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Herbal First Aid & Making Remedies

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posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 05:56 PM
This is something I have been interested in. There are many books out there which can help you. The two books I have are called:

1. The Complete Medicinal Herbal by Penelope Ody
2. Natural Home Remedies by Mark Evans B. Phil., FNIMH

I thought I would share some information on the Herbal First Aid Kit and then how to make remedies, suggested by Penelope Ody. Just in case someone needs to know quickly.

Herbal First Aid Kit (keep in a box in a cool place)
The following contents can be purchased ready-made or can be homemade.

1. Rescue Remedy: the Bach Flower Remedies have a potent effect on the emotions. Rescue Remedy, also available as cream, is good for shocks and nervous upsets.

2. Marigold Cream: often sold as Calendula, this is antiseptic and antifungal. Used for cuts and scrapes.

3. Comfrey Ointment: speeds healing by encouraging cell growth; use only on clean cuts because the rapid healing skin may trap dirt.

4. Chickweed Cream: valuable first aid for drawing stubborn splinters, boils, and insects stings, or for burns and scalds.

5. Lavendar Oil: add 2 - 3 drops to a teaspoon of carrier oil and massage into the nape of the neck and temples at the first hint of a headache or migraine. Use the same to relieve minor burns, scalds and sunburn.

6. Tea Tree Oil: highly antiseptic and antifungal for cuts and abrasions, as well as warts and cold sores.

7. Evening Primrose: a useful hangover cure. Take a large dose (2-3g) on the 'morning after' to bring rapid relief.

8. Arnica Cream: effective for bruises and sprains. Do not use on broken skin as it can be an irritant.

9. Arnica 6X Tablets: essential for domestic shocks or accidents, these homeopathic tablets can be taken at 30 minute intervals until the patient feels more settled.

10. Distilled Witch Hazel: use for minor burns and sunburn. Soak a swab in witch hazel to staunch the flow of blood from wounds and soothe insect bites. For bruises and sprains, keep an ice-cube tray of witch hazel in the freezer, clearly labelled.

Homemade Remedies (Raw Ingredients)

1. Garlic: rub the highly antiseptic cloves on acne pustules and other infected pimples or use crushed garlic to draw corns.

2. Aloe: to soothe minor burns, scalds, or sunburn break off a leaf from an Aloe vera plant. Split it open and apply the thick gel to the affected area immediately. (Works great too!!)

3. Onion: places slices on insect stings for rapid relief. Also use to relieve nettle rash or hives caused by food allergies.

4. Ginger: chew a piece of crystalized ginger to ease nausia or prevent travel sickness.

In the Field

1. Yarrow: for wounds and nosebleeds.
2. Daisies: (crushed) for bruises and sprains.
3. Shepherd's purse: to stop bleeding.
4. Self-heal: to stop bleeding.
5. Woundwort: to stop bleeding.
6. Wild Geranium: to stop bleeding.
7. herb Robert: to stop bleeding.
8. fresh Plantain: for insect bites.
9. Lemon balm: for insect bites.
10. Dock leaves: for nettle stings.

Dried Herbs

1. (infusion) chamomile: for shock and nervous upset.
2. (infusion) fennel: for indigestion.
3. (infusion) peppermint: for indigestion.
4. (infusion) lavendar: for headaches and migraine.

Infused Oils

1. St. John's Wort: for burns and sunburns.
2. Marigold oil: for scrapes or athlete's foot.
3. Comfrey oil: for bruises and sprains.
4. Lemon balm oil: for insect bites and as an insect deterrent.

My next post will share how to make infusions, decoctions, tinctures, syrups, infused oils (hot and cold infusions), creams, ointments, powders and capsules, compresses and poultices.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 06:37 PM
This is a good post. There are a tremendous number of books out there that provide excellent information on herbal medicine. Now all herbs grow in every area, so my suggestion is to find one that gives you the areas where particular herbs grow, and give good identifying pictures (rather than drawings). Be aware that some poisonous plants resemble health giving plants, so BE CAREFUL!
I would also recommend getting a book that tells you what wild plants are edible(stay away from the "shrooms) and what aren't. For example, the roots of cattails are tubers, like potatoes, and can be prepared as such. But I would do my research now! Do they soak up toxic metals from the marshlands where they grow? The heads, by the way, if they are breaking open, make good tender and good insulation.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 06:39 PM
The following information was suggested by Penelope Ody as mentioned in her book: The Complete Medicinal Herbal.

