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The Blossom Goodchild "I told you so" thread

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posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 04:33 PM
It's futile because anything can be logically made relevant.

The goal posts will move after the 14th to something else as they always do rinse and repeat forever.

As long as the struggle of the finite trying to comprehend the infinite rages on.

The lack of self-accountabilty within the self consciousness is probably a main reason there are doubts now about our ability to continue to evolve.

But the funny thing to remember about conspiracy theories and predictions such as these is the old broken clock analogy;

'Even a broken clock tells the time correctly twice a day'.

Out of all the millions of theories one day one or two will come right. But the odds game doesn't mean theories are safe from ridicule and so they shouldn't be.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by cbass

But what are these people ignorant of? You don't know for sure that this event won't happen, its just very highly unlikely. So in theory they haven't been proven wrong yet. Hope isn't ignorance cbass, no matter how high it is.

You seem hellbent on persecuting these people, I just don't get it. They're not doing any harm to anyone. And by the looks of things on this forum many don't believe it anyway, and treat it as such.

This will pass, as all these predictions inevitably do. If you get this worked up because of this latest one, you must lead an exhausting life.

[edit on 11-10-2008 by thesneakiod]

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by SR

Absolutley. Well said mate. I couldn't agree more. You are better with diplomacy than I.
I have F.D.S. Filter deficiency syndrome. I was born without the necessary filter that most have that resides between the brain and the mouth. Yours is well intact. Thank you for expressing what I meant so elloquently.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by thesneakiod

My hope was to start this thread andhave it die out quickly and then revive it on the 15th. OOOOOOPS!!!
I am having the audacity to start this thread beforehand because that's how confident I am that this is all B.S. Anyone who believes this $hit shouild be humiliated for being the dupes that they are.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by cbass
Anyone who believes this $hit shouild be humiliated for being the dupes that they are.

I'd like to understand how humiliation is going to help them in any way. Or you for that matter.

I actually agree with a certain point you made, that it is time we stop looking anywhere but inward to find what we need to fulfill ourselves spiritually, but that goes for you too, doesn't it? So, again, how will you benefit from mocking people?

Perhaps you aren't interested in helping people. In which case, how are you more qualified to 'breathe the air' than anyone else? Because I disagree with you on another point. I don't believe these sorts of 'fantasies' are why we are in such an emotional/spiritual/psychological state as we are, but rather selfishness that often stems from fantasy. Such as the fantasy that anyone has the right to make anyone else feel bad simply for believing a particular way.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 04:53 PM

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by TravelerintheDark

Originally posted by cbass
Anyone who believes this $hit shouild be humiliated for being the dupes that they are.

how will you benefit from mocking people?

I won't. I am doing this unselfishly out of the goodness of my heart.
I want people, after this has passed, to realize that it is easy to get suckered into believing just about anything and to be more on gaurd next time. It is peoples trusting nature that has caused alot of the mess we are in right now, along with selfishness,ego, and many other things to be sure.

People are all to ready to sign over their power, trust, thoughts, abilities, beliefs etc to the one who speaks the loudest or makes the most fantastic claim ie; Barack Obama "Change you can believe in". We (as a whole) fall into this crap time and time again.

I am a firm believer that "A person is smart, People are stupid".
This is because society will ALWAYS be reduced to the lowest common denomenator. As long as that holds true, The lowest common denomenator needs to climb a few rungs up the evolutionary ladder so that we can evolve a bit further.

Make sense?

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 05:33 PM
Could someone please tell this poor uneducated viewer who the heck Blossom Goodchild (probably not even her real name) is and what she predicted? A link or something?

If someone gave me some info I can tell you whether or not it's true right off the bat, simply because I use this rare secret technique called, (Drumroll please) ...LOGIC!



posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by cbass
reply to post by thesneakiod

My hope was to start this thread andhave it die out quickly and then revive it on the 15th. OOOOOOPS!!!
I am having the audacity to start this thread beforehand because that's how confident I am that this is all B.S. Anyone who believes this $hit shouild be humiliated for being the dupes that they are.

So what the hell are you doing here? Do you come to this site (which is full of weird and wonderful ideas) just to ridicule and embarrass people who's ideas you don't believe in?

Shall I, cbass, start a thread declaring that anyone who believes in past lives (which you do) are bonkers? No, of course I wouldn't because that's what you believe in. And to tell you the truth, I don't care because it doesn't affect my life. Just as the supposed 14th of Oct event shouldn't matter to you. If gullible people are out there, so what?

You seem to have a hard time understanding that not everyone has the same attitude towards life as you do.

