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Sarah Palin announces daughter is pregnant

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posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by whaaa

one of the problems some people don't seem to understand about
things like "no sex before marriage" issues is that people who begin to believe this is a good idea, don't start out that way. they start out as babies, kids and teenagers, who may or may not listen to mom and dad on an issue till they've worked it out for themselves. some kids are pretty good at towing the line, some are more ...shall we say, curious? i have kids of both varieties. some are more willing to listen to reason, others want to do things their way first. it's how they learn, by experience.

anyway, we don't start out as "Goody two shoes" or even stay "Goody two shoes", we just embrace the principles of abstainance and so on because the alternative sucks raw tomatoes.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 12:51 AM
I find this story fascinating. It's either a horrible example of vetting, or Machiavellian (or is Rovian more appropriate) politcs of the highest order.

Anyone who thinks that this will hurt McCain amongst evangelicals has never sat in an evangelical church. I've sat in a few throughout my life and can't remember a single one where either a deacon, elder, or even preacher's daughter/son didn't have a similar situation. I even went to a Christian school for a while where the grandaughter of the sponsoring chruches preacher was expelled for pregnancy.(As an aside, the two worst freinds for a teenager to have are a cop's son or a preacher's daughter. The cops son will get you locked up for something he did while his daddy comes and gets him out and the preachers daughter will have you at the doctor with your penis on the table awaiting the mallet swing.) Though I have serious concerns about Palin's experience, of the four people on the two tickets, she is the one I can most relate to.

I think that the reason the hard left hates this so much, is that you have a pro-life candidate who has raised her daughter to respect life more than self. They think that just because there is a very hard line against pre-marital sex, that Evangelicals are incapable of dealing with the results of such actions when they occur. Whoever said that the hard-left and hard-right like to view the other as thier favorite charicature is IMHO right.

Democrats, exploit this situation at your peril.

Obama's statement today was one of the classiest statements I've seen of a politician I must say. The only thing close to the class that statement showed, was the McCain add on Thursday night.

(Tinfoil Hat on)
I'm begining to wonder if I may have underestimated the level of guile McCain is capable of. Not only did his pick steal a little thunder from Obama's speach Thursday night, she, and the attendant issues around her, have taken up the non-gustav news cycle over the weekend.
(tinfoil hat off)
I'm not sure how I feel about that.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by jefwane]
Edit to add----Inebriated Post

[edit on 2-9-2008 by jefwane]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 01:10 AM
The Obamaphiles have gone after Palin hard and heavy, and it is well noted. Obama's statement today is too little too late. When you start attacking your political opponents children, you have crossed the line, and most Americans are going to be sympathetic with the parents and the kids, and PO'd at the people making the attacks. This is dirty politics at the very lowest.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by jefwane
I find this story fascinating. It's either a horrible example of vetting, or Machiavellian (or is Rovian more appropriate) politcs of the highest order.


It is fascinating. And I'm betting bad vetting. Heads are rolling, blood and carnage in the McCain camp tonite. It's to goofy and trailer trash for McCains breeding and background to be scripted, planned and executed. Or perhaps John really is senile and demented and is completely unaware of what is going on. I doubt that though. It almost
is bordering on a soap opera parody. Jerry Springer will be Sec. of State.
and Giraldo will be press Sec.

It can't get to weired for me.....Rise up Hunter S. you're missing the show.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by whaaa]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 01:29 AM

Im glad to hear they like to have sex frankly I think Id bang Palin BUT the hypocrisy of the party is disgusting. They need to just kick the whole moral high ground agenda. It wont happen because they want that evangelical vote.

this works in thier favor to pull otherwise dem votes. they want the duo to have something to appeal to everyone, which they are gaining. the media is going nuts with the story and creating a fuss to dramatize an otherwise usual event. Another 17yr old got pregnant out of wedlock, woopdeedo. comeon peeps

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by whaaa

one of the problems some people don't seem to understand about
things like "no sex before marriage" issues is that people who begin to believe this is a good idea, don't start out that way. they start out as babies, kids and teenagers, who may or may not listen to mom and dad on an issue till they've worked it out for themselves. some kids are pretty good at towing the line, some are more ...shall we say, curious? i have kids of both varieties. some are more willing to listen to reason, others want to do things their way first. it's how they learn, by experience.

anyway, we don't start out as "Goody two shoes" or even stay "Goody two shoes", we just embrace the principles of abstainance and so on because the alternative sucks raw tomatoes.

So what's the big deal? OK, Palin's daughter did have a roll in the hay. So bloody what? Kids are kids and out for some fun. The only gripe is why the devil didn't she use the pill? That's the million dollar question!

Palin's taken part in beauty pageants etc, right? And you know what those are all about! So what signal does this send to her kids? As I said, she should have been more careful before having a roll in the hay!!

But heck! This episode is sure to tarnish Palin's image. Though she's got little or nothing to do with it!