Making Herbal Remedies

Measuring Remedies

Drop Doses = 5-10 drops depending on age and/or condition.
1 ml = 20 drops
5 ml = 1 teaspoon
20 ml = 1 tablespoon
65 ml = 1/4 cup
130 ml = 1/2 cup


An infusion is made the same way as tea. The water should be just off the boiling since vigorously boiling water disperses valuable volatile oils in the steam. Use this method for flowers and leafy parts of plants. The standard quantity should be made fresh each day and is sufficient for 3 doses. Drink hot or cold.

Standard quantities: 30 g dried herb or 75 g fresh herb to 500 ml water.
Standard dose: one-half caup three times a day.

1. Put herb in a pot with a close-fitting lid. Pour hot water over the herb.
2. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes, then pour through a nylon sieve or strainer into a cup. Store the rest in a cool place.


This method involves a more vigorous extraction of a plant's active ingredients than an infusion and is used for roots, barks, twigs, and some berries. Heat the herb in cold water and simmer for up to one hour. As with infusions, the standard quantity should be made fresh each day and is enough for 3 doses. Drink hot or cold.

Standard quantities: 3o g dried herb or 60 g fresh herb to 750 ml water, reduce to around 500 ml with simmering.

Standard dose: one-half cup three times a day.

1. Place herb in a saucepan and add cold water. Bring to boil, then simmer for one hour until the volume has been reduced by one third.

2. Strain through a nylon sieve into a pitcher or cup. Store in a cool place.


This is made by steeping the dried or fresh herb in a 25% mixture of alcohol and water. Any part of the plant may be used. Besides extracting the plant's active ingredients, the alcohol acts as a preservative, and tinctures will keep up to two years. Tinctures should be made from individual herbs; combine prepared tinctures as required. Commercial tinctures use ethyl alcohol, but diluted spirits are suitable for home use. Vodka is ideal, since it contains few additives, although rum helps to disguise the flavor of less palatable herbs.

Standard quantities: 200 g dried herb or 600 g fresh herb to 1 liter 25% alcohol/water mixture (e.g. dilute 75 cl bottle of 37.5% vodka with 37.5 ml water).

Standard dose: 5 ml three times a day. Tinctures should be taken diluted in water (a little honey or fruit jiuce can often improve the flavor)

1. Put the herb into a large jar and cover with the vodka/water mixture. Seal the jar and store in a cool place for 2 weeks, and shake occasionally.

2. Fit cheesecloth around the rim of the wine press (securing if necessary). Pour mixture through.

3. Press the mixture through the wine press into a jug. The residue makes an excellent compost.

4. Pour the strained liquid into clean, dark glass bottles, using a funnel if necessary.


Honey or refined sugar can be used to preserve infusions and decoctions, and syrup makes an ideal cough remedy; honey is particularly soothing. The added sweetness also disguises the flavor of more unpleasant-tasting herbs, such as motherwort. Syrups can also be used to flavor medicines for children.

Standard quantities: 500 ml infusion or decoction, 500 g honey or unrefined sugar.

Standard dose: 5 - 10 ml three times a day.

1. Heat 500 ml standard infusion or decoction in a saucepan. Add 500 g honey or unrefine sugar and stir constantly until dissolved.

2. All the mixture to cool and pour into dark glass bottle. Seal with a cork stopper (the cork is important, as syrups often ferment, and screw-capped bottles can explode).

Continued on next post..

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 07:24 PM
Continued... The following information was suggested by Penelope Ody as mentioned in her book: The Complete Medicinal Herbal.

Infused Oils

Hot Infusion

Active plant ingredient can be extracted in oil, for external use in massage oils, creams and ointments. Infused oils will last up to a year if kept in a cool, dark place, although smaller amounts made fresh are more potent.

Hot method is suitable for comfrey, chickweed, or rosemary.

