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Zeitgeist Addendum Released

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posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 02:30 PM
Greek mythology is rather a 'theme' of the Earthly realm. The figures, portrayed in human form were created as personages of the cycles of life as well as the trials and tribulations of life.

The truth is out there for those who seek it.

The Elusinian trinity, can be seen as a thematic council for the changing of the times, the bringing of a new 'season', a bringer of the harvest to come.

Ceres-Demeter, thematically speaking, has been called forth out of desperation and in this time of need.

Our world is about to change drastically though for the betterment of 'society' as a whole. The Zeitgeist movement bares witness to this.

Our creator, has given us the tools for our own redemption and salvation though if one 'chooses' to take the path of that which was thrust upon you, you can only blame yourself.

Stand up! Be counted! Speak your mind. Seek truth. Truth is self-evident. Only the truth will set you free. You are drowning in a sea of lies and deception.

The Monetary system, will be found to be the true 'culprit' to the current and ongoing enslavement of society. Grab the "Red Dragon" by the throat, take back his shield of crimson and pearl, reveal the cloak of deception, take back your dignity.

The 'system' or 'matrix society' has been exposed. Is it up to those with courage and conviction to take BACK your sovereignty and individualism of which has been stolen, with or without your consent.

The collective mind and heart of man is to be rediscovered at will. Currently, mankind has been divided and conquered by that which hides behind the curtain. Grasp the reigns to your destiny, may mankind from here forth focus on the inherent and collective gifts we all have to offer one another.

We truely are our Brothers keeper. Come together in unity, and forge a new path to true freedom and increased understanding of the Earth and its natural power. Is it not a 'truth' that nature itself is of the essence of our Creator? Should we not be better stewards of that which is to nourish our very existence?

If Chris Cornell can be 'enlightened' to a better world, this is evidence that you still have a chance. It's your choice. Try listening to his new album. The single, "Long Gone" was written within reason. Chris's life is emblematic of yours. He suffered, he never gave up. He found love. Good for him.

[edit on 10-10-2008 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Perseus Apex
Our creator, has given us the tools to our own redemption and salvation though if one 'chooses' to take the path of that which was thrust upon you, you can only blame yourself.

Stand up! Be counted! Speak your mind. Seek truth. Truth is self-evident. Only the truth will set you free. You are drowning in a sea of lies and deception.

The Monetary system, will be found to be the true 'culprit' to the current and ongoing enslavement of soceity. Grab the "Red Dragon" by the throat, take back his shield of crimson and pearl, reveal the cloak of deception, take back your dignity.

The 'system' or 'matrix society' has been exposed. Is it up to those with courage and conviction to take BACK your sovereignty and individualism of which has been stolen, with or without your consent.

I HAD to quote this for its truth. Awesomely written. Awesomely true.

I stand ready to do any battle that comes my way to take back sovereignty. But then, that might be stating the obvious... [grin]

Thanks for that.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 06:44 AM
I liked both the movies despite there flaws there was a truth that flowed through them both.Our society is flawed and without a complete re-working of the society we can never hope to overcome the flaws that keep coming back again and again.To overcome the institutions that keep us in the cycle of despair will never be easily overcome though but we the people of the earth can start to make a difference by living our lives differently.If people want to stop living in a debt laden society then people will have to start living within there means if you can not afford something then either save for it or go without living on the never never is not the way for it truly is a system of slavery. But if anyone thinks that change will just come about with hope and peace then i think they may be waiting for a very long time true change is usually brought about by a struggle that is usually violent.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by palehorse28uk
Our society is flawed and without a complete re-working of the society we can never hope to overcome the flaws that keep coming back again and again.

Agreed. And at this time in history, we have a choice we never had before, with technology where it's at and is going.

To overcome the institutions that keep us in the cycle of despair will never be easily overcome though but we the people of the earth can start to make a difference by living our lives differently.

It is not so much that we need to be "living our lives differently," as it is putting the slave labor into the "hands" of robots and computers, freeing ours for our own personal bliss. There is, even now, plenty to go around, but it is managed so poorly that some have abundance and other starve to death. This is the flaw in a money-based system, but until now, human labor (and thus money) was a requirement in maintaining society.

