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Amazon Bans Book "Judaism Discovered."

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posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
Who are you to say who is or isn't a Jew?! Who are you to declare that the majority of the world's Jewry are not Jews?!

it seems you have, like thousands of other Jews, mixed and mashed up Judaism as a religion and an ethnicity, the Talmud does this as well, which makes the religion even more ridiculous when it has an inescapable ethnic label on it

Judaism as a religion, then a person is a Jew if they believe in the Talmud. Judaism as a race, that I guess means if you come from the 'twelve tribes of israel' which only God knows what happened to them and HOW we could ever find out who is today from those 'tribes' or if those tribes ever existed. Especially when the Turko-Mongolian Khazars converted to Judaism, that didn't help things AT ALL

hence, I can say if someone doesn't believe in the Talmud, then they're not a Jew. And since many Jews interbreeded with gentiles for centuries, it's kind of silly to call someone from a Jewish race, unless you SOMEHOW know for sure with some genetics or something that they're from the 'tribes'

but you, in your typical Talmudic sophistry fashion, have now COMPLETELY ignored the religious aspect of Judaism, and are focusing solely on the ethnic label. This is probably because I, well technically the brilliant Hoffman, refuted your silly allegations that Judaism is not the core foundation of the Talmud. You have ignored this religious label, and are now trying to call yourself a Jew with the ethnic label... ahh Jews, such a paradoxic identity crisis, no wonder they set the world on fire!!!

You show a severe lack of initiative for objective truth. Like the racial crap, you do know Moses married an Ethiopian woman. Do I need to remind you that Joseph married an Egyptian and that lead to the Tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh? So there are entire tribes of Israel that have African roots. Who are you to tell Ethiopian and Kenyan Jews that they are not Jews?

Yeah as if there's OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE that Moses and Joseph ever #ing existed!!

If Moses married an Ethiopian woman then that makes Talmudic Judaism even more silly! Because the Talmud precisely has negrophobic beliefs. Israelis and Jews even have derogatory names for blacks..

What's HILARIOUS about all this, is that now you've completely deconstructed the label "Jew," all on your own! I wonder if Ethiopian and Kenyan Jews know about the Jewish dominance of the slave trade? And how slave auctions were postponed when they fell on Jewish holidays?

all you've done is just given some ethnic groups the label "Jew." It's even more meaningless now!! Hey look I can do it too! There's some Kenyan bugaloos, Ethiopian Bugaloos, Indian bugaloos, Chinese bugaloos, but they're all bugaloos! So Bugaloos exist! Oh and I guess Moses' sons married Chinese and Indian people too right?

So are all Christians Catholics too?

Christianity is a religion, not a race. It's not cooky like Judaism is. You choose to be a Christian. Jews are Jews if their moms are Jews. I know it's cooky but call it tribal totalitarianism. Judaism tries to get the best of both worlds by being a race and a religion!

the Orthodox view's of the Talmud and Ashkenazi practices do not constitute the entirety of Judaism.

I've already shown through Hoffman's article how Judaism is entirely Talmudism. Even if the Talmud is just PART of Judaism, it makes Judaism even more stupid

The Jewish faith and people are broad and diverse.

again with the amalgamation of race and religion, you Jews just want it all don't you?!! This is what we mean by Talmudic sophistry. Because the religion is hocus pocus, you resort to Judaism being an ethnicity. Judaism as an ethnicity is even more fragmented, with all sorts of Chinese, Indian, Ethiopian Jews! It doesn't make logical sense dude, lay it off already, I know it's hard to let go of the Jewish identity crisis, but it's necessary

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by Diogenes7

If someone defines themselves as Christian it has nothing to do with ethnicity. They may be Catholic, Baptist, or even Mormon, but they define themselves as Christian. Who can truly Judge who is Christian and not?
If they reject the Catechism and Dogma of the Roman Church are they Christian? What makes a person a Christian? Who defines What that is? For most people at least some kind of core belief in Christ is what makes a Christian a follower of Christ.

Judaism is no different.

One does not have to be ethnically Jewish to follow Judaism. The Talmud is to Orthodox Jews what Dogma and the Catechism is to Catholics.

