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True origins of the Illuminati.....

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posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 08:29 AM
Has anyone tried to dig deeper into the origins of the illuminati or do you all just buy into that whole Weishaupt story and follow the theory that they are only a couple hundred years old?
It is my feeling that Weishaupt is ONLY the founder of the BAVARIAN illuminati.. not the idea or group as a whole. I belief that the Illuminati is much older than a few hundred years and quite possibly goes back several thousand years.

Perhaps we should consider this for a research project?

Does anyone know of any info on the illuminati that predates Weishaupt?

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 08:48 AM
I also think Weishaupt only founded what would become the 'public' front-face for the Illuminati.

I'm sure it's way older, and have been known before under other names.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by m0rbid
I also think Weishaupt only founded what would become the 'public' front-face for the Illuminati.

I'm sure it's way older, and have been known before under other names.
This is what I suspect as well.. but what I am looking for is any evidence or indicators as to what the previous name might have been and how far back they go. Any ideas? Links?

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 08:50 AM
[Edited on 21-3-2004 by m0rbid]

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 08:55 AM
I am new in this forum I am reading Dan Brown's Angels and Demons and I know this is a fiction novel but he talks of historical facts about the Illuminati and well known persons in history and he makes references of illuminati and the masons, I also read the Hiram key While the mason can be traced to biblical times the illuminati can only be trace to medival times. I may be mistaken but thats what I know.

[Edited on 17-3-2004 by marg6043]

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 08:58 AM
More possible links between the Illuminati and other groups. (Knight Templar, Rosicrucian order, The Golden Dawn, etc..)

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 09:25 AM
marg I also read that book, it's great huh? Well Dan Brown does about a year's worth of research before he writes his books, so I take the information in them seriously; even though it is a fiction book.

The origins that he gives are that the Illuminati were started in the days of Galileo so scientists could practice their arts away from the eyes of the Catholic Church. I figure that over time the roots of the group were lost (or maybe not, they might still be enemies of the Church) and it evolved into the bankers/behind the scenes group as we know it today.

Any thoughts?

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 09:40 AM
I am very happy to find somebody that likes this kind of books, if you can read the hiram key it is not a fiction, but is a very good book about the masons, and I am very much against religion and how they have try to keep science away. Science and religion will never go hand in hand is not good for religion,s personal interest. Dont get me wrong I believe in a God or Creator but I do not belive in religious groups.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 09:42 AM
Hmm... Ok... Well I'm very much for religion so I guess we don't agree on one thing, lol.
Dan Brown's next book is going to be about the Freemasons, I can't wait.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari
Has anyone tried to dig deeper into the origins of the illuminati or do you all just buy into that whole Weishaupt story and follow the theory that they are only a couple hundred years old?
It is my feeling that Weishaupt is ONLY the founder of the BAVARIAN illuminati.. not the idea or group as a whole. I belief that the Illuminati is much older than a few hundred years and quite possibly goes back several thousand years.

Perhaps we should consider this for a research project?

Does anyone know of any info on the illuminati that predates Weishaupt?

It goes back some 4000 years

Legend of Ra and Isis; Gnostic Magic of Egypt; Extracts from the Gnostic Papyrus; The Book of the Grand Words of Each Mystery; 90 pages, ISBN 1-56459-322-3. [NOTE: Again, notice the extreme reverance for the Ancient Mystery Religion of Egypt, whom God furiously hated and physically judged! We see the first reference to the Egyptian Phoenix bird, which lived for 500 years, and then burned up spontaneously. But, out of the ashes of the burned Phoenix, a new Phoenix would arise, to live another 500 years. Occultists in the late 1700's were told by Francis Bacon that the new North American Continent was to be established as a New Atlantis. This new country would lead the world into the New World Order. Just as the world was entering the new order, this New Atlantis (the U.S.A.) would burn like the Phoenix bird, but that out of the ashes the New World Order would arise. Do not be deceived: our current leaders also believe this concept, and are preparing this country to self-destruct. This is why we have deliberately accumulated so much debt, and why we have done so many things on the national level that are obviously destructive. This Phoenix bird is about to burn! Finally, did you know that our American Eagle symbol was first conceived as the Phoenix bird? Now you know the rest of the story!]

