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Why do women break up with nice guys?

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posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 07:31 AM
The back and forth in this thread is beginning to get personal again. Please avoid that tendency.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 10:50 AM
The Quiet Storm,

I need you to attempt to step out of your provincialism in thinking and analytical ability if possible. I need you to comprehend something or a concept beyond just yourself and how you view the world. A tall order..I do understand this.

You are not here to seek my approval. You are not "trying out " for my approval per se. Same thing with Edrick.
I state opinions and views are most certainly free to accept or reject them.

The person you first have to live with is yourself . You have to learn and adapt ...take initiative to get your numbers to come out correctly to suit you. This is called Power and control over ones life. Or conversely in the case of your is powerlessness.

Very few women or females I have ever known are interested in a man who is not at some point in control of themselves. For if he is not in control of himself how can he do anything other than be a liability to them and their children. Life requires discipline...for a woman to have a man who has discipline...or another word for it is gonads...a pair hanging...means she has options. Her RISKS are now lower..her options greater.,,for herself and children or future children. This is also called in a male.."Potential." The "P" word.

What both you and Edrick do not show in your posts is Potential.

Do not bother trying to show me your potential here on this thread. So far all we have seen is desperation in the "Oil Shortage " department. This does not interest women or females. It shows a lack of potential and a weakness that a crafty female can exploit if they so choose. Women and females, who know, can get a male to try out desperately for sex and recognition in exchange for goods and services/monies. They do not ..respect such an man or male. They do not however ..teach this this pattern to a male...openly. To do so puts to much at RISK.

This is why it is important to a male to understand life outside of an Oil Shortage.mentality. Most do not.
How about those Redskins and cheerleaders??

If you do not know yourself first ..and about RISK in earning your will have a difficult time learning about the female of the species. You will also not be able to properly lead..even other men in RISK endeavours...much less women ..even into bed.

You choose and be responsible for how much RISK you decide to expend on a woman/female...for your purposes. Not to me and for me .but for your reasons.

Most of the women I have ever met are not that interested in how much RISK you take for your monies. They are interested in the results..that the Buffet Line gets set up and managed at low them and or children.
They think that somehow Beauty and access to beauty and sexuality are the equivalent of all the RISK you will ever take. I don't think so.

IF you don't understand this that many women and females think this will easily get distracted from the real value in life. Real value is not sex or an "Oil Shortage."
Nor is it physical beauty. For all these things fade and become olde.

This is why Peace to a man who knows is more important and lasting than Piece.

The fast food lane and the sex that is marketed to unknowledgeable people is only temporary.

If all a woman has is beauty and sex/sexuality..she is an empty high maintenance shell. So too with a man.

I am not speaking here against sex, sexuality or even beauty. I am speaking against ignorance.

For people are so much more than sex and too.

This is where both you and Edrick tell on yourselves.

You first learn to take RISKS for yourself and your life skills..outside the classroom and textbooks.

What is obvious to me and perhaps others here is that you have had little mature male direction in your life. This is not an insult..just an observation. For if you had this from a mature would be more sure of yourself. You have substituted book learning, and a sheltered life for confidence and surety.
A television/movie/pubic school education is not going to help here. You have been sheltered from the world.
The world grabs/tempts you in what you covet. Not you grabbing and accepting or rejecting the world. This is clear in your posts.
Until you learn the self discipline to handle this you will always covet with what the world tries to tempt you. And it will tempt you with a very false paradigm. Be Warned.

This has nothing to do with being a Nice guy or a bad guy. I has to do with Confidence...with surety..with being a man in this world.

A Nice guy or bad guy is to me a joke/over rated/a counterfeit. It is not however..a laughing matter.

Hope this helps.
It is not intended to insult. However if you take it that does Edrick..Bon Appetit


The back and forth in this thread is beginning to get personal again. Please avoid that tendency.

Quite correct..and thank you.


edit on 15-11-2010 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 11:35 AM
i was in your shoes now i go out with my best friend (shes a girl) and we couldnt be happier

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:24 PM
any excuse to make women as shallow as they can be.