Anyone who is familar with Jewish ethnic and religious history would realize that the 613 Mitzvot from the Torah, the Five Books of Moses, formed the foundations for a set of Semitic tribes known as the Israelites. Judaism began as a Semitic tribal religion that allowed adopted converts. In modern times its still a tribal faith that has adopted converts.

hence, I can say if someone doesn't believe in the Talmud, then they're not a Jew.

Do you realize how ignorant that statement is? Do you know who the Sadducees were? They never accepted Oral Law ever. Do I need to mention the Essenes or the Zealots? The Talmud itself wasn't even compiled, written and completed until 200-500 CE. You can no more declare a Jew a non-jew than you can call a Baptist a non-Christian for ignoring Roman Catholic Catechism and Dogma.

You have convinced yourself that apparently the Pharisees were the only Jews that have ever existed and that the modern Orthodox Rabbinical Jews are the only Jews to exist even though they make up a small percentage of people who define themselves as Jews.

I'll try to lay this out clearly:

Judaism is a Tribal religion, it has always been and always will be. It has different sects, some more extreme than others. Its overall and core foundation among all sects is the 613 mitzvot from the Torah, aka the Five Books of Moses. It has always and always will include those from other ethnicities and races. King David's grandmother was a Moabite convert!

Your ignorance and non objective view is mind boggling. It is blantantly conflicted and closed minded. You have no right or authority to declare who is or isn't a Jew, yet here you are proclaiming only those who accept the Oral Law are Jews. Are you sure your not an Orthodox Jew? You would fit in well with the Pharisees of the 1st Century CE. Your blatant disregard for Objective truth is the kind of nonsense that causes people to misunderstand and spread fear and hate of Jews.

In most internet forums such blatantly hostile and non-objective posters are usually referred to as Trolls. The question is, is what kind. Are you an Orthodox Jew, who have similar beliefs about the Oral law, or are you an anti-semite so blinded by your hate that they can't even think objectively?

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 06:28 AM
Here's an update on the Amazon v Hoffman affair. A rare and second-hand book dealer has listed the book at the mind boggling price of USD 588.14!

There are currently thirteen reviews of the book on the site.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 07:35 AM
Marketing to Conspiracy-Theorists 101

Banning it gives it the publicity. Otherwise it would have dissappeared into obscurity.

In fact, the author probably intended to get it banned. Banned books are always bestsellers in the conspiracy-theory community.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Marketing to Conspiracy-Theorists 101

Banning it gives it the publicity. Otherwise it would have dissappeared into obscurity.

In fact, the author probably intended to get it banned. Banned books are always bestsellers in the conspiracy-theory community.

How many 'con theory' books have you seem banned lately? And how many have gone on to be huge sellers due to the publicity?

The last one I can think of would be The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror by David Hoffman. It sure didn't become a best seller when it did make its way onto the market.

Even though Hoffman has written other works that certainly dwell within the realms of 'conspiracy theory,' this book is not one of them.

It is, however, an interesting premise, and an individual made comments on Amazon that seem to point in this direction. Although it seems as if this individual may in fact be an employee of Amazon.

A very reliable source has informed me that a "movement" bookseller with an account on Amazon Marketplace has approached Hoffman to buy some to put on Marketplace, but that Hoffman has rebuffed him.

I'm not sure how he can expect people to take him at his word when he refutes evidence offered by others that is a bit more verifiable. I imagine that Hoffman is quite wary of "movement " book-sellers that want to buy large quantities of his books to sell at greatly inflated prices on Amazon. Even if that wariness stems from a paranoia of the book disappearing in the same manner as Eisenmengers work.

When I telephoned Amazon a little while ago, they told me the reason for the missing reviews was they were updating their computers.
Now the reviews are back.

I am sure that Hoffman knew that this book would be met with controversy, with such a sensitive subject it will always be so.
But I don't think he thought this would be the way to get the book out there.

If a substantial portion of these constituencies boycott Judaism Discovered, our readership will be reduced to a collection of individuals who lack the kind of organized clout that is needed to get a book reviewed, discussed and into circulation.

There is an advantage to Judaism Discovered by this development. Third party sales allow Amazon's reviewer's link to be activated. Readers can now post reviews pro and contra and a debate will undoubtedly ensue, which generates interest in the book.

