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posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 07:49 PM
SkepticOverlord the quality is fantastic, any chance of a u2u telling me compression rates and codecs used. Pleeeeeaaaaaassssseeeee

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by chrisonabike

reply to post by chrisonabike

Hello Robbie!! It's so GREAT to e-converse with you right now!!! You're going to force this board to purchase more e-space, everyone's going to register just to talk with you, read all your posts, mail you, make it explode!

WELL DONE for referring ATS to The Guardian UK newspaper.

It's fantastic knowing that you are interested in Space too and coming in person to this forum! Glad you enjoyed ATS-Sky-Watch & excursion, the tree part of your post is hilarious,

My little girl knows you via your "Millennium" song as she was a millennium baby so now your song is her great personal reference she's very proud of. My other kids & I used to love watching you on TV. You're one of the family, lol!

You're a great Artist , very present on stage, you give, very vibrant, brave as well, original, yet so modest off-stage it's unbelievable and you get even more respect for this from me now.

So you live in LA now, you've deserted us and that stupid weather, I don't blame you ah ah! You're writing now, "a bit" so I take it it's a book, will be very interesting as you're a great mind. Do you know this book, "Normal People Frighten Me" by Stephen HAMILTON NICOL? I recommend it to you, VolumeII is out now, seen how you describe LA, you should like it.

Here's my vid for you:

Hope to see you there too,
Hope you watch all these bril vids about Space on You Tube, (you can check my play-list, and my faves, welcome)
It was SO NICE hearing your voice and listening to you on the ATS interview, hope to read your posts often here, my Girls will be thrilled tomorrow and will read your posts + want to listen to you too,

All the BEST Guy, ********You ROCK !!!*******

Take Great Care , Good Luck, trust us here now for more publicity, you're a Bright Star as shiny as the stars in the sky and you now show even more that you are SO COOL, BIG SMILE-smiley for you Robbie!

Magali & Kids

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:04 PM
Very funny and interesting interview/videos
! Interesting how even with proffessional video recording equipment we dont really see much more than what we do with cellphone recordings

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:19 PM
i hate you guys for having all the good time/fun upthere

when i come here tonight i saw the video/audio and ....yay..

grab a beer and enjoy

nice sightings ! and thx for sharing it with us.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:20 PM
You can't really tell anything from all this. That's why J.Allen Hynek looked for and found enough physical evidence to stop being a skeptic and didn't rely on witnesses, photos, etc.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:20 PM
I think the object at :30secs on the mountain lights video is simply a bug. It probably flies right in front of the camera and is so tiny/faint that it appears to travel behind the mountain.

The proximity of the object to the camera if it is a bug would also explain why it seems to be travelling so damn fast.

Just my opinion.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by GSBlayney
I think the object at :30secs on the mountain lights video is simply a bug. It probably flies right in front of the camera and is so tiny/faint that it appears to travel behind the mountain.

The proximity of the object to the camera if it is a bug would also explain why it seems to be travelling so damn fast.

Just my opinion.

I guess the only way to put the bug vs unknown flying object to rest would be to again set up the same camera around a bunch of flying bugs like an outddor light and then turn off the light and film. See if they too would show up. Elementary really.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:26 PM
The nights in the sky video was the most interesting, I see similar phenomenon over my house ocasionally. The whole stopping satellite thing. Nothing conclusive but certainly unsettling. 90% of the time it's normal satellites, visable for a short period of time after sunset untill we are too far into the earths night to see the sun reflect on them. And the other 10% is wierd stuff, fastwalker type stopping in the sky stuff. Wobbly trajectory stuff. Aliens? Secret space navy? Orbs? Space shuttle poo in reentry burn? I do not know, but I lean slightly towards the spiritual alien side of things, but I would only believe that with direct contact, as it's also a group mind meme, and as such vulnerable to memetic manipulation. Pesky elites, always wanting to use what we believe against us... Yeah, I buy the NWO stuff.

The rest of the footage, well, not so much. Daytime through IR filter? Ok... Hope you have more videos to share later.

Robbie Williams interview was fun, he seems like a nice person. Hey, I guess ATS can have it's E! moments. What's refreshing about him is he shys away from idolatration, and that is a sign of good mental health in my book.

Overall I like what you guys did there.

