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Is choking really dangerous to your health?

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posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 12:02 AM
OK, so Ive been hearing alot about how choking can be really dangerous for you, but I don't buy it. I think it has to be some sort of mass conspiracy. Why else would somebody promote the idea "choking is dangerous"? It doesn't make sense, and I say we ATSers should get to the bottom of this, to find out whos behind it.

[edit on 20-9-2008 by grimreaper797]

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 12:06 AM
I agree. As Loyal ATS Members, we NEED to find out who is behind the mass disinformation involving the conspiracy of Choking.

Choking, I argue, could possibly be good for you.

- Carrot

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by CA_Orot

Thank you for some support in this theory.

You know what,to prove this, I promote that every bush supporter engage in this helpful activity as soon as possible.

I mean, there isn't anyone more objective and less bias than bush supporter to test this wonderful theory we have come up with.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 12:15 AM
Well seriously. If you look at the actual "Choking" it is in fact, actually a SYMPTOM of a much more serious problem... Choking itself, is not the problem... So what, is the actual CAUSE of choking?

What causes someone to Choke?

It is a conspiracy, and we should look more in depth into this as a Scientific Study.

- Carrot

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 12:17 AM
I agree, I choke almost twice a week on average and I am healthy as a horse. Just tonight I expectorated my Earl Grey accidentally and woo hoo do i feel great!

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 12:20 AM
I believe those terrible people at CERN are to blame for this choking conspiracy. I believe we should boycott all threads on the LHC to show our disdain for their supreme evilness. I do have evidence but I haven't had a chance to plant it yet.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 12:22 AM
Well in my expert opinion on a certain type of film industry. I have to say that choking is not hazardous to your health. I have watched countless videos where the actress was choking on "something" and afterward she was just fine.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 12:26 AM
Well seriously, how detrimental to your health CAN it actually be? This whole "Choking Conspiracy" has gone too long.

It is OUR JOB to uncover the truth. Before more people are brainwashed into thinking that choking is actually bad for you...

Darn Government I say!

- Carrot

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 12:48 AM
I think we all know that if choking was really a hazard to our health, everyone would have a label from the Surgeon General, saying that choking could be hazardous to your health. He's on top of stuff like that. I believe it's obviously a grand conspiracy started by the liberal media, and I think we should immediately send someone to the UN to present our case to the world.

I firmly believe that whoever has perpetrated this travesty of misinformation upon the American public must be brought to justice.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 01:50 AM
The disinformation specialists, on the topic of Choking, SHOULD BE STOPPED AT ONCE.

I agree - they need to be brought to Justice. WE DESERVE for them to be brought to justice.

Choking is a symtop of a greater problem - so what - is the ROOT Problem? And where do we start looking for it?

- Carrot

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 06:27 AM
*steps to the podium*

I don't know what the root of this problem is, but I sincerely believe that we need to attack the people who have begun this disinformation campaign about choking being so hazardous to your health. And as we all know, I of course mean that it's obvious that we can trace the disinformation and misinformation back to the painfully distressing source that everyone should know by now.

That source is of course, as I've been saying all along, none other than the Queen of England. It's a known fact that she wants us all to panic about choking and has gone to great lengths to use that Bond fellow to choke several people himself over the years, to make it look like choking is a bigger problem than it really is. That kind of misinformation and overactive creation of statistics and falsified evidence by her majesty's secret service's top fictional agent should show everyone just how far they're willing to go in their unholy crusade to make choking seem like a public health risk.

I hereby propose that we form a joint task force of a unified coalition of willing and able parties within the greater partnership of this great forum to begin to strike back in a great crusade against any and all who would go so far as to make fraudulent claims that nobody in their right mind can agree with about the hazards of something so innocent and healthy as choking.

As for the root of this problem, I believe we have some top-notch people that only we can take credit for putting into the field for such a monumental work as the bringing to justification of the criminally diverse and politically undermining network of agents that have led many of our fellow internet citizens to feel they need to choke so violently as to make others feel like they're witnessing an act that is so dangerous and deadly as the overly conservative media would want you all to believe instead of presenting the facts in a clear and forthright manner. So I'm going to ask you all right here and right now to go ahead and tell us that you're with us so we know we have your patriotic support in ways that we know we can rely on once we show just far we're.... I mean how far THEY'RE willing to go to make people choke in such a manner that defies all logical attempts at logically expressing and viewing the previously believed to be healthy act known as choking.

