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Senta UFO update-new info.

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posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 06:23 AM
Anyone translate Italian??
From Italy's most respected UFO research org.
I think I might be getting to the source of this story.

Le Stazione Radio Serbe sono state inondate da chiamate di persone dalla citta' di Zenta, dove un gruppo di auto che stavano lasciando la citta' si sono arrestate a causa di 2 misteriosi velivoli che si sono posati nei pressi della strada. Uno era avvoto da una luce blu e l'altro era piu' chiaro a forma di cono a testa piatta.

Alcuni testimoni affermano di aver visto addirittura un essere grigio verde con 4 piedi e grandi occhi neri e una piccola bocca, che accortosi di essere stato visto e' salito rapidamente sul suo velivole ed e' immediatamente sparito con una brusca accelerata.
Due caministi, due infermieri e altri operai avrebbero confermato questo avvistamento.

La Polizia locale richiamata e' intervenuta ed ha disperso la folla ed ha ascotato le incredibili testimonianze. I Militari credono si tratti di palloncini ad aver ingannato la gente, ma tutti i testimoni sono sicuri di cio' che hanno visto.

Il signor Alexander Petrovic ha affermato che "Questa e' la cosa piu' strana che ho mai visto nelle mia vita e non crede che si e' trattato di palloncini".


Mod Edit - added EX tags.

Mod Edit: New External Source Tags – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 18-8-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 06:52 AM
National UFO CenterIndeed” #448 · Second NUFOC Trailer · NUFOC 38 - 60 second spot · 38th National UFO Conference ... Aliens spotted by over thirty random witnesses in Serbia! ... - 53k - Cached - Similar pages

.....I have emailed the director for more-apparantly there IS a photo!!!

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 06:56 AM
It looks interesting.

I have sent a U2U to internos, he can translate it much better than me.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 06:58 AM
Ok here it goes,

A Serbian radio station reported that A group of people in their cars leaving the city reported that they saw 2 mysterious objects one object was glowing and one was in a shape of a cone.

Also a being was seen with 4 legs or limbs large black eyes and a little mouth. It then returned to the craft and it accelerated rapidly

2 drivers 2 nurses etc. confermed the account

Something about police not beliving the testamony and the military says that what they saw were ballons but the witnesses dispiute this.

This is a rough translation my Italian is rusty

Oh and that guy says that trust me those were not ballons

[edit on 18-8-2008 by Kriskaos]

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 07:02 AM
Ah, it was discussed HERE
After some research, we found out that the source was this blog while no confirmation at all was found in the website claimed to be the original source:

Sadly, the story looks to be a crock.
The incident is NOT confirmed.

Edit to add:
thanks to ArMaP for bringing this one to my attention

Kriskaos: your translation was excellent: here, have a star.

[edit on 18/8/2008 by internos]

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 07:12 AM
Here's what I could get from the italian text:

A Serbian Radio Station was flooded by calls from the city 'of Zenta, where a group of cars that were leaving the city were stopped due to 2 mysterious aircraft that were landed near the road. One was glowing a light blue and the other was more clear flattened cone-shaped

Some witnesses claim to have seen a teal being with 4 feet and large black eyes and a small mouth, the aircraft were seen to rise quickly and disappear immediately with sharp acceleration.

Two caministi, two nurses and other workers have confirmed this sighting.

Police intervened dispersing the crowd while recording the incredible testimonies. Military I believe it balloons to have deceived the people, but all the witnesses are unsure of what they have seen.

Mr Alexander Petrovic said that "This is the strangest thing that I have ever seen in my life and did not believe that it was balloons."

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by internos

I believe I posted this story here initially-since then I have done some research myself and have found the article in another source posted above this one mentions the name of the journalists covering the story-Liguria is pretty respected in italy, i believe and the story does appear on the Nufoc website. One website claims a photo exists.
I myself am far from convinced but it is an interesting one.
Good work with the Italian translation.

