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Thank you, President Bush

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posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by tyranny22

If you want the UN to decide what America can do, you can have them. I rather keep Bush. He may be accused of taking away some of our rights but the UN is intent on stripping away all of our rights.
Maybe next time Bush can send an invasion force into the UN and liberate New York City.
I can't wait till the day that we elect a President with some cajones who will tell the UN to get the EFF out.

Thank you Bush for not letting the UN dictate what America should do. Your decision might have been a wrong one, but letting the UN tell America what to do would have been a worst decision.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 08:41 AM
I don't believe you Americans are so blind !
You congratulate the man who gave death to more people than Hitler himself !
He only made war where was oil or other economical reasons, he don't give a # about "liberating" any country.
If you Americans care about liberating countries, then where are you now with the Olympics going on and Russia is making war against the Olympic spirit, to a poor country like Georgia.
You can only hit poor Iraqis, Afghans, Libyans who fight with stones...
You chose to help USSR cause otherwise you dont have the guts to fight the Great White Bear, chickens.
So , stop the propaganda and see clearly : The whole world hates you ! And thats because of your leaders.
And how can you say you are energy independable, when you beg the Arabs for better prices in Petrol ?
Where is your humanity in Africa ? In Palestine ?
Americans cannot show you Afghanistan or Iraq or Palestine in a map...

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by jam321

Perhaps your eyes may open to the deception of our own Nation's influences in the UN.

You may be surprise as to how the UN really works . . . and who is the one pulling the strings when it comes to financial support.

The role and influence of the US in the United Nations

Just food for the thoughts.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:17 AM
The problem is, the OP's willful ignorance of the facts affects everyone, because, it was on the backs on people like the OP, and some very friendly electronic voting machines, that bush has managed to stay in power. This ignorance affects everyone, not just the OP himself. And, I'm sick of "rising above"..time to drop the hammer on ignorance, with some truth.

This is how the left responds to people they disagree with. Elections are always lost because they are either stolen or people are just too dumb to see their way.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:30 AM
I recently gave a talk on "why i like prez Bush. you said it much better than I

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:36 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

reply to post by mabus325

Keep feeding the divide. And make mr Rockefeller and mr Rotschild (who support and control both the left and the right) laugh

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:37 AM
How truly quaint. I love to see such innocence and naivte.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by jam321

As I stated in a previous post, I endorse the dissolution of the U.N. See prior posts for more information regarding this subject. So, I guess we're on the same page with this point.

Also, see prior post on Bush having the "cajones" or "guts" as I referred to it in another post, for my thoughts on that matter as well.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:07 AM
Stockholm Syndrome: A psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted hostage or abuse victims, in which the hostage/victim shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker/abuser.

The "Stockholm Syndrome" reaction in hostage and/or abuse situations is so well recognized at this time that police hostage negotiators no longer view it as unusual. In fact, it is often encouraged in crime situations as it improves the chances for survival of the hostages. On the down side, it also assures that the hostages experiencing "Stockholm Syndrome" will not be very cooperative during rescue or criminal prosecution.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:29 AM
Thank you President Bush for doing so much for the Home Tourist Industry ... because now everyone abroad hates us .

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:45 AM

[edit on 14-8-2008 by Pawnhaus]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:58 AM
I've only read the first page of this thread but when I read the first couple of lines in the opening post I thought it was going to go, "haha yeah right! I'm happy your leaving!" Or something like that but I was appalled to see that the OP wasn't joking and that there were people who actually agreed with him.

IMHO George W Bush is an insensitive, ignorant, foolish puppet. Even if he really does run the country- at the least he's his dad's puppet. At least. He's a fool. He saw over loads of executions when he was Govenor and hes just a simple-minded tw*t. He doesn't give a damn about the Iraqi people. He couldn't care less and honestly I doubt he cares that much about the American people. Him and his administration are a disgrace to humanity. They dont even care about their own people enough to give them healthcare. Its disgusting.

