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Is there a Jewish conspiracy *against* Neo-Nazis?

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posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 03:14 AM

This video is a good example of why antisemitism exists, and who in part it is aimed at. Let's assume for a minute that Jews with the attitude of the above are the target of Neo-Nazis, and why they are hated.

On one hand, you have a Jew as exampled from the above, and then you have a Neo-nazi in some type of idealogical conflict. I think we can agree that they are both pretty fundamentalist in their beliefs, so why do the alleged Neo-Nazi's get all of the flack from that interaction here on ATS?

It's clear from the teachings of the Jewish religion that those Jews who are fundamentalists follow the teachings of the Torah and Talmud as much as it is practical today. Again, just listen to the above video.

Countless times I have read someone speak out against the beliefs of fundamentalist Jews and Zionists, and they are always called out as being Neo-nazi's or Anti-semites. The point seems to be that they are both equally foolish, however it's obvious that the Neo-nazis are the ones who are attacked - or at least anyone who *dares* to question many things Jewish is reduced to a Neo-Nazi... while the Jews are usually defended, either passively or aggressively. Furthermore, It's probably safe to assume that there exists many more Jewish Fundamentalists (closet or otherwise) than their do Neo-Nazis.

Has anyone else noticed that any time someone speaks out against Jews or Zionists here, they spend the entire thread trying to explain that are talking about Zionist (political) Fundamentalists and Jewish (religious) Fundamentalists like the above while everyone blindly attacks them as a Neo-Nazi or a Hitler fan? It's always as if they say, "No, I'm not a Neo-Nazi, not an Anti-Semite, and I'm not a stereotypical anti-Jew fundamentalist... I'm just saying that I don't agree with Jews who behave as laid out in the above video."

I'm starting to think that this place is full of "Neo-Jews" who would go to any length to defend the Jewish fundamentalist just as a Neo-Nazi is alledged to defend the Fundamentalist Nazis of Germany. It's almost uncanny.

Speak out, Neo-Jews. Tell me why these patterns exists on ATS. Tell me your philosophies, I must know how the Gentile has somehow been subjugated by the Jewish Fundamentalists who hate them so, but would use them for their own means.

Would you even know if you had? Has the memory of the video already left your mind during the course of reading this?


posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 03:30 AM
Dude, if Jews will start killing and throwing neo-nazis from country they were born in - your comparison will be valid. Also i am kind of puzzled - all Jews are fundamentalists? All Jews share the same hate ideology?
It is comparing ethnic group (that includes all the people with different views, ideologies, interests) with ideological group that has same principle views and opinions.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by logician magician

I know right?
I tell ya, it's tough trekking these days being a Nazi, Neo or Paleo.
Like I said in a previous post, what you need is a support system.

Here, let me put you in contact with some like minded individuals.

Actually this might be helpful to a few ATS members from what I have seen lately:

Allow me to first introduce their "Statement of Principals"
Keep in mind that this group is pro-white as you yourself declare to be, and say that they have nothing against other races.


The Political Cesspool Radio Program stands for the The Dispossessed Majority. We represent a philosophy that is pro-White and are against political centralization. You can trust The Political Cesspool to give you the "other side of the news" - to report on events which are vital to your welfare but which would otherwise be hushed up or distorted by the controlled press.

We make no attempt to give you "both sides." We'll leave the establishment side to your daily newspaper, television and other radio shows. We will bring to you some of the most renowned thinkers, writers, pundits, activists, entertainers and elected officials each broadcast as our guests. Furthermore, we pledge that The Political Cesspool will correct any meaningful error or fact. Make up your own mind who is being honest with you: the establishment media or The Political Cesspool Radio Program.

The United States government should be independent of any international organization of governments and American law should not be imposed by organizations such as the United Nations.

America would not be as prosperous, ruggedly individualistic, and a land of opportunity if the founding stock were not Europeans.

Since family is the foundation of any strong society, we are against feminism, abortion, and primitivism.

Private property rights are inviolable. They come from our God-given right to life.
We wish to revive the White birthrate above replacement level fertility and beyond to grow the percentage of Whites in the world relative to other races.

Issues such as education, environmental law, and police should be decentralized down to the lowest level to insure natural rights and efficiency.

Secession is a right of all people and individuals. It was successful in 1776 and this show honors those who tried to make it successful in 1865.

We are cultural conservatives because we have certain morals to which we adhere. We are against homosexuality, vulgarity, loveless sex, and masochism.

