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Flu shot advised for all children in PA

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posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 11:40 PM
I read this article yesterday and think that it is ridiculous that the State is trying to mandate all children up to age 18 to receive the flu vaccine. I for one will NOT be allowing my child to be injected (or nasal sprayed) for the flu. Link to article: Flu shots for children in PA

It also states that the inner-city schools have received grants to administer this crap into our childrens' systems.

I have not seen or read anything that is positive, and everyone that I know of that has received it in the past has become really sick from it. I had a discussion with my mother-in-law (she is Children & Youth/Child Services) and sticks by my choice to not vaccinate for the flu. It is my understanding that too many vaccinations only creates havoc with your own immune system and undermines our natural system of fighting off these diseases.

My son has had the required immunizations for attending school in our State, but this is getting carried away now.

I don't know how many other States/Countries are trying to institute this, but this has got to stop. They are just pumping too much of the "unknown" into these little bodies and it's quite scary. Last year I had to deal with the dentist prescribing my son flouride tablets due to us having well water vs. the fluoridated city water system. Needless to say, since we have been using the well water, and I haven't given him any fluoride pills, he hasn't had any cavities since.

Since when is it the government's decision what I allow my son to have put into his system? Anyone else having these concerns/issues arising in their communities?


posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by another_lurker
It is my understanding that too many vaccinations only creates havoc with your own immune system and undermines our natural system of fighting off these diseases.

My son has had the required immunizations for attending school in our State, but this is getting carried away now.

While I do agree with flu shots, I do not understand why they would recommend children to get them. Most kids are healthy enough to get over the flu quickly. The elderly are the ones who need it more as the flu may lead to more complicated problems such as pneaumonia

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

I would not get the flu shot myself, as I know that my immune system is working correctly, and do agree that the aged people would be more prone to serious complications.

Thank you for your response and your input. I am concerned with what they could be adding to these "flu shots" for the children. We have local pharm co's in the area that have been less than honest in what they put in those meds they tout as "in our best interest"


posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 11:49 PM
i keep hearing about vaccines being bad. but ive never seen any proof. what vaccines are "bad" and why?

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by darkmdbeener

I'm not an expert on vaccines, I have had my son immunized but I think that with there being so many variations of the "flu" that it's not worth the risks. I personally know of 5 people that were so sick they were bed ridden for a week after receiving the injection. That's enough to warrant me not to sign the consent form for my son to receive it. It also persuaded them to not get it again the next year.


I know this is an opinion on my part, but wanted to hear what positives have come from other people, vs any adverse effects from receiving it.

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by another_lurker

My grandfather was given the flu jab many times and he always complained that it made him ill. I used to get a lot of colds and I asked my doctor for it one year, she told me it was not worth it because the vaccine is based on the flu virus from the year before.

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 12:18 AM
so lurker are imunizations alright (i have been imunized im not worried about my self im more worried about down the road when i have kids) or is it just the flu vacination that worries most

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by darkmdbeener

I'm not concerned with the general vaccinations for the most part, but I feel that this flu vaccine is a bunch of hogwash, just like the cervical cancer vaccine which is still up in the air as to whether it is worth the risks or not.

I have read that there are so many variations of the flu, (which the vaccine only covers some) isn't worth the expense due to most medical coverages not covering it in the US. Our bodies need to have some abilities to fight these off ourselves before we are vaccinated against everything so our immune systems don't work at all, which will in effect depopulate the world in the long run.


posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 12:33 AM

Arnt vacinations supposed to help us build up antibodies to the certan virus. so why would this hinder our immune system.

From my undertand (from what i was told when getting imunized) that the vacination was mad up of dead or dormant cell of the virus (not sure which i think dead was the one) and thus they are week and can be defeated by our anti bodies as there are now. and after they defeated the cells they become "stronger" and able to defend us from said virus.

now this was told to be a while ago so my memory may not have served me correct.

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 12:44 AM
Flu shots are great and should be standard for absolutely everyone, perhaps excluding people with severe immune deficiencies.

