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Vicar had 56,000 child porn images

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posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by fill0000

You bring up a good point though. Would he actually do anything to a little kid? Or was it just an addiction to the collection itself? Even like those people who live in terrible conditions because they can't throw anything away.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

Is there a difference anyway? Some child was exploited at some point in the process. As a collector of such moral reprehensable images he is as guilty as the sum who took the images in the first place.

There can be no justification for any images such as this. Also 3 years is a joke.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

Originally posted by jackinthebox
reply to post by fill0000

You bring up a good point though. Would he actually do anything to a little kid?

I think the answer is YES! And as this case opens up no doubt many people who were molested by this creep will come forward.

IMO, the images are kept "for a rainy day" when he can't get the real deal.

I believe that anyone who is molested is scared psychologically for life, so maybe a fit sentence is a life for every life he has destroyed similar to killers who get 15 consecutive life sentences.

Dennis Ferguson has help prove that these filthy perverts will repeat their crimes again and again. There is no "rehabilitation" - they just get better at getting away with it.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by WatchNLearn

Yet another sad story of perverts hiding behind the cloth. No doubt the church knew of this insidious crime but kept it under wraps. I mean, how long does it take to amass 56K of images?? And he used a credit card - WTF? Why does a priest need a personal credit card for anyway?

(visit the link for the full news article)

It's not just behind the cloth, these creatures are everywhere. Cops, Lawyers, Judges, clegy, politicians. The thing to get angry with is the system that protects and harbors them, and will not let people see it for what it is. That is the entity to be angry with. These small things are just distractions from a larger perversity that allows this all to happen.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 03:39 PM
It doesen't take long time to upload a decent amount of some child porn pictures to anyone's computer?

In worst case, you'll receive e-mail from your friend, .zip file full of questionable material (of course you wouldn't have slightest idea that your good friend would be sending you child porn so you just download it without suspicion), on the next moment cops somehow manage to stash in on that very moment and take your computer away, and you with it of course
Be careful with computers, they can bite.


[edit on 26-9-2008 by v01i0]

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 05:04 PM
People should keep up the chatter, to tell the uninformed to become informed, have sodium fluoride removed from our drinking water to restore our intelligence and freedom, and to expose and punish predators like this one to stop the suffering people on Earth are going through. In all honesty, I hope he gets killed before he preys again.

It isn't just sexual predators. It's the politicans, military, scientists, lobbyists, untouchable gangsters. It's important to keep up the message that this BS is not tolerable, to keep ourselves some degree of power as an deterrent from counter-control.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 05:07 PM
Also under uk law, I'm fairly sure that everytime you look at a picture on your computer it counts as "possesing" it because it is possible to retreive it (even though most people don't know that it's possible), and every picture you save (even if you delete it later) counts as "creating".

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by WatchNLearn

Like my Catholic friends usually say about priests, "they are either pedophiles, gay, or both"...

I really don't care about how many photos he had, what I would like to know is if he had any supervision over youth related activities, in his parish. I would also like to know if he was only covered by his church, as usual, or, also as usual, by parents that ignore the complaints of their children, thus permitting these "predators in uniform" to continually having an unlimited access to their prey...

Sad, sad story, so many lives destroyed...

What will it take for them, the clergy and parents, to learn?

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 04:39 AM
For those of you that think 3 years is nothing, try to even imagine that amount of times behind bars. Any amount of years is brutal. This man is in trouble for downloading an EXTREME amount of photos, but not committing any acts outside of that. He was not charged with anything but downloading the pornography, and though that is wrong and punishable, some of you think that he should have LIFE imprisonment for that? Are you out of your F%#&ING MINDS? Do you realize what life imprisonment even is? Most likely not. You would sentence a person to life behind bars for looking at images someone else posted, and the others that killed your mother, father, brother, sister, friend get out of jail before they did. Don't be ridiculous. It is a very BAD crime, but life in prison for looking at photos? Thats assanine.

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 04:43 AM
dang that guy was way dumb. You can download porn for free from any bit torrent sites without a credit card. As for the age of the porn stars i don't really know i've never searched for child porn and agree that it is disturbing. And lastly why would you download 56,000 isn't 5 to 6 videos more than enough?

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 04:50 AM
It is obvioulsly some kind of psychological problem that he is suffering. It is beyond a fetish or a curiosity with that amount which is why I'm sure the powers that be stepped in. It is beyond a fascination, but a problem at that point. I kow what that guy did is wrong. I just disagree with people saying that someone should be in prison for life for looking at photos someone else took and published. That to me is ridiculous.

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 05:25 AM
i agree with that. if this guy actually purchased 56,000 pictures with a credit card (highly unbeleivable) and this child porn business were so profitable wouldn't someone have interviened with the source by now? The guy who is looking at the pictures is mixed up but isn't the bigger story supposed to be the guy who actually conducts the operation?

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by v01i0

I saw this story not too long ago on 20/20 I think it was where this kid 15 or 16 got arrested for child porn. He claimed to have no clue that it was even on his machine. After some forensics work they determined that the kids computer was being used as a sort of network drive by some other person(s) to keep their kiddy porn off-site. Apparently this happens more often than people think. The poor kid was convicted and found guilty of possessing the stuff and last I knew he and his lawyer were trying to get the new evidence of the networked drive usage submitted to clear the kids name. I'm sure the prosecutes and the local government don't want to admit they were wrong so the kid probably wont get any justice.