We wish for American government to stop interfering politically, militarily, and socially outside of the borders of the United States of America. We want non-interventionism.

Furthermore, we heartily endorse and accept as our own, the founding tenets of the Council of Conservative Citizens.

We believe the United States is a Christian country.

The United States is a sovereign and independent nation.

We believe the United States is a European country and that Americans are part of the European people.

The United States is a constitutional republic.

We believe in States' Rights, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and the Bill of Rights.

The traditional family is the basic unit of human society.

Private property and free enterprise are the foundations of our economy.

We must have cultural, national, and racial integrity.

A strong national defense is imperative.

Our nation needs an "America First" Foreign Policy.

Our nation needs "America First" Trade Policies.

Traditional education should remain under local control.

We advocate strong and just law enforcement.

English is the official language to be used in public discourse in America.

We believe in the protection of our environmental and natural heritage.

You can learn more by visiting here.

Sounds good to me!
Remember, not racism, just white pride.
I hope they're not to liberal for you.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

I can believe what I am reading here.
Quote from what you have posted:
“We believe the United States is a European country and that Americans are part of the European people.”
I believe who ever wrote this crap is a history denier.
America was never European; it was Amerindian before any thing else’s.
This kind of white proud is an insult to the Amerindian.
This white proud has stolen this country that now they proudly described as they own.

Sad people.


posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by kacou

kacou, I hope you realize that my post is sarcastic.
Whomever wrote the OP has some serious issues, I just pointed the way for him to get to his people (link at the end of external sources)
Go to the website to see the new an improved neo-nazis.
But please don't think these are my peeps, check my profile, I spend most of time exposing these people.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

I have read your profile Schrodinger, and I have deciphered your point of view.

This is a forum…my answer if any one takes care to read it carefully is not a personal one but at the post embedded in your reply.
However, I am not as suited as many people here when it come to editing a reply. Therefore I am sorry if it seems to be address to you personally.
On the topic:
New improve neo Nazi philosophy is just a fraud and you are right to pinpoint how some group will change they philosophy to have a better grasp on a large audience. It reminds me the NF in France, which started with hard core view on the issue of race and then looser they point to seize a large electoral population. And now inner fight have emerge in they ranks and hopefully will bring the party to a self destruction.

Ps…”Powder” my favorite movie of all time…good choice.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by logician magician
This video is a good example of why anti-semitism exists, and who in part it is aimed at. Let's assume for a minute that Jews with the attitude of the above are the target of Neo-Nazis, and why they are hated. ... I'm just saying I don't agree with Jews who behave as laid out in the above video."

Since your video link is broken and your argument is based on the video, I don't know what your argument is.

Here's the error message from youtube:

The URL contained a malformed video ID.

this response to your post by ZeroKnowledge is one of most brilliant and succinct responses on ATS:

[your argument] is comparing an ethnic group that includes people with different views, ideologies, interests ... with an ideological group that has the same principles, views and opinions.

In other words, that you are proponing a racist argument.

Let me try to understand what I think it is you are trying to say, by examining the logic of your statement(s) from above -- without even looking at the video:
(1) This video is a good example of why antisemitism exists,
(2) ...and who in part it is aimed at.
(3)... Let's assume for a minute that Jews with the attitude of the above are the target of Neo-Nazis
(4)..., and why they are hated.
(5)... I'm just saying I don't agree with Jews who behave as laid out in the above video

Okay, first let's agree on what it is you may or may not be saying:
1. You say the video is a reason why anti-semitism exists.
2. You say the architectonic (archeotype) of ideas behind the video proves that the video producers are anti-semites.
3. You say the Jews in the anti-semitic video are targeted by neo-Nazis.
4. You say the neo-Nazis hate the Jews in the anti-semitic video.
5. You say you don't agree with Jews in the anti-semitic video.

Does this mean you are advocating neo-Nazis attitudes?
--if so, that means, you're a neo-Nazi, doesn't it?
--and, as a neo-Nazi, you're proud of the Nazis and their behavior?

--when you watch the video, you feel like you're a neo-Nazi, and justified in advocating racism, genocide and torture, and you have a right to be a sociopathic and pathological, happy sheeple.

Again, since your video link is broken and your argument is based on the video, I don't know what your argument is. --other than you seem to consider being labeled as a 'Jew' superior in logic to being 'labeled' as a 'person'.

That's obvious because you don't blame 'people' for bad behavior ... you blame 'Jews'.

