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Spiritual Awakening as a Near Death Experience

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posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 08:04 AM
I have been thinking about this the past few days and a post on NDE pushed the issue for me. I hope it's acceptable to start this topic since what I'd like to talk about are not NDEs but how spiritual awakening compares, at least in my experience. To be clear, I've never had what could be termed a Near Death Experience simply on the basis that I've never been pronounced dead or close to it. There have been close calls. Most notable, a near drowning. There was definitely something that I can't explain that happened, but I wouldn't qualify it as a NDE. No white light, calming voices, music, angels, dead relatives or anything else except dark, cold water. Though how I was propelled from the water, I still don't understand. My memory of the moments between realizing I was drowning a mere foot from the dock, and hadn't the strength to get back to the surface, and finding myself on the dock, are not something I've fully thought of since, I suppose. But as I said, I don't recall a NDE.

On the other hand, in my efforts to find some peace of mind I have shared many similar experiences to those reported by people who experience NDE. This was a process over months, peaks and valleys of experiences, and the simplest way to express it is to say that I went through my life memories like I was getting them in order; sorting, analyzing and often throwing away what I felt I no longer needed. At times I would experience lightness both physically and emotionally, I would speak to people whom I could not speak to physically, and there was the light. Often it would be above me, or to the left or right. As I recall now, it was never directly in front of me. I can also say I experienced an emotional state that I can describe as the question, "Do you want to go?".

I hope not to upset anyone, and I'm not trying to detract from anyone's experience. I'm curious though if anyone else has similar experiences, or, more importantly, how they categorize them. In short, does anyone else believe the process of spiritual awakening can be considered akin to a living near death experience?

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 08:24 AM
I think if you have a NDE, and it is a good expierience, like you see entitys and feeling a great sensation of love, then yeah i think that would be a spiratual awakening in away, put it this way, you wouldnt be afraid to die anymore. And if it happend to me, i know it would change my life..

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 09:34 AM
Once you (not personally, passive) see that there is life after death it opens doors that have been shut in your life up to that moment, from there on you start your journey of learning and understanding about the true life itself. The life 'they' say doesn't exist. Once the mind is open to accept new things the sky is the limit (pun intended)

There is a mass spiritual awakening at the moment and this is evident within this site. The question you have to ask is why?

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

Yes, I ask the "why" all the time. Both as it pertains to myself and others. That's the real motive behind this thread. I suppose I hope that in collecting the commonalities and differences in the experiences maybe an answer can become clearer for myself and others.

Then again, I wonder if I should heed the advice of some and pay no attention to what's behind the curtain.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by TravelerintheDark
reply to
Then again, I wonder if I should heed the advice of some and pay no attention to what's behind the curtain.

I am guessing you are between the age of 16-19, a clairvoyant once said to me when I was 18 "I see you trying to draw back the curtain, give it time" I didn't know what she meant until 10 years later!

IMHO Only look behind the curtain if you can stay positive i.e meditate and keep your life balanced. life will NEVER be the same again once you take it down. Nothing will make sense if you don't stay balanced and the negativity will engulf you. Make sure you have friends and family to whom you can speak to about your experiences and finds.

Don't keep it bottled up. A problem shared is a problem solved and all that.

[edit on 22-9-2008 by franspeakfree]

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 10:05 AM
I have experienced a NDE and all I can say is that it definately opened my eyes up to alot of things spiritually,,I wanted answers to why I went through what I did and see the things that I did.I was a spiritual person before I had that experience but after it made me more.I dont know whether I could say it was my spiritual awakening,but it may have added to my awakening that I already had.
I was 18 when that happened and Ive had alot more things happen to me in the last 10 yrs that I could also say has awakened me.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

Truly, I'm physically older than that
But the experience is one I've personally described as growing up, all over again.

Another truth is that I've been peeking behind the curtain since I was six. And I'm curious about what others have seen. Which would be a part of the reason for my being here on this forum. Yet I know from some of what I read here that things appear at least in some ways different for each of us. But I'm not sure that means a commonality doesn't exist.

[edit on 22-9-2008 by TravelerintheDark]

[edit on 22-9-2008 by TravelerintheDark]

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 10:47 AM
I think that my previous post may only confuse things.

edit: Indeed, confusing things for myself. To put it as simply as I can, I wonder at the idea of spiritual awakening as it relates to a near death experience. I feel I'm being prepared. But I'm trying to figure out what I'm being prepared for.

