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The Stances Of Candidates

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posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 06:31 PM
This thread is about the platforms, stances, of the candidates. But what are they? Hard to get through the "McCain is an old geezer who is Bush's 3rd term!" and the "Obama is Black! Secret Muslim! Won't kill American troops in pointless wars!"

So I thought it might be nice to have one topic with their stances.

Taxes- 1,000 tax cut on 95% of American Workers, End tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas
Economy- Reform bankruptcy laws especially to protect you from losses by medical bills while making it harder for companies to declare bankruptcy while walking away with billions
Health Care- Plan to provide coverage for millions of Americans, lower costs, and expand medicaid program
Energy- Get rid of oil by replacing it with Solar, Wind, Nuclear, and Biofuels
Trade- Overhaul NAFTA to protect American workers and fight for fair global trading policies
War- End Iraq, use troops in Afganistan to finally destroy Taliban and find Osama while using the extra money on America

Taxes- Cut taxes for the top 1% by 10% while taxing health insurance given through Unions to the American worker
Economy- Says the Economy is "fundamentally" strong. No strategy for how to pay for things after given massive tax cuts to top 1%
Health Care- Eliminate employer provided health care while taxing working families on health care premiums provided by employers
Energy- Increase off shore drilling, and US Addiction to oil, while ignoring other energy
Trade- Voted for NAFTA and sees nothing wrong with it, much like there is no problem with the economy...
War- Continue the Iraq War for 100 years, straight from his own mouth, while starting a new war with Iran, and ignoring the Taliban in Afganistan.

My source for all this? Working America Magazine provided by UAW. Not word for word, and not same format, made it easier to read on here.

[edit on 29-9-2008 by GordonJQ]

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by GordonJQ

Cmon man, you cant just come in here and post their stances with no link to back it up. Just saying you got it from 'x' doesnt count.

Like this for John McCain

War- Continue the Iraq War for 100 years, straight from his own mouth, while starting a new war with Iran, and ignoring the Taliban in Afganistan.

Id almost call this trolling. And im giving you too much attention. I suggest real research before you come on here spouting off so many mistakes.

[edit on 29-9-2008 by bknapple32]

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by bknapple32

He said specifically to keep Iraq going for 100 years. He then tried to turn around and say "We're still in Korea!"
He wants war with Iran, Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran...
And says nothing about Afganistan or Taliban.

Also, its Working America Magazine. I'm sure anyone in America can go and grab it. Unless they're lazy. Of course this is AMerica, obese obese obese...

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 07:08 PM
No sir, its your job as the original poster to provide the evidence to back all of your claims. It is not our job to prove your evidence falsifiable. Saying you picked all off from some magazine does not suffice. The lazy one is you, not Americans.

A quote taken drastically out of context and used over and over for soundbites is not ample evidence to deny ignorance. It embraces it.

So either stop embracing ignorance, or continue the trend down the proverbial toilet bowl that so many do in politics.

This forum is for education, not propaganda, either from the left or the right.

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by bknapple32

Sorry I like Magazines, not Fox News or MSNBC or CNN. Sorry I like Working America, not some right or leftwing blog.

Also, McCain said it, sorry he said it but he said it.

And he attacked Obama during the debates about going into Pakistan to get Osama and the Taliban. Yep, McCain, during the debates, told Osama and his followers they are safe in Pakistan, he won't go after them.

Or did he not really mean that to?

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by GordonJQ
This thread is about the platforms, stances, of the candidates. But what are they? Hard to get through the "McCain is an old geezer who is Bush's 3rd term!" and the "Obama is Black! Secret Muslim! Won't kill American troops in pointless wars!"

So I thought it might be nice to have one topic with their stances.

Taxes- 1,000 tax cut on 95% of American Workers, End tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas
Economy- Reform bankruptcy laws especially to protect you from losses by medical bills while making it harder for companies to declare bankruptcy while walking away with billions
Health Care- Plan to provide coverage for millions of Americans, lower costs, and expand medicaid program
Energy- Get rid of oil by replacing it with Solar, Wind, Nuclear, and Biofuels
Trade- Overhaul NAFTA to protect American workers and fight for fair global trading policies
War- End Iraq, use troops in Afganistan to finally destroy Taliban and find Osama while using the extra money on America

Taxes- Cut taxes for the top 1% by 10% while taxing health insurance given through Unions to the American worker
Economy- Says the Economy is "fundamentally" strong. No strategy for how to pay for things after given massive tax cuts to top 1%
Health Care- Eliminate employer provided health care while taxing working families on health care premiums provided by employers
Energy- Increase off shore drilling, and US Addiction to oil, while ignoring other energy
Trade- Voted for NAFTA and sees nothing wrong with it, much like there is no problem with the economy...
War- Continue the Iraq War for 100 years, straight from his own mouth, while starting a new war with Iran, and ignoring the Taliban in Afganistan.

My source for all this? Working America Magazine provided by UAW. Not word for word, and not same format, made it easier to read on here.

[edit on 29-9-2008 by GordonJQ]

This is the funniest post if the day.
Obama's healthcare plan is almost exactly like George W. Bush's froma few years back. He has hinted at war with Pakistan, and in 2005 Joe Biden said he was open to a draft.

Both McCain and Obama are terrible candidates.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 10:26 AM
This is not an objective look at their stances.

If anyone can't see where your bias is after the first sentence, they are blind.

You're new here so I won't hold it against you too much, but you can't come to ATS with this kind of stuff and think you'll get away with it. There are too many bright minds here, unlike the discussion forums you may be used to.

If you want to discuss the stances of the candidates, there are many other threads here doing so right now that would love to have your input. If you want to get a new discussion going though, at least post some links to back up your claims of what they're stances are.

Also, try not to sound like a partisan tool when you do it.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 11:41 AM
Yeah - the subject line of this post is an outright lie of the content. You did not post the stances of the candidates - you posted a BIASED VIEW of the stances of the candidates, and you got many of your "facts" wrong.

For example: Saying McCain supports domestic drilling and ignoring all other energy. This is patently false. McCain has consistently supported clean coal and creation of more nuclear plants - something he even spoke about in the debates.

Obama has until recently been against the creation of nuclear power plants because he objected with how the nuclear waste would be disposed of. But I heard him distinctly say a couple of times in the debate that he supported nuclear energy.

Also, you need to post links to back up your facts since you are the thread creator. Since you didn't and since your post is biased, a mod will most certainly lock this post, based on this thread:

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 12:54 PM
Wow... what a wonderfully two-sided and balanced presentation of the candidate's views. Thank you very much for clearing up all the propaganda and lies for me, and getting straight down to the obvious crux of the matters. Now that everything has been laid out for me without any political spin doctoring, I can finally see the obvious truth before me: Barack Obama is the savior of the universe and John McCain is clearly evil incarnated.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 06:15 PM
Sorry if Working America Magazine doesn't suit you. Go back to MSM like Fox News and CNN so you can keep hearing the same sound bites over and over and over again. How anyone can stand watching that crap, meh.

And notice no ones tried to deny any of it? Attacks on me sure, but not one has done anything to refute what Working America Magazine says.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 06:41 PM
we dont bother refuting any of your conjecture or opinion. We at ats deny ignorance and laugh at just plain lies.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by GordonJQ

You took Senator McCain's quote out of context. He did say "100 years." But he did not say he "wants" that.
He said we would remain in Iraq:
"As long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed, it's fine with me and I hope it would be fine with you if we maintain a presence in a very volatile part of the world where al Qaeda is training, recruiting, equipping and motivating people every single day." Here is the source for the above quote.

Obama has also been on the record of pursuing a more aggressive war.

It was, after all, Barack Obama who said:

"There’s not much of a difference between my position on Iraq and George Bush’s position...."Source for that quote, too"

Obama says a great deal without really saying anything. McCain says a great deal of things nobody wants to hear. They both feel the same.

[edit on 30-9-2008 by Klemperer]

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 02:34 AM
First of all, I've never heard of "Working America Magazine," so no it is not good enough for me. There's pretty much a rule on this forum that when you start a new topic, you can only discuss views that are reliably attributable to those candidates. In other words, their declared stances or maybe even their voting records.

Nobody is attacking you or your views. What is under attack is the fact that you expressed them as if you were sent here by Obama himself to run an attack campaign. If you feel that way about Obama and McCain than good for you, but we ask that you spare us the campaign commercial when you present your opinions.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by GordonJQ
And notice no ones tried to deny any of it? Attacks on me sure, but not one has done anything to refute what Working America Magazine says.

Go back and re-read my post, genius. I called you out on being dead wrong about what posted on McCain's energy policy.

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