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Kevorkian: Voters are 'Sheep-Like', 'Conditioned', and 'Controllable'

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posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:55 PM

Kevorkian: Voters are 'Sheep-Like