Therefore, again, you are proponing a neo-Nazi argument that 'Jews' are not 'people'.

Even more importantly, how to you classify Jewish Nazis -- the Jews that helped to finance Hitler? the Rothchilds and Warburgs. What happens when a Jewish neo-Nazi is hated by a non-Jewish neo-Nazi ...then, who is right? the Jewish neo-Nazi or the non-Jewish neo-Nazi.

According to your logic, the self-hatred of neo-Nazis is what makes them superior to Jews.

Can you please find another video with a link that isn't malformed, that shows what it is you are advocating?

Because what your argument seems to imply, is that the Jewish bankers that helped to finance Hitler, either were Jews in name only and that they didn't really act like Jews ... or ... that Jews are really Nazis disquised as Jews.

Which is it? That bad Jews are not Jews but that good Jews are Jews
that bad neo-Nazis are not neo-Nazis but that good neo-Nazis are.

Then, that means, we now have at least 4 neo-Nazi arguments that you may advocate.
a) bad neo-Nazis are better than bad Jews
b) bad neo-Nazis are better than good Jews
c) good neo-nazis are better than bad Jews
d) good neo-Nazis are better than good Jews

e)bad neo-Nazis are better than good neo-Nazis
f)good neo-Nazis are better than bad neo-Nazis
g)bad Jews are better than good Jews
h)good Jews are better than bad Jews

Therefore, would you care to explain
the difference between a good neo-Nazi and a bad neo-Nazi
the difference between a good Jew and a bad Jew?
the difference between a good neo-Nazi and a bad Jew
the difference between a good neo-Nazi and a good Jew
the difference between a bad neo-Nazi and a bad Jew
the difference between a bad neo-Nazi and a good Jew


Let's assume that 99.99% of the Nazis and neo-Nazis were/are Christians and Catholics -- which is indeed the case, and worshipped Jesus, who was -- and is -- a Jew.

What it means is that aggressors do not practice the Golden Rule.

Furthermore -- for your argument's sake and the argument of the video that doesn't exist -- it means that not only did the Christian & Catholic Nazis worship Jehovah (Jesus' father), but that the Nazi Christians & Catholics still worship the Jewish God and the Jewish God's "only begotten son" -- the Jewish Jesus, as did Hitler ... one of the biggest self-haters of all.

also see:
neo-Nazi/NWO & Jewish links to

Obama (almost?) backed by Bush & Deutche Bank, Union Bank, Brown Bros Harriman, neo-Nazi's & Enron

congrats on your new book ...The Rise of the Fourth Reich -- I have a couple questions.

demon shape-shifter Janus-Bifrons-Baphomet & Hitler’s occult roots & Martin Bormann & the Fourth Reich

beware the Bormann conspiracy … Organization Der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen ... now called 2012, formerly called Odessa & World Order & NWO

Auschwitz = Oswieczim >Harriman >Krupp >Thyseen >Bush >2012

The ‘great’ REAL Hitler was a speed-freak & smack junkie
...who issued speed to every front soldier & addicted the German civilian population.

Mind control protection & counter-measures for ATS folks

[edit on 21-8-2008 by counterterrorist]

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
Dude, if Jews will start killing and throwing neo-nazis from country they were born in - your comparison will be valid.

Certain people put Jews in concentration camps, most of whom are dead. Certain people enslaved blacks in America, all of whom are dead. What has happened today is that one distinct group was formed of two separate ideologies and merged together into what is called the Neo-Nazis, who have the same belief is superiority as Jewish fundamentalists, Muslim fundamentalists, the KKK, White Pride groups, or Militant Black Panthers, etc...

Also i am kind of puzzled - all Jews are fundamentalists? All Jews share the same hate ideology?

Are all Christians fundamentalists?

It is comparing ethnic group (that includes all the people with different views, ideologies, interests) with ideological group that has same principle views and opinions.

Let me try to illustrate which groups I am talking about, since everyone here is so dense to think I am actually talking about Jews solely.

Middle Eastern ---> Muslims ----> Fundamentalists ----> Terrorism (bombing/insurgents)

Whites -----------------> Pro-White ---> Neo-Nazis ----> Terrorism (killing/lynching)

Germans -------------> Nationalism --> Nazi Party ------> Terrorism (concentration camps)

Blacks -----------------> Pro-Black ---> Black Panthers ----> Terrorism (bombing/killing)

Christians ------------> Pro ----> Fundamentalists ---> Terrorism (crusades/killing)

Jews -------------------> Pro-Jews ----> Fundamentalists ----> Zionists ( bombing/killing)

We could make similar subgroups for each "race" or "ethnic group" but as you can see Jews have nothing to do with Pro-Jews which would be the ones from the video who would not have their Jewish daughter dating an Italian Gentile. Each subgroup has a different ideology and each ideology gets closer and closer to worst case examples.

