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Strange happening in the night

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posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 08:23 PM
For the past few days, after I go to sleep, I wake up at around 3 or 4 in the morning, with a dry mouth, my heart is racing, and I feel uneasy, as if something wrong is happening. I usually get a glass of water and try to sleep.

But the last two days were a bit different. I woke up, and instead of being in a groggyish state, I was pretty aware of my surroundings, and I felt sort of scared and nervous, and I felt like either something horrible has happened, or something was near me that shouldn't be, but nothing seemed to be wrong. I didn't have a nightmare either.

EDIT: I hadn't been reading/watching anythig scary for weeks.

Any opinion on what might be happening?

[Edited on 24-3-2004 by Charlatan]

posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 08:30 PM
Im not sure but this sounds like a panic attact!
Are you stressed out alot in the day?

umm strange this happens through the night,

Im wondering if you are haveing bad nightmares and dont even know it..
Then waking up in a panic attack..

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 04:53 AM
Hmm I not to sure myself but you could be having panic attacks but hey then again you could be about to visted I am not gonna say what but it could be life changing or something really horrible

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 04:01 PM
I believe it's called "night terrors" when you have very bad nightmares in the night but wake up and don't remember them at all. I could be wrong about the name, but im almost positive. It's very possible this is happening to you.

But you never know, could be a monster is secretly punching you in the face while you're sleeping and then running away when you wake up

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 04:14 PM
Could be that your having dreams/nightmares and not realizing it. I was doing that and talking in my sleep, I would wake up shortly after that and be very thirsty. Sometimes I would be groggy like you, other times its just like I'm totally awake and aware of my surrounding. Other times, I just felt a sense of dread but nothing seemed wrong.

I didn't know what it was until my girlfriend moved in and she told me I was doing it. Been happening to me for years, its more annoying than anything else. Happens to me like 3-4 times a night.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 04:20 PM
i agree with what asala said...

as for "night terrors," one of my younger brothers has them. they're very scary. he'll wake up, start screaming and get out of bed too (off the second bunk) and he'll be wide eyed (eyes very dialated, almost no pupil or no iris) the entire time. but when he wakes up, his eyes go to normal, and he's usually either really angry or really sad. somtimes he'll just fall back asleep and collapse.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 07:52 PM
Part of being aware of your REM state is known as Sleep paralysis (not being able to move)--you may OR MAY NOT have been aware of the paralysis). But many other sensations accompany it. An overwhelming sense of fear or TERRILBE sense of "foreboding" or feelings of an "evil presence" near. Is this what your feeling?
You may just be waking from REM or throwing yourself awake do to the sensation you feel, and its familiar now because it already happened once. It gets to the point you fear falling asleep and the exhaustion aggravates the problem--because, the faster you fall asleep, the faster you fall into the state, that you are now aware of and the familiarity of it brings fear to you now.
Did you feel vibrations?
Does this sound right if it does Ill go on.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 07:55 PM
Well I dont know anything about whats been going on with you for the past two days but I constantly wake up with a dry mouth and my heart is racing. It pisses me of too. Sucks eh?

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by xxKrisxx
Part of being aware of your REM state is known as Sleep paralysis (not being able to move)--you may OR MAY NOT have been aware of the paralysis). But many other sensations accompany it. An overwhelming sense of fear or TERRILBE sense of "foreboding" or feelings of an "evil presence" near. Is this what your feeling?
You may just be waking from REM or throwing yourself awake do to the sensation you feel, and its familiar now because it already happened once. It gets to the point you fear falling asleep and the exhaustion aggravates the problem--because, the faster you fall asleep, the faster you fall into the state, that you are now aware of and the familiarity of it brings fear to you now.
Did you feel vibrations?
Does this sound right if it does Ill go on.

The part about the evil prescence.. yeah that's pretty much bang on. About the vibrations... i don't remember.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 01:04 AM
"as for "night terrors," one of my younger brothers has them. they're very scary. "
I used to have those. Its where you go from awake---------> to the deepest level of sleep instantly. and that's bad. so your body puts you on panic alert, which is why you wake up screaming and totally freaked out---you're awake, but not awake. Its eerie. nothing makes sense.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 04:04 PM
This is a part of being aware of your REM sleep. The freaky thinng is you think you are awake, and your not. You think your eyes are open and you see the surroundings as normal...except some people manifest an actual evil being with them as a shadowy creature, a demon or an alien. vibrations and paralysis usually accompany the phenom.
If it happens again, try to just wait it out, a lucid dream may follow or better due to your awareness of your state.