God bless you all who stand with us at the important juncture n the history of this great internet as we begin to let loose the dogs of war against any and all who would put us in more jeopardy, just as our irrational opponents would allow to have happen without so much as raising the finger they're sticking down your throats to make you gag and choke.

Thank you all for your time and attention as we approach this matter with the gravest of concerns and most serious of internet investigatory insistence at the insistence of our heads of internets and security.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 11:12 AM
I am going to have to disagree. I am in the processes of gaining evidence that would prove that the CIA has been assassinating certain character that are choking so that people may draw the flawed logical connection that choking leads to death. As many have stated, many people have choked with no damage to their health. This shows that choking does not correlate to some of the results that have been happening.

I feel the CIA would have you believe choking is bad for you because they want to spread fear.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by whatukno


I guess it would depend on what kinda choking it is!

I am still kinda lost as to what brought this conspiracy it an inside joke that maybe happened in chat?

I know it was'nt good for my son to choke on a jawbreaker...I had to pry his jaws open and put my fingers down his throat then scoop it out, since the heimlich maneuver did'nt work!

[edit on 9/20/2008 by Givenmay]

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Givenmay

Would the CIA want to hurt you or your family at all Given? Seems like you may know more than some high ups would be comfortable with. Are you too vocal about being against bush? Because we know all bush detractors are to be choked on sight, and there is always a big conspiracy out to get those antibushists.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 01:44 PM
I would go so far as to disagree with both of you at this point. I don't believe it is Queen Elizabeth - or the CIA.

The source of this disinformation campgain, is the same source who believes that women should be a size zero. That men should be macho. That children should be conditioned for their gender (Blue/Pink Blankets etc).

These people are responsible for the non-disclosure of what REALLY happened during the Roswell Crash of 1947. These people are behind everything. I'm in the process of researching more information so that I might actually back up my wacky claims... But. I have solid faith, that the source of this rumor is actually - The Fashion Industry. More importantly - Vogue Magazine.

- Carrot

[edit on 9/20/2008 by CA_Orot]

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by whatukno

Dude, is that where you learned that from? Let me tell you people, mister wuk here got it into his mind that certain people liked choking SO MUCH that he thought he would like it to! But as much as he tried to persuade me to engage in such a hazardous activity I refused! Certainly sometimes chocking may not be harmful to you..

But honestly doesn't it all depend on the size of what people choke on?

Well, to find out if this assertion is true or not, if size matters when choking on something, I invite Givenmay and Carrot to participate in a truly scientific experiment to get to the bottom once and for all! And no wuk, your NOT invited!

As to who tried to pass along the disinformation about choking being bad for your health, I would have to blame the Roman Catholic Church! Priest can easily tell you choking is bad, and your really being possessed by demons! This comes from the priesthoods habit of enthusiastically doing the heimlich to save childrens lives! They would be terribly upset if they couldn't be the hero anymore..

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 02:06 PM
Why should Givenmay and I be the lab-rats in such an experiement? Clearly Givenmay maintains the belief that choking is possibly bad for you. I believe that choking is NOT bad for you - and that it is a horrible claim made [by Vogue Magazine] to yet again CONTROL people.

I will not take part as a subject in the Scientific Experiements - I will however concede that an experiment should be conducted as to determine the ROOT cause of choking. A Psychological Factor perhaps? In light of this new possibility, I would like to conduct the Psych Evaluations for all participants in the Scientific Experiments, to determine if they have been conditioned to believe that Choking is in fact bad for you.

- Carrot

[edit on 9/20/2008 by CA_Orot]

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 02:16 PM
I've been a Paramedic for 15 years..and I am at great risk of loosing my job, my certification...maybe more by speaking out on this...

The Heimlich is just taught to the general public to make them feel good

Choking causes enlightenment and they don't want that, they want to keep control

Have you ever seen someone choking in the ER? But signs on how to do the Heimlich maneuver are in every public restaurant!! On the back of the signs are instructions to the NWO invading forces, such as what foods are good to eat, and how to up-link the satellite dish to their central computer (have you seen those popping up at all the convince stores and fast food places??).

See how deep this goes? Everyone is watching the Police, no one sees the ambulance parked in their neighborhoods...think about it ;-)

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 02:19 PM
...of all the things, I am choking right now and can barely breathe!

I will be back after I air out the house!

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by toepick

My god....the paramedics are part of the NWO. This, is beyond all else, a huge break in the theory. I appriciate your courage in stepping foward. We must further investigate EMT's part in the NWO's plot to take over our resturants!

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