The disadvantage is that Amazon itself continues to refuse to sell the book in multiple quantities at the more affordable retail price (they always refused to discount the book as they do with many other titles). This will keep Judaism Discovered from ever reaching a high place in Amazon's important "sales rankings," which are closely watched by librarians, teachers, book distributors, chain stores and the media.

As far as publicity goes, Hoffman has sought none outside of updating people who subscribe to his mailing list. It certainly isn't making the front pages of any newspapers.

[edit on 15/9/2008 by Beelzebubba]

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 09:58 AM
Whatever the case may be, I agree that trying to BAN information in this day and age (it is the "Information Age" afterall) is just plain stupid because impossible.

Neither do I need amazon to decide what is appropriate for me to read and what not. Ive already decided Im not going to read the book.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Judaism is no different.

you are such a Jew LIAR! Judaism says you are Jewish as long as your mother's Jewish, regardless of what you believe. One can easily see how this rule infects healthy individuals and makes Neurotic Jews for generations on end. Christianity has no such rule

Anyone who is familar with Jewish ethnic and religious history would realize that the 613 Mitzvot from the Torah, the Five Books of Moses, formed the foundations for a set of Semitic tribes known as the Israelites. Judaism began as a Semitic tribal religion that allowed adopted converts. In modern times its still a tribal faith that has adopted converts.

the Talmudic sophistry never ends.

Br Nathanael: Is Judaism based on the Old Testament Scriptures?

Michael Hoffman: No. By the time of Christ, Judaism was based on the “Oral Law.” The New Testament speaks of this as the “traditions of the elders.” Jesus Christ denounced and condemned the “traditions of the elders” in the Gospel of John Chapter 5 and in the Gospel of Mark Chapter 7.

After the Jewish leadership crucified Jesus Christ, and their subsequent killings and persecution of Christians throughout the Roman world, the rabbis committed to writing the “traditions of the elders” which formed the first part of the Talmud called the Mishnah.

This occurred in Babylon toward the end of the second century A.D. All subsequent books of the Talmud were composed in Babylon from the third century until the end of the sixth century A.D.

Br Nathanael: Is then Judaism based on the Talmud and not on the Bible?

Michael Hoffman: The hermeneutic system of Judaism is not based on the Bible but on the Talmud. This must be understood when dealing with the rabbis and their submissive flock. Judaism, though much in vogue with Evangelicals and Roman Catholics, is totally alien to the only Biblical religion on earth today, Christianity.

Br Nathanael: You said above that Jesus Christ denounced the traditions of the elders? How so?

Michael Hoffman: The rabbis teach that the revelation granted to Moses had been delivered in two forms, a smaller revelation in writing, and the larger one kept oral.

The rabbis claim that the so-called “oral revelation” had been transmitted by the leaders of each generation to their successors—by Moses to Joshua; and then to the elders; to the prophets; to the men of the Sanhedrin; to the leaders of the Pharisees; and finally to the earliest rabbis who saw themselves as heirs of the Pharisees.

This supposed transmission of the Oral Law, the “tradition of the elders,” was challenged by Jesus who termed it “commandments of men which nullify the Word of God.”

Thus Jesus made the tale of the transmission a fraud. It is a lie concocted in hell to claim that Moses issued two sets of law, one written and public - the other oral and secret. In the entire Bible there is nothing to support this imposture....

Do you realize how ignorant that statement is? Do you know who the Sadducees were? They never accepted Oral Law ever. Do I need to mention the Essenes or the Zealots? The Talmud itself wasn't even compiled, written and completed until 200-500 CE. You can no more declare a Jew a non-jew than you can call a Baptist a non-Christian for ignoring Roman Catholic Catechism and Dogma.

wrong, because even baptists believe in Christ. All Christian sects from what I know, follow Christ to some extent. Even this is more consistent than the hocus pocus black magic of Judaism

Its overall and core foundation among all sects is the 613 mitzvot from the Torah, aka the Five Books of Moses

all sects[/] eh? Including Orthodox Jews? See what I mean with the Jew deception?

Even "Jews for Jesus" are secretly loyal to their religious and racial Jewry. Hoffman calls them a "Trojan horse"

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 05:14 PM
the previous post with Hoffman's interview with Brother Kapner was me, I just forgot to sign in. Continuing on with the interview...

Br Nathanael: So the oral tradition of the Jews is not consonant with the Old Testament?