If people want to stop living in a debt laden society then people will have to start living within there means if you can not afford something then either save for it or go without living on the never never is not the way for it truly is a system of slavery.

Or... Have all you need or want, giving the tasks no one wants to do to technology. "Affording" something becomes meaningless in such a society. And "slavery" vanishes.

But if anyone thinks that change will just come about with hope and peace then i think they may be waiting for a very long time true change is usually brought about by a struggle that is usually violent.

This may or may not be true. If we in plebeian-land can acquire the free energy that is a reality in black ops and within the Elite, we could shift away from money rather rapidly. But it would require a modern Prometheus to bring us that energy from the realm of the self-proclaimed "Gods."

Either that or we must make that "fire" in great enough numbers that it cannot be suppressed by those who would maintain their "Godhood."


posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

I'm sorry but i've got to call you out on this as all i've seen throughout the thread is the same weak cruxed proposition.

'Technology this, technology that'.

Tell me how you expect technology to free us when the majority are lazily waiting for someone else to invent it?

Who has the power in the situation.

Ok if we play ball with one of the suggestions in this thread;

Once robot technology is released and the instructions are put out for free so everyone knows how to repair and fix their robots.

What stops the technology savy from creating better robots for only themselves???

Your average joe who ends up lost in translation like the generation divide of education when computers and the internet took of.

What do you propse? that the technological savvy should just tow the line for the majority and end up sharing and building for them as well?

Also basically what's been shuffled in through the back door here is the creation of a new slave class? Because people are too lazy to do there own work?

The poster in this thread who made the analogy about the toilet cleaners is spot on and completely gets it as well, There's always going to be someone screwed over for others. So this perfect society doesn't actually exist in reality.

I'm not even going to comment fully yet on the insanity of people in this thread saying 'LET'S FLY TO ANOTHER PLANET' as if all our problems as a species will suddenly dissapear over night not to mention the other social-economic factors.

The theories concerning the future of society borne from this Zeitgeist movie are becoming increasingly erractic every time i read this thread.

I'm not bashing it's i find it strange that people are being told the way they think is conditioned by merely highlighting the gaping holes in the absurd realities of these suggestions.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 09:29 PM
Wow. I jsut got done reading a great work by Naomi Klien called "The Shock Doctrine"

She sheds verifiable light and historical moments that will absolutley blow you away. The world financial crisis is just one more round of the Chicago school of economics shock therapy. If you think you understood how the world banks and the ecomony works this book is a must read. I dare those of you who want to see where the free market is taking us to read on.

Addendum is just another thought provoking work of art. Problem with most people they dont like thier thoughts provoked. They all want to be led along blindly believing that we are being looked after by a government that cares. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by SR
reply to post by Amaterasu

Tell me how you expect technology to free us when the majority are lazily waiting for someone else to invent it?

Surely most of us do not find our bliss in robot creation. But there are those that do. It is not a matter of "lazily" waiting, so much as not having the passion for it, nor the tools, nor the materials, nor the money.

But those with the passion, some of them will understand what offering their creations to the world would mean.

Who has the power in the situation.

Right now, the Elite. But there is a chance that we can wrest that power from them... Frankly, unless we (those with the passion) can pursue this, expect NWO.

Ok if we play ball with one of the suggestions in this thread;

Once robot technology is released and the instructions are put out for free so everyone knows how to repair and fix their robots.

First, robots will repair robots. Second, once it has begun, improvements will be transmitted globally.

What stops the technology savy from creating better robots for only themselves???

Why would they WANT to? In a world where love is exalted, and everyone has complete freedom to follow their bliss, where would be the point?

Your average joe who ends up lost in translation like the generation divide of education when computers and the internet took of.

The average joe would be joyfully contributing in ways HIS or HER bliss leads him/her.

What do you propse? that the technological savvy should just tow the line for the majority and end up sharing and building for them as well?

This question arises from a scarcity paradigm.

