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The "so called" Jews are be behind NWO

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posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 06:48 PM
suggested reading on this topic:

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe

Originally posted by TrueLies

New York 1,750,000 Washington 165,000 Cleveland 65,000
Miami 535,000 Baltimore 100,000 St. Louis 53,000
Los Angeles 490,000 Detroit 95,000 Phoenix 50,000
Philadelphia 254,000 Rockland County NY 83,000 Denver 46,000
Chicago 248,000 Orange County CA 75,000 Houston 42,000
San Francisco 210,000 San Diego 70,000 Dallas 35,000
Boston 208,000 Atlanta 67,000 Seattle 29,000

[Edited on 26-3-2004 by TrueLies]

Like Seekerof, I am interested in seeing where this info came from.
I live close to Detroit and have a hard time seeing that many Jewish folks within the city limits. I don't even thin there is a synagogue within the city limits anymore!

I live in the suburbs of Detroit, have you heard of West Bloomfield..........I came here from canada, and everybody calls it
West Jewfield.........

I'm not racist towards these people, I do not like their semantics ie/ This doctor promised my husband referrals to him if he treated his son, and then it was his daughter, and he said " oooh don't you worry you'll get so many referrals they will be falling out your ass. " not in those exact words but pretty close..
So after two weeks no referrals...
So he calls to get his wife in , and then her sister!!
Still no referrals...
My husband did this as a favor and DIDN'T CHARGE...
So when he tried to get his wife's sister's husband in, my husband finally said, sure they can come in , but i'm going to have to charge you this time..........

And you knwo what he said "Excuse me?? I send you people and this is how you repay me?????
so he had to run by the story on what he said and the guy hung up on him........
A month later called back like nothing happened...
There is alot more to this doctor and another doctor that operate in the same scummy manner...

And i'm not being racist here or prejudice, god bless them, but this is kind of # that they pull...........

Jews isn't a race, it's a brotherhood......They chum out together, and don't let anybody in their circle unless they want a favor done...

Indian (India) people do it too... I know many stories..
However, when you say your from detroit and don't know about Dearborn being mostly Arab's/ Muslim
And west bloomfield being mostly jews, I find that hard to believe...

We are very active in the community and we hear lot's of stories...

So go ahead and deny it, and use the race card...

I don't know why they gotta be like this, but they are...
I'm not gonna hate them for it, just get pissed off at what they do... Because it's WRONG............

Where do I get my info from?? Where do you get your info from????
Are you even researching any of this, or just come to the thread to slander and call people prejudice... Because thats not what this thread is about...

But again, selective memory will do that you...
Not you donttreadonme, i'm referring to other people that come on here and name call...

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 06:59 PM
TrueLies, if you must hate, then hate the individuals who do this. Don't hate an entire group of people because of 2 people. Don't assume that, since 2 people did it, all of "them" must, it just doesn't hold up to real world experience.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
I would just like to add a few things. I will start with these verses : Revelation 2:8 � And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. We see here that under the rule of those "That say they are Jews and are not" the people would go through tribulation and poverty. If we look at the World it is full of tribulation and poverty, the greatest wealth is in the hands of a few.
10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Here we see who is behind "Those that say they are jews and are not" Satan and this verse shows how : 2 Thess 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. We see here that Satan through the Anti-Christ is the head of "Those that say they are jews and are not" that rule over the affairs of the world.
Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
We see here that God will cause Those Fake Jews to bow down before us, for they are the ones that persecuted and killed us during these last days, These are the ones that run the media so that they can brainwash us. are pushing all this sex down our throat's that is going to cause God's wrath to be poured out on the earth. that have totally destroyed our morals. have turned our children into game playing idiots. have spread false teachings and lies within the church to discredit it. have caused most of the pain and suffering we see in the world, all to forfill their greed and lust for power and ultimately control. These are not nice people and certainly not jews, they are Liars and Deceivers. I believe this deception to go back all the days of the Pyramid or "God's House" all the treasures were removed from "God's House" and taken to israel. according to the bible there were thousands of tons of Gold and Silver and an abundance of precious stones. Where did it all go ? If you go to the diamond district in new york today, you will find that the jews have all the gold and diamonds. we must always remember however that all jews are not pretenders, it is a small group of "wicked ones" that have caused many to question if the jews are behind the NWO. It is the Liars "That say they are jews and are not" that are clearly behind the NWO and thier leader is the Anti-Christ

Woah, that's alot of quoting... Pretty deep stuff.