When they are taught that they have a right to be shallow, and should be shallow, that they should be judgemental etc. there's obviously a trap in this. Especially when you start to think that what you see is the end all be all of reality.

I'm just speaking my mind. Nobody comes to realize anything they do unless someone points it out to them. Often anyways.
edit on 15-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

Also. there's no need for there to be a fetish for domination. It is based purely on scarcity, and the fear based competitive sexuality. Why would a girl Seriously feel good getting beaten?

The whole domination thing is not even about simply getting to feel "shock" value, but to feel pain, real pain, not a simple pinch, etc. That's natural.

To ask to be beaten, and forced, unnaturally, is unnatural. Ravished is probably different, but even so, why the need to feel pain and ask for pain?

Domination is not just about, forcing, it is about pain. Not just any small pain, that isn't really pain. I'm talking Real pain, Real suffering, REAL TORTURE.

What is up with that?

What's even worse is that it's very common in women...Not as common in men. I'm not reffering to one specific statistical study. This is across the board. There's interest in this in psychology in biology all that. I think it's just all confusion, and living fear based.
edit on 15-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by riley

Yes I'm always honest.

To be honest I do sound a little brash. I wish I could control it, balance it out with control.

The fact is sometimes, when you gotta say something about what's going on, it's going to sound like you're simply complaining, especially if you're observing from that point of view and the person speaking is a "victim." That doesn't mean it's not correct, or accurate..

But yea.. you don't know how I'm working on myself. Everyday I am taking steps. Maybe I could do more, but there are lines I cross. Do you want me to update you all on every single line I cross in each and every day? No there are too much to list here. Some are really trivial. It's an ongoing process and I don't feel I need to report to you all just to prove to you something. It's not necessary.

I'm simply talking about things as they come along, as they come to me.
edit on 15-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

OK, not as bad a post I'll give you that.

As for the risk factor in women, simply seeking low risk. That's kind of shallow you know. I understand up to a point. Up to a point. It's not to be abused that's for sure.

Everyone else,

I guess, I somehow believe that voicing everything as I do here will somehow make it out to the world.

Do you really think I can talk about such things in public? no, any man will be shot down, no matter how civilized he is, and accurate. The individuals in my life are the same. Or the lack thereof. How can I if woman choose to be so shallow with me though?

Trust me, don't tell me I dont go for the "less than pretty" women.
edit on 15-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
Very few women or females I have ever known are interested in a man who is not at some point in control of themselves. For if he is not in control of himself how can he do anything other than be a liability to them and their children. Life requires discipline...for a woman to have a man who has discipline...or another word for it is gonads...a pair hanging...means she has options. Her RISKS are now lower..her options greater.,,for herself and children or future children. This is also called in a male.."Potential." The "P" word.

What both you and Edrick do not show in your posts is Potential.

Are you a woman? Or perhaps, Bobby Brown?

You are not qualified to make any of those judgements!

That may be what the women you have known may like in a man, something they can work with, you know, 'You', but not every woman is going to go for 'You', just as, you have clearly stated, you're are not interested in all women. Kind of stands to reason, really, doesn't it? As a woman, and from a purely personal perspective, I wouldn't want to speak for all women, that The Quiet Storm is intriguing and potentially quite adorable, at a pinch judgement based purely on his posts, similarly, Mr Edrick there, if I wasn't a confirmed Spinster, I'd be feeling myself coming on a little Elizabeth Bennett I am afraid. I daren't even reply to his posts for fear that I say something unbefitting a lady and completely offend his sensibilities.

In short, I can see absolutely no reason why those two gentlemen are bereft of female attention and you are not. If it was my choice, I know whose company I would choose, but then I doubt any of the women that you spend time with would like me either. I may not be Piece, but, I certainly am not Peace either, you can therefore, be assured that you wouldn't like me either. See? To each their own, rather than, your way or the highway.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

now now. I appreciate your post kilgore trout. He does make a point although it still might be said in the wrong way. Of course what I'm agreeing is that women do want a man who's in control of himself. Though too much can't be expected. Not everyone is perfect of course, and if a man is missing that woman in his life, or rather he has never in his life don't you think it might be just a tad bit on his self image? So how is he going to have absolute full control when his own biology is not even expressed at it's full potential, is imbalanced because of such a thing?