My hope is that knowing how others see it might help clear up my own perception.

[edit on 22-9-2008 by TravelerintheDark]

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by TravelerintheDark

Don't get me wrong, as I am not against your thinking, but can you define "Spirit" in your understanding.

In other words what is your spirit?

I have experienced Death and returned.

I was declared brain dead by doctors for more than 30 minutes in 1973.

Maybe I can answer some of your questions for you.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

In terms of spiritual awakening, a sense of the broader self. That which is not the body. The living essence.

I'd appreciate hearing your story. Thirty minutes is an extraordinary amount of time.

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by TravelerintheDark
I'm curious though if anyone else has similar experiences, or, more importantly, how they categorize them. In short, does anyone else believe the process of spiritual awakening can be considered akin to a living near death experience?

I have a few that can be classified as having taken place to me in this lifeline, in this atmosphere, in this normal rational time zone, in this body.
The only one I don't/won't talk about/address is my angel experience.

I *suppose* (because I've never written it) off the cuff, I would classify them as:
(these are all in 'ish's because of adoptive age discrepancies-and no I can't prove that or feel the need to cater some undeniable proof to anyone)

(I'm not really thinking this through-here is a generalized)
1: First notice there is an ebb and flow to life-toddler
2: First notice of the existance of ghoast or OBE applications-6
3: First notice of self trauma OBE-8
3a: First notice that others here and there talked of OBE-and I could not and did not want to OBE: 12-20.
4: First notice of ongoing undefined uncontrolled mindreading of people's ill intented business 'in distance' (for lack of better term)-10
5: First notice that distance has a peculiar meaning.-35-40
6: First notice that others could make a psychic connection too. ie, first intelligent contact from a non animal outside source 35-40
7: First notice that *some* who claim to be psychic are in fact concealing that they are not psychic concerning psychics. 20
8: Garden/woods/house spider "don't you bump into me" telepathy: first notice of notice-25-30
9: Recieving vs Sending: first notice that I either couldn't 'send' or couldn't be recieved (see #10) for lack of a communicative validator platform, isolation, language deficiencies.-20
10: First notice of the importance of 'voice' or typset feedback as validation (I can't define what I mean here *sentence needs to edit when definition presents itself*). ie: 30-
11: First Projection-12
12: First sleep OBE 22
13: First animal OBE 27ish
14: First offender co-experience 35-40 (debatable 12)
15: First victim co-experience 35-40 (debatable 12)
16: First animal feedback (undefined)
17: First audible telepathy (32-ish)
18: First confirmed adequate distance ESP item identification in group (32ish)
19: First, second, and third computer fried (32ish)
20: Accelerated healing-10-35/40
21: Abnormal strength/fitness-10-35/40
22: First notice of touch recognition 8-
23: First confirmed place of death zone recognition: 15
24: First unconfirmed death zone find: 12
25: First self-confirmed death zone/with body find: 18
26: First death zone find with body and LE: 22(ish)

so anyways...I coma-ed during a childhood back surgery. And after all the sleeping and skin grafts and physical therapy I finally got to go home. It was a new home. My bed was in the kitchen which was down by the central stove heating. And I 'felt' some tall man standing in the dining room. But no one was there. And that is where all that ^ came from.

27: First not giving a **** presenting itself as catalyst to progress: 35-40

I am now retired from my own psychic self in a matter of speaking-sort of as much as possible, as well as back to my psychic self in a matter of speaking-sort of; as much as possible. It doesn't make sense, and I understand that and that is what it is. I am back, rather, beginning in my trek of trakking all my own wtf's in an effort to explain to myself wtf happened-which I can only do thanks to Bill Gates mass headway in the tecnological for the masses production (naysayers die!)...which will keep me busy until death.