My personal opinion on Gililand: he says all the right things to position himself in the new age contact and spirituality sphere. And that's my problem with it, at least as someone observing from a far. It's all too formulaic. There's something about the Gililand Ranch story that dosen't sit right with me. And hey, I can even express it with words: Between the lofty claims, spiritual aliens, and the reality presented to the world, lights in the sky, there is a huge qualitative discrepency in what's presented. I can believe the lights in the sky, I have seen those, but Gililand talks about more than that, to the world, and dosen't deliver.
That and some of the people he's been linked to, like Greer, Catholic Priests, Defense contractor engineers, to me make me think more of NWO and memetic manipulation than genuine aliens (Greer because of links to the Rockefeller initiative, the other two are self explanatory to anyone up to speed with NWO theories). Occams razor I guess, it works, sometimes. Greer has a very similar metaphysical alien storyline.

I hope this hypothesis, somewhere along the line, will be proved wrong, ie, by the actual materialization of Gililands lofty claims. Lord knows we could use a loving higher civilization contacting us right about now... I reserve the right to change my mind on this, but as for now I stay pretty skeptical, lights in the sky not withstanding.

Good job though, ATS. Hope there's more.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Worked very well for me, I played in full screen, it loaded quick, no slowdowns or anything, it was great!

Good work guys.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:36 PM
IF this preliminary investigation gets the well deserved attention worldwide that is should and gets the proper sponsor funding that an ATS Investigation needs to "Deny Ignorance"..... on the next trip back I want to be involved with a Mount Adams investigation. As Mount Adams seems to be the central focal point of everything that is experienced and seen, it is logical to me that this is where we need to go.

IF you listened to the Robbie Williams Interview, you know that Robbie and Crew did, in fact, go up to the tree line of Mount Adams. I am talking about a 48 hour (unannounced) observation with equipment, ATS Investigators and others who want to be part of this journey of knowledge. I have believed in UFO's since my family and our neighbor's personal experience and sighting in Dallas in the early to mid 1950's. Although egotistical as I am, I have never been so much so that I have ever believed with all the billions of stars, planets and galaxies that we are the only ones.

My partner Johnny and I have had numerous personal conversations since his return and those shall remain private between he and I. This much I will say.... I have known Johnny for over a year..... we have talked of our passions of life and what our Holy Grail's are to each of us. We know each others likes and dislikes too. I can say this without hesitation..... I believe that Johnny experienced something amazing and magical while on this trip. Video 4, as I have said previously, sent chills down my spine when I saw it. It reminds me of 2001 A Space Odyssey..... and the quote that "Dave" makes at the end of the movie..... "It's Full Of Stars".

I believe that when the 120 hours of video is gone through and all the Pros have separated the answerable from the unknown, that there will be something that peaks all of those that "Want To Believe" to a more intense and thorough continuing investigation of the Mount Adams mysteries.


[edit on 9/8/2008 by Dave Rabbit]

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Zepherian
The nights in the sky video was the most interesting, I see similar phenomenon over my house ocasionally. The whole stopping satellite thing. Nothing conclusive but certainly unsettling. 90% of the time it's normal satellites, visable for a short period of time after sunset untill we are too far into the earths night to see the sun reflect on them. And the other 10% is wierd stuff, fastwalker type stopping in the sky stuff. Wobbly trajectory stuff. Aliens? Secret space navy? Orbs? Space shuttle poo in reentry burn? I do not know,

Hello Zepherian, when you say wobbly, do you mean when it moves it appears to wobble, it moves very odd not quite in a straight line because it seems to wobble side to side.

This is what I see sometimes at night. They are there every night just gotta look up and wait.Satellites? maybe some, do satellites wobble? I don't think so, so I find this odd. Could it be an optical illusion, or are they real UFO's. Could they even be living organisms, what's to say that nothing can live up there.

So is this what you saw it do? What do ya think?

[edit on 8-9-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by antar
Hi team, in the second video I believe it was, the daytime objects appear to be coming from behind the mountain at a low altitude, if this is the case is it possible to get a second camera crew over to the other side next time for reference? If the objects are using the mountain as a base then it could possibly help lock that in.

It looks like it is a spinning triangular shape off to the left side of the screen, can you slow that down and stop it to verify?