Michael Hoffman: Not at all. The spurious claim of an oral “tradition of the elders” bequeathed by God to Moses is anti-Biblical, just as Jesus asserted.

Christ very simply illuminated the fact that if the Pharisaic tradition had indeed been from Moses, then they would have become Christians. For Christ rebuked them saying, “Had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed Me, for he wrote of Me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe My words?”

Here Jesus annihilated in one stroke the basis for the religion of Judaism and its conceit of an oral tradition given to it by Moses. For had such a tradition existed it would have testified of Jesus the Messiah. Instead, Christ tells them point blank that they do not follow Moses!

Br Nathanael: When speaking of the centrality of the Talmud in Judaism, you refer to the “rabbis and their submissive flock.” How then does the Jewish secularist figure into this submissive flock?

Michael Hoffman: All of those within the polity of Judaism, even the Jewish secularist, give tacit allegiance to the rabbis. How often have we heard from any of them when challenged with the Messiahship of Jesus, this response: But the rabbis do not believe in Jesus!

Well of course they do not believe! How could they? For as Jesus stated in his reproof to the Pharisees, their tradition is a denial of what Moses wrote about the coming of the Messiah in the Person of Jesus Christ. Moreover, as regards the Jewish secularist, he exhibits the same chauvinism and racism as the Talmudists.

Br Nathanael: With the Talmud being the basis of Judaism, how then does one bring the Gospel message to the rabbis and their followers?

Michael Hoffman: When presenting Old Testament proofs of the Messiahship of Jesus to the rabbis and their followers - one must penetrate the iron-clad grid of the Talmudic mind-set which according to Christ’s assertion makes the Scriptures of none effect.

From the outset, the Christian must realize that the rabbis and their followers do not know their own Scriptures, and for that matter, do not care to know them. For they view the Talmud as superceding the Scriptures. Much patience is required when bringing the Gospel message to them, and perhaps at times, stern reproofs are necessary.

Br Nathanael: What do you mean by saying that the Jewish secularist exhibits the same chauvinism and racism as believers in the Talmud?

Michael Hoffman: The main tenet of Judaism is Jewish self-worship. Judaism has as its “god,” not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but the worship of the Jewish people.

Jewish self-worship is at the core of the Talmud. The secularist amongst them shares in this self-worship. For the Talmud teaches that the Gentile is a lower form of humanity. They all believe that they have this special-ness about them, believing the myth that they, not the Christians, are the “chosen people.”

Coupled with the false notion that they are the “chosen people” - regardless of their unethical conduct, their gross distortions of the God of the Bible, their unbelief, their hatred of Biblical Christian culture, (which has afforded them asylum in Christian nations), and their persistent rejection of Jesus the Messiah - the Talmud teaches that those within Judaism are of a higher form of humanity than others. For they pray both in the synagogue and in their homes, “I thank Thee O God that Thou has not made me a Gentile.”

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 05:29 PM
continuing on...

Br Nathanael: You say that the Talmud has made the Scriptures of none effect. How so?

Michael A. Hoffman: In the Gospel of Mark Chapter 7, Jesus rebuked the Pharisees saying, “You make the Word of God of none effect by your tradition that you have handed down.” There is little in the Talmud which refers to Old Testament Scriptures - but rather, teachings that are contrary to the Scriptures.

The Talmud teaches that a Jew may *kill, **steal, and ***lie to non-Jews with impunity -yet all of these actions are in violation of the 6th, 7th, and 9th commandments of Moses. Here is but one example of the Oral Law making the Word of God “of none effect.” [*Tractates Sanhedrin 58b; **Baba Mezia 24a; **Sanhedrin 57a; ***Baba Kama 113a]

There is also the Talmudic nullification of the sin of King David, by which sin, Christians have learned to shun the sins of adultery and hostility, reciting the penitent words of King David in Psalm 51. But the religion of Judaism will have none of this! For the Talmud states: “whosoever says King David sinned is mistaken.”

According to the Talmud the practice in those days for men going to war was to give their wives conditional divorces. The Talmud states that Bathsheba was no longer married and hence decrees that King David did not sin.