I'm curious as to where the "Neo-Jew" phenomenon on ATS comes from. I believe that schrodingers dog is a good example of a Neo Jew as he took my OP to mean that I was declaring myself to be pro-white.

Keep in mind that this group is pro-white as you yourself declare to be, and say that they have nothing against other races.

The problem I see with this is that so many members on ATS can not differentiate between the above groups I've illustrated and instead form a new group, who's patterns appear to be something like:

Anyone ------> Ignorant ----> Generally fallacious ----> Neo-Jew (Non sequitur/obnoxious)

I call this group the Neo-Jew because they pop in virtually anytime anyone says anything about Jews, be it good or otherwise.

In my next post I'll show some examples in this thread of the Neo-Jew.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by counterterrorist
Since your video link is broken and your argument is based on the video, I don't know what your argument is.

My argument is that the attitude displayed in this video from the fundamentalist parents.

As promised, I will show you an example of the Neo-Jew, below. The first problem is that he didn't watch the video, but he still feels the need to defend the Jews in the video that he didn't see for none other reason that they are Jewish, hence he is a Neo-Jew.

Let me try to understand what I think it is you are trying to say, by examining the logic of your statement(s) from above -- without even looking at the video:
(1) This video is a good example of why antisemitism exists,
(2) ...and who in part it is aimed at.
(3)... Let's assume for a minute that Jews with the attitude of the above are the target of Neo-Nazis
(4)..., and why they are hated.
(5)... I'm just saying I don't agree with Jews who behave as laid out in the above video

At first, the recap is pretty valid. What happens next is the Neo-Jew phenomenon:

1. You say the video is a reason why anti-semitism exists.
2. You say the architectonic (archeotype) of ideas behind the video proves that the video producers are anti-semites.
3. You say the Jews in the anti-semitic video are targeted by neo-Nazis.
4. You say the neo-Nazis hate the Jews in the anti-semitic video.
5. You say you don't agree with Jews in the anti-semitic video.

Does anyone see the problem? It starts with number 2. I never said anything about the video producers or that the video was anti-semitic. If anything it was anti-Italian and pro-Jew.

Number 3 makes a little sense, at least the part that does not call the video anti-semitic. He has not seen the video, but I wonder if he would call it anti-semitic if he had? I wonder if he would call a video that showed a group of Black people beating up two marines an anti-black video? It seems that a technique of the Neo-Jew is to take any Jewish material and try to twist it into being anti-semitic.

Does this mean you are advocating neo-Nazis attitudes?
--if so, that means, you're a neo-Nazi, doesn't it?
--and, as a neo-Nazi, you're proud of the Nazis and their behavior?

--when you watch the video, you feel like you're a neo-Nazi, and justified in advocating racism, genocide and torture, and you have a right to be a sociopathic and pathological, happy sheeple.

More techniques of bending the words of the original writer into the realm of the Neo-Nazi.

That's obvious because you don't blame 'people' for bad behavior ... you blame 'Jews'.

Therefore, again, you are proponing a neo-Nazi argument that 'Jews' are not 'people'.

Another technique is the strip off all ideologies, ethnicity, and beliefs and make it so we are talking about people in general. The technique tries to bring up the idea that evil exists and anyone is capable of it, it is a red herring.

The problem lies in two places. One is that he didn't watch the video, and again feels the need to defend Jewish people by default for none other reason than that they are Jewish.

The second is that numerous times in the video the parents say things like, "He's not Jewish, he's not even worth talking to." The fundamentalists threaten to take their daughter out of school if she dates an Italian guy, and constantly say that they will kill themselves and the italian guy. They will call Isreal,The people in the video refer to themselves as Jewish and Jews, but not people. They say it is a sin to go out with people against their Jewish religion.

Then the rest of his post just goes here, there, and everywhere in an attempt to label me as an advocate of hitler, a neo-nazi, a Jew hater, and everything else you can imagine.