Cold method is suitable for marigold and St. John's wort.

Standard quantities: 250 g dried herb or 750 ml fresh herb to 500 ml sunflower oil.

1. Put the oil and the herb in a glass bowl over a pan of boiling water or in a double saucepan and heat gently for about 3 hours.

2. Pour mixture into a jelly bag or cheescloth fitted securely to the rim of a wine press and strain into a jug.

3. Pour into clean, airtight storage bottle, using a funnel if necessary.

Cold Fusion

Standard quantities: Enough flower heads to pack a storage jar, 1 liter cold pressed oil, depending on size of jar.

1. Pack a large jar tightly with the herb and cover completely with oil. Put the lid on and leave on a sunny windowsill or in the greenhouse for 2 -3 weeks.

2. Pour the mixture into a jelly bag or cheesecloth, fitted securely with string or elastic band to the rim of the jug.

3. Squeeze the oil through the bag. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with new herb and the once-infused oil: after a few weeks, strain again and store.


A cream is a mixture of water with fats or oils, which softens and blends with the skin. It can be easily made using emulsifying ointment (available from most pharmacies), which is a mixture of oils and waxes that blends with water. Homemade creams will last for several months, but the shelf life is prolonged by storing the mixture in a cool place or refridgerator or adding a few drops of benzoin tincture as a preservative. Creams made with organic oils and fats deteriorate more quickly. The following method is more suitable for herbs.

Standard quantities: 150 g emulsifying ointment, 70 ml glycerine, 80 ml water, 30 g dried herb.

1. Melt the fats and water in a bowl over a pan of boiling water or in a double saucepan, add the herb and heat gently for three hours.

2. Fit a jelly bag around the rim of a wine press. Strain the mixture into a bowl. Stire constantly until cold.

3. Use a small palette knife to fill the storage jars. Put some cream around the edge of the jar first, and then fill the middle.


An ointment contains only oils or fats, but no water, and unlike cream it does not blend with the skin but forms a separate layer over it. Ointments are suitable where the skin is already weak or soft, or where some protection is needed from additional moisture, as in diaper rash. Ointments were once made from animal fats, but now petroleum jelly or parrafin wax is suitable.

Standard quantities: 500 g petroleum jelly or soft parrafin wax, 60 g dried herbs.

1. Melt wax or jelly in a bowl over a pan of boiling water or in a double saucepan, stir in the herbs and heat for about two hours or until the herbs are crisp.

2. Pour the mixture into a jelly bag or cheesecloth sitted securely with a string or elastic band to the rim of a jar.

3. Wear rubber gloves, as the mixture is hot, squeeze it through the jelly bag into the jug.

4. Quickly pour the strained mixture, while still warm and molten, into clean glass storage jars.

Powders and Capsules

Herbs can be taken as powders stirred into water, or sprinkled on food, or made into capsules (preferrable for more unpalatable herbs). It is best to use commercially prepared powders, which are available from specialist suppliers. Grinding herbs ina domestic grinder generates heat, which can cause chemical changes in the herbs, and hard roots can damage the grinder. Two-part gelatin or vegetarian capsule cases are available from specialist suppliers.

Standard quantities: Size 00 capsule case holds 200 - 250 mg powdered herb.

Standard dose: generally 2-3 capsules two to three times a day, 1/2 - 1 tsp powder in half a glass of water three times a day.

1. To fill capsules, pour the powdered herb into a saucer, separate the two halves of a capsule case and slide them together through the powder, scooping it into the capsule.

2. Fit together the two halves of the capsule. Store in a dark glass jar ina cool place.


Often used to accelerate healing of wounds or muscle injuries, a compress is simply a cloth pad soaked in a hot herbal extract and applied to the painful area. A cold compress is sometimes used for headaches. Infusions or decoctions and tinctures diluted in water call all be used for a compress, and the pad can be soft cotton or linen, cotton ball, or surgical gauze.

Standard application: Use a standard infusion, decoction or 5-20 ml tincture in 500 ml hot water.