Do you get what I mean?

It's the same for women. I understand that loneliness can be crippling. A little lonliness here and there might be ok, but jeez for a whole damn lifetime!? Do you get that?

And again I appreciate your comments. I might even question whether you're actually being authentic or just trying to make me feel better, or playing me lol. But I'll accept it as is for sure.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by The Quiet Storm

As for the whole ravishing thing...

What's pretty crazy is that, such passion is based on longing, which is pain. Fear based. if you dont have it you feel pain and suffering. Therefore, all romantic relationships, which are based solely on passion and therefore being excssive, not having elements of companionship and TRUE BONDING are based on this.

Ravishing in such a way means that you desire a woman "so BAD" you foam at the mouth like a rabid dog. Notice the word BAD. Ravishing is erratic. Or at least the type of ravishing that is the same as devouring,

ie the definitions: to seize and carry off by force.
to carry off (a woman) by force.
to rape (a woman).

Which is obviously crazy. you have David Deida a popular new age SEXIST speaking of ravishing, making it look spiritual when it's not. He learned from Mantak Chia who's teachings are unbalanced, so it's not surprising.

One can be with a woman in joy.

But the other way, ravishing is based solely on fear based sexuality just as the post I'm quoting/replying to. If a woman expects men to do this, she is expecting fear-based sex. It is unbalanced.

Think of the Buddha who described the source of suffering is desire, or rather extremes of desire. It really is. A person who is in extreme desire is surely to experience the law of polarity in trying to get what he/she wants, ie, the more you try to get it the more it runs away from you. It's desperate.

It is really ego-based. If you are the type to think some ego is necessary and good, well then for you I mean, "excessively ego-based" as in "egotistic", but as we all know to most spiritual definitions ALL ego and egotism is unbalanced.

Karezza and neotantric sex is supposed to be beyond all of that. It is "sattvic".

So all of this is the same elements at play in addiction, and victimization, all of that. Couple this with the depletion and "satiety", the separation feelings one feels after normal orgasmic practice
, the fact that men actually feel an excessive activation of the stress response in the sympathetic system after normal orgasmic practices esp. ejaculation, you have quite a chaotic picture. I mean, it's ok if you live in the jungle, don't care for your offspring. This is perhaps the same 'evolutionary strategy' at play in women who desire the men with the "dark triad" traits. It is the "evolutionary strategy" to copulate with as many as possible, not caring for children or societal living responsibilities, "love", companionship, stability, monogamy, etc. It's wired into us, fortunately we also have another pathway with neo-tantra and karezza. The above is mainly fertilization driven anyway, and a depletion of energy and hormones and satiety is perhaps normal and essential for Fertilization. But for bonding? It's not. If monogamy is not your thing then at the very least the end won't be as chaotic for both partners. So this is yet perhaps another "evolutionary strategy".

The majority of the world operate based on the "normal" strategy. That's why we see what we see today. Fear based sexuality. Inequality. Conflict, unfulfilllment. We are Never fulfilled, it wants to keep it that way.
edit on 15-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

The studies I pointed out were of strictly Rape fantasy, not fetishes of domination etc. IF it was about that then wouldn't it say that?

Or can they or women themselves not differentiate between rape fantasy or fetishes of domination, etc.

No they can differentiate between fantasy and reality, your problem is not that you think they can't differentiate between that, but that you dont believe some would be into that, even if it involved a little drawing of blood, or pain. There are all kinds of weird things people are in to.

