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What is going on?!

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posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 04:02 PM
What is going on with the House?

"And Democratic Rep. Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri sent word he planned to change his vote to a "yes" the second time around. "America feels differently today than it did on Friday about this bill, and he believes the House vote tomorrow will reflect that shift," said Danny Rotert, his spokesman."

What in the hell is going on? Nothing on our side has changed. NONE of us wants this bill passed, yet they speak for us, without listening to us first? This country is a joke. How do I get out of this chickensh*t outfit? No one is willing to fight to get it back, so why bother staying?

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 04:06 PM
hmm, good question, are you personally email, faxing and calling today, like you might have on Monday?

The people have to remain diligent in fighting this, silence is perceived as acceptance.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 05:13 PM
I'm hearing the same thing. On Fox news(YES FOX NEWS) they keep hearing from members of the legislature that they are getting emails and phone calls stating they want the bill to pass, but broadcasters are confronting them, saying they are getting emails that that the viewers DON"T want this abomination to pass. When they confront the legislators, there seems to be a lot of waffling.
Sounds like there might be a fox in the henhouse.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by kettlebellysmith
I'm hearing the same thing. On Fox news(YES FOX NEWS) they keep hearing from members of the legislature that they are getting emails and phone calls stating they want the bill to pass, but broadcasters are confronting them, saying they are getting emails that that the viewers DON"T want this abomination to pass. When they confront the legislators, there seems to be a lot of waffling.
Sounds like there might be a fox in the henhouse.

It's not even remotely surprising that people would lobby their representatives for approval of the bill. They have been completely cornered by both government , press and corporate that it's either this or doom. Just look at the silliness reigning in this forum where people say that martial law will be in place if the bill is not approved, and other similar silliness.

As I usually say, people will get what they want. More years to continue to spend what they cannot afford. We are bailing out a generation, by compromising the future of all the following ones.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 05:39 PM
It all has to do with the little side projects the congressmen wanted added. Everyone knows that if the government can afford a $700 billion piece of legislation that they are able to come up with a few more billion dollars for personal favors to campaign contributors and relatives. The bill has almost quadrupled in size from its original, and like most bills, has plenty of unrelated items put in to secure votes.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 05:49 PM
I mentioned this lie they were making up yesterday. They said calls were half and half. I don't see how opinion could have shifted so fast.

So once again they show how much they care about the average Joe.

and then they wonder why we don't trust them.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 05:49 PM
Well, Right now, it is in the House Rules Committee. Bloomberg is saying it may not get past them, but it's a closed emergency meeting, so we can't even follow it or the debate on it on CSPAN. Here is the paragraph, buried deep within an article talking about how Reps may be switching sides

The amendment was likely to be rejected by the House Rules Committee. Earlier in the day, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the House has no time to change the measure because that would require another Senate vote. ``I don't think any changes here will do what we need to do,'' she told reporters.


posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 05:52 PM

I would not be surprised that the banks and (others) contracted telemarketing agencies and spam mail people to counter the flood of anti-bailout voter calls and emails.

If I was an "influence pedlar" I would do just that. How dare the people think they can out-do us with phone calls and emails.... We will show them!

We will have this politicians head spinning with uncertainty when it is time to vote!


[edit on 2-10-2008 by infolurker]

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