What the rabbis are actually saying is that it is God who is mistaken–yet the Word of God clearly declares that David sinned by killing Uriah the Hittite and committing adultery with his wife: “Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house because thou hast despised Me and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife.” (II Samuel 12)

Br Nathanael: Is it true that the Talmud blasphemes Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary?

Michael Hoffman: The Talmud indeed blasphemes Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. Tractate Sanhedrin 106a says that Jesus’ mother was a harlot: “She who was a descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters.” Also in Tractate Shabbath 104b of the Talmud, it is stated: “Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men.”

As regard the Talmud’s treatment of Jesus Christ, Tractates Sanhedrin 107b and Sotah 47a say: “Jesus was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone and brick, was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent.” And even a more vile blasphemy is written in Tractate Gitten 57: “Jesus is in hell, being boiled in hot excrement.”

Br Nathanael: What attitude then should Christians take towards Judaism?

Michael Hoffman: Christians must understand that the religion of Judaism is anti-Biblical. The true religion of the God of Israel is Christianity not Judaism. Judaism is simply a perversion of God’s original revelation to the Hebrew nation–it is the very religion of nullification of the Old Testament.

Now what fellowship has light with darkness? What fellowship has Christ with Belial? What fellowship has the true worship of God with idols and “Judaism’s strange gods?” None!

the fact that this 'Michael' character has even used the world's most notorious smear term, "anti-Semite" against me, shows his true Talmudic colors. There may be several sects of Judaism, but they are all self-worshiping and Christ killing.

what 'Michael' ignores is the vast plethora of International Jewry and its crimes against humanity throughout the past centuries, and continuing today... No matter what sect a Jew is, they seem to rarely reveal to gentiles what other Jews have been, and presently are up to

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 05:45 AM
Hoffman Update

As MikeBoydUS pointed out in an earlier post, the book was going to be available through Barnes and Noble as of October 1.

I was pretty sure that B&N would back out of selling the title, and guess what...

This item is currently out of stock

This wouldn't necessarily point to any kind of prohibition of the book, except that the review I quoted earlier has been deleted.

scholarship reveals what has been repeatedly forgotten
Yitzhak Goldberg, traditional Catholic & former rabbi, 08/26/2008

Jesus who can neither deceive nor be deceived told us all we need to know about the Pharisees, but men have deceived us. In thousands of pages with verifiable and incontrovertible footnotes, the author exposes the truth that has been revealed and forgotten time and time again. Donin, Pfefferkorn, Eisenmenger, Stehlin, and now Hoffman tell us the truth, all that the rabbis deny. Read this book and you will never again be deceived.

A browse through B&N's 'Out of Print' store shows no copies for retail either. Amazon, however, currently has 16 copies for sale through their 'New and Used' branch, ranging in price from USD $80.00 - USD $188.00.

The 'intellectual property' dispute languishes and no news has been forthcoming.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by Diogenes7

'The main tenet of Judaism is Jewish self-worship. Judaism has as its “god,” not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but the worship of the Jewish people.

Couldn't agree more with the above quote from Hoffman

And I find the same theme within the new Freemasonry

Having spent the better part of my life amongst jews (practising and non-practising) I formed the same opinion as Hoffman regarding the self-absorbed, self-worshipping, self-obsessed nature of jews who really are their own favourite subject. And expect (and engineer) to be the primary subject in the lives of others, via whatever means possible. Narcissism at its most extreme, insane level.

They are their own 'god'. They have replaced God with themselves. They play God (as in conniving to ban books, for example).

This neurotic self-interest and assumed self-importance is revealed in all spheres of jewish life: they're desperate to be the focus of interest .. yet undertake to erase any and all criticism of themselves.

I've come to regard them as not terribly bright, spoilt brats. Clearly they are not intelligent, for time and again throughout the centuries they've failed to realise they've crossed the line, worn everyone's patience thin, bored multitudes to tears and earned the criticisms heaped upon them.

Their attitudes are narcissistic in the extreme. Are neurotic. Their religion does not stand up to scrutiny. And their hypocrisy is monumental.

All of which is exemplified within the 'kick, scream and wail' performance re: Hoffman's new book.

Amazon ... you just lost yourself another customer. Your reputation stinks in any case as even a casual reading of the 'My 2 cents' site reveals. On the nose in the same way as Ebay. Both dominated by jews and the sheer hatred for humanity (jews included) that permeates these failing, online sites.