And you mistake and make a big deal out of this whole bad boy thing. You got to understand that females are looking for something to latch on to, when looking for a mate, a basic understanding of there nature, as well as how they would fit in to that nature, and even how to control it to certain degrees. What you dont get is that these bad boys that you keep complaining about, are in the eyes of the females you complain about merely just understandable to them, they get what they want and need, and were they fit into in that scope that they see as there life....You see like I said some post's back there is nothing bad about these bad boys, even with the fetishes there in to both male and female, as long as females think they can control or influence you, which is interpreted by them as a want or need to change them, hence bad boys and all that. But what it really comes down to is this, to save myself lots of writing, that is... If you took one of these bad boys and set him next to you, the reason why a female would go for the bad boy as you put it, is because he wouldn't be all that scary/unknown as you would be to them, confidence and all that which is interpreted as understanding which expresses itself as being comfortable with the guy and hence the real bad boy is... you.. because you would make them uneasy, because they don't get you, and what you don't understand you fear, or in most cases your uncomfortable with....... All that other stuff that riley person, and orangetom person, are saying is just a place in there conceptual world that you don't fit in, and they tell you how to fit in there world, sort of say, but there world I would guess can't be your world... Like I said there are people with bigger problems out there in the world even concerning females, look elsewhere if some females don't like you, last I checked females are everywhere. Oh and there right... females usually like male's that are confident, and in control of themselves and there live's, they really just like to be on cruise control, and everything to be a smooth ride, but who doesn't, so who can blame them.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

again, any reason or excuse to allow shallowness in females.

It's innocent to you because it's a common part of your life and you enjoy the fruits of it.
edit on 16-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 03:30 AM
Is complaining about not being able to convince women to have sex with you somehow not shallow?

One step forward two steps back.

I'm also a little creeped out at where this discussion is heading. How is rape fantasy ontopic? Is it being implied that women who do not like "nice guys" may secretely want to be raped..?

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

The woman is comedic gold, as well as a little of wisdom once in a while. Ever listen to the things she says, here is the quote I was implying to that I gave The Quiet Storm on some other thread.

Every woman should have four pets in her life. A mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass who pays for everything. PARIS HILTON

Yeah.... that is EXACTLY the sort of problem that I am talking about.... do you hear the sort of Selfish condescension that issues forth from her open pie hole?

I mean, I shouldn't need to even explain this one... a "Jack[snip] that pays for everything"? Honetly?

How bout you (paris) pay for that [snip] yourself without Daddy, or "Just-Friend's" money.

Privileged Princess Syndrome.

She makes me literally ILL.

Now that is pure wisdom

And this shows WHY you and I are done professionally... that you believe this sort of Entitlement Bull[snip] is WISDOM, is quite telling of what you think is CORRECT, and WISE.

Seriously... you are embarrassing yourself by agreeing with this Attention *Lady of the Night*

she tells it like it is when it comes to concerning women and what they want.


This is just SAD.


No matter what a woman looks like, if she's confident, she's sexy

Well, I'm going to have to disagree here.

Paris is CERTAINLY confident... but I personally believe that she is the Lowest form of Trash.

And, consequently... Not sexy in any way, shape or Form.

there are so many contradictions in that it's really hilarious.

Okay.... uhm... are your "Compliments" of paris hilton... Sarcastic?

I honestly cannot tell.

I could spend all day reading her quotes and get more comedy


But anyways enough of paris hilton.


You know when people get all emotional like you just did


it usually means I struck a nerve, or truth that they don't want to see.


And your video of some dude expressing that I just made you stupider is really cool, I'll give you that.

That was just the unvarnished Truth.

But your vid and your opinion is wrong

A.) No, it is CORRECT.

B.) How exactly can an opinion be Wrong? I would like an explanation for that one.

quit getting all emotional dude


and I would ask you for a second opinion, just to see if you have some more cool videos.

I already told you that we were DONE, Professionally.

But that to is not needed, because I have probably heard it all.

I doubt that.

I had no clue we ever begun anything, and I could only guess at what professionally is supposed to mean

IT's a Christian Bale thing.

Wait, I thought you had heard it all before?