Heres a quote from the website
"..... People frequently report feeling a "presence" that is often described as malevolent, threatening, or evil. An intense sense of dread and terror is very common. The presence is likely to be vaguely felt or sensed just out of sight but thought to be watching or monitoring, often with intense interest, sometimes standing by, or sitting on, the bed. .."

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Charlatan
The part about the evil prescence.. yeah that's pretty much bang on.

...could be something as simple and explainable as 'night terrors' and SP as mentioned...

Though it also doesn't hurt to put your mind at ease by applying some rather harmless 'counter-measures' if it is something a bit more than just basic explainable physical reactions...

Basic concepts:

- Spirits don't like light, or water. Utilising a floating tea-candle *lit of course* floating in a bowl of water is a method of combining too methods of intervention. Also, have other things that refer to water in your room, such as sea-shells or even pictures of water/oceans/rivers/lakes etc...apart from providing some nice decoration they may also offer some discouragement to any spirit that might see your room as a comfortable place to hang out.

- Not too sure of your spiritual beliefs...but I find that methods such as blessings/cleansing of your room can be of great benefit. Contact someone who can perform this...or, if you possess strong faith and feel able to, give it a go yourself. Again...its simple:

*Take a clean glass of water (Holy Water is perfect, but if you can't obtain any, then this will do also)...the water should come from a running tap, not running water contains more 'life' than water that is stagnant.
*Best done during the day...with your curtains pulled back to allow as much light as possible into the room. any wardrobe/cupboard doors to allow light in there too...but because you will cleansing in there also.
*Stand in the middle of your room...offer up a prayer of protection first (can be any prayer really...basically its an offering), ask that your 'Higher Power' (God, whichever you refer to 'it' as) guide your hand and be present and work through you.
*Centre yourself and focus on allowing your Higher Power to work through you...I do this by saying prayers as I cleanse a between each prayer I will say things like "That which is here, I command you to leave in the name of God". Just say what you feel in your your instincts, trust your internal guidance and the right words for you will come naturally.
*Dip your fingers into the glass of water and then flick/sprinkle water out and upon the objects/surfaces in your room as you continue to recite your prayer...again...remain focussed on allowing your Higher Power/God to work through you...let not your mind become distracted, believe me sometimes when doing a cleansing this can be hard, as all manner of thoughts can enter your mind as distraction. Focus. And believe.
*Make sure you cleanse/bless your entire room by flicking the water pretty much don't have to completely soak the place no need to roll in a firehose or anything
Make sure to get the ceiling and in the corners of the ceiling as well...these are places often overlooked...remember that spirits are NOT bound by the conditions of gravity or proportion that we humans sometimes can just hang around on the ceiling while people are distracted with cleansing at ground level.
*Get the corners of your room, under any tables, beds, behind cabinets...basically any dark hiding place...and make sure to do wardrobes and cupboards as well. Get around your windows, curtains and doors...any entrance point to your room.
*REMEMBER - Stay focussed...hold belief...offer up prayer and instruct whatever is there to leave.
*When you have finished, its a good idea to sprinkle some water on your head and yourself...again...offer a prayer of thanks to your Higher Power/God for the protection shown to you and for the work done through you.
*Its also a good idea for a while following any cleansing to leave your curtains pulled during the allow your room to be bathed in light...and also, even though it may look untidy, leave your wardrobe and cupboard doors open so light may reach in those places as well. Normally I will do this for about a week afterwards.

Other methods of protection, apart from the obvious of to also have flourescent 'icons' of whatever belief you have. For instance, I have a set of flourescent Rosary Beads with a large cross that glows at night, hanging close to my bed...this watches over me as I sleep.

Many will say its all mind over matter...and that these things don't exist and any comfort experienced by doing applying at of these interventions is merely a trick of your mind, simply a placebo-effect of sorts...well, firstly I don't believe that due to my own personal experiences...and secondly, what does it hurt to give it a try anyway right???


[Edited on 26-3-2004 by alien]

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