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Uneducated Voters (what do you think?)

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posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 08:12 PM
We have been given the opportunity to choose who we want to lead our country out of a handful of candidates. (how much that vote actually counts for can be debated, but that's no reason to take it lightly) When people are ignorant it makes me confused and irritated. I would like some opinions on this matter...

Here is what I mean... Someone in my circle of friends has stated that he will not vote for Obama due to his "race". I find it hard to believe that these people are still out there, but they are. When asked about his political views and wishes for our country's future, his opinions matched Obama's. So WHY would he waste his vote by voting for McCain??? If he is going to have a problem with Obama, but does not believe in McCain's campaign, then, in my opinion, he should just not vote. Why vote in something that he does not believe in, just to prevent America from having a black president? Then, when my friends and I started talking more about the subject, he requested that we stopped talking politics. That p's me off just as much, because he is not willing to LEARN what is going on!!! He just feels that his opinion is what matters, not the knowledge (or lack thereof) behind it.

On the same note, someone else that I know was saying that she was going to vote for McCain because he is a Christian. WHAT?!? This seems to be even more aggravating to me than the race thing. I understand that she wants the president to have good morals and such, like she believes all Christians do, but why does it matter where the president goes when he dies?? That does not affect her personal eternity. Why make choices for a leader on earth based on the candidate's interpretation of an afterlife? Plus, anyone can say they are Christian, what makes her think that McCain is a devout Christian, and not just saying that to get her uneducated vote? Or why does she believe that Obama is not a Christian, based on hearsay? She has not looked into either candidate's campaign, and is using this as her sole deciding factor. She said that she was under the impression that Obama is Muslim, and that "bothers" her. I told her that I do not know his religion, to me that does not matter, but if he is Muslim, then she is lucky because then at least he still believes in the same god that she does. She did not understand. She obviously does not understand the Muslim religion. I was enraged by the fact that people can be so ignorant. Just because someone may be Muslim, does not mean that they are al qaeda... That would be like some non-Christian thinking that the people of Westboro Baptist are what all Christians are like.

Help me understand why/how people are like this. Do they not understand how things work? Do they not care enough for themselves or those around them to educate themselves? Or are they just so ignorant that they do not see how very ignorant they are?

What are your views? Is it ok for them to make their uneducated votes count just because they have the right to?

note: I do not care who they are voting for, it is why they made that decision that bothers me, so please no dem v. rep in this thread...
If they had a valid reason (or even knew anything about the candidates other than the race/religion thing) I would not be so frustrated.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 08:26 PM
I think you are right, but I think it is deeper than that, even.

I have become totally convinced that the whole election is just a diversion, that the president doesn't really have the power we think he does, and it is just a popularity contest to make us feel empowered.

So -- stupid people are making stupid decisions on how to vote. Smart people are also making stupid decisions -- thinking that this vote really matters one way or another, and has any real consequence.

I am amazed at how many people don't know that the President can't pass legislation, raise or lower taxes, or really do anything that substantial. I started a thread here on that topic:

Flagged and starred. I think this is a great thread, but I wouldn't be too surprised if this was the the only response you got. People are too involved emotionally in this sporting event to think rationally.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 08:48 PM
I'm pretty dismayed about this election as well. Many folks I know in the U.S. seem to have formulated their opinions based somewhat on the "news" bites that manage to intrude into their TV-influenced world. I know that sounds harsh, and I sounds like I look down on my friends/family. I have asked people if they have been to the websites of each of the candidates. Very few have. The prevailing view that I'm hearing is "they're all full of crap, they both lie and have lied and will lie again, so might as well vote for the one I like." Of course, nobody said it in those words.

Another observation: Most of the folks I've talked about this seem to be voting against someone rather than for a candidate. "I can't stand X; I'd rather have anyone but him."

Are we allowing the entertaining refrains of Glenn Beck, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert to shape our views? Hey, I think we could do worse, but let's not confuse entertainment with NEWS. Of course, being a middle-aged phart, I think NEWS went by the wayside with Walter Cronkite.