1. Soak a clean piece of soft cloth in a hot infusion or other herbal extract. Squeeze out the excess liquid.

2. Hold the pad against the affected area. When it cools or dries, repeat the process using hot mixture.


This has a similar action to the compress, but the whole herb rather than a liquid extract is applied. Poultices are generally applied hot, but cold, fresh leaves can be just as suitable. Chop fresh herbs in a food processor for a few seconds or boil in a little water for 2-5 minutes. Dried herbs can be decocted or powders mixed with a little water to make a paste.

Standard application: Use sufficient herb to cover the affected area. Replace the poultice every 2-4 hours or earlier as needed.

1. Boil the fresh herb, squeeze out any surplus liquid and spread it on the affected area. Smooth a little oil on the skin first, to prevent the herb from sticking.

2. Apply gauze or cotton strips to hold poultice carefully in place.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by kettlebellysmith

Thank you kettlebellysmith. Yes very true. We have to be very careful about which plants are poisonous and which are safe. Same with mushrooms. I think this may be a good thread to keep providing information on herbs and plants. If everyone is up for that?

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 09:37 PM
Continued from The Complete Medicinal Herbal by Penelope Ody

Harvesting & Drying Herbs


Harvest after the morning dew has evaporated, when fully open. Handle carefully. Cut flower heads from the stems and dry whole on trays. Treat small flowers such as lavendar, like seeds; pick before the flowers wither completely. If the stem is large or fleshy, like mullien, remove the individual flowers and dry them separately.

1. Remove obvious dirt, grit, and insects. Spread the flowers on a paper-lined tray or newspaper to dry.

2. When dry, store whole in a dark, airtight container. If using marigolds, remove the dried petals and store individually, discarding the central part of the flower.

Dry lavendar on the stem in a paper bag or over a tray (hanging upside down).

Aerial Parts and Leaves

Large leaves, such as burdock, can be harvested and dried individually; smaller leaves, such as lemon balm, are best left on the stem. Gather leaves of deciduous herbs just before flowering and evergreen herbs, such as rosemary, throughout the year. If using all the aerial parts, harvest in mid-flowering, giving a mixture of leaves, stem, flowers and seed head.

1. Tie in small bunches of about 8-12 stems, depending on size, and hang upside down to dry.

2. When the leaves are brittle to the touch, but not so dry that they turn to powder, rub them from the stem onto paper and discard the larger pieces. If all aerial parts are being used, crumbled together.

3. Pour or spoon the dried herbs from the paper into an airtight container.


Harvest entire seed head with about 15-25 cm of stalk when the seeds are almost ripe, before too many have been dispersed by the wind or eaten by birds. Hang upside down over a paper-lined tray or in a paper bag away from direct sunlight, seeds will fall off when ripe.


Harvest most roots in autumn, when the aerial parts of the plant have wilted and before the ground becomes too hard to making digging difficult. An exception is dandelion where roots should be gathered in spring. Some roots reabsorb moisture from the air so discard if they become soft.

1. Wash thoroughly to remove dirt and soil. Chop large roots into small pieces while still fresh, since they can be difficult to cut when dry.

2. Spread the pieces of root on a tray lined with paper and dry for 2 - 3 hours in a cooling oven (4 - 6 hours for larger roots). Transfer to a warm, sunny room to complete drying.

Sap & Resin

Harvest from the tree in autumn when the sap is falling by making a deep incision in the bark or drilling a hole and collecting the sap in a cup tied to the tree. Sometimes a sizable bucket is needed: a large amount of birch sap, for example, can be collected overnight at certain times of the year. Squeeze sap from latex plants such as wild lettuce over a bowl. Many plants can be corrosive, so wear protective gloves.

1. For aloe, carefully slice along the center of a leaf and peel back the edges.

2. Using the blunt edge of a knife, scrape the gel from the leaf.


Harvest berries and other fruits when just ripe, before the becomes too soft to dry effectively. Spread on trays to dry. Turn fresh fruit frequently to ensure even drying. Discard fruit with any signs of mold.


Harvest in autumn when the sap is falling to minimize damage to the plant. Never remove all the bark - or a band of bark completely surrounding the tree - unless you want to sacrifice the plant to herbal medicine. Dust or wipe bark to remove moss or insects: avoid oversoaking in water. Break into manageable pieces (1-2 inches), spread on trays and leave to dry.


