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posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:25 AM
Ok, for anyone who dosent know who alex collier is, Hes a suposed contactee who has contact with a humanoid E.T race from The constalation Andromeda, He done an interview back in 93, its on youtube you can easily find it.
Well anyway hes back now in 2008 with his message, He kinda went missing for years, nobody really heard anything from him.

He has an amazing story to tell, Im normally a very sceptical person, but this guy seems very sincere, how amazing would this be if he was telling the truth.. Enjoy.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 10:46 PM
Wow trippy, I received a message through the corrupt Facebook on alex colliers 1994 interview. So Im watching it now and decided to look him up on google and found your post first and you posted it yesterday. So I thought I was trippy.

Anyways i'll watch this clips next and comment on the material.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 12:05 AM
Alex Collier? Isn't he the one who said New York City would be completely "gone" by the year 2000?

Another charlatan, I'm afraid...

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 12:08 AM
If you do not want to watch parts here is the full version:


posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by Diplomat
Alex Collier? Isn't he the one who said New York City would be completely "gone" by the year 2000?

Another charlatan, I'm afraid...

yeah and it came true..

he is the real deal.

also you can find the full video at google video

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Skipper1975
yeah and it came true..

he is the real deal.

also you can find the full video at google video

New York is completely gone???

Wow, I must have missed that with all this DNC b.s. going on...

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by Diplomat


he said that the powers that were would destroy NYC

remember 9/11?

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Skipper1975
reply to post by Diplomat


he said that the powers that were would destroy NYC

remember 9/11?

That is not exactly what he said, and New York City wasn't destroyed anyways, only 3 buildings were...

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Diplomat

you have much to learn bro

you have time it's all good

edit=how would he know of any kind of attack? hmmm

[edit on 26-8-2008 by Skipper1975]

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Skipper1975
reply to post by Diplomat

you have much to learn bro

you have time it's all good

edit=how would he know of any kind of attack? hmmm

[edit on 26-8-2008 by Skipper1975]

He didn't know. He said all of NYC would be completely gone. Go find the interview and you will see. It's probably that older 93 or 94 video.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by Diplomat

do you not want to believe or are you payed to not believe?


posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 01:08 AM
ok i just watched the entire video and have now seen all of Mr. Colliers video's.

i have no way of proving or disproving what he say's and neither does he i think. but when considering everything he has said in previous video's and this one included i will have to say that i don't believe him.

i know some people will not be happy with my opinion on him and no skipper i am not a paid whatever you think that is anyway's.

his story line is hit and miss and he also talks in random generalization of things we already know and passes them off as something he was told by these Andromeidons or whoever he believes them to be.

in all of his video's he alludes to the fact that he has personal problems that have caused him great mental anguish in his life. i think this is a dream state that he has placed himself in to escape this reality. we all have our own way of escaping or taking a break from our daily grind of life and i believe that he truly has a mental issue that has made him see things that are not real.

you can also tell by his body language and the way he is dressed that he is trying to sell this to you. it's clear as can be to me.

he also talked about money problems in his earlier video's and i believe this is a story concocted by him to cash in on the UFO business.

i am sorry if some people might be mad at me for accusing him of this but it is what i believe is the truth based on what i have seen and read so far.

if something presents itself later on that shows me different then so be it but as of right now i think the guy is nuttier than a peanut farm.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 01:12 AM
I actually ordered this DVD online last month. It's very interesting, he doesn't seem like the type to lie.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Diplomat
Alex Collier? Isn't he the one who said New York City would be completely "gone" by the year 2000?

Another charlatan, I'm afraid...

No he never said that, He said there would be an event in augast 2001

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Truther

Originally posted by Diplomat
Alex Collier? Isn't he the one who said New York City would be completely "gone" by the year 2000?

Another charlatan, I'm afraid...

No he never said that, He said there would be an event in augast 2001

This is correct. I don't believe he ever said New York would be "completely gone in 2000". I distinctly recall him mentioning the "event in august of '01 however.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 12:53 PM
Thank you for posting this !

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 02:15 PM
My impression is that Mr. Collier trully believes what he's saying. That being said, he either did have a real contact with extraterrestrials or he's simply dillusional, creating his own world in his mind to a such an extent it became a part of his reality.

Of course, being a sceptic bas*ard as I am, I opt for the second option which is more likely.

What IS amazing though, is that we have a mentally troubled person selling his DVDs and people buying them. That brings me to a conclusion that Mr. Collier as well as being a nutcake, is also a GENIUS for managing to sell his fairy tales and even give lectures based on them.

So Kudos to Mr. Collier!

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Truther

Originally posted by Diplomat
Alex Collier? Isn't he the one who said New York City would be completely "gone" by the year 2000?

Another charlatan, I'm afraid...

No he never said that, He said there would be an event in augast 2001

He never said that??????????????

I just watched the video like a week ago and heard him say that...

You're really going to make me go find it aren't you? Gimme a minute...

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 03:47 PM
Ok, for you Alex Collier geniuses who seem to think you know so well that he "never said that," you might want to watch this video.

He says quote, "New York City by the year 2000 will not be there, it will be ash, it will be sacrificed."

Oh really, is that right Alex? LMAO!!!

Here's the video, he talks about New York City at 1:35... he even mentions something about Los Angeles being a bunch of islands... haha... what a nutjob...

I think I'll make a new thread about this because a lot of people on this board seem to blindly believe Alex Collier for some reason.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 04:45 PM
Like all predictions, they are based on the timeline at the time of the prediction. As time goes by and as people hear the prediction and are waking up to other things in the world such hidden controlling factions for example, then that alone can be enough to change it by years or by the intensity of the event.

I have no way to verify what he says but only how I feel when I listen to him speak and what his message is. For me it is felt deep in my heart and that I can not explain because I dont get moved easily and my life up to the last year or so have been about the pursuit of money / wealth and what have you.

The world would be a much better place if we could wake up enough to follow some of the things he talks about.


[edit on 26-8-2008 by Reevster]

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