I have tried to maintain respect for the jews I've known, but despite my generosity of spirit, it's jews themselves who've gone out of their way to force me to despise them. And they've succeeded. Jews simply bore.

[edit on 10-10-2008 by Dock6]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Beelzebubba

I'm guessing its because he denies/questions the Holocaust in it,and is therefore open to prosecution in many European countries and Israel.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Dock6
reply to post by Diogenes7

'The main tenet of Judaism is Jewish self-worship. Judaism has as its “god,” not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but the worship of the Jewish people.

Couldn't agree more with the above quote from Hoffman

And I find the same theme within the new Freemasonry

Having spent the better part of my life amongst jews (practising and non-practising) I formed the same opinion as Hoffman regarding the self-absorbed, self-worshipping, self-obsessed nature of jews who really are their own favourite subject. And expect (and engineer) to be the primary subject in the lives of others, via whatever means possible. Narcissism at its most extreme, insane level.

They are their own 'god'. They have replaced God with themselves. They play God (as in conniving to ban books, for example).

This neurotic self-interest and assumed self-importance is revealed in all spheres of jewish life: they're desperate to be the focus of interest .. yet undertake to erase any and all criticism of themselves.

I've come to regard them as not terribly bright, spoilt brats. Clearly they are not intelligent, for time and again throughout the centuries they've failed to realise they've crossed the line, worn everyone's patience thin, bored multitudes to tears and earned the criticisms heaped upon them.

Their attitudes are narcissistic in the extreme. Are neurotic. Their religion does not stand up to scrutiny. And their hypocrisy is monumental.

All of which is exemplified within the 'kick, scream and wail' performance re: Hoffman's new book.

Amazon ... you just lost yourself another customer. Your reputation stinks in any case as even a casual reading of the 'My 2 cents' site reveals. On the nose in the same way as Ebay. Both dominated by jews and the sheer hatred for humanity (jews included) that permeates these failing, online sites.

I have tried to maintain respect for the jews I've known, but despite my generosity of spirit, it's jews themselves who've gone out of their way to force me to despise them. And they've succeeded. Jews simply bore.
[edit on 10-10-2008 by Dock6]

it's indeed the most astonishing thing I've ever seen in my life. It's in fact the world's foremost problem as Henry Ford put it. There hasn't been any other group on this face of the earth, who has been so despicable, so utterly morally bankrupt and soulless. More and more I keep realizing that it is a racial thing, perhaps some Talmudic conditioning when they were kids, but why is it so prevalent?

no other group has been so organized, so closely knit, and so determined to destroy the rest of humanity with utter contempt and sheer arrogance. By their own Satanic mission to rule and destroy humanity, they have effectively sowed the seeds for their own destruction.

no other group on the face of the earth, has had such a bizarre, totally corrupt, and parasitizing track record as the Jew has. This has been going on for centuries.

they are like a parasite, like tapeworms and flat worms, they literally leech from the rest of humanity in order to sustain their insatiable appetite for destruction of all that is good in the world

there are only a handful of honest, decent Jews who are willing to discuss all the important facts. The number of people in this group are so small, so marginalized, so very little, they pose no threat. The vast majority are totally complacent and unconsciously harbour the same, self-worshipping contempt

when will it end? when will the lies, wars, political persecutions, financial/economic manipulations (Jew federal Reserve) end? Will it ever end? Will humanity ever be free of this child of Satan?

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by jakyll
reply to post by Beelzebubba

I'm guessing its because he denies/questions the Holocaust in it,and is therefore open to prosecution in many European countries and Israel.

"holocaust denial" is really one of the most retarded smear terms. It's up there with "anti-semite."

Jews have a very good ability to make effective smear terms by making them emotionally charged and giving them sort of a magic impenetrable "aura" around them, that anyone doubting such things would be persecuted, laughed at, attacked, by the countless of idiots and herds and willfully ignorant mobs of Gentiles. It's a particularly Gentile liberal trait to be easily fooled by such hocus pocus black magic, and that makes it all the more destructive, as the West becomes hijacked.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Now that (by that I meant yours) is the kind of objectivity that most people come to a discussion page to find! Although I am starting to question some aspects of the "Holocaust" myself in relation to the numbers involved and some of the people responsible, the fact that many more Christians died under the hands of the so called Jews than vice-verse! The fact that "they" (YIKES!) try to stop the publication and/or distribution of written and spoken opinions in a country that has been better to them than any place on earth--where they have found more peace, success, and freedom of speech than they would have EVER furnished to us (or anyone else!) under any circumstances...even in our OWN country where they are, for the most part, mostly an ungrateful, demanding, controlling, and disloyal house guest is maddening and completely unacceptable! When you read any part of the Torah you will realize that it is about time that someone spoke up! Some people just need to grow up, or shut up!