Harvest after the aerial parts have wilted. Collect garlic bulbs quickly as they tend to sink downward once the leaves have wilted and are difficult to find.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by BindareDundat

Bloody excellent post, absolutely first rate, this is EXACTLY the sort of material that many surival forums need, I always knew you canuk ladies were switched on and you prove the point well. One ickle point of note Witch hazel is great for cleaning skin if you are trying to reduce teenage or hormonal acne. Dammit it takes a lot to impress me any more, but this article is very good.

my compliments ma,am

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 12:12 PM
Thank you Northern Raider

There is a lot to learn when it comes to herbs and plants. Good info about the Witch hazel you mentioned. Thanks! I am also interested in natural products like homemade shampoos, soaps etc. I think maybe I will add that to this thread too as it involves the use of natural materials. Items that we need when we are out there. Or should we have another thread for those items?

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 12:25 PM
Hi there OP.

I made a whole thread about Herbal Medicine here. I concentrated on indigenous plants though, which could be easily found if shipping lines go down. I dont' want to type it all again so I'll plug the link.

Calandula is another good plant.. it can be made into a poltice or cream for bruises, sprains, and other skin ailments. It works especially well with comfrey and arnica.

Cayenne peppers are another good one to use, specifically for pain... I have some ripe ones on my plant that I'm about to tincture.

Echinaciea, escellent natural antibiotic.

Oh and you should have mentioned that when you do make a tincture, it's important to put it in amber glass jars, not clear ones, or the light will break down the medicine.

And it is important to remember that the more you heat up the herb in preparing it, the more of the medicinal qualities you lose--my prefered methods are fresh or tinctured.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by asmeone2

My appologies asmeone2! I never knew. Should we close this one down and just add to your thread then? No point in having two threads on it. If we close this, should we transfer over what I typed out yesterday? Dang I feel stupid for this.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 12:47 PM
Lets see this thread follow its own course PLEASE, its started off excellently and I want to continue to learn from its well prepared style.
On forums like this duplication or repeat coverage is often a fact of life.
But some people post threads in one style and other people in another, and often some folks simply prefer one individuals style of writing, I like your style of presentation. keep the thread going.

One point about indiginous plants, Specie in TX are different to those in Canada and different again here in England, Its probably easier to try and cover the subject in a general manner, or perhaps have homeopathic posts with regional titles ?

[edit on 12-10-2008 by Northern Raider]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 12:56 PM
Excellent posts and info.

This is the resource I use if you haven't seen me push it before

This is the medicine section.

I love guys who give away stuff for free.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by BindareDundat
reply to post by asmeone2

My appologies asmeone2! I never knew. Should we close this one down and just add to your thread then? No point in having two threads on it. If we close this, should we transfer over what I typed out yesterday? Dang I feel stupid for this.

No, not at all!

You've posted a lot of information here that people could do well to read... my thread was more about specific plants, not how to make the medicines.... so they compliment each other, I think.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 01:32 PM
Ok. Thank you.
Yes they do compliment very well. Gosh I am such a worry wart sometimes.

I will be continuing now with information that goes straight to injuries and illness and what plants to use and so on. There is a lot to post so I will be doing it in sections.

(BTW Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians on ATS
My kitchen smells good with that turkey cooking! It's making it dang hard to keep my concentration on this posting. LOL)

Continued from the Complete Medicinal Herbal by Penelope Ody

Aches & Sprains

Arnica (parts used: aerial)

Promotes healing and has an antibacterial action. Causes reabsorption of internal bleeding in bruises and sprains. Apply cream to the affected area, or soak a pad in diluted tincture and use as a compress.

Combinations: Take Homeopathic Arnica 6x every 1 - 2 hours.

Caution: Do not use on broken skin. Use Homeopathic Arnica only internally.

Comfrey (parts used aerial and roots)

Encourages cell regrowth in connective tissues and bones; breaks down red blood cells in bruising. Rub cream or infused oil on the affected area as frequently as required.

Combinations: Add 5-10 drops essential oils, such as thyme, lavender, or juniper, to 25 ml infused oil to stimulate blood flow and ease pain.