[edit on 18-8-2008 by hippydippy2]

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by hippydippy2
reply to post by internos

I believe I posted this story here initially-since then I have done some research myself and have found the article in another source posted above this one mentions the name of the journalists covering the story-Liguria is pretty respected in italy, i believe and the story does appear on the Nufoc website. One website claims a photo exists.
I myself am far from convinced but it is an interesting one.
Good work with the Italian translation.

[edit on 18-8-2008 by hippydippy2]

This website indicates as source

the same old newspaper wich never published the article, but i understand why gave it attention and well done for sharing
The story was interesting but we had never a confirmation of it. The website linked had NOT in its news the article, while the BLOG seems to have created the news: why don't you write to the blogger and ask him how comes that the news exists only on his blog?

[edit on 18/8/2008 by internos]

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by internos

I think you are right........the story, as exciting as it seemed, hasnt really panned out to much at all-probably did'nt happen.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by hippydippy2
reply to post by internos

I think you are right........the story, as exciting as it seemed, hasnt really panned out to much at all-probably did'nt happen.

Perhaps someone who knows the language could help: don't get discouraged now, don't give up. The story started somewhere, let's identify WHO started the story, and keep sharing this story, every update is WELCOME.

Official language is Serbian, but as recognised regional languages we have Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian, Croatian, and Albanian.
Please, someone who knows one of these languages, help us t clarify this incident: don't give up mate, we will find the truth about this story, trust me.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 11:40 AM
I have found a blog where the author apparently speaks of this case and even mentions ATS.

Unfortunately, the blog is written in one of the many languages I don't speak, maybe Serbian, so I do not know what is written there.

The article, dated from August 17, is the second on this page.

Can anyone understand it?

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

This member, donhuangenaro, can translate from Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian language:

I will send an U2U and ask for his/her help.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by ziggystar60
reply to post by ArMaP

This member, donhuangenaro, can translate from Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian language:

I will send an U2U and ask for his/her help.

Unfortunately, this is either Ukrainian or Russian language, so I'm afraid I will not be of any help...


posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by donhuangenaro

OK, but thank a lot for stopping by anyway. Now at least we know that it isn't serbian!
I will try to find someone who can translate russian or ukranian.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 04:19 PM
Thanks donhuangenaro and ziggystar60.

It's not Russian, the Google translation service failed on most of the words, I will try Ukrainian.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 08:43 PM
Hey, This This seems to be Ukrainian (spelling) I'll TRY to translate this (I know Russian, but Ukrainian is really similar, so I hope I 'll be able to at least get the main idea)

I don't promise a translation today (it's almost 5am atm) but i' ll give it a shot tomorrow morning.

Edit: Might not be Ukrainian though, but hopefully i' ll be able to partially translate this, whatever language it is. (Also, im thinking it MIGHT BE Bulgarian, at least the word "Bulgarian" Is mentioned in the article)

[edit on 19-8-2008 by Arthx]

And another edit: Found This online translator, translates really fine to Russian, didn' t try Bulgarian -> English due to me being lazy and sleepy, but someone here should try it while I' m away, at least its better than nothing.

So yeah, after many edits, i'm 90% sure it's Bulgarian

[edit on 19-8-2008 by Arthx]

[edit on 19-8-2008 by Arthx]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by Arthx

Thanks, that was a great find!

The translator does not translate all the words (could it be that those are errors?), but it translates most of the text.

Last Monitoring Great! Extraterrestrial seen by over thirty occasional witnesses in Serbia!

Serb radio stations were flooded by calls from city Zenta, where aggregating of cars leaving the city in the direction of the west, were stopped at the roadside when two identical sets perched on the flight path. One zamaglen and was completely covered with blue light. The other was a clear and the shape of a cone, flat otgore.Ediniyat nosel is essentially over land and described as a gray-green and twenty meters high black eyes and a small mouth without ears? Is spusnalo land height of about one metre. Then quickly zavarnalo in the flight apparatus and two sets quickly otleteli.