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 09:35 PM
tis' truly unbelievable, even Barnes & Noble is doing the same crap that Amazon is doing. They have the book listed on the website, but it's saying "book is not yet available."

Unbelievable, the sheer arrogance and spinelessness of these people. They OFFER a PRE-ORDER for the book, and then will TELL YOU, WHEN IT WILL BE AVAILABLE.

Absolutely unbelievable, I pre-ordered LATE AUGUST, and they gave me a date that I will get it around OCTOBER 1ST. Even worse, the pre-order was supposed to be a deal, 41$ instead of the publisher's usual $45 which would have become 70$ with S & H


I call them once and ask, they don't even have any in stock yet, the date has been pushed back, etc... So I decide to wait a couple weeks, call them again, same ole' bull#, wait again, call again, SAME OLE'S BULL#.

Absolutely ridiculous. They allow PRE-ORDERS of a book that they HAVE NOT even bothered to stock up in, jeez I wonder why???

completely baffling, that they DECEIVE customers knowingly with phony pre-orders, KNOWING FULL WELL THAT THEY WILL NOT STOCK ANY FOR A LONG WHILE, even though they can easily order them from the publisher... probably calling up some rabbi everyday and groveling to ask if they can order them.

absolutely insane, shamelessly leading customers on like that, and the call representatives NEVER have a reason as to WHY it hasn't been ordered yet, nothing at all

so I canceled that # and ordered directly from Hoffman, I got it in a week, and the $70 is more than worth it. Much more worth it than waiting 4 years to get it from slimy Amazon or Asscrack & #hole

truly amazing gentlemen, the black magic, privileged immunity and supremacy of Judaism is truly an octopus gripping the world.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Diogenes7]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:51 PM
Pertinent to this discussion I think, is

Professor Schlomo Sand's book,

'When and How Was the Jewish People Invented ? '

Professor Sand is a Jewish historian, employed by Tel Aviv university

His book is into its twelfth printing apparently and has been translated into several languages. It's been on the Israeli best-seller list for months.

Sand's book states that the idea of a Jewish nation is a myth concocted a century ago to justify the founding of Israel.

.... the modern Zionist idea of Jews being obligated to return from exile to the Promised Land was entirely alien to Judaism, he added.

"I was not raised as a Zionist, but like all other Israelis I took it for granted that the Jews were a people living in Judea and that they were exiled by the Romans in 70 AD.

"But once I started looking at the evidence, I discovered that the kingdoms of David and Solomon were legends.

"Similarly with the exile. In fact, you can't explain Jewishness without exile. But when I started to look for history books describing the events of this exile, I couldn't find any. Not one.

It would be expected (and Sand did) that Jewish academics and historians would vigorously oppose Sand's claims.

Surprisingly, there has been no attempt to challenge Sand's book.

Instead, Jewish historians have been more anxious to defend their own credentials and have been eager to affirm that Sand's conclusions (re: the deliberate invention of 'the Jewish people') are of no surprise to them, saying jewish historians 'already knew all this before Sand wrote about it '.

Sand says:

" ... you can't explain Jewishness without exile. But when I started to look for history books describing the events of this exile, I couldn't find any. Not one.

"That was because the Romans did not exile people. In fact, Jews in Palestine were overwhelming peasants and all the evidence suggests they stayed on their lands."

Sand says:

"It is not taught in Israeli schools but most of the early Zionist leaders, including David Ben Gurion [Israel's first prime minister], believed that the Palestinians were the descendants of the area's original Jews. They believed the Jews had later converted to Islam."

THIS is the book: ' 'When and How Was the Jewish People Invented ?