Ok so it's a small group of "wicked" peopl who pretend they are jews...

I posted a thing for Colonel indicating where those "so called jews came from"

As for the Diamond district, I have yet to be there, have you been there?? How do you know this as fact? I've never heard of the diamond district...

And the nwo and the "select few jews " are behind the nwo...

"A select" few........

See how I have to spell that out for some people because they have "Selective" memory
Good call Lastday Prophet...

Anybody who's interested in doing a research project with me, u2u me, and we can see what we can piece together.
Factual information only , not assumptions of other people's writing, but facts...

THis is a conspiracy website,
We came here to learn new things, not dismiss what is "odd" or "not right" in mainstream thinking...
Pop culture has a way of making people closed minded.
If this is true, then we can crack the nwo, figure out who is all playing a part... It's bigger then what it seems.

But if we just hit the nail on the head with some of this stuff, then we could be on to something pretty big.

So let's go get these Select few so called jewish people.
Lastday Prophet.... Got any idea who these people are?

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
TrueLies, if you must hate, then hate the individuals who do this. Don't hate an entire group of people because of 2 people. Don't assume that, since 2 people did it, all of "them" must, it just doesn't hold up to real world experience.

Your the one that hates... Not me... You have selective memory, you are the people that put this country to shame...
I'm searching for answers... WHo's to say it's true and who's to say it's not true..

All you do is come on here and put people down, shut them up and call them names...

I don't want you around here if all your going to do is post put downs and sarcasm...

I'm on a mission , have you done any research..
Obviously you have no idea how some of the people operate... And let me spell it out for you "S-O-M-E"
of these aholes...

You got nothin but a running mouth, a closed mind, and a foul smell... Get outta here, your stinkin up the thread.
Turd brain.

" A closed mind, is a decomposing mind"


TrueLies " My mind is open"

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by junglejake

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Lets first replace the word Jews with the word Zionists.

I think we're going to need your definition of Zionist...

Who do the Zionists have a small country? Well, twice as many jews live in the US than israel. So which IS thier country?

Look at the numbers. There are 13 million Jews world wide, 4 million of which live in Israel. making up about 90% of the population. There are also about 5 million living here in the US, which has a population around 300 million. They make up 1 60th of our nation, or about 1.7%. I would say Israel is their country.

Zionists do not need a big country, they control the US. They are not under constant threat of annihilation: they have a big well equipped military, nukes, WMD, things thier Arab neighbors ARENT permitted to have.

First, Israel has never said they have nukes, everyone just assumes they do. As for a constant threat of annihilation, look at a map of the middle east. See that tiny nation backed up against the ocean? That's Israel. See all the rest of the land in that area? That's Israel's enemies. Enemies who teach their children from birth that the Jew is evil, and needs to be dead. Enemies who pay families of suicide bombers tons of cash to kill Jewish civilians. They're under constant attack. And what other WMDs do you refer to? chems and bios? Those are rumors I've not heard before...

As to making it cease, thats precisely what they are doing with the US. They are using the US as an attack dog to wipe out thier biggest enemies: Iraq, Iran, next, Syria, Jordan, ect.

And Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, etc. are using the UN as an attack dog in a diplomatic sense while they send their children onto busses with bombs strapped to their waists. And as I recall, the pro-war numbers in polls, even given bias, were a lot higher then 1.7%.

Zionist Israelis can comfortably rule by proxy and a=eliminate thier enemies because they have at thier bidding a lumbering giant of a military industrial complex: the US.