My parents will only watch debates and speechs by the candidates. I'm proud of them both for many reasons, but in particular that they haven't made up their minds yet, in spite of their past voting record and the often errant perception that age = republican.

I think there is a somewhat natural tendancy to vote against the incumbant, or candidate that is perceived as being in alignment with the incumbant. It has seemed that way to me since I cast my first vote long ago, at least insofar as the Presidential election is concerned. We all want things to be better, more viable, more hopeful.

As the previous poster so eloquently noted, the President doesn't officially have the power that most of us think they have. So why do they all make promises that seems to indicate they WILL make things happen? It's marketing, and we are lead to believe that our interpretation of the "shiniest" candidate will make a difference.

There is SO much money involved. Money raised for campaigns forged in backroom meetings, with inferred promises and deals and perhaps doublecrosses.

I once voted for Ross Perot. Yes, he sounded wingnutty sometimes, but he was a businessperson, and knew how to run a business and I think that's the kind of mind we need now. Ron Paul kinda made me think of purple koolaide for some reason early on in his campaign, and while I don't agree with a lot of his format, I think he has the best handle on economics. Is he electable? I seriously doubt it.

It's a pivotal point, IMO, this U.S. election. I hope everyone does their own research, and finds their own way to the issues that are most important. PLEASE don't vote a party ticket. Choose the person, be informed, think, vote.

Thanks for this thread, and the space to rant

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by argentus
Another observation: Most of the folks I've talked about this seem to be voting against someone rather than for a candidate. "I can't stand X; I'd rather have anyone but him."

This reminds me of the town I live in - now scattered with political signs in front lawns. There is one sign that makes me laugh every time I see it "ANYONE BUT VIRG!" I want to go knock on their door and say "really? anyone? would you vote for me then?" HAHA! So dumb.
I am glad that there are people still deciding - and deciding by the debates instead of the commercials.
Buck Division brings up a good point also - I think Americans need a lesson in job descriptions...

and argentus - no problem! thanks for letting me rant as well

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:14 PM
What makes me really aggitated about the uneducated general public is that everyone fights about the president elects trying to win over votes from friends (no offence) when the 2000 election was total proof that an individuals vote doesnt matter (Kerry won popular vote but bush won the electoral college and ultimately the presidncy). We argue and fight about the candidates when we have no say so in who gets voted. American Government teaches that the electoral college (senate and house of represenatives) are what decide who gets to be president. Enacted to keep the larger states with the most population from ultimately deciding who is president, the electoral college gives every state a say who goes in. Most of the general public is not educated in this field and think that when they vote "it counts". if everyone knew who was in controll they would take more consideration in voting for there senators and representatives.
ASIDE FROM THAT: when it comes to race, i can see your point. racism is perpetuated through society and is used by the elite to keep us seperated and fighting over superiority based on how much melanin is produced by our body. If racism was abolished completely harmony wouldnt be far away.
this is another way (and the best way) to keep humans seperated and waring with each other. giving people the disolusion that killing for religion is "gods will" when it clearly states in EVERY religion that murder is wrong. This country was founded on the bases that freedom of religion is garanteed yet when the president elect claims a religion followed by the minority, he is not a worthy candidate. this is a joke and has no bering on politics. The uneducated majority should wake up and educate themselves before opening their mouth. in my oppinion none of this has any bearing on who is gona pull us out of the financial s***er that we are in which is more important than anything

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by justxxme

Who are you voting for and why?

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by DeadFlagBlues

sorry, but I am going to choose not to answer this at this time - since I have requested that this thread not be a debate about dems v. reps and all that. I feel that by voicing my own voting reasons that is what it will turn out to be. The point of my thread is the thoughts on completely uneducated voters (which I do not consider myself to be) and what opinions - other than mine - are out there.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:36 PM
Even educated people can be racist. But that's beside the point. The OP smacks of elite-ism. If you don't agree with someone's reasons for voting the way they do, they are un educated? Should people have to get your approval to vote? And then only vote the way you want them to? Perhaps more people should mind their own business.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Blueracer

I believe what she was trying say is that he does not care about anything past the dems race. You smack of trollism.