I'm 27, I've had a flu shot every year since 4th grade, which is 10 years old isn't it? I've gotten the flu twice in my life time. My mom as well, never gets the flu and gets her shot. My Dad is one of those guys who doesn't see a doctor unless he's had a limb amputated in a chainsaw accident and thinks he can sleep off small pox. He never gets his and gets the flu religiously, nearly every season.

People that believe modern flu shots (not back in the day or experimental vaccines by people with AIDS like a lot of people like quote) cause more harm than good, have what I like to call "spooky street light syndrome".

Spooky street light syndrome is the perception that street lights turn off when you walk under them or drive by them, that somehow you caused them to turn off (see endless conspiracies to do with this on ATS).

What does this have to do with anything? Well next time you walk outside at night, or drive home, how many street lights do you pass under? A few 100 if you walk, a few 1000 if you drive. Do you remember exactly how many lights didn't turn off as you went? No you don't. But you do notice when a light does turns off.

Here's where I'm going with that; you get your shot, how many days weren't you ill? You could have been exposed to the flu virus 1000 times and not gotten sick.

Then a strain that isn't covered by your shot at all comes along and makes you sick or you get sick in some other way that you some how relate to the flu shot without any reason to do so. Bad luck, but if you didn't get the shot, you might have gotten the flu long ago, multiple times over.

Why should be required? You can spread it to others that don't happened to be as lucky as you. Your child could in fact lead to the inadvertent death of my grandfather or sick relative. I don't think you should have the right to risk the life of my family or anyone else. If you really feel so strongly, keep your kid at home in home schooling, don't put others in danger.

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 12:44 AM
I've never had a flu shot in my life, and I've had the flu once in my 40+ years. I've never vaccinated my kids who are 15 and 19. Neither of them has ever had the flu. I'd say our chances are pretty good at not getting the flu, so no way are we ever taking a flu shot.

In fact, it's been years since I've even had a cold. I'm happy to be as healthy as I am.

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 03:54 PM
I've just noticed in the past week that the hospital I work at sent every employee a 6 page packet about a flu pandemic and all the new procedures we are to follow in case of a "code yellow". Its basically a lockdown of the facility. Masks, separate wings for those infected and only one way in and out of the hospital that would be monitored by our police.

Then two days later my daycare sends home a pamphlet on flu, the flu vaccine and a flu pandemic.

I don't like to be suspicious and I know people get sick around colder months but at my most cynical I feel like they've put the warning out. "No complaining people we let you know something was happening!"

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by ANoNyMiKE

Completely agree with you, people seem to think that they get ill from flu shot when as it is a dead vaccine it cannot cause the flu but immunises you against the strains they expect to be most virulent this winter. It only works one season as the virus will have mutated by the next year but I have heard of some work going on for a flu vaccine that will work for all strains and for up to 5 years before a booster is needed.

For myself it is essential that i get the flu shot as a kidney transplant patient it could kill me and in fact my partner who is a heart/lung and kidney transplant patient nearly died from the flu nearly 2 years ago!! she is also waiting for a second lung transplant so is that much more at risk due to only having 20% lung function.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by ANoNyMiKE

You are insane.

That is to say, the comments you have made sound more like those a sociopath would make than would a compassionate human being.

Vaccinations by Force? The pharmaceutical industry would love it.

Please stop trolling. And please do not harass me.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 01:02 AM
Functioning immune system or not you can die from the flu be it H5N1 or one of its less known cousins.

Trust me the pharma companies would make alot more money off of people too stupid or ignorant to immunize than they make off of immunizations.

I don't want to get int he way of mass hysteria and far be it from me to cloud the anti-vaccine crowd with facts but while the data is a bit dated, the differnetial between then and today would make it even more cost effective.

Trust me iif it were a huge conspiracy, the pharma companies would NOT make vaccines. Its far more lucrtive :shk:

[edit on 9/14/08 by FredT]

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by FredT

Please explain how a Law forcing a Country to purchase mass quantities of vaccines - be they used or not - would not be a source of vast profits for a pharmaceutical corporation.

All companies have an obligation to their shareholders to make the most profits they can and refusing to lobby for such a law would put them at legal risk for not fulfilling these obligations.