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 01:47 PM

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by infinite8
For those of you that think 3 years is nothing, try to even imagine that amount of times behind bars. Any amount of years is brutal. This man is in trouble for downloading an EXTREME amount of photos, but not committing any acts outside of that. He was not charged with anything but downloading the pornography, and though that is wrong and punishable, some of you think that he should have LIFE imprisonment for that? Are you out of your F%#&ING MINDS? Do you realize what life imprisonment even is? Most likely not. You would sentence a person to life behind bars for looking at images someone else posted, and the others that killed your mother, father, brother, sister, friend get out of jail before they did. Don't be ridiculous. It is a very BAD crime, but life in prison for looking at photos? Thats assanine.


Yep. 3 years is WAY TOO LIENIENT. Why?

1. Him buying these images, keeps the children VICTIMS. Have customers for a product? You better keep pumping out the product or you loose money and customers.

Why is that SO HARD for some of you people to understand??? The children in these images are VICTIMS and are victimized for people like this individual!

2. When he gets out, he will more then likely NOT be a changed man and go back to his sick twisted disgusting behavior.

On top of that, he will probably be kept in isolation in order to protect him from those who believe he should not even be alive. Yep, 3 years is way TOO lenient!!

And please show me where anyone here has ever said that we don't think murderers of innocent people should get off easy either. One is not related to the other.

What is asinine, are the sympathizers for disgusting individuals as such as this and those who CLEARLY do not understand the true impact of this HUGE problem infecting our world is.

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by FredT

Is there a difference anyway? Some child was exploited at some point in the process. As a collector of such moral reprehensable images he is as guilty as the sum who took the images in the first place.

I have to disagree. He is not "as guilty" and there is indeed a very big difference.

Take the "Faces of Death" and the even more brutal "Traces of Death" videos. I find them highly objectionable personally, and having watched a few scenes, I will never watch them again. But they are not illegal, despite the fact that they show brutality and exploitation on a level that any normal person would be revolted by.

Does watching a murder make you a murderer?

While I personally have little empathy for this sicko, I really must say that I believe police resources would be much better applied to rooting out production of such material. Much the same way that I think it is a waste of police resources to go after drug users instead of the kingpin suppliers. (But of course we know that the biggest kingpins happen to be our own hypocritical government.)

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by WatchNLearn

I think the answer is YES! And as this case opens up no doubt many people who were molested by this creep will come forward.

So you have already convicted this man of even far greater crimes, without a shred of evidence or even a single accusation of such a crime occurring?

Just goes to show the true dangers of, and hysteria behind, trigger words like "pedophile, child molester, sexual deviant, etc." I have seen, time and time again, the accused "convicted" in the minds of people such as yourself, without a shred of evidence or due process. People who were later proven to be innocent. A henious enough accusation seems to be evidence enough for the weak-minded and fear-driven.

As I have said, I have little empathy for this creep personally, but you have lept to a dangerous presumption.

IMO, the images are kept "for a rainy day" when he can't get the real deal.

I personally have an extensive collection of material depicting many things that I would personally never do or be involved with in reality. Things that happen to be legal though I should add.

I believe that anyone who is molested is scared psychologically for life, so maybe a fit sentence is a life for every life he has destroyed similar to killers who get 15 consecutive life sentences.

You are clearly angry, and motivated by vengeance, which clouds your judgement. What difference does it make if a person has one life sentence or fifteen? I, on the other hand, care not for vengeance but proactive prevention, which could in fact lead me to accept life sentences for child-molesters on some cases.

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

The children in these images are VICTIMS and are victimized for people like this individual!

Not quite. The sick animals that make stuff like this would be doing it wether or not they got paid for it.

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by infinite8
For those of you that think 3 years is nothing, try to even imagine that amount of times behind bars. Any amount of years is brutal. This man is in trouble for downloading an EXTREME amount of photos, but not committing any acts outside of that. He was not charged with anything but downloading the pornography, and though that is wrong and punishable, some of you think that he should have LIFE imprisonment for that? Are you out of your F%#&ING MINDS? Do you realize what life imprisonment even is? Most likely not. You would sentence a person to life behind bars for looking at images someone else posted, and the others that killed your mother, father, brother, sister, friend get out of jail before they did. Don't be ridiculous. It is a very BAD crime, but life in prison for looking at photos? Thats assanine.

The point being? He won't do three years. If he's a good boy, he'll serve half the sentence for good behaviour. He might not even have to do half the sentence. It's possible because of his previous good nature
, he could be let out after just twelve months with an electronic tag

This is how things work in Britain. Our Gaols are rammed too capacity. They're letting all kinds of scum out for serious crimes. Another factor, you have to take into account, is that because he's a dirty "Nonce", He'll be put on protection wing, where he'll be looked after with more privileges than the average con.

Personally, I'm a Liberal
, but when it comes to this particular crime, I'd like to see our Government get medieval on these vultures. Get them in the Bloody tower of London I say
Rack them, I say.

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by paul76

Our Gaols are rammed too capacity.

Yes, because people think that some guy who looks at this sick crap is the same as the people who make it. So now they all get three years.

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