posted on Mar, 16 2004 @ 03:42 PM
I see an underlying strategy in Iraq that I think Bush and his people are afraid to dicuss very openly. If you listen to their speeches carefully
especialy in the wake of no WMDs you can gather that they planed to use Iraq as a base from which to transform the middle east.
This whole idea of a winning the war on terrorism can't really be done while the middle east continues to act as a breeding ground for religious
extreemism bent on destroying the US. You can catch a million potential terrorists, and send them all to guantanamo, but as long as kids in Iran,
Syria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are being reppressed by their governments and then told all their pain is caused by the U.S, more terrorists will be
produced every year. If Iraq can be made to work as a democracy friendly to the west, and if it is free from religious control of government, then
people all over the are will think they should have the same things. And from a purely strategic point of view, having bases in Iraq allows the U.S to
quickly respond to situations erupting in the area.
The WMDs issue, and the violation of UN resolutions was one of convinience allowing the administration to get the public along for the war, Iraq was
seen from day one after 9-11 as a crucial strategic target Bush was going to do this anyway. I will concede influence by oil companies, and others
such as Haliburton but I don't think this can be said to be a reason to spend billions of dollars, and risk thousands of lives as some have argued. I
also think personal feelings about Saddam trying to kill his father influenced Bush in his decision.
Although, I personaly believe that if we had a better leader with a little more character that the American people and others around the world would
have been more supportive had we made this about transforming the middle east, instead of the as of yet inconclusive WMDs.
Giving these people a better life, and taking down the terrorist networks, and repressive governments by force if nessesary is the only way we can
truly win this battle.