It is what I call a Neo-Jew because even after explaining in my OP that I was strictly referring to Jewish fundamentalists he still goes on and on to defend them on the basis of their Jewishness. By contrast, I doubt anyone can find me a thread where people are so adamant of defending the Muslim Fundamentalist of their right to oppress woman, kill infidels, and start Ji-had.

Edit: Can a mod please fix the youtube link in my first post? The correct address is:

[edit on 22-8-2008 by logician magician]

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog
reply to post by kacou

kacou, I hope you realize that my post is sarcastic.
Whomever wrote the OP has some serious issues, I just pointed the way for him to get to his people (link at the end of external sources)
Go to the website to see the new an improved neo-nazis.
But please don't think these are my peeps, check my profile, I spend most of time exposing these people.

Okay... for a split second there I thought your avatar was a neo nazi being chased own by Moses


posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:13 AM
I'm not a Neo Jew

But it sounds cool

Like what happens when you have the power of the One G-d plus the One

totally trippy

I bet a Neo Jew can kick ass in like ..alot of dimensions and stuff

[edit on 22-8-2008 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:20 AM
I can't get over this.. it's just awesome

I'd want to be a neo jew from.. the highlands

and then I'd seriously take over all the banks and hide my money in the Matrix and come to Earth and scream 'there can be only one" while I cut of the heads of the other immortals

and I couldn't loose because I'd already be with the One G-d and the One and then I'd be Only one and that's...


That's The One G-d plus The One Plus The Only One

Holy F%^$#!

That means I'd be Bono!

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:34 AM
Bro... you should convert because a combination of Neo and a Jew is unbeatable

I mean, you can call plauges and turn water into wine and heal people, your like messianic in and out of the matrix..

It's like a line from an Anime

"he's tooooo muuuch"

A Neo jew is like... better than Cosmic Spiderman, because Peter Parker even with the power cosmic was still stinky when it came to handling his money

A Neo Jew could Kick Super mans rear end... it's like, more powerful than Galactus

The rules would be very confusing

Could I, if this is the Matrix... Just Ignore Shabbas unless I was in Zion?


What about keeping Kosher, how would I know, if the food I had been eating my whole life was realy Kosher maybe they just programed what they thought Kosher food would be and real Kosher food really tastes good? Like Pork and Lobster?

and what if it's Shabbas in Zion but Tuesday in the Matrix do I still observe Shabbat or no?

and If I wear a Yamulke in the Matrix but it's not real am I still observing g-ds rules?

Does this mean that agents are really SS agents?

I have alot to think about now...

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 02:13 AM
so I am totally doing good on my road to becoming a Neo Jew

Today I made a piece of Matzoh bend not crack and what I realized is it's not the Matzoh that bends but myself that bends

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 05:28 AM
I find it interesting that the author of this thread also started another thread called Jews are very similar to ALIENS! which was recently closed due to the racist inflammatory nature of the author's initial post.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by Kryties

He doesn’t hide behind this thread.
But what is inconsistent is that he claim (when ever he start a thread about Jew) that Jew are a race, when being Jew is been part of a group of individuals who have certain beliefs which include white European, Caucasian and so on. You can call the later a race but not Jew.
We could start a thread like:”Christians are very similar to Alien”
And what about: “Human are very similar to Alien”

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 06:00 AM
I think I know the answer!

It says in prophetical texts, that at some point in the future, God would
once again bless the jews but not until after a long, horrible struggle. This promise i think has a double meaning. I can't trace all the paths yet, but I believe this is referring to at least 2 races: jews and blacks. They are somehow tied to each other, but I don't know how. I think it's all hovering around the sumerian texts, but beyond that, I really can't say. Jesus has offered to the gentile races (? everyone who wasn't hebrew/jewish ) the opportunity to be grafted into the family tree of the hebrews/jews. So it's been extended to every race on the planet.

Sooo, I'm guessing it is so mammoth, all encompassing and powerful because it's beyond even our capacity (jews and blacks and whites and orientals etc) to understand. We think we might understand what it means. We make up theories (like this one?) to understand it, but no one can quite figure it out. If it's God-ordained, it will surely make those who were the originals feel like they've finally come back home and sense the strength of support but still have no idea how to apply it to the rest of the planet other than the compulsion to protect the jews. It IS interesting!

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 06:07 AM
I think both groups are quite silly and are wasting their time with narrow minded ideologies. Add these groups to a list of thousands of others, and you've got yourself a bunch of crap on a piece of paper.

Sorry but wake up. It's 6am here. It's about time.

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