At the above site you will find many references and books that may help you.


posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 09:53 AM
I very much respect your opinion.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 10:18 AM
Really interesting theory Tut.

I think the New World Order will come when there'll be so much chaos around the world, that all countries will beg the U.N. to do something major, to change and fix thing. Then they will have reason to use all the techs they've been preparing to control us, cuz that will be the only way to fix things and "stop terrorism". And people will have asked for that.

This would explain, maybe, why the USA is doing so much # all over the world, and maybe even VIA the so-called Al-Quaida group.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 10:33 AM
marg whose opinion do you respect and what is your native language?

morbid if you go to the site you will see books and references that show the UN was created by the NWO for a specific purpose, and it is not that good. At least for the world
as we know it.


1. Convince all peoples of the world that a Global Government is absolutely essential to "solve" all the problems facing mankind.
2. Convince all peoples of the world that the present Industrial Civilization is not "sustainable", and must be eliminated. Obviously, people will have to be scared out of their minds by planned crises to come to this point. The current World Summit On Sustainable Development is the latest in a decades-long conditioning program to convince the peoples of the world that the Industrial Civilization is not sustainable over the long run, and must be heavily regulated.
3. Move people out of cities and into the countryside. The genocide in Cambodia was the trial run for this part of the scenario.
4. Reduce the population of the world from 6 billion people to only 2 billion in the space of a few short years. This part of the Plan will be carried out in conjunction with the plan to move people out of cities.
5. Set aside approximately 50% of all land that will not be usable by humans, or even used by humans. This effort will follow the United Nations Biodiversity Treaty, which we covered in a previous article, NEWS1101, "Rewilding Of America Continues". We shall examine this draconian map in Part 3 of this series.
5. Successfully stage the appearance of Antichrist. We will also demonstrate that certain aspects of this Weather Warfare capability can be utilized to produce the "Lying Signs and Wonders" predicted by Biblical prophecy.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by tututkamen
morbid if you go to the site you will see books and references that show the UN was created by the NWO for a specific purpose, and it is not that good. At least for the world
as we know it.

Yep, I know. People were fooled into thinking it was created for the good of us all, but I've come to the conclusion (like many others) that it is just the first step toward a One World Government.

Nice to see you back BTW.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 10:55 AM
Thank you Morbid it is nice to be back. I'll be keeping an "eye"
out for you

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 11:17 AM
I am from the Island of Puerto Rico and I speak spanish.
I respect religious people but I dont like religious organizations.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 11:36 AM
Tut its good to see you around again.
That is a very interesting theory and perhaps very close to the reality of the situation.

I am going to check out the Hiram Key though.. I am aware that there is a connection with Freemasonry there.. after all don't they have a legend or story that they follow about some fellow named Hiram Abiff?

[Edited on 17-3-2004 by NephraTari]

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 11:45 AM
has anyone read the illuminatus trilogy. books:
The eye in the pyramid
The Golden Apple

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 11:51 AM
Isn't the concept that; The ILLUMINATI create the NWO, not visa-versa...?

i think the 'Illuminati' is woven into and appears in many

i think the Rosicrusians, Knights Templar, and scores of Rennessiance people (you mentioned Galileo) were 'enlightened'.

i also you have to peel away these people & groups also,
because the core or foundation of illuminati was the
neo-lithic 'priest/shaman class' united with the 'kingly/royal class'->>eventually developing into
the 'blue-bloods' as time & populations increased.

i may be quite wrong, but the illuminati society,
was first tried during the Golden Age of Greece...

and has since been morphed into a pseudo-demonic
self-serving man-god theme of today...
the so called puppet-masters

Eh? is this path a lush flowering vista...or...just a
dried up'll not know unless you look!


posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 11:57 AM
Yes he was supoused to be the one that started all I mean the masons and the hiram key is a book written by two freemason trying to explain what freemsons is all about. They did years of research and travel all over the world looking for facts is a very good book It will open your eyes about what is myth and what is a fact.

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