If it's so easy for them, why isn't the middle east glass yet? Why does Israel lose their children daily to suicide bombers? Why is the US pushing a road map to peace most Israelis hate?

Zionist: Zionism, the "Israel above all, subjugate gentiles for use by "gods chosen". Clear enough?

Anyway, though Jews make up a small percentage of the US, really now. When you look at what professions that many are in, you see the same old scenario.Dont need numbers. A small minority can rule the majority, just look at south Africa. Look at the federal reserve board member list. 10 of 12 are Jewish.

Israel does have nukes, #, everyone knows this. And since Israel was cxreated, all they ever did was create a massive headache for thier neighbors. Before the creation of israel, the true semetic Jews who lived there were living peacefully side by side with gentiles, both muslim and christian. After the Zionists came? Hell, cuz israel is a bad neighbor. That "poor little country". Whatever. They have one of the worlds biggest economies and yet we give them 10 billion a year? whatever. Pulleze.

The reason the middle east isnt a big glass parking lot because that would poison Israe, duh.

Were slowly picking off Israels enemies. That much is obvious.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 07:20 PM
I'm sorry you've gotten that impression of me, TrueLies. I'd like to know where I gave you the impression that I hate, so I can correct that, and recognise that people can interpret what I say as hateful.

But how am I only posting putdowns and shutting people up?

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 08:19 PM
Part of my family is Jewish.

They came over to escape genocide in Germany some still have the tattoos on there arms.

They are a little bit clanish and standofish to outsiders but a lot of these mountian clans are.

I wonder if it comes from watching your family drug off to camps tortured and killed because people thought you were secertly in control of the world might have anything to do with it?

Truelies I am sorry if a couple Doctors turned you against an entire group of people but I can assure that the ones I know are open, friendly, hard working, honest and not in control of jack-# much less the world. And guess what? They could not give a # less about Israel. They joke and say that all of them togather make too good of a target.

The older ones arent joking you can see it in the haunted looks in there eyes. The same look I had in mine when I got back from the war.

Is it not enough to say Evil men do evil things regaurdless if his name is Jacobs or Jones? Does there have to be a Jew or a shape-shifting reptile behind every bush, if you will pardon the pun?

I seriously thought about taking the Jewish faith, they unlike most religions believe that there are many paths to god a belief more of the world could use. If I had of done that would I now be a part of this world wide Jewish NWO?

[Edited on 26-3-2004 by Amuk]

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 08:29 PM
Oh one more thing

I really like the part about the Jews not mixing with other races, although I thought Jews were not a race to begin with, but any how those that I know are from Germany and are blondes and redheads with blue eyes, sound like a desert tribe to you?

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
Part of my family is Jewish.

They came over to escape genocide in Germany some still have the tattoos on there arms.

They are a little bit clanish and standofish to outsiders but a lot of these mountian clans are.

I wonder if it comes from watching your family drug off to camps tortured and killed because people thought you were secertly in control of the world might have anything to do with it?

Truelies I am sorry if a couple Doctors turned you against an entire group of people but I can assure that the ones I know are open, friendly, hard working, honest and not in control of jack-# much less the world.
Oh Jesus... Did I not say about a million times, I'm not "against" the jews, the blacks, the indians, the aliens, or the little people that live in my garden??? Nwo thread....... It's ok for someone to post that the quran is satan but thats ok right???? Jewish people can't be talked about or else your against them?????? Give me a break!!!!!!
Is it not enough to say Evil men do evil things regaurdless if his name is Jacobs or Jones? Does there have to be a Jew or a shape-shifting reptile behind every bush, if you will pardon the pun?
No but when there are things out there that we don't know about, I especially tend to go looking for them.....Since i've joined this board, i've learned soo much.. And noooo, there doesn't have to be a reptile hiding behind the bushes.... Why can "whitey" be big bad rich and senile, and thats ok.... It's ok to touch that subject right, and when some people want to talk about Arabs being smelly, cheap, and evil, thats ok too right?? But don't touch the jewish area, or your automatically labelled anti semite... Give me a break.
I seriously thought about taking the Jewish faith, they unlike most religions believe that there are many paths to god a belief more of the world could use. If I had of done that would I now be a part of this world wide Jewish NWO?