Space Ed UK

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by coven

you good sir or ma'am, have just made my day with that letter. i can sleep a little better at night knowing that a americans like u r making bush look more retarted everyday. u have my thanks

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 12:13 PM
Thank you mabus325 For this great sarcasm thread..

Originally posted by Gun Totin Gerbil
Thank you President Bush for doing so much for the Home Tourist Industry ... because now everyone abroad hates us .

Mehh while Bush sure didn't help anything .. The world already hated the US before he was even made president.

[edit on 14-8-2008 by wolfmanjack]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Space_Ed
I've only read the first page of this thread but when I read the first couple of lines in the opening post I thought it was going to go, "haha yeah right! I'm happy your leaving!" Or something like that but I was appalled to see that the OP wasn't joking and that there were people who actually agreed with him.

IMHO George W Bush is an insensitive, ignorant, foolish puppet. Even if he really does run the country- at the least he's his dad's puppet. At least. He's a fool. He saw over loads of executions when he was Govenor and hes just a simple-minded tw*t. He doesn't give a damn about the Iraqi people. He couldn't care less and honestly I doubt he cares that much about the American people. Him and his administration are a disgrace to humanity. They dont even care about their own people enough to give them healthcare. Its disgusting.

Space Ed UK

but Space Ed uk think of how much better you may feel if you were still willing to see things in a more simple minded ....he's a middle of the road type of guy....history will treat him kindly .....type o' guy.....and yes he is about as puppet puppets come

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by WizardVanWizard
Sigh. I can't believe so many people with so many intelligent things to say were baited into rambling on with this inane George Bush arguing...

I thought this was the Almighty ATS! All of you who so predictably jumped in with your "Yeah, THANK you!" sarcasms and your "What, you're thanking the man who..." outbursts that 768687680769679 people have been spouting for 8 years; come on, I thought all you guys were conspiracists! I'm from Canada and know bupkus about American government/history, but I know enough to know that the President himself has verrry little to do with all these decisions that are being made.

I think that the President being essentially a figurehead is as obivious to all of you as to me. Bush was a loser just like the last several U.S. Presidents. He just happened to be in power when some major shifts were decided to be put in motion by whomever the powers that be really are. Do you think that if someone else was in office in 2001, that anything would have happened differently? That is, differently enough to have changed the course of how things played out? Of course not. Do you think the 2nd Iraq invasion was plotted up by ol' Dubyah around the campfire POST 911? Come on! I thought you all thought he was stupid.

Do you honestly think the absolute mess of America's immigration, education, healthcare, etc, would've been magically untangled to any signifigant degree by whatever other schmuck was "voted" to "lead" the country?

Bush was the same as any other President in my book. There are always wars, economic movements, etc, in motion years before these world leaders end up in power, it's just a matter of timing as to what man/woman happens to give the speech. These things weren't his "fault". They happened under his watch, but, really, did he have enough swing to really change anything? Aren't there channels that bills and things go through?

I'm just sick of these slogan-shouters wasting time on such a useless topic. You're playing into exactly what anti-Libs insult Libs for. I think you guys know the solutions to America's ills won't be found in the voting booth for President when all you have to choose from is the Demopubes.

[edit on 8/13/2008 by WizardVanWizard]


i mentioned in one of my posts that it is too depressing to believe they have been duped by the dog and pony show so many others have called out for years

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 12:21 PM
Thank you for your warcrimes.

Thank you for the new generation of veterans.

Thank you for a new generation of extremists and terrorist.

Thank you for painting that big red bullseye on your country.

Thank you for lieing to the world and getting away with it (so far).

But thank you most of all for being elected in a time where everything is recorded and posted on the "internets".

May history judge you fair, like it did with Stalin and Hitler

Thank you very much indeed.

[edit on 14-8-2008 by sn00daard]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by jfj123

Obviously you are one of the many that lacks the ability to respect a different opinion. You sit in no seat of judgement over MY opinion. It is not right or wrong, just my individual thoughts. The audacity some have to
think their particulary dogma is the only one that matters.