If it is one's bliss to create better systems, it can hardly be seen as "towing" anything. If all I wanted to do in life was create better robots, I wouldn't care that they benefited others as well as myself - in fact, I would take great satisfaction that that was so. And since I wouldn't have to RELY on my skills, I wouldn't feel pressure.

Also basically what's been shuffled in through the back door here is the creation of a new slave class? Because people are too lazy to do there own work?

Mmm. Who is that "slave class" precisely? Those who want nothing more than to do that kind of thing? Those to whom it is a passion and not work at all? While others whose passion is to create in other avenues can do so? Like, say, a gourmet who loves to create awesome meals for others, takes reservations, and does this for those who want to experience his/her food... Or paints and takes great satisfaction in someone wanting their work... Or (fill in the blank here).

The poster in this thread who made the analogy about the toilet cleaners is spot on and completely gets it as well, There's always going to be someone screwed over for others. So this perfect society doesn't actually exist in reality.

I don't think so. I personally know a number of people who would program, and otherwise create robots and computer applications all day long just for the love of it, if they didn't have to get up and go to work, doing something they really don't LOVE to do.

The theories concerning the future of society borne from this Zeitgeist movie are becoming increasingly erractic every time i read this thread.

Not from me, they're not.

I'm not bashing it's i find it strange that people are being told the way they think is conditioned by merely highlighting the gaping holes in the absurd realities of these suggestions.

And I contend that your vision is...not fully developed.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 11:55 AM
Zeitgeist is disinformation at it's finest. To give us part of the puzzle and claim it as the "whole shabang" is just like having puzzle pieces in front of you and just concentrating on one piece. The truth is that none of it will make sense unless you have all the pieces in the correct order. Yes, what they are talking about is extremely important, but it isn't the whole picture.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 12:02 PM
The fact is that even in an ideal society some form of governance, done by the people, possibly in jury duties with lots of watch dogs, and open transparency with all things released to all, would have to be done. The scientists who wish to horde their inventions to give them power over others, would not be permitted, as their talents are meant to serve humanity, and they have been born into a world via other peoples medical know how, raised and housed, clothed and supported by the collective empowerment of others and their efforts.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
The fact is that even in an ideal society some form of governance, done by the people, possibly in jury duties with lots of watch dogs, and open transparency with all things released to all, would have to be done. The scientists who wish to horde their inventions to give them power over others, would not be permitted, as their talents are meant to serve humanity, and they have been born into a world via other peoples medical know how, raised and housed, clothed and supported by the collective empowerment of others and their efforts.

The fact is they have NO working model. You say it is run by the people, what people?. I want to know what people are in the show and running it. So far all you have provided is talk, lets see a working model and then we can deside, You can not cause it is not going to happen. Just live your life the best way you can, do what you think is correct. If not correct it is because you are not doing what is lawfull. I see this as a scam, anyone else?.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Privy_Princess
Zeitgeist is disinformation at it's finest. To give us part of the puzzle and claim it as the "whole shabang" is just like having puzzle pieces in front of you and just concentrating on one piece. The truth is that none of it will make sense unless you have all the pieces in the correct order. Yes, what they are talking about is extremely important, but it isn't the whole picture.

Ah. Please, if you would, expand on this. What are some of the pieces you see that are missing?

I mean, it's all well and good to come on claiming such things, but until you can present credible items to add, it sounds more like you have an interest in "debunking" to your own benefit...

So, again, please provide specifics.

Thank you.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
The fact is that even in an ideal society some form of governance, done by the people, possibly in jury duties with lots of watch dogs, and open transparency with all things released to all, would have to be done. The scientists who wish to horde their inventions to give them power over others, would not be permitted, as their talents are meant to serve humanity, and they have been born into a world via other peoples medical know how, raised and housed, clothed and supported by the collective empowerment of others and their efforts.

I will humbly disagree here. I don't believe anyone will be motivated to "hoard" technology. It would be FAR more satisfying to offer things and know one is helping than to keep it to oneself and be the only beneficiary.

The whole concept of "hoarding" is one born of a scarcity paradigm. In one of abundance, "hoarding" like "greed" becomes meaningless.

