just another version of religious folk. They have no proof of thier experiences and have told people they have been in contact with beings unseen by normal people and have also claimed they these mythical creatures are here to help mankind or have created us. So yes I find this to be all a bunch of fictious story telling, and if the grey area is what you say it is, then yes it does leave the door open for people to come and tell people any kind of fantasy they choose. The way I see this site, is for the lonely and unhappy to come here and feel special about themselves. They do this by telkling fables and to have people either praise them or condemn them. After all any kind of attention to these people is good attention

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 09:25 AM
Yes, the ufo community is just a religious group of fanatics, and they should all ignore their own sitings, even shared one, and immediately convince themselves their entire days are spent delusional. Instead of enjoying their dinners, they must question whether their own senses operate and function in a manner like everyone elses, because if they're eyesight is just so faulty, and their rational thought processes, they could be eating something thats not even healthy instead of their salads. Of course, since their very minds are delusional, their "lying eyes" untrustworthy and apt to substitute imaginary objects for other objects, perhaps you should feel sorry for them as well, it must be very difficult to navigate throughout their day.

Oh by the way, there are just so many of them in every walk of life including professional capacities:
PRUFOS-´Police report UFO Sightings´Organisation

Brought out in the thread:
Thousands of military reports, commercial pilot reports and hundreds of radar reports.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by blood_demon

Well I find the ufo community to be just another version of religious folk.

That’s kind of tarring everyone with the same brush.

However, your analogy, when applied to certain elements of the UFO community, is quite correct (just don’t tell those folks that; they don’t like it). Belief in aliens and their apparent ability and desire to help us in our hour of need can, and often does, border on the religious. Different supernatural beings, same need to see them as being messianic, and I have also pointed this out several times in this thread.

And once again you’re right in that there’s no absolute proof to support these beliefs; there is extremely strong and compelling circumstantial evidence and persuasive personal testimony, however. And that, no matter how you look at it, cannot be ignored.

So yes I find this to be all a bunch of fictious story telling, and if the grey area is what you say it is, then yes it does leave the door open for people to come and tell people any kind of fantasy they choose.

I am a skeptic, with strong beliefs. I am also a cynic, but am happy to be proven wrong as and when that happens. I’ve outlined the reasons why I do not believe the author of this thread many, many times, and to be honest, I’m kind of disappointed that smokingman2006 cannot prove me wrong. It would be really amazing to read something incredible here, something that every reader would know instinctually that it came from somewhere else. But we don’t get that, do we, we get creative writing based on already established events and philosophies instead.

So yes, we are reading fiction, and that’s just my opinion and I reserve the right to continue with it, but with a caveat; the type of fiction is ambiguous.

It might be real in his mind only, and whilst some of his readers will be happy with that, I’m not.

It might actually be a real and ongoing event that is simply way and beyond my understanding, but if that’s the case, then I’d have to ask why I’m being excluded from comprehending it.

[edit on 20-4-2009 by Beamish]

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