I dunno if you guys like to have a vice President with a misguided juvenile, because some would say it reflects on family ties, values and upbringing per se. The bottom line would probably be, if she can't handle her own family how is she going to handle the most powerful country in the world?


posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

sigh, yeah, us moms we just can't do anything right.
i give up. enjoy your anti-woman fest.

and don't tell me that isn't what this is, because it bloody well
is. any woman in a political position to attain leadership of the
USA is a very weak link in the chain because both parties know
they can remove her chances with extreme prejudice and they do,
every time. that's why
women will be leaders in places like iraq, way before they are ever
leaders here.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

It's a fact of politics.

What will be interesting is how the Democrats deal with this issue.

Obama is wise for wanting to leave this alone. Attacking the character of Palin and her daughter of this issue is similar to attacking Obama's mother and grandmother, since Obama was also born to a teenage mother. Although I believe Obama's intentions are political on this subject, it is not inconceivable that he has strong feelings about this issue.

Additionally, most American families are imperfect. Accusing Palin and her family of being imperfect and therefore unable to run for government can be seen as an insult to the common American, especially the armchair politicians that are common among American independents.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by undo
sigh, yeah, us moms we just can't do anything right.
i give up. enjoy your anti-woman fest.

and don't tell me that isn't what this is, because it bloody well
is. any woman in a political position to attain leadership of the
USA is a very weak link in the chain because both parties know
they can remove her chances with extreme prejudice and they do,
every time. that's why
women will be leaders in places like iraq, way before they are ever
leaders here.

Although I never had any intent to vote for O(bs)ama and no intent to vote for McCain, McCains choice of Palin for VP has secured my vote for him. Sara Palin really is the breath of fresh air that I have been waiting for in American politics. She inspires me and gives me hope for our country...the kind of hope O(bs)ama could never give. In fact, I would much rather have her as President and McCain as VP. I think when she is VP she will be great. Now this is my honest opinion and I am just a 32 year old white boy. Have faith in her, she will go far despite the lefts desire to destroy her.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by wutone

shhh, the politicians will figure out where they're going wrong in their campaigns.

they wonder...why don't more americans vote?!!

oh, it might have something to do with the fact you just called their
neighbor a communist, or their children sluts or their moms idiots, etc.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by undo]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by LiquidMirage

you have more faith on this than i do.
the whole thing just makes me very nervous.
i'm nervous for her. nervous for her daughter.
nervous for women in general. nervous for our country.
i think i need to quit worrying
but it's hard.
i'm compelled to read these threads and then
feel all gunky afterwards. i think i need some
positive. it's gets gucky being around so much
unhappiness. life is rough enough as it is.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by undo

There is nothing to be nervous about. McCain just won the election, Obama knows it and called for sanity... but his legions wont let it be. Ats is like a freak show of Antipalin today by itself

and realize, ats is filled with 75% males between 13-40 yrs of age I would offer as a guess...

But the Female vote in that backlash is going to go straight to Plain depsite McCain being there.

It's high time this ended, even in the US women, real women who aren't masculanized freaks are just unrepresented people say she has no experience, yeah at things men consider worthwhile...and for them she likes guns and etc...

This woman who has...everywomans every day issues will benefit dramatically this ticket by the sorts of things being said.

America does need change it does need a different direction it does need something to offer this countries true victims...women, moms and wives and Women that want to be women

and it all spells out here, the truth of it all

A mother is a sworthless in our society as she is in Islam, she knows nothing, she can't do anything she has no valid opinions because she hasn't shared drinks in NYC with visiting abasadors...

The whole of the woman vote has been handed over, even if women don't know it yet...

because this Lady is being and will for months be treated just like every woman who sacrifices to have children is treated... like a piece of $h17

and every woman out there even the obamatons will relaize which minority need the one up, who is still actual a second class citizen in America and the sympathy for her will be enormous.

It's high time feminism came full circle from the 60's and got away from male sexual fantasies and Lesbian agendas and address the majority fo real woman and their real world issues...

a major statement will be forced upon us all by this lady

and thank g-d the first female vp won't be one of these men with a Vagina we see in politics... the only kind of women who can be taken seriously in a mans world

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:56 AM
although i agree with you on the subject of women in general needing a voice, i don't particularly care for the way you refer to masculinized women. i'm menopausal. i have stubble on my chin every morning, and i'm grumpy and alot more aggressive than i ever was before!
okay, well maybe that's a woman in general problem too, as we all end up with ye olde menopause.
anyway, marginalizing lesbians and masculinized women is not a good thing either. i think we need to stop chopping at each other in such a negative fashion and just look at the issues that threaten everyone. there's a happy middle ground here, i swear there is. it's just been markedly divided over the last 30 years or so. and the media has been fueling that, which worries me too. something very sinister is afoot in american politics. haven't you noticed it? i'm almost positive we use to be alot more ....kind to each other.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:24 AM
you reminded me of something else too.
i was sitting around one day wondering why there weren't more role models in the "every day woman' category in movies and books. i felt very certain my mom was a huge hero. but the movies didn't seem to think so. that bothered me.