But here I'll help you in your future endeavors of trying to understand and communicate with people mainly women who are a lot of things but being logical is not among those things...... " Is it not very illogical to try to communicate with someone who does not understand logic by using logic, were is the logic in using logic to understand something that does not operate on logic?"

IT is also not logical to presume that Women, (Who as you say have no grasp of logic) should be making logical decisions on behalf of our society...


IT is a choice that women are not making, and that men who are happy with the status quo would rather AVOID making.

-Edrick (and it just makes everything worse)
edit on 16-11-2010 by Edrick because: coding error

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by orangetom1999

Yeah, that's the problem..... He also bears the responsibility for ANY women who happens to be in his life, as if she is not capable of being Truly Equal.

Correct again here Edrick. Well stated. TQS is responsible.

You clearly missed the entire point of that statement.

Why should ANY man be responsible for someone Else?

Also of importance here ..what makes you think that today's woman is interested in True Equality..verses the "appearance of equality?"

Yeah, that is my entire point.

Both you and TQS might want to think this through in logic since science seems to be your religion.

Logic is hardly a religion, and your apparent presumption that it is, is quite telling of your false perceptions of reality.

By the way..does science explain this in the buffet line gets filled??

Wow... that you actually ASKED this question makes me so sad for you.

So, you are calling TQS someone who never gets out of the house, eh?
You really don't see your Insults, do you?

I think this escaped your scientific chains. You are incapable like TQS of grasping both female and male nuances or even directness.
You are dealing with a man here. I don't believe you are accustomed to the world of men..only science and the ego of science. Science is a very poor religion by which to grasp the nuances of the world outside the classroom.
IF you think what I am saying here is will not make it outside the classroom among real men. You had better grow a much thicker bark. Men know this about other men. That you don't seem to grasp it is indicative of your lack of exposure to the world of men. Not only do men know this ..but women know it instinctively as well.

You didn't answer my question, and then you proceed to Attack me again with your underhanded insults.

This is getting so old that I think I have Arthritis now.

Now for this important point and very telling of what I just posted above this paragraph.


And what do you mean by "Pass Muster"?

I am astonished that you have to ask this question in addition to the question here.

I am astonished that you refuse to answer my question, and proceed to misdirect, time after time.

What do you mean by "Pass Muster"?

So why do you attempt to destroy their confidence so much?

A mature man who has been out here in the world and away from the "scientific classroom:" has no need to ask either question..they alreay know.


*So why do you attempt to destroy their confidence so much?*

That you are so thin skinned on a forum like this tells me that you are less than most men or males out here who know what is Real Genuine RISK in their lives.

This is an Underhanded Insult, and of no ACTUAL importance to the discussion at hand.

They are not deceived by your posturing here or on any other thread.


This is not intended as in insult.


It is the simple truth known by people of experience who have lived and RISKED outside the classroom.

You are not even ATTEMPTING to answer my question.... all you do is Change the subject.

Once again...if the best you can do it take it as an insult

How about you actually argue the point, as opposed to Attacking?

I am well aware of how giving the women the vote changed totally the character of American well as giving the 18 year oldes the vote. Both groups can be controlled to vote on a puppet string based on someone stroking their emotions rather than thinking or knowing about RISK taking.

Then why are you ATTACKING me, if you AGREE with me?

I recommend that you do not take this as an insult Edrick, but I am not asking you to rescue me.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

While I am not in this for stars on the headings here. I do appreciate the consideration of those who have contributed such. I had not even considered it Edrick until you posted about such.
I do not go through life looking for stars nor am motivated by such. But that is just is the way I am.

Are we back on Paris Hilton again?

If you think what is posted here on this thread is insulting are not much of a man.




And the men on this board or thread know it once again as well as do the women.

Wow... you are being Deliberately Obtuse now...

I pity you.

For this world outside the classroom and science requires a hard bark..and you have demonstrated clearly to the observers here..that you do not have it ...cannot pass matter how much science to which you claim title.

Insulting, Presumption of a lack of a quality that you Refuse to Define... Do you ever Think?

That you must belabor the point with science only shows a lack of comprehension about the world outside the classroom.