Ok your off topic with that one...

I would like to get back to the theory of what if the so called jews were behind the NWO....

I'm not going to talk to people if all they can do is label people who discuss this issue...
Call me an anti-semite, go ahead... You obviously pick and choose what you want to read, you can't address the THREAD TOPIC, you have to wonder off and start screaming bloody murder...

Good day.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
TrueLies, if you must hate, then hate the individuals who do this. Don't hate an entire group of people because of 2 people. Don't assume that, since 2 people did it, all of "them" must, it just doesn't hold up to real world experience.

actually, she has a point jake,
the jewish clan has a tendency to RULE the money, and trust jews ai?


posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 08:41 PM
I dont think those that think the Koran is the work of the devil are right either.

I have SEEN enough evil in this world to know that it knows no color or religion. They are Evil people that control this world, some are Jews some are gentiles some are Arabs some are Black some are one legged midigets. You say you have nothing against the Jews but then turn around and claim they are the driving force behind the so-called NWO.

I am not telling anybody to shutup as in my other thread I am against censorship. You can believe what you wish and say what you wish.

I just dont have to believe it.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
I dont think those that think the Koran is the work of the devil are right either.

I have SEEN enough evil in this world to know that it knows no color or religion. They are Evil people that control this world, some are Jews some are gentiles some are Arabs some are Black some are one legged midigets. You say you have nothing against the Jews but then turn around and claim they are the driving force behind the so-called NWO.

And I am saying I have nothing against the jewish people...... Just the one''s that do things to piss me off, just like any other people........But when it comes to finances, there seems to be something we're not getting here.......... If it was an Arab i'd ask the same questions...... It has NOTHING to do with race...
I am not telling anybody to shutup as in my other thread I am against censorship. You can believe what you wish and say what you wish.

I just dont have to believe it.

No you don't, but your not understanding what i'm saying.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 12:07 AM
Daniel 7:24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings ( Men, Not Nations or Countries) that shall arise: and another shall rise after them;( Another Man, The Anti-Christ ) and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
Revelation 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings,( Men ) which " have received no kingdom as yet" but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. ( Here we see that the ten "Kings" have received no Kingdom "YET" This means that the Ten Kings were promised a Kingdom, you cannot promise a Country a Kingdom you can only promise a Man a Kingdom. This means that the EU or any other Union cannot be the Ten Kings, contrary to popular beleif. It goes on to say : but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. Only a Man can recieve power as a King, not a Country.
Dan 7:23 23 Thus he said, The fourth beast ( One World Government/NWO ) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. ( With the use of Nuclear Weapons the NWO under the leadership of the Anti-Christ/Beast, will utterly Destroy the Earth )
25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. 2 Thess 2:3� Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. ( Could that temple be the Great Pyramid? )
We see here that Ten Men, under the leadership of the Anti-Christ Rule The World. These Kings are Masters of Ancient Satanic Rituals that give them Wisdom and Revelation, Exactly who they are I am not sure, but I would think that some of the richest and powerful Men behind the scenes would include them.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 12:11 AM
Cite your source or link it to where your getting your biblical quotes people!
This is to protect you and to protect this site from liability issues.

I, and the staff, would greatly appreciate if when you quote from a source, that you properly give it credit by citing or linking it under or above your quote(s).

Thank you....please address this if you know that you are not citing your sources.


[Edited on 27-3-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 12:36 AM
The Black people cursed because of one of the sons of Noah is absurd.

If any race is cursed that is the white race because of the curse the Prophet Elisha executed on a man turning his skin as "white as snow."