Use only if injury is clean.

Caution: not advisable for long term use.

Thyme (use as essential oil)

Antispasmodic; stimulates blood flow to tissues encouraging repair. Add 10 drops oil to 20 ml water and use as a compress; or add 5 drops oil to a hot bath.

Combinations: Mix with 5-10 drops essential oils such as lavender, rosemary, or sage, in 25 ml almond or sunflower oil as a massage oil to stimulate blood flow and ease pain.

Caution: massage can be damaging if given too soon after injury.

Next post coming up will be on Arthritis & rheumatism, and also Gout.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 01:35 PM
I swear by Adolphs meat tenderizer for insect bites. Take a shot glass and put a teaspoon of it in. Then just a few drops of water. Enough to make a fairly thick slurry. Just gob in on the bite and itching pain goes away in five minutes.

Since almost all insect venom is protein based. I believe the meat tenderizer neutralizes the protein.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 01:45 PM
I think that post just came off wrong... I can never judge how it's going to come off when read.


Aloe vera gell can be used raw on any injury, and is especially good for burns. It dries as a kind of film, protecting the burned skin from further injury or contamination.

Cayenne pepper is a hemostatic and can be used to help stop bleeding, taken externally or in a capsule.

Myrhh--a natural antibiotic, good to apply to wounds

Bentonite clay is not an herb... but it is a good poltice additive, it will suck out poisons from the skin.

My favorite poltice--- clay, comfrey powder, honey, lemon juice.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 02:30 PM
Continued from the Complete Medicinal Herbal by Penelope Ody

Arthritis & Rheumatism

There are two main types of arthritis: osteoarthritis (OA) is pain and swelling of the joints. Generally due to wear and tear; rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is inflammation of many joints, and requires professional treatment. Rheumatism is a general term for any muscle pain, and lumbago is low back pain. Symptoms are often worse in damp weather. (If you have hot or burning joints you have RA)

Angelica (parts used roots and as tincture)

A warming and stimulating herb, good for ‘cold’ types of OA and for rheumatism. Soak a pad in diluted tincture or decoction and use as a compress; take a decoction, or add 5 drops oil to a bath.

Combinations: Add celery seed or a little prickly ash to the decoction. Mix diluted angelica and rosemary oil (10 drops each in 25 ml carrier oil) as a massage to relieve pain.

Caution: avoid in pregnancy.

Devil’s Claw (Parts used roots)

Potent anti-inflammatory; action has been compared with cortisone. Better for OA and degenerative conditions than for RA.

Take 1 to 3 g powder a day in capsule form during the acute phase; take up to 15 ml tincture a day, or use in combination.

Combinations: Combine with equal amounts of other tinctures of other anti-inflammatories or cleansing herbs, such as angelica, St. John’s wort, bogbean, or celery seed.

Caution: none

Bogbean (Parts used leaves)

Cleansing, cooling, and antiseptic inflammatory; a useful herb for “hotter” types of arthritis and muscle pain. Take up to 8 ml tincture three times a day, also use as an infusion or macerate 10 g herb in 100 ml red wine.

Combinations: Mix black cohosh or celery seed in infusion, using two parts bogbean to 1 part other herbs; or add anti-inflammatories like meadowsweet to tincture.

Caution: none

Willow (parts used bark)

Rich in salicylates (anti-inflammatories that cool hot joints); useful in acute phases and for muscle pains. Take up to 5 ml fluid extract three times a day, or use in combination with other tinctures.

Combinations: Add tinctures of other ant rheumatics or cleansing herbs, such as angelica, black cohosh, lignum vitae, or yellow dock.

Caution: none


Generally a build up associated with uric acid in the joints linked to dietary excess. Swollen, inflamed, very painful joints; often the toes or feet.

Celery (parts used seeds)

Clears uric acid from the joints, useful for gout and arthritic problems. Take infusions of 1 tsp to 500 ml water, or combine with other tinctures.

Combinations: Add 1 part lignum vitae to 2 parts celery seed in an infusion; use diuretics like yarrow or gravel root in the tincture.

Caution: Use untreated seeds only, avoid in pregnancy.