I'm sure you have griped throughout this thread because your God given
liberties are being stripped away one by one; yet you have exemplified, in your reply to me, "Bush deserves to be bashed duh!" that which you have taken issue with, i.e. loss of freedoms.

Well as a tax paying American, and glad to be one, I also have the right of freedom of speech, just as you do. So sad, that you are so blinded by your antipathy that you cannot even let another citizen pay gratitude to the very ones who fought to secure Your freedoms.

Maybe instead of typing on this forum, you should take some time and self evaluate to find when exactly your anger turned your heart to stone

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 02:08 PM
Originally posted by mabus325

"I would to thank the President for his 7 1/2 years of service to this country.
I don't agree with the President 100% of the time, but here are my thanks to the President. History will treat you kind, Mr President. Your detractors will fade from memory.

Thank you for liberating Afghanistan."

- From the Taliban, which we helped rise to power...oops.

"Thank you for standing strong in Iraq, when others wanted to surrender."

- ye, I mean what's 4-5 thousand US lives ost compared to those oil wells right?

"Thank you for putting a dictator on trial for war crimes and receiving the final justice he deserves."

- Yay! Justice to the dictator who we put in power, and supplied everything he needed to commit war crimes. So technicaly that is a thanks...but I've seen more than enough proof to say that removing Sadam was not what Iraq was about.

"Thank you for not treating the White House as a brothel."

- Yes, you never F'ed anyone IN the oval office, but he did F the entire nation FROM the oval office.

"Thank you for putting the fear into Libya so that they gave up they nuclear weapons program."

- Hmm, they nucler weapons program...thanks I guess.

"Thank you for standing up to North Korea."

- Finally US stands up to tiny little north korean bully! Great success!

"Thank you for doing actually something about Al Qaida other than firing missiles that take so long to get there the camps are empty by the time the missiles hit."

- In other words thanks for doing - absolutely nothing about them???

"Thank you Mr President for working hard to get the economy going after 9/11."

- Oh, and thank you Mr. President for 9/11 as well.

"Thank you for standing up for tax cuts."

- Again, yay!

"Thank you for trying to make this country energy independent."

- And screwing a good portion of the world while you were at it, creating such a great image of the US for everyone to marvel at. Hold on a second, what's so damn great about being energy dependant anyways?

"Thank you for trying to combat AIDS in Africa."

- Sorry, what? Private organizatinos have done more then this guy in the past.

"Thank you for trying to give the people who empty our trash and pick our vegetables some dignity, although I disagree with you about Amnesty."

- No comment.

"Thank you for appointing justices to Supreme Court who believe in the US Constitution."

- No comment.

"Thank you for trying to protect us against an enemy who wants to harm us while others would let it happen for political reasons."

- Yes, that make belief enemy you thought up for us.

"Thank you for standing up for the unborn."

- The unborn of all the dead US troops in Iraq who died for a fictional cause. I'm proud already.

"Thank you for resisting the pseudo science of global warming."

- Keep telling yourself that.

"Thank you for your humility in office Mr President."

- And thanks for lying so modestly.

"Thank you for your love of country and the love of the men and women that protect this country."

- And thanks for the never ending love and embrace that you've extended to those who suffered during Katrina...oh and how are we thanking Bush for the love of the men and women that protect this country?

"Thank you, Mr President."

- And good bye.

Respect is not granted, it's earned. No one is automatically given respect for being president, especially if he/she has done NOTHING to deserve it. If a moron achieves victory over another moron in the presidential race, I'm not gonna respect him just for having the "President" title.


posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 02:34 PM
This is directed to all the liberals and people who have incessantly criticized
the President and his administration. If you can do so much better, then
HAVE AT IT!!!!!!!!!! Maybe each and every one of you should run for POTUS! Now is the time:


I'm sure I speak for many people when I say I am sick and tired of all the BITCHING, WHINING, MOANING and GROANING!!!!!!

This was a thread started under very altruistic intentions and many have taken great pleasure in bastardizing the OP as well as the thread in it's
entirity! What I don't get, is why bother to post on THIS particular thread when there are plenty of other Bush Hating topics on ATS?

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