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 01:45 AM
Great thread TL and the longer it goes the better it gets as Ive been following the whole thread, and I feel personally that their is strong possiblities that there are Jews involved in the NWO, Illuminati or whatever one choses to call it. I only wish that some people in the thread would stay on topic and thanks to Skadi and Project Pisces for that guidance they put forth.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 09:32 AM
it comes down to this

There are all types of races and creeds involved in nwo

no doubt there are zionists

lets get this straight

a zionist is anyone who supports the formation or the continued state of israel
if you believe that israel should be a country in the middle east and you support it your a ZIONIST !!

never the less it is the Elitists who are in charge of this
it doesnt matter what color creed or whatever they are

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 02:57 PM
The Illuminati and The Council on Foreign Relations
One-World-Government Conspiracy


The Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion

Mr. Fagan attended a meeting in Washington D.C. where he was shown a set of micro-films and recordings of the SECRET meetings at Yalta attended only by Franklin Roosevelt, Alger Hess, Harry Hopkins, Stalin, Molotov, and Vishinsky when they hatched the plot to deliver the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Berlin to Stalin. As a result of that meeting; Mr. Fagan wrote two plays: "RED RAINBOW" (in which he revealed that entire plot) and "THIEVES PARADISE" (in which he revealed how those men plotted to create the "UNITED NATIONS" to be the "housing" for a so-called Communist One-World Government).

At the same time; Mr. Fagan launched a "ONE-MAN" crusade to unmask the Red Conspiracy in Hollywood to produce films that would aid that "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT" plot. Out of that came into being the "CINEMA EDUCATIONAL GUILD." As a result of the work of this "C. E. G." organization (headed by Mr. Fagan, in 1947); came the Congressional Hearings at which more than 300 of Hollywood's, (also Radio and T.V.) most famous Stars, Writers, and Directors were unmasked as the chief activist of the Red Conspiracy. That was when the infamous "HOLLYWOOD TEN" were sent to prison.

Read on

Hold on to your horses kids....

From that time on Mr. Fagan has devoted all of his time and efforts to writing monthly "NEWS BULLETINS" for "C. E. G." in which he has kept up the fight to alert the American people to the plot to destroy the sovereignty of the United States of America and the ensuing enslavement of the American people in a UNITED NATIONS' "One World Government."

In his sensational recording (this transcript); he reveals the beginning of the One World enslavement plot that was launched two centuries ago by one Adam Weishaupt, an apostate Catholic Priest who; FINANCED BY THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD, created what he called: "THE ILLUMINATI." Mr. Fagan describes (WITH DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE) how this ILLUMINATI became the instrument of the House of Rothschild to achieve a "One World Government" and how every War during the past two centuries was fomented by this ILLUMINATI. He describes how one Jacob H. Schiff was sent to the United States by the Rothschilds to further the ILLUMINATI plot and how Schiff plotted to get control of both the Democratic and the Republican Parties. How Schiff seduced our Congress and our Presidents to achieve control of our entire Money-System and create the Income Tax CANCER and how Schiff and his co-conspirators created the "COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS" to control our elected officials to gradually drive the U.S. into becoming an enslaved unit of a "UNITED NATIONS" One World Government.

From that time on Mr. Fagan has devoted all of his time and efforts to writing monthly "NEWS BULLETINS" for "C. E. G." in which he has kept up the fight to alert the American people to the plot to destroy the sovereignty of the United States of America and the ensuing enslavement of the American people in a UNITED NATIONS' "One World Government."

In his sensational recording (this transcript); he reveals the beginning of the One World enslavement plot that was launched two centuries ago by one Adam Weishaupt, an apostate Catholic Priest who; FINANCED BY THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD, created what he called: "THE ILLUMINATI." Mr. Fagan describes (WITH DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE) how this ILLUMINATI became the instrument of the House of Rothschild to achieve a "One World Government" and how every War during the past two centuries was fomented by this ILLUMINATI. He describes how one Jacob H. Schiff was sent to the United States by the Rothschilds to further the ILLUMINATI plot and how Schiff plotted to get control of both the Democratic and the Republican Parties. How Schiff seduced our Congress and our Presidents to achieve control of our entire Money-System and create the Income Tax CANCER and how Schiff and his co-conspirators created the "COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS" to control our elected officials to gradually drive the U.S. into becoming an enslaved unit of a "UNITED NATIONS" One World Government.