Wall Germander (parts used aerial)

Bitter, digestive tonic and diuretic. Take an infusion or use up to 15 ml tincture a day.

Combinations: Combine with yarrow and celery seed in an infusion to encourage uric acid excretion.

Caution: Do not exceed stated doses. Recent reports suggest hepotoxicity.

Next posting will be on Headaches and Migraines

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 03:01 PM
You two ladies should get togther somewhere central and open an apothacary, how about somewhere like...... Salem in Oregon

NR left wondering if these gals just happen to own a black cat ?

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 03:31 PM
Continued from the Complete Medicinal Herbal by Penelope Ody

Headaches & Migraines

Headaches are NOT an illness in their own right, but symptoms of underlying “dis-ease”.

Tension Headaches

May be caused by tense neck muscles due to stress. Symptoms resolve with relaxation.

Skullcap (parts used aerial)

Relaxant and restorative for the central nervous system; sedative; antispasmodic. Take an infusion or tincture.

Combinations: Mix 45 ml skullcap tincture and 5 ml lemon balm and take up to four 5 ml doses a day as a calming nervine.

Caution: none

Wood Betony (parts used aerial)

Sedative, stimulates cerebral circulation; useful for nervine for anxiety and worries. Take an infusion or tincture.

Combination: Add sedative nervines such as lavender, vervain, St. John’s wort, and skullcap to the infusion or tincture.

Caution: Avoid high doses in pregnancy.


Lavendar (parts used flowers, tincture)

Sedative; analgesic with antispasmodic action; cooling, bitter remedy useful for hot migraines. Dilute 10 drops lavender oil in 25 ml carrier oil and massage into the temples at the first hint of symptoms; take an infusion made from the flowers.

Combination: After the massage, drink an infusion of lavender flower and vervain (total 30 g herb to 500 ml water) in half cup doses.

Caution: Avoid high doses in pregnancy.

Jamaican Dogwood (parts used bark)

Sedative and anodyne; useful for pain associated with nervous tension. Take up to 2 ml tincture three times a day, or take a decoction made with 10 g to 750 ml water.

Combinations: combine with 1-2 ml pasque flower, vervain, or wood betony tincture; drink either lavender infusion for “hot” migraines or rosemary for “cold” migraines.

Caution: do not exceed stated dose.

Feverfew (parts used aerial)

Anti-inflammatory; dilates the cerebral blood vessels, easing “hot” migraines associated with constricted blood vessels. Available in the US mainly as capsules and tablets, use as directed.

Combinations: combine with other tranquilizers and analgesics, such as valerain or Jamaican dogwood tincture, taking up to 20 drops three times a day.

Caution: avoid if taking warfarin; side effects of eating leaves can include mouth ulcers.


Severe burning or stabbing pain often felt along the course of facial nerves. Can follow injury or exposure to cold and drafts.

Lemon (parts used fruit, tincture)

Cooling astringent, reputed nerve tonic; anti-inflammatory. Gently rub a slice of fresh lemon or a little juice on the affected area, or use well-diluted lemon oil.

Combinations: For symptomatic relief use as simple.

Caution: Oil can irritate: use no more than 5 drops in 25 ml carrier oil.

St. John’s wort (parts used flowering tops, aerial)

Repairs and restores the nervous system; anti-inflammatory. Take an infusion: apply the infused oil externally to the affected area.

Combinations: add lavender and skullcap to the infusion as calming nervine.

Caution: can cause dermatitis. Toxicity possible in large amounts.

Vervain (parts used aerial)

Sedative; antispasmodic; restorative for the nervous system. Soak a pad in a decoction and use as a compress; use ointment; take the infusion or 5 ml tincture.

Combination: a lavendar or St. John’s wort to tincture or infusion, or up to 20 drops Jamaican dogwood tincture.

Caution: avoid therapeutic doses in pregnancy.

Next will come info on treating Infections .. but I will be taking abreak here and will come back to it later.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Northern Raider

Very funny Northern Raider.

I don't own a black cat but I do own three cats, two dogs, one husband, LMAO couldn't resist that one. (Plus together we have 4 daughters and one son.)

My webshots pets album

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