How can you argue that using race as a factor in your decision is okay.

I will be an elitist if that means i try my best to learn the most i can about the candidates and pick them by what policies will help me.

Some peoples ignorance will cloud their judgement. Not me... I try my best to deny ignorance.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:51 PM
I will argue that people have a right to vote however they want to vote. And for any reason. Bottom line is that it's none of your business why someone wants to vote, or not vote, for a candidate.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by justxxme

" We have been given the opportunity to choose who we want to "

Seems to me, that we get to choose between 2 stooges, who are puppets for the shadow gov't.

I'm under no delusions. Our opportunities got blocked during the primaries.

What got thru are two candidates that I have no interest in whatsoever.

So, the reality is, any choice you think you have, is just an illusion.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by toasted

what I was referring to by "handful" was the number of candidates before the dem/rep candidates were officially chosen. Now it may be down to two, but those two were (supposedly) chosen by votes.

reply to post by Blueracer

I understand that they have the right to do what they want with their vote, I just wanted other opinions on people that act this way with their vote. I don't want to debate whether or not it is my business, because a lot of threads on here could fall under that category. I simply wanted to discuss the issue with others that have educated - not emotional - opinions.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by HollowPointPeace
reply to post by Blueracer

I believe what she was trying say is that he does not care about anything past the dems race. You smack of trollism.

First, this thread has got a lot of good responses, quite gratifying. (I was thinking that most people are too into their own belief systems to even consider the OP's point -- I was wrong. Or maybe I was being "elitist")


Anyway, it really does boil down to elitism, of a sort.

JustX points out -- it often boils down to who has the most "Vote For Me" signs plastered all over the place, without much regard to anything else. If you want to call me elitist for pointing out this sheer idiocy, then that is what I am.

People are kind of dumb. (Present company is -- of course -- excluded. )

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by Blueracer

So, if somebody approaches me and says,"hey what do you think about the presidential race?" and i say well i like the democrat and the person responds, i am not voting for a black president". (at this point it became my business)

What this bigot shared with me is lack of concern for the outcome of this election. If i wanted to vote dem because i dont want a woman being the VP then that would show the complete lack of depth in my decision.

I take my rights very seriously and of course i will respect others rights but making a decision based on the most shallow of concerns is disgusting.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 10:34 PM
If people really made an educated decision at the polling place then neither Obama nor McCain would win. Not in my opinion anyway.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by justxxme
reply to post by toasted

what I was referring to by "handful" was the number of candidates before the dem/rep candidates were officially chosen. Now it may be down to two, but those two were (supposedly) chosen by votes. ""

Look, "We the people" depend on a "free press" for info on whom to vote for, since the press is controlled, they get to cull the herd by how and who they is JUST THAT EASY.

The best candidate [ ron paul ] never got the coverage he deserved, it was a hatchet job by omission. Not to mention all the untrue rumors of him dropping out, not to mention the rallies for him that were not covered by our so-called free press.

So the best candidate was easily removed from being a threat to those chosen by the bildergerger crowd.

We got screwed again, and most folks haven't got a clue.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 10:52 PM
I only wish the resistance had managed to create at least 2 new parties before the election that stood for proportional democracy, disclosure and educated everyone door to door if necessary about nwo, fema, the federal reserve. How many of us would volunteer to go door to door if such parties had emerged? Theres never time to do it just before an election. It has to be done midterm. This time, if martial law isn't called immediately and the election happens, its too long a wait with so much hanging in the air concerning human survival and freedoms. I feel really disheartened right now.

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 02:24 AM
Well, what are your personal reasons for voting who you're voting for. This is no debate here.

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 12:03 PM

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 01:10 PM
What else can be said but that natural selection is still in progress...

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