The local police claimed that what they saw was a link festive balloons - despite all the witnesses claimed that it can take place and question - flight sets were complex, bramchashti, sveteshti and have izstrelyali right up. Izvanzemniyat was alive and dvizhel is as a man.

One witness Aleksander Petrovic said 'this was the most strange thing I ever seen and I can not accept that bubble.'


At the end of this mail is a link to the 'source' which proved Serbian news site 'policy' - link leads to a page on which, as to understand, there are only some old comments from March this year. In this case, the best that can I do is to podbera few key words and with them to gmurna in Google. This lead me to the forum Above Top Secret and possibly to the original release, which then all other sites are copied without thinking.
Note the date when it is published - August 4, 2008. And the author's remark - 'Free Translation'. Later he mentioned, that the message was sent from Budapest. And a small detail - Zenta of Serbian be written Senta. This change is much in demand. Now with Senta in the search engine poznayte what I found - in Uikipediyata page with the heading: Senta NLO Incident. Prazna.Dobre that Google, God bless you, keep cached page where we can still see the original text of Uikipediyata, which states:

Senta NLO Intsidenta concerns very bright monitor the NLO, which has taken place in Senta, a town in northern Serbia in Wednesday, July 30, 2008. Column of cars was stopped by two NLO bearing above the road. At the time izvanzemen individual appeared to be few and again entered the cockpit apparatus and two NLO is strelnali up with many apace. The incident was significantly reflected on the radio and in newspapers. Present More than 30 witnesses.

Why is eliminated? With klikane several links in Wikipedia understand that the message had been deleted on Aug. 5 at point G1 by Criterion for immediate deletion. The item reads:

Bezsmislitsa obvious and dzhibrish, nespasyaemo unrelated page without any meaningful content. This NOT include: bad style of writing, partizanshtina, offensive remarks, vandalism, izmislitsi, nenapisan material in English, poorly translated material seem theories or fraud; some of these, however, may be deleted as vandalism in too ochebiyni cases.

So the story in Senta has been deleted because it is cheating or izmislitsa. Was deleted because it is written in dzhibrish. I have read the text again -- Hmm. Is written very clearly and everything it means his great. But that was deleted immediately - this is clear. The very next day after Having appeared in the message Above Top Secret. At the original article appears in the Wiki had a two connections with leading referrals outside the site. One leading to the same message at the site dealing mainly with the end of the world, also has been deleted by the rapid process of the same date by automated spam bot seeking. But not delete the second link: / ufo me take you back in the Serbian site 'Political' but nonexistent page.

To stop here my searches. Not because I believe or not believe that something has happened. Even if nothing is not happened, to malvata Now would be rikoshirala back into Serbia and someone there somewhere, in one site or forum, certainly talking about it. But I can not find it because I do not know Serbian. So if any of you know the language and have little free time and interest, let's write in gugala of Serbian: NLO, Senta, extraterrestrial or something similar. If you have family who live there, maybe you can ask them to razpitat around. Certainly there ufologiya in forums where you say whether this is true or izmislitsa. If you find something interesting, please leave comments or I write to [email protected]

Publisher stiver at 2:01
Tags: IZI, NLO, Senta, Serbia

PS: I think NLO means UFO.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 06:29 AM
Well basically that's that, I can translate few of the words that translator didn't get, but i'm not that much help from this point. And yes, NLO means UFO.

sveteshti and have izstrelyali right up.

I guess this means that the UFO's were glowing and shot right up in the sky.

And...can't seem to find any more familiar words, oh well :/

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

Well done-I must say i realised it was Bulgarian, which can generally be understood by fluent Russian and Ukrainian speakers-at least in print.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

BTW Zenta is the Hungarian spelling for Senta-and Senta is historically and ethnically a Hungarian city, I have discovered-also my source for this story is Hungarian-which explains the spelling-and their source was politika- I have also recieved an email from a freind in budapest claiming a secondary article has been written on the topic in hungarian.
Anyway I am definately not the originator of this story-nor am i certain it occured, however I have reason to believe that it probably did occur and is being seriously hushed- more will come to light.

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