posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 05:19 PM
I can't believe all the hype for such a crappy game. The game just STINKS of being a free mod, but nope $40.
This should have been a $15 addon.
Being a fan of bf1942 and especially desert combat, this game doesn't compare. It's not like there are major issues, it's just A LOT of
Helicopters too easy to fly they float for miles.
Maps not thought out as well for flow but there sure is alot of crud everywhere.
Explosions of rockets and anti tank are pretty lame.
The screaming alerts are much gayer and more frequent in single player.
You get like 6 alerts/commands in single? and dozen more in multi?
The weapons have beome more inaccurate than back in bf1942 which simulated ww2 lol
The 45 degree gun placement on the screen is lame.
No single player campaign.
Menus, information text placement, and life bars = lame. they had it right the first time!!
Running is more wobbly.
IF you side step left and right real fast there is a DELAY and it's made me nautious!!!
You can't run and zoom in with your weapon, which is ok for realism, but it's VERY annoying when you have gotten used to it.
Maps and objects are still jagged.
They rotated the mini map 45 degrees for some stupid reason.
You no longer can see local enemies on mini map.
Outposts switch in literally seconds depending on the settings which is lame becaue before you could be off to your second outpost before it goes
neutral, NOW you can't turn your back before it's enemy territory.
etc etc
This game doesn't compare to Desert Combat a mod you can get for FREE.
[Edited on 19-3-2004 by ANMAN]