Get off my Internet...

Everything in this world that keeps you ALIVE is the result of BOOK SMARTS.

You are one of those people who think that "Street Smarts" is a Real thing, aren't you?

No, it's not... it's just the arrogance of people who are too lazy to Read.

For what is known by people who can think for that though science has put is in better cars, homes, electronic gadgets, foods and a whole gamut of has not made us better peoples.

Speak for Yourself.

You yourself clearly demonstrate this by your perceiving insults at what people post on this thread when they disagree with you.


You are a broken record with your "Opinions" aren't you?

edit on 16-11-2010 by Edrick because: coding error

edit on 16-11-2010 by Edrick because: correction

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by riley

Not anymore "shallow" than a woman who is equally deprived I would posit. What opinion would you hold if this was a woman experiencing the same thing (exact)? Well perhaps it's not possble to experience the exact since I'm a male and she's a female.. everyone has their own experiences. But you know what I mean, a mirror. I mean a real mirror too, not just similar, she has to be "same" on every level.

As for the on-topicness it is most definitely. Simply because you can't see my connections doesn't mean it isn't. Are you trying to steer the conversation away from something simply because it's hard for you to grasp or are you intentionally seeking to distract attention?
edit on 16-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm
reply to post by riley

Not anymore "shallow" than a woman who is equally deprived I would posit.

I was pointing out blatent hypocrisy.

What opinion would you hold if this was a woman experiencing the same thing (exact)?

I've never seen a woman whinging about not getting sex and blaming all men for it.

Loneliness is a seperate issue.

Well perhaps it's not possble to experience the exact since I'm a male and she's a female.. everyone has their own experiences. But you know what I mean, a mirror. I mean a real mirror too, not just similar, she has to be "same" on every level.

I'm not sure what you are talking about. Are you after a woman like you?

As for the on-topicness it is most definitely. Simply because you can't see my connections doesn't mean it isn't. Are you trying to steer the conversation away from something simply because it's hard for you to grasp or are you intentionally seeking to distract attention?]

I beg your pardon? Despite your repetitive personal attacks.. calling me "shill" and your very sexist offensive posts.. I have now rightfully taken issue with you saying women want or LIKE rape. It's not merely an attempt to derail. YOU said it so how about you tell us the connection then if it's so hard for me to grasp? You earlier kept saying that you felt like you were expected to be a deviant or something.. did you mean rape? or do you just think women want rapists instead of "nice guys"? If you think it's on topic it is up to you to explain how.
edit on 16-11-2010 by riley because: typos

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

again, any reason or excuse to allow shallowness in females.

It's innocent to you because it's a common part of your life and you enjoy the fruits of it.
edit on 16-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

Incorrect it is not a part of my life, and I enjoy no fruits of whatever your talking about, I got bigger problems then females, and whatever you are talking about. But lots of people are shallow, not only females, and yes your right females are mostly shallow depending on were you would look, I guess, so love it or hate is what it is. If you look and see beyond your little world, you will see that everything is pretty shallow. In fact you yourself are not that deep or mysterious and nether am I or anybody else. Though some people are a lot more complicated then other's.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 04:41 PM
I think both of you just want to go against me just to go against me. Like you all just misunderstand me, and make things up, putting words in my mouth.

The truth is not always pretty. So if you're going against me in reaction to the 'ugly truth' then that's your reaction. You're being just as "ugly" in reacting to my negativity with your own "negative" judgements.

And this has nothing to do with validity of arguments, since most if not all of these are "straw man". Even if it's unsconscious to you both.

Way to go on that, getting stars for insults. Who's got the biggest insults?

And when I am honest, it starts to show who's got the biggest insults.

Speaking for the whole crowd, as if you were the whole crowd, to judge me based on pure neglection, or a mere misperception.

As for me calling you a shill.. I never outright called you a shill. Again, I said it seems to me like you're a shill, because of the points I made above.

I never said women want rape. if that's what you think is implied riley then that's you making that judgement. I'm only stating facts, if you think there's a correlation then there is. Like the difference between correlation and cause.