The latest 'flu shots' have not even been matched correctly to the predominant strains prevalent in the time periods and areas to which they were administered - so you cannot make the argument that this was in some way reducing profits. In fact, it was the opposite.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 09:12 PM
i dont think the issue here is the flu vaccine the issue is the government can forcefully put something in your body thats crazy and kinda scary

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 11:16 PM
I wonder how many of you know what the flu actually is? It is short for influenza. It is a RESPIRATORY DISEASE. Similar in effects to pneumonia (except the flu is caused by a virus, and pneumonia by a bacteria).

It has been my experience that when people say they have had the "flu" they mean some kind of gastrointestinal disorder, which is NOT the flu. I have never had the flu, and will NOT be getting any "immunizations" for it.

Barring the emergence of some particularly virulent strain, normal, healthy adults do not succumb to the flu.

And while we are on the subject... isn't it PARTICULARLY INTERESTING that SARS and the "Avian Bird Flu" seem to affect asian people a disproportionate amount, EVEN IN WESTERN COUNTRIES? It's kind of similar to how aids mostly affects homosexuals in western countries, yet runs rampant in heterosexual populations in african countries.

Double bonus coincidence points for the AIDS epidemic starting a short while after the World Health Organization began their Polio vaccinations in Africa. Triple bonus coincidence points for those that realize the AIDS "epidemic" in america started in the same city that had "experimental" hepatitis B vaccinations in homosexual populations.

But you keep believing that vaccines are "safe" and "helpful".

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by another_lurker
I personally know of 5 people that were so sick they were bed ridden for a week after receiving the injection.

Over on the Rapture Ready board 2 years ago was a post from a mother who did not allow her children to be vaccinated against flu, and who proudly championed the "no vaccinations" cause. In January, her son died of the flu. He was 18 or 19.

I love my kids and my grandkid -- but I still recommend (and pay for) vaccinations for them since mortality rate in the unvaccinated is much higher than the vaccinated.

My husband has heart problems and health problems and I make sure we both get flu shots.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 08:42 AM
G'morning! I just had to respond to a few of your comments.

Originally posted by sir_chancealot
I wonder how many of you know what the flu actually is? It is short for influenza. It is a RESPIRATORY DISEASE. Similar in effects to pneumonia (except the flu is caused by a virus, and pneumonia by a bacteria).

It has been my experience that when people say they have had the "flu" they mean some kind of gastrointestinal disorder, which is NOT the flu.


Barring the emergence of some particularly virulent strain, normal, healthy adults do not succumb to the flu.

Not true, actually. See the info about the flu epidemics in the early 1900's.

And while we are on the subject... isn't it PARTICULARLY INTERESTING that SARS and the "Avian Bird Flu" seem to affect asian people a disproportionate amount, EVEN IN WESTERN COUNTRIES?

It is, and it says a lot about the very bad health care they get there and the fact that most are so poor they use "folk medicine" (herbs). You would be horrified at the conditions some of the dead live in and the medical care they get. (I am a microloan lender through, and if you read the stories and look at the places these people live and work you get the sense that there's not a lot of anything but dirt and mud and bad sanitation where they live.)

It's kind of similar to how aids mostly affects homosexuals in western countries, yet runs rampant in heterosexual populations in african countries.

That's due to the high rate of rapes of women, the cultural belief that raping a virgin will cure your AIDS (not kidding, there), the belief that "real men don't use condoms", the number of wars and displaced people (which again puts women at risk of rape), starving mothers who turn prostitue to feed their families... etc. Read up on it sometime -- it's pretty awful.

Double bonus coincidence points for the AIDS epidemic starting a short while after the World Health Organization began their Polio vaccinations in Africa. Triple bonus coincidence points for those that realize the AIDS "epidemic" in america started in the same city that had "experimental" hepatitis B vaccinations in homosexual populations.

You may have gotten that info from a site that didn't do any fact checking. WHO began polio vaccinations widescale in 2005. The AIDS epidemic was identified in 1982 but began before that. Nor were there any "hep B" vaccines going in America at the time the epidemic began... it started in New York and in California -- I happened to be reading JAMA (the Journal of the American Medical Association) the year that it was discovered.

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