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Who created us " GOD" or " ALIENS " ?

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posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 04:33 AM
hey guys i don't wanna lie to your right now.... Am french sorry about that but my english sucks a bit but i still speak spanish , french , and arabic so please forgive me... I just took some drugs right now so am gonna open my heart for you and tell you what i think even if its not the truth its only what i think... Am studying on computer programmation and i started like 3 years ago and i watched a lot of video about top secret things , government footage and lies , UFOS , all the maya things about 2012 , and hacked some governments websites. And i think if you have an idea about something just focuse on it and search all the informations about it and then your gonna be able to have enough informations to have an opinion... Ok i was focused on aliens things and went on a lot of websites talking bout it and some governments private websites... And just on this website you have enough informations to have an opinion about UFOS just listen i don't told you to trust... First am gonna talk about religion , you all know that bible or coran is based in a " god " talks but how come in this book you can find some words saying " we will always trust and have faith in you " if its any god talking he would have said : " you will always trust and have faith in me " ok i don't say that means that religion is bull# i respect it but for me thats weird cuz there is a contradiction... Ok if u followed my thoughts i thought if i cant trust in religion then what can i trust in ?... Then you think what the most intelligent people in this world trust in (tesla , einstein ). Ok theres is nothing much about einstein but the tesla case is interesting... You can search about Tesla and you will find that he invented like more than 1000 inventions like radio and telephone and stuff ok but you maybe don't know about his most secret invention the "teslascope" he said that this thing could create so powerfull waves that anybody in the universe could hear and detect it so here is his citation : "[I have conceived] a means that will make it possible for man to transmit energy in large amounts, thousands of horsepower, from one planet to another, absolutely regardless of distance. I think that nothing can be more important than interplanetary communication. It will certainly come some day. and the certitude that there are other human beings in the universe, working, suffering, struggling, like ourselves, will produce a magic effect on mankind and will form the foundation of a universal brotherhood that will last as long as humanity itself." but he died before he could prove any extraterestrial life... Ok so you think its done but no !!! If you serach a bit more about tesla you will find that he had a successor called " Artur Matthews " heres is more informations about him : "[Arthur Matthews] came from England. Matthews' father was a laboratory assistant to the noted physicist Lord Kelvin back in the 1890s. Tesla came over to England to meet Kelvin to convince him that alternating current was more efficient than direct current. Kelvin at that time opposed the AC movement. In 1902, the Matthews family left England and immigrated to Canada. When Matthew's was 16 his father arranged for him to apprentice under Tesla. He eventually worked for him and continued this alliance until Tesla's death in 1943. It is not generally known, but Tesla actually had two huge magnifying transmitters built in Canada, and Matthews operated one of them. Most people know about the Colorado Springs transmitters and the unfinished one on Long Island. I saw the two Canadian transmitters. All the evidence is there. [The Teslascope is] the thing Tesla invented to communicate with beings on other planets. There's a diagram of the Teslascope in Matthew's book [The Wall of Light]. In principle, it takes in cosmic ray signals. Eventually the signals are stepped down to audio. Speak into one end, and the signal goes out the other end as a cosmic ray emitter."

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 04:34 AM
okay heres is the end... if you search more about the " Arthur Matthews " , the succesor of Tesla you will see that Matthews thought that Tesla was an ALIEN !! Yes i said ALIEN !! Just search bout it if you don't trust me... Well Matthews thought that Tesla was an Alien cause Tesla could't say how he create some inventions he just said that he just knew it will work... Thats weird yes but thats not the end... After some years Matthews created the "Teslascope " with the help of Tesla's search and notes about it.... And Matthew said that he created the teslacope and it worked , after some days an UFO landed near his house, here is the citation : "In 'The Wall of Light,' Matthews claims that Venusians landed on his property in Canada. They told him Tesla was one of them; from Venus. According to Matthews, Tesla was
born on a spaceship at midnight between July 9th and 10th of 1856. The
infant was entrusted to a good couple of Earth-parents who were not his
real parents. Nikola has been called the 'Superman of the Industrial
Age.' Tesla's life may have been the inspiration for the old Superman
story. He certainly reinforced the 'mad scientist' image early in the
20th Century." website : Heh if u still read my notes don't tell me that any professor or teacher talked about that.... Just search on internet you will see that am not telling bull#s so thats really weird hum . Thats why i believe in extraterrestrials lives ... And btw if you read the mayan calendar you will see that its said that extraterrsitrials beings created us... Weird again ... Maybe thats just coincidence , maybe thats all bull# , but for me thats the most credible theory i founded ... Am opened to any other theory that refutes mine or completes it ... So know you can understand my religion am deist i believe that there is something above us for sure but i don't believe in any " imposed " religions ... Peace and love for all and please help me in the search of the truth ...


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