From what you describe... We would have to set up a privacy-less society, and I am of the opinion that would be unnecessary. And whose bliss is it to keep watch all day long? I doubt this would come about at all.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by zman
The fact is they have NO working model. You say it is run by the people, what people?. I want to know what people are in the show and running it. So far all you have provided is talk, lets see a working model and then we can deside, You can not cause it is not going to happen. Just live your life the best way you can, do what you think is correct. If not correct it is because you are not doing what is lawfull. I see this as a scam, anyone else?.

A scam in what way? Can you elaborate?

Who's gaining from this scam? What is the point?

Meanwhile, I look at your post as rather a defeatist one. "Don't try to make it better for everyone because you can't. Just take care of yourself."

Well I'm here to tell you that I can see this vision clearly, and I will fight for it, not because it takes care of me and mine, per se, but because I am - on one level - everyone and everything, and if my efforts can bring us all out of the darkness that we are held in by a monetary-based society, I will know eternal joy.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by zman

Last time I looked around there was something like 6 billion people enslaved in a variety of ways. These are the only people I'm referring to.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 10:54 PM
I am so glad that this movie has been made simply for the fact that it serves as a catalyst to open discussion of all of the most important issues of our time. The fact that we are all having constructive dialog about this movie is in fact a begining! And let me just stress that it's not so much about the Venus Project itself but about the dialog that we as human beings have after watching a movie like this to begin the paradigm shift in our collective consciousness and begin to open our minds to new possibilities even if the new society we choose to create is not exactly like the Venus Project idea. As long as we strive to create a system that is an improvement relative to our current system that is more fair to all living creatures.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
reply to post by zman

Last time I looked around there was something like 6 billion people enslaved in a variety of ways. These are the only people I'm referring to.

I live in Canada, and still consider myself to be among those 6 billion, I have to wake up at 4am to go to work at a job I am not "developing" myself in, (unless counting money is developing myself) I would rather be able to go get an education which I cannot afford and cannot get assistance with because it is specialty certification, thus no grants/loans/tuition assistance, none of that, and I do not know anyone who has money, everyone I know is in debt and broke, like myself.

I could be out there actually making a change, helping people properly but what holds us back.. money; I say us, because it seems to be a problem for a lot of the youth these days who are truly trying to make a difference and help contribute.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:13 PM
I just finished watching both Zeitgeist and Zeitgesit Addendum. In fact, i even watched Addendum twice.

I'll try and keep this post short and cohesive, because right now there are a million thoughts going through my mind.

To be frank, this is my first post and contribution to ATS even though i have been a member since 2005. I never really felt like i could have contributed in a useful way as i felt my ideas were insubstantial compared to many of the senior members here.

I have actually been following ATS and the whole conspiracy/skunk works topics since 2000. I still remember in 2001 when 911 happened as i was watching the news, a deep and sick feeling inside me told me that "something was just not right". Anyway back to the point of Zeitgeist.

I am a christian but i try as best to be open to as many ideas as possible. You can talk to aliens to me and i will not roll my eyes. I've read countless articles and threads on conspiracy theories and tried to make sense of what is and is not, well, useful to me.

But lately with the whole financial crisis shebang, i'm starting to become a little shaken in my beliefs. Why? Hopefully some of you can bear with me as i give you a little insight on my life in the past 6 months.

I joined a bank this year as a financial advisor selling mutual funds and insurance policies. Even though i have no education in finance, i thought a career in finance will help pay the bills quicker. And i thought it was going to be easy. However, as the days went on, i realised that i was merely "cheating" my customers. Every fund that i tried to recommend in due diligence seemed like a scam to my customers as more often than not, most of them had no idea what they were investing in. I felt like i was selling out, and after several sleepless nights, i decided that i was not cut out for this industry. I did not subscribe to the same ideologies as my fellow bankers and thus, I quit and that was in June 2008.

Needless to say, the credit crunch and all the recent bailouts really hit me. I was disgusted at how the monetary system was leaving investors and ordinary folks like you and i in the lurch. I also had this suspicion that maybe something was "happening" in the banking cartel that i was not aware of. My training with the banks never taught me to analyse the monetary system.