I decided to read the entire thread just to see if anyone would comment on the shape of the flying objects in video two. i spent time and time again watching them at first it looked like a fuzzy object but after a few more times, i began to see it actually turn or shift weight before a turn and it does look to be like pyramid shape3-d) not so much triangular (2-d)

the film at 30 seconds looks interesting for sure to straight to be a bug. and if it was that close to the camera as some say,i feel it would have wizzed by just a tad bit faster.

i commend the team for making the trip and i feel that the video quality is good enough for an amazing discussion.

it would be nice have a telescope handy as well so you can get right up on the tree line near the base of the mountain, and or the tip of the mountain.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:53 PM
Ok call me names but... please tell me who all the beautiful people are in the ATS Investigative team picture? I know Springer and Crakeur, who is everyone else and what do they do?

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

Once, a few years back, when I was trying a ET telepathic contact protocol late at night, this beautifull blue light flew right over me, I was laying down face up to the sky. It was doing a sort of zig zag motion, and moving fast, it crossed most of the sky in a few seconds. Have no idea what height, no point of reference. That night I saw a second one, smaller, flying straight. And that was it.

My guess is there is something to telepathic ET contact protocols, but it really does freak one out, the possibility that you can actually initiate contact events. The good news is fear seems to be a cut off, and phenomena don't happen if you're scared. At least that is my experience with these wierd limit of normality events, and I've had a couple in my mid length lifetime.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by antar

robbie's crew

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by chrisonabike

OMG!! This is a kind of miracle ....
The place is something out of this Earth,the sounds, the landscape.... I could smell the grass Thats amazing !you are a great team
And ROB:
I cant explian you my feelings now...I am so so happy now
I was sure that you are the best singer ,songwriter,and showman in the world......but now I think that you are so brillant in everything you do.
I can feel the energy of this place cos your description of G.R is amazing...Thanks in advanced

...oh In Buenos Aires nobody is normal so Ill be waiting here for you...
I was joking...
( or not?)

Great job ATS.....I have to go to see the video again.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by Zepherian

Thanks for the reply.

You might be interested in the starlike objects thread if you haven't seen it yet.

Still a mystery, while a lot of these can be explained as satellites, many of the experiences told cannot possibly be one.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 10:11 PM
I too think the night light vid. is very exciting. I have seen these types of star movements in the sky in far north Minnesota that I can't explain (and have posted them in the starlike flashes thread).

There is so much going on in the vid. that Johnny doesn't comment on...(I actually purposefully watched them with the sound off first so as not to get any outside input -which is funny because later I listened to the podcast that talked about that
) one interesting "light" in right at the place in the vid. where Johnny talks about the plane with the "light" following behind. Well right near the end of that short clip you see a light move off and to the left of the "light" following the jet. Did any one else see that?

Also there are many "stars" that look as if they are pulsating. Very cool stuff. They are very reminiscent of the objects seen next to the tether in a NASA vid. I know even UFO Hunters "debunked" those because of possible refractions of light on dust trapped in-between the vacuum sealed multi-planes of glass -but I am not convinced. Dust doesn't pulsate iridescent.

Anyway... awesome investigation and can't wait to see more.


edited to add maybe Zepharian is right about calling for contact... and Johnny I have a theory that many share that UFO's and the paranormal are either connected or one and the same.??

[edit on 8-9-2008 by anyone]

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Dave Rabbit

Johnny shared something with my family and I while we were there about something he experienced (out of respect for Johnny's privacy I will not state what), and my girlfriend and I have had many conversations about it since. I do believe JA when he says that a LOT more than the objects in the sky is afoot there.

If I may, I'd like to share a little extra something that I noticed while there-a subjective observation if you will. In terms of the energy that is frequently brought up around the location...I did not initially feel it when I first arrived there and walked about.

However, when I went out in the field and meditated, that was a different story. Almost within the first two minutes of controlling my breath and relaxing-I started to get bright flashes going off behind my closed eyelids, like a mini-fireworks show.

Now normally, I can achieve this type of CEV (closed eye visuals), but it takes a minimum of 20 + minutes of meditative breathwork and deep relaxation.

I noticed it almost instantaniously while on site there.

Perhaps this place is an energetic vortex of sorts, perhaps intersecting ley-lines in the region create some sort of enhanced sensory capability? Perhaps there is some sort of magnetic anomoly that stimulates senses? A "thinning of the veil" if you will?

Not sure, all I know is that I definitly felt and experienced something.

I would like to go back for a longer stretch next time and fully explore this facet on top of the aerial phenomenon.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I think James mentioned a vortex in one of the interviews. Isn't it true that compasses are effected by vortexes? If they go again maybe they should hike around with a compass and check it out.??

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