Read excerpts from Prof. Schlomo Sand's book, plus interview with him

and here

and comprehensive and informative article re: Sand's book here:

edited to include that Professor Schlomo Sand is himself Jewish, raised a jew and is employed by a Jewish university

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Dock6]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 01:53 AM
Threads like these leave a bad taste in my mouth. I listened to this song moments before reading this and heaven help me, it lingers.

Sell the damned thing, Amazon. I will never buy it. Look at the anger it has burned out of people. Parasites? Spoilt brats? Unintelligent? I've also been guilty of an occasional nasty thought for a group of people, but such intense disgust baffles and scares me. I wonder what must be going on in the lives of some of the individuals posting here to spur such revulsion.

I'm going to bed now. Maybe I'll wake up as a kid again and have parents to shield me from this nonsense.

[edit on 2-11-2008 by Siblin]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by Siblin

that's the problem, you have to READ it first to understand. It proves once and for all that all of Judaism's tenets come mostly from Babylonian Paganism, and their sheer outrageousness compared to that of other "holy" books is what makes it so baffling. The thing is that it enjoys immunity and special privileges of being free from criticism, whereas Muslim and Christian scripture is scrutinized and demonized by many prominent Jewish writers, and yet you can't say anything true about the horrible things the Talmud and Judaism says, you go to jail for it. The careers of intellectuals disappear if the Talmud is exposed

the Talmud is like no other religious book. It allows pedophilia and sex with 3 year old girls and 9 year old boys, it allows killing, cheating and lying to gentiles and non-Jews. It calls gentiles 'cattle' and not human, it's easy on abortions, including late-term and partial birth. It's the spiritual antithesis of Jesus Christ, The Kol Nidrei of the Day of Atonement IS a letting go of future vows and promises, etc etc...

the 'teachings' of this book are entirely morally bankrupt and create future self-obsessed and self-worshiping delinquent gangs of hedonists and sex addicts

TIE THAT IN with a disproportionate number of modern and living Jews who have a peculiarly and never before seen ugly faces, and look at the destructive force they lay on the US with their undeserved and "pop-out-of-nowhere Jew" type of hijacking:

Greenspan (really ugly, who even swore into an accounting office with a hand on the Talmud), Bernanke. Bernanke helped his Jew friends on Wall Street get bailed out and be paid by gentiles for doing nothing, with the help of Jews Barney Frank and Ackerman:

[all of them are ugly as sin]

Lloyd Blankfein: Chairman & CEO of Goldman Sachs

Stephen Roach: Managing Director & Economist of Morgan Stanley

Martin Feldstein: Director of American International Group (AIG)

Alan Fishman: CEO of Washington Mutual (WaMu)

Neoconservative Jews who push the US into wars for Israel (really ugly)

Most Israeli Prime Ministers and other top officials (really ugly)

Most of the Jew Media in the US (Murdock, Rothstein aka Redstone (really ugly), Zuckerman, et al, Salzburger, Washington Post)

a slew of British and US Jew politicians who many ended up in shameful scandals of corruption, including US Jew betrayers such as Scooter Libby and Abrams, Lieberman, etc..)

REALLY UGLY Jew feminists Betty Freidan, Susan Sontag (real name Rosenblatt), and Gloria Steinem, preach anti-white male rubbish, and are jealous of white beauty

then you wonder why the Talmud says what it says

there is a serious Jewish Problem going on and has been for some centuries, and there doesn't seem to be any sign that it will be diminishing very soon.

“each country can absorb only a limited number of Jews, if she doesn’t want disorders in her stomach. Germany already has too many Jews” - Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization and first president of the state of Israel

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 01:04 PM
I suggest that you take some courses in Anthropology, sir. Nothing is particularly extraordinary about such traits, I assure you. The only thing "ugly as sin" is that we keep finding the need to single out one of its occurrences in order to label it as "BAD! EVIL! PAGAN! UGLY! OUTRAGEOUS!" Many indigenous groups of people in this world have a name for themselves that translates to mean "THE People", and cosmologies frequently make out that particular group to be the "chosen" of the god(s). For the author of this book to lay out such details is one thing, but for you (and him) to twist it around into a message of hate says far more about you than it ever could about Judaism or the Jewish people. You seem to have a great deal of pent-up anger. Might I suggest you take up sports? Or painting?

[edit on 2-11-2008 by Siblin]

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