instead, female heroes were women decked out in practically nothing, doing their very best to look like sexy bombshells (do you think the people who watched those actually remember anything these female heroes said?
). that wasn't mom. she wasn't a sexy bombshell. well, i'm sure dad thought so but generally speaking, she was just mom. mom wore just average clothes. when she talked, people listened to what she had to say, not because she was a rocket scientist but she did have alot of common sense.

or they were heroes of very limited fashion, that had to share the limelight with the truly heroic men. like alia in dune, who starts out a hero as a child and ends up as an adult as this monstrous leader, who's own mother condones her suicide.

or leia in star wars, who is the only heroine in the story because there aren't any other women in the star wars universe lol vader and palpatine have killed them all. and leia, she can't do anything for herself other than shoot a laser pistol and gripe.

my mom could tear down walls, stand up on a picket line in front of an approaching truck threatening to run her over, bring an union into a factory where the women were being repeatedly man handled by the supervisors and so on. if you gave her the tools to rebuild something, she'd get it done. she was only 4'11" and not even remotely masculinized but hey, she was determined, gutsy and lived through some of the roughest times in US history. but she's not a hero. nope. cause she wasn't a bombshell. do you think those movie bombshells are actually heroes? do the people watching them equate them with outstanding feats or outstanding bossoms?

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by Roper
Palin did the correct thing by talking to the press and telling the truth. Now lets see what the socialist media does with this and all the political enemies of conservatism.


Socialist media? Why are you concerned with how the Cuban, Chinese, Latin American media view this?

The American media (which is right-wing and conservative) is of course glossing over this. An anti-birth control, anti-abortion/choice, anti-sex education candidate has a pregnant, unwed, teenage daughter. Oh my.

P.S. She only "did the correct thing" and "told the truth" after being criticized for her many lies; not only about the baby/pregnancy, but about Troopergate and other scandals about her governorship. How heroic

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Choppy]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:46 AM
I find that the majority of the time the girls from conservative christian abstinence preaching families are usually the ones who find themselves pregnant at a young age. Their parents believe that arming them with any knowledge to prevent pregnancy is basically promoting their having sex at a young age, so the girls don't get the information they need and so it is not surprising that this happens under those circumstances.

What is surprising is that the stupid idea of preaching only abstinence continues. I personally told my children the abstinence was important and all the reasons it was for the best and that I would prefer they wait, but I also knew that most kids do not wait and so I also armed them with the knowledge they needed and told them if they need my permission for birth control pills or a ride to the drs. office I would make sure they got there. I also talked to my son aobut condoms and making sure the girl was on the pill so he did not end up being a father at a young age.

So with this governor's views on this subject probably the same as most conservatives, I am not surprised that this happened, I am surprised that McCain chose her after knowing this, but my main concern over him choosing her, is her total lack of experience, c'mon two years as governor and she is ready to possibly become President if McCain dies or can't fulfill his duties. She is just too new, too little experience.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:55 AM
Best of luck to Ms. Palin raising not only a special needs newborn but also her own grandchild in the White House.
(while juggling the Afghanistan War, the Iraq War, "Iran", our #e economy, gasoline prices, housing market, unemployment, crap health care system, subpar education system, etc etc etc)

If someone who was two-time mayor of a town of 5,000 people, then barely 2 years governing a state of 675,00, can't do it, no one can!!

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Choppy]

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Choppy]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:11 AM
This is a non-issue, and the obamaphiles are only going to make things worse for Obama by pushing personal attacks such as this. All you are doing with these types of attacks is increasing the women's vote in favor of McCain, so keep going at it boys.

Who knows what Palin taught her daughter about sex. Big deal, the girl got knocked up, happens all the time.

As far as the experience goes, Palin has two more years of executive leadership than Obama has, and she is only going to be the veep, Obama is expected to step in and run the show. By the end of the first term, Palin will have considerably more experience than Obama will have, should she have to take over.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by poet1b

"Executive leadership"? The population of the entire State of Alaska barely tops half a million people. Keep trying

She went to The University of Idaho and got a degree in journalism, yet entirely failed to ever write for her school's paper, nor the home town's paper. So driven!

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Choppy]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:24 AM
BabyDaddy Revealed...

"On his MySpace page, Johnston proudly declares: "I'm a f---in' redneck."

"I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing," he says on the site.

He also warns that if anyone messes with him, "I'll kick ass."

The Web site, before it was removed, appeared not to have been accessed for a year.

On it, he admits to having a girlfriend.

On the part where it asks about children, he wrote, "I don't want kids."

The above quote form the article on the baby's pop.

He probably was told, "you will marry her" or else!

his my space page was removed since all this came out.

link to source:

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