After watching Zeitgeist, it became clearer to me how the monetary system is playing everyone for fools.

I am at a point of despair. They say the truth sets people free, but even after having grasped some of the truth, i feel like ... how should i put it .... pointless? What is the point of carrying on? When everything we do, we just end up getting the shaft?

Where do i go from here? Seems like we all know where this engineered crisis is heading towards but if that is the case, what should i do? Carry on living my life and wait for the events to play out? Do something like educate as many people as i can about what the truth is?

I'm currently seeking new employment, but then again, if everything we do is just perpetuating the plans of the bankers, what's the point? I've considered getting an unassuming job, punch in, punch out, stay off the grid, but i don't know ... doesn't seem like much of a plan.

How do you guys maintain your sanity, while at the same time retaining integrity in what you do and sticking it to the man?

If this has been a messy post, i do apologise. Too much going on in my head now ....

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by zman

The way out of hell, is to establish a new direction, and a new working model. One of the very things so wrong with the current system is the lack of learning from other models that has gone on down the road, or taking the methods and redoing them over and over that have been proved not to work in the past. All the politicians that make it to office, through lies and manipulations, in North America, are equally guilty of this. In any group, or new community, doing things in a certain way needs to yield some results, and it also needs to have a way to get imput and change direction or try something different, as needed. Its a growing, learning, responsive model that is needed. I really don't care if it hasn't been done before exactly like this. Look at the world! For some reason so many want change, but keep running down the same disastrous paths without learning that you have to step into a new area to get the changes. And keep that flexibility.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:26 PM
before you get all rallied up and think this is the ultimate truth and you've been living in ignorance, please watch it in an objective manner.

You see, if you are someone who can truly think with your own mind and heart, you will see it is no different from any other propaganda you've been subjected to. What am i talking about?

well it has all the elements of perfect persuasion. It claims to give you the truth and saying all these negative things, saving you from ignorance while feeding you fear, hopelessness, anger, confusion and the worst of all it gives you the illusion of seperation. once you've finished the movie you feel sad, angry and alone in this corupted world. Yeah the last few minutes of the movie give you a second of hope but it is all too fleeting and you go on telling everyone the bad things you saw, heard and felt.

as any human is conditioned to believe, if it hurts, its the truth. Now i am not saying any of the things in the movie are not true or are true im just saying don't believe everything you hear, see or feel IS true. Now this movie was realised july 2007. a whole year goes by and of course all this stays in your mind. everywhere you look you see "the truth" and bask in the glory that YOU are NO LONGER IGNORANT.

and then, they release zeitgeist: addendum.
the movie starts with more negativity but this one has a different ending. This one offers you a SOLUTION. If it didn't strick you as odd, well please, think about it with an open mind and look up "the venus project".
One world.

look at the big picture.

Our minds are very fragile membranes and they are always looking for something new to identify with. The worst part is we can only control a fraction of the information is sponges in and that my friends is the dangerous part. But when something is thrown in our faces consciously, our brain immediately idenfies it as truth because it is right there and therefore it cannot NOT please, keep thinking, the truth only lies in YOU.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 05:03 PM
Ok, i have already made a very lengthy post on another "Zeitgeist" thread on this forum, so i will neither repeat it or quote myself, as this is a waste of bandwidth.

Here is the link to that thread.

bottom line, we should support the ideas and philosophies of the movement and the project without giving ourselves over whole heartedly to them. They have yet to do more then present alot of idea... great ideas, but nothing more then ideas.

My issue here is that we could end up selling ourselves to new slave masters, by bringing down the old ones.

Now everyone will first think "But all they have to say is good things, everything they state in the movie is true, how could this be a bad thing"

Well quite simply, they could be telling us what we want to hear, knowing that the world is so desperate for an answer, that we will accept anything that denounces the current regime and system it supports. And yes, the regime supports the system, not the other way around.

If the movement and the venus project produce tangible results, then we can re-evaluate it and take it on it's own merits. untill then, every word and action of both the movement and the project should fall under the same carefull scrutiny that we give the government..

Deny ignorance, and God bless

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