I'm not even saying women want rape. I never said that explicitly.

As for women never complaining about not getting sex....

that's BS. First off most women do get sex one way or another so it's not like they'll ever have much a reason to complain about not getting any. Though I see loneliness. The fact is that for women lonliness and sexual deprivation are not the same thing. Women can be lonely yet get a lot of sex, never have a real problem with it. Or at least get it. They care more about loneliness because they have a degree of sexual balance. But even so there Are women who have complained about not getting sex, just as much as loneliness, even if loneliness is absent.

You're calling me a hypocrite then? You've never been in my shoes.
edit on 16-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by Edrick

Yeah.... that is EXACTLY the sort of problem that I am talking about.... do you hear the sort of Selfish condescension that issues forth from her open pie hole? I mean, I shouldn't need to even explain this one... a "Jack[snip] that pays for everything"? Honetly? How bout you (paris) pay for that [snip] yourself without Daddy, or "Just-Friend's" money. Privileged Princess Syndrome. She makes me literally ILL.

She is a spoiled rich girl, it's not like she is the only one out there. Just the one that is most on the tv.

And this shows WHY you and I are done professionally... that you believe this sort of Entitlement Bull[snip] is WISDOM, is quite telling of what you think is CORRECT, and WISE. Seriously... you are embarrassing yourself by agreeing with this Attention *Lady of the Night*

It's not entitlement its what girls look for, if they can get it. Based on all of the observations I have seen of what girls are attracted to. You may not like it, and the females may say differently, but at the end of the day, people say many things, but saying something and doing something are two different things. I just think she is saying and doing exactly as she says, which is more then I can say for most people.


Well according to how she gets more money, selling and distributing here image. There are lots of females out there who strive to be like paris hilton or wish they were like her, because they keep buying her junk. And no I don't like paris hilton, but I don't hate here either, and women should strife to be like whatever they want to be, that includes paris hilton if they so chose to want to be...It's not my business. What can I help it if the stupid stuff that comes out of her mouth is funny as hell, should I crucify her for it. Why so serious?

No matter what a woman looks like, if she's confident, she's sexy

Well, I'm going to have to disagree here. Paris is CERTAINLY confident... but I personally believe that she is the Lowest form of Trash. And, consequently... Not sexy in any way, shape or Form.

You didn't get it huh...If a woman was confident that she was sexy, why would she worry about what she looks like in the eyes of others, that ain't exactly a good way to measure your confidence, by what others think of you. You see it's a paradox about females, and if you really think on that little quote and what it could just goes in circles and circles, kind of like this one, the lier's paradox....The following sentence is false, the preceding sentence is true.
.... You know were does the dress and makeup and looks begin, and were does the confidence begin, which is based on which to require this confidence, is not one just based on the other....It that little sentence were real'y true, women wouldn't care what they look like....In which case I guess they would be more like men. Anyways I still think it's funny every time I hear that little line, but I am quite sure that little paradox can be solved, the lier's paradox though, truly goes in circles and circles.

Okay.... uhm... are your "Compliments" of paris hilton... Sarcastic? I honestly cannot tell.

read above, there are more funny things that, she says that are even more contradicting.


No really I could put up more quotes by her that I think are funny and contradicting. But whatever, time to move on from paris hilton.


Ok whatever your the one that put up that vid of some dude from a movie. To something that you didn't agree with. I would say that was pretty emotional and cool at the same time, if you were not emotional or cared about that topic you would be like, ok ya whatever dude, and probable forget about this whole thread. Which is probably what I would of done.


Ok ya whatever dude...Your the one that responded to my response and words on a site of some opinions that I gave on some topics, which was not really about you personally, and of all things to the most of insignificant of you go with some emotion in it...PARIS HILTON.
Do you presume to presume what I presume to say...don't we all just presume to understand what everybody else is saying, by way of emotions that govern out thoughts and even logic. Did you respond on this thread because of something that your emotional interested in or attached to. Real logic does not question anything it just that computer your typing on, it is very logical.

"Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler. Friedrich Nietzsche"

If the above is true what does that say of our logic, since logic is just thoughts, that we for some "mysterious" reason are interested in. Which guides which to that answers that it seeks, or want's to seek some answers, also derived from a "mysterious" beginning. Why are you and everybody arguing about anything that was said in this thread, truly "mysterious" or you could call it logical, since it sounds less emotional.

I said....And your video of some dude expressing that I just made you stupider is really cool, I'll give you that.

you said...That was just the unvarnished Truth.

I disagree I think that was just your emotional opinion, expressing itself rationally. And with a cool vid at that.

I said....But your vid and your opinion is wrong

you said...A.) No, it is CORRECT.

nope it is wrong. Quit disagreeing with me what's your problem.

you said...B.) How exactly can an opinion be Wrong? I would like an explanation for that one.

Because I disagree with your opinion. duh...I'm right your wrong, don't you know thats how it works, my opinon is much better then yours...why you say?....well because I said so, duh.


Actually it's the third presumption, by your count in the tread that I am responding to. I was not even counting, but thankfully you were.

I already told you that we were DONE, Professionally.

Dude your a big meanie, can't we all just get along. And also...What the hell are you talking about? We cant be done, because we never started anything. Still don't get how professionally fits in there. I'm just some dude who is posting on a board, and so are you. So that would make us some dude's who posted on some board.

I said....But that to is not needed, because I have probably heard it all.

you said... I doubt that.

I said...I had no clue we ever begun anything, and I could only guess at what professionally is supposed to mean

you said...IT's a Christian Bale thing.

Wait, I thought you had heard it all before?

Guess I was wrong huh, I don't really know who Christian Bale is, some actor I presume I heard of him before can't seem to put a face to the name at this time though. For the rest I was pretty sure you were going to respond with something like that. So to save myself some time...I am pretty sure that you would respond with something that would be witty, if I had not told you would respond with something that is witty to this response. Hopefully you wont respond to this, because it is boring, heard it before.
But I could be wrong...especially if you have more funny vid's.

IT is also not logical to presume that Women, (Who as you say have no grasp of logic) should be making logical decisions on behalf of our society... I.E. VOTING. IT is a choice that women are not making, and that men who are happy with the status quo would rather AVOID making. -Edrick (and it just makes everything worse)

If they are part of society, then they should vote in there capacity as part of that society...After all you seem to think your vote count's, so why shouldn't they get to think the same? Voting is just a process of bickering and control as to satisfy everybody, even if it's just a felling that it matters or that it does not matter...Everybody thinks they know what and how things are and how they should go down...And everybody is usually wrong...In the end it's just compromises by some creatures, in a society so as they wont kill each other and chaos would flood the streets...Voting works..and does not work, its just a process...And everybody's got an opinion, and always wants more money and power, and to always be right. But power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely no matter who you are or group you represent democrat, republican, capitalist,socialist,communist, or a veteran or male or female or alien or whatever. Even the banksters, the people thought they were the best route, and to be trusted, and so let them do whatever they want, without thinking of consequences...and here we are...It don't matter who is in charge because, power corrupts, no matter who is in charge, as those dude's in wigs from the past can tell's all a process....You find the most benign person out there and make him or them, the supreme power in the land, and I am sure they would have some opinions on what and how things should be, that you wouldn't agree with. Voting is overrated anyways, especially if you don't know what your voting for wink, wink, insert bush video of him winking here[ ] truly sneaky these elites are lol...Basically everybody who you would vote for is just human, and therefore, full of there own opinions, full of shint in a lot of cases. I'm right your wrong.
.....Ok how about this I vote we give the corporations all the reigns of society, after all they seem to be the only ones who actually worry about the future and have some sort of plan at least, even if it's in there interest, and a not very good plan... but at least they got some sort of plan, everybody else just seems to bicker about there favorite mascot. But I sure as hell would't trust the corporations.
But then again the people need to worship something for some "mysterious" reason, so let them have there idols.

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