Whether this happens or not is irrelevant. And what is relevant is the fact that the people who believe have their own right and freedom to do so.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 05:35 PM
Big deal?
You made a thread about it.
Why not just post in the discussions already created, instead of making yet another wasteful thread?
I've been saying it won't happen since that Cmdraleon made his thread in the first place- Shoot, you can even refer to my signature if y'like.

Congrats on the thread, you brilliant mind- I'm sure this will deter the wave of masterminds who feel the need to boast about how they were right after the event, too.

Sometimes there's just so much beauty on ATS, I feel like my heart could explode.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by TheRandom1

Well, it's pretty logical to use the search function on this site.

You will find a few threads about BG without a doubt.

[edit on 11-10-2008 by Akezzon]

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 05:37 PM
It comes across as if you're saying only fools would believe in any theory. That's not true, is it? I imagine you don't ridicule people for believing in the universal theory of gravity. It's just a way of explaining something complex... and with all the possibilities regarding outside life, it's hard to establish what should be realistic when we may only understand so little. Also, I'm aware my comment about gravity is completely different than Goodchild's prediction, but what you said just had to make me wonder.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Akezzon
Well, it's pretty logic to use the search function on this site. *wink*

You will find a few threads about BG without a doubt.

Well excuse me for asking is someone could point me in the right direction by providing a link or something, geez, is it really that hard to copy and paste something you have that is an official source or something?

I think it would be a bit more logical* to just say "Here ya go buddy, do to".

I mean seriously, I asked nicely folks, guess I won't ask for help or anything ever again from this ravenous bunch, geez.


posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by The Coward

Originally posted by cbass
O.K. folks, Someone has to do it and it might as well be me. This the the
"B.G.I.T.Y.S.T." better know as the
"Blossom Goodchild I told you so thread".

I figured why wait untill the 15th to start it. Might as well start it early and beat some of you to the punch.So with no further adue..........

I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!! HA ha ha ha. Ninny ninny boo boo.

If this happens (not that it will but what if?) I would hope the moderators round up all of the members who do such threads as this one and GET THEM BANNED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE 14TH. For trashing the spiritual believers here.

But be mindful of feelings of people here on the boards whom have done nothing bad to anyone. I have made many friends here and respect their beliefs, and I am frankly sickened to see little trolls come up and vomit their obscenities to some of my good friends here at ATS.

Allow me to quote your quote at the bottom of your post...."A man has to be some kind of fool if he believes that we are all alone in this universe"
-Jack Burton

Now what if I believe that we are all alone in this universe? Are you not suggesting that I am a fool? You have it as YOUR quote which means you must identify with it and adhere to this type of childish thinking. Why call people fools for not believeing what you obviously believe????????
Ohhh the hypocracy is soo thick on this thread that one could reach right out and cut it with a knife( provided it was a very shrp one).

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by TheRandom1


I thought I was nice to refer you to the search function since this site has several threads about it.


posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Akezzon
reply to post by TheRandom1

Well, it's pretty logical to use the search function on this site.

You will find a few threads about BG without a doubt.

[edit on 11-10-2008 by Akezzon]

I don't understand what you mean. Why would I need to use the search button?

Ah I noticed you must have edited your reply to....

[edit on 11-10-2008 by thesneakiod]

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by cbass

Ya R welcome to hunt me down and drag me around so I can be laughed at. Doesn't worry me a bit

Angry ppl tried to burn me ass on a townsquare in Scotland back in 1643.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by cbass

I am tired of people that breath my air

And you created oxygen?

Please, tell me how this was done. Do you also know what happened before the big bang? What about the moon bases, are they real? Oh yeah, can't forget the Lochness Monster, you must know if their is some type of ancient creatures on this planet besides the stergen. Oh yeah, what about Area 51 S-4, does it really exist?

I have so many questions to ask you!

Please, enlighten me.

Apart from that, I also am not a believer/disbeliever.

But I will run naked if it happens.

[edit on 11-10-2008 by AlienGhandi]

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by thesneakiod

I missclicked and accidently replied to you. I corrected it.

Seems like I need a cup of Java.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by TheRandom1

Originally posted by Akezzon
Well, it's pretty logic to use the search function on this site. *wink*

You will find a few threads about BG without a doubt.

Well excuse me for asking is someone could point me in the right direction by providing a link or something, geez, is it really that hard to copy and paste something you have that is an official source or something?

I think it would be a bit more logical* to just say "Here ya go buddy, do to".

I mean seriously, I asked nicely folks, guess I won't ask for help or anything ever again from this ravenous bunch, geez.


Can you feel the love. It's ok. There are those amoung us who believe that a 2000 mile long/wide spaceship is going to "appear" and hang out in our skies for a few days and after causing utter panic and wreaking havoc on our already faltering world economy they will be so kind as to leave us to repair the damage.

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