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A blurred / blacked out area in Chukotka

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posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 01:42 AM
Being relatively new here, this is very disheartening. I began reading this article and was VERY intrigued, and then I realized that this article is from a few years ago, and it just kind of vanished. Is there any new information on this at all? I was really starting to get interested in this blackout area.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by RomeByFire

I'm also surprised that this was never investigated more. I can't find any other threads about it so I thought I would bump it.

This is the area being discussed on Google maps:
Latitude: 66.269749 Longitude: 179.206203

It was part of a Mashable article last week hence the renewed interest;

I wonder why it has been left like this in the images, surely it would be worth photoshopping a better cover rather than just a brown spot like this?

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Sloth

Interesting if you look at the older pictures you can see that there is a rather large hole near the all the smoke. In the new pictures you can't see anything of significance looks like it just disappeared, and they still just keep the rather large smoke cloud.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 04:41 AM
Basically there's a LOT of Gold and Silver in the area. Here's the proof.

Канчалано-Амгуэмская площадь

Участок площадью 831 кв.км находится в Анадырском районе Чукотского автономного округа. Грунтовые дороги связывают район с морским портом Эгвекинот и поселком Комсомольский.

Геологическое строение рудного района изучалось в процессе разномасштабных геологосъёмочных и поисковых работ, начиная с 1957 г. Здесь, в пределах Валунистого рудного узла, на одноименном месторождении с середины 90-х годов XX века проводила активные поиски и геологоразведку артель старателей «Чукотка». В конце 2002 г было получено первое золото.

Канчалано-Амгуэмская площадь — наиболее изученная часть Валунистого рудного района. Она включает в себя Теркенейский, Ныччегквамский и Валунистый рудные узлы. Металлогеническая позиция и геологическое строение всех золоторудных узлов лицензионной Канчалано-Амгуэмской площади идентично.

В пределах Валунистого рудного узла разрабатывается среднее по размерам месторождение золота Валунистое с запасами золота 36 т. Непосредственно к структурам Валунистого примыкают структуры рудных полей Горное, Шах и Жильное. По региональным и районным поисковым критериям они практически идентичны, по вторичным ореолам рассеяния золота и серебра Горное и Осеннее рудные поля выглядят значительно перспективнее, чем Валунистое.

Среднее содержание золота в рудах Валунистого составляет 25 г/т, серебра — 86 г/т (до 558 г/т). На рудопроявлении Теркеней среднее содержание золота составляет 5,3 г/т, серебра — 1545 г/т (до 3654 г/т). По данным геологоразведочных работ проводившихся ранее, прогнозные ресурсы (категории Р2) Канчалано-Амгуэмской площади, апробированные ЦНИГРИ, составляют более 100 т золота и более 4 тыс т серебра.

Поисковые критерии и признаки золотого оруденения в пределах изучаемых рудных узлов позволяют рассчитывать на выявление крупных и средних объектов после проведения геологоразведочных работ на этих участках.


An area of ​​831 square kilometers located in the Anadyr district of Chukotka. Unpaved roads associated with the seaport district and the village of Komsomolsk Egvekinot.

The geological structure of the ore district was studied in different scales of geological and exploration works, starting with the 1957 here, within Valunistoye ore node on the same field from the mid 90s of the XX century spent actively searching and exploration Artel "Chukotka". At the end of 2002 the first gold was obtained.

Kanchalano-Amguemskaya area - the most studied part of Valunistoye ore district. It includes Terkeneysky, Nychchegkvamsky Valunistoye and ore nodes. Metallogenic geological structure and the position of all the gold-node license Kanchalano Amguemskoy area is identical.

Within Valunistoye ore cluster developed an average-sized gold deposit with reserves of gold Valunistoye 36 that immediately adjacent to structures Valunistoye structure of ore fields of Mining, Shah and vein. Regional and district search criteria are virtually identical to the secondary dispersion halos of gold and silver ore Mining and Fall of the field look much more promising than Valunistoye.

The average gold content in ores Valunistoye is 25 g / t silver - 86 g / t (up to 558 g / t). In the ore occurrence Terkeney average gold grade of 5.3 g / t silver - 1545 g / t (up to 3654 g / t). According to the data of previous exploration work, and estimated resources (category P2) Kanchalano Amguemskoy-square tested TsNIGRI make up more than 100 tons of gold and more than four thousand tons of silver.

Search criteria and indications of gold mineralization within the studied ore nodes can rely on the detection of large and medium-sized objects after exploration in these areas.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 04:43 AM
Sorry, let me try posting the link again:

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 12:02 PM
I'm not really sure. It can be an intelligence police station.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 02:24 AM
I know this forum is old, but I just ran across this blurred image today and I was wondering what it was. Turns out after a bit more research on wikimapia there was a few links to some more pictures with supposed updates to satellite imagery. Here they are:

Go to and then add to the url : /#lat=63.4106599&lon=177.4113777&z=5&l=0&m=b and you can see the forum by clicking on the area in question.

edit on 7-5-2012 by riekeant because: link to wikimapia didn't work originally.

posted on Feb, 14 2018 @ 08:25 PM
Go look at the most recent sat photo. New lake... no more blur. Compare against the photos posted by the guy replying to me a few pages back. (Thanks by the way for doing that).

Yup... still alive. Still never figured this one out.
edit on 14-2-2018 by Ace420 because: (no reason given)

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