I didn't see nuthing when I comaed but the concerned faces of my family when I woke up. Was this a catalyst to my own spiritual awakening? I noticed it made me think towards my family-

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:39 PM
I was installing cable TV about fifteen years ago.
I climbed the twenty foot telephone pole with my boot hooks, did not use ladder, and then accidentaly threw the cable over two high powered electrical lines.
I remember the cable coiling out over the power lines and me saing to myself, out loud, as I had the other end of the cable in my left hand, "Oh God, I am dead."
I said this an instant before the electricity travelled down the cable TV cable into my hand.
The homeowner and his five children were on the ground watching me.
When the electricity hit me, I could not let go, and after a minute of having the juice going through me, I could hear my feet crackling and popping, and smell the burning flesh. I also had a very close view of my arm where the juice was entering and it was beginning to swell up and puff up like a hot dog in a microwave oven, it was about to burst open.
By the way, I retained full consciousness during this electrocution event.
Anyway at very close to one minute of electrocution, my soul disconnected from a point deep within the recesses of my mid brain and floated free. I was dead.
Immediately I obtained "spiritual vision." The air instantly took on the appearance of clear shampoo with hundreds of small bubbles suspended within it. And there were two Angles, identical twin angels by the way, with the long white robes, stationary wings with the wing tips going to their ankles, brown leather sandals, long dirtwater blond hair about to their mid shoulder blades.
The "spiritual vision" I enjoyed also allowed me to see in all directions simultaneously. In other words, my soul did not have to turn around to see these angels.
These twin angels asked me in one voice, "Do you want to die."
They did not tell me that they were there to take me to heaven, nor did they tell me that it was not my time to go.
I replied "No!!" and instantly my soul reconnected with my physical body, in the mid brain point, and these two angels imparted several truths and some information to me on a spiritual level which my soul or spirit retained and remembered even after reconnecting to my physical body.
They told me these things to my spirit or soul, in the instant between when I said No and the seeming next instant that I got reconnected. These two instants were successive, but I still cannot tell an unexperienced person how much information and knowledge was communicated between those two instants.
They told me that I would be ok, that everything would be okay.
They instructed me how to get myself disconnected from the electricity.
They told me that they were giving me the power from who sent them to overcome the power of the electricity.
They told me that I needed to use the temporary power to get disconnected and then jump to the ground.
I have suspicions that they told me a lot more and I am not able to produce it. Like they told me the purpose of the bubbles, as I recall having an unspoken curiosity about the bubbles the instant I saw the bubbles.
All of this communication was unspoken and telepathic in nature.
So I unhooked and jumped about fifteen to twenty feet to the ground, with my feet smoking all the way down.
The man homeowner started to approach me, as I was now lying on the ground, and I asked him if the charged electrical wire had followed me to the ground, he replied no, so I told him to call ambulance, wife, boss and electric company. Then I told him to treat me for shock.
I did all those things, then I heard the sirens and proceeded to walk to the highway to get into the ambulance. I was taken to a hospital, and then put on a helocopter and taken to another hospital.
I was admitted to the burn unit of the second hospital. I stayed there ten days.
The Doctor who admitted me later came to tell me that I was electrocuted by two 7,620 volt lines for a total of, 15,240 volts, for one minute.
The Doctor said he could not explain why I was alive.
To which I asked the Doctor this riddle: "Do you know the difference between a Doctor and God?"
The Dr. said "No."
I said "God does not ever think he is a doctor."

My Post experience spiritual development or growth?
Ask me please.
edit for spelling errors

[edit on 8-11-2008 by fmcanarney]

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 02:57 PM
Immediately I obtained "spiritual vision." The air instantly took on the appearance of clear shampoo with hundreds of small bubbles suspended within it. And there were two Angles, identical twin angels by the way, with the long white robes, stationary wings with the wing tips going to their ankles, brown leather sandals, long dirtwater blond hair about to their mid shoulder blades.
The "spiritual vision" I enjoyed also allowed me to see in all directions simultaneously. In other words, my soul did not have to turn around to see these angels.
These twin angels asked me in one voice, "Do you want to die."

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 03:14 PM
Ya the most dangerous person to mess with is someone who has already died and not afraid to die again. After being there so to speak, I have no fear of death just hope when it is my time, it's painless lol...

After the first time I had a second time but never actually left my body this time. I just stopped breathing after surgery and proceeded to argue with someone that I wasn't going to breath that is until he gave me some info. as to why I needed too.

It's when the things your told start becoming true you realize it wasn't just neurons firing in the brain.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 06:36 AM
And the post experience change in perception and post experience altered state of consciousness says lots about it being real as well.

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