From that time on Mr. Fagan has devoted all of his time and efforts to writing monthly "NEWS BULLETINS" for "C. E. G." in which he has kept up the fight to alert the American people to the plot to destroy the sovereignty of the United States of America and the ensuing enslavement of the American people in a UNITED NATIONS' "One World Government."

In his sensational recording (this transcript); he reveals the beginning of the One World enslavement plot that was launched two centuries ago by one Adam Weishaupt, an apostate Catholic Priest who; FINANCED BY THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD, created what he called: "THE ILLUMINATI." Mr. Fagan describes (WITH DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE) how this ILLUMINATI became the instrument of the House of Rothschild to achieve a "One World Government" and how every War during the past two centuries was fomented by this ILLUMINATI. He describes how one Jacob H. Schiff was sent to the United States by the Rothschilds to further the ILLUMINATI plot and how Schiff plotted to get control of both the Democratic and the Republican Parties. How Schiff seduced our Congress and our Presidents to achieve control of our entire Money-System and create the Income Tax CANCER and how Schiff and his co-conspirators created the "COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS" to control our elected officials to gradually drive the U.S. into becoming an enslaved unit of a "UNITED NATIONS" One World Government.

In short this Recording (Transcript) is the most interesting and the most horrifying - AND FACTUAL - story of the most sensational plot in the history of the World. Everybody who loves our Country - who loves God - who would save Christianity, WHICH THE ILLUMINATI IS DEDICATED TO DESTROY - who would save our sons from dying on Korean, on Vietnam, on South African, and now on the battlefields of the Middle East, should hear this Recording. There is absolutely no doubt that anyone who DOES hear (read) this amazing story will join in the fight to save our Country and our Nation's Youth.

Read on...

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 03:02 PM
"The question of how and why the United Nations is the crux of the great conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and the enslavement of the American people within a U.N. one-world dictatorship is a complete and unknown mystery to the vast majority of the American people. The reason for this unawareness of the frightening danger to our country and to the entire free world is simple. The masterminds behind this great conspiracy have absolute control of all of our mass-communications media, especially television, the radio, the press, and Hollywood. We all know that our State Department, the Pentagon, and the White House have brazenly proclaimed that they have the right and the power to manage the news, to tell us not the truth but what they want us to believe. They have seized that power on orders from their masters of the great conspiracy and the objective is to brainwash the people into accepting the phony peace bait to transform the United States into an enslaved unit of the United Nations' one-world government.

"First of all, bear in mind that the so-called U.N. police-action in Korea, fought by the United States in which 150,000 of our sons were murdered and maimed, was part of the plot; just as the undeclared by Congress war in Vietnam in which our sons are dying is part of the plot; just as the plot against Rhodesia and South Africa in which our sons will be dying is part of the U.N. plot. However, the vitally important thing for all Americans, all you mothers of the boys who died in Korea and are now dying in Vietnam, to know is that our so-called leaders in Washington, who we elected to safeguard our nation and our Constitution, are the betrayers and that behind them are a comparatively small group of men whose sole-objective is to enslave the whole world of humanity in their satanic-plot of one-world government.

"Now in order to give you a very clear picture of this satanic-plot, I will go back to its beginning, clear back in the middle of the 18th century and name the men who put that plot into action and then bring you down to the present - today's status of that plot. Now as a matter of further intelligence, a term used by the FBI, let me clarify the meaning of the expression "he is a liberal." The enemy, meaning the one-world conspirators, have seized upon that word "liberal" as a cover-up for their activities. It sounds so innocent and so humanitarian to be liberal. Well, make sure that the person who calls himself a liberal or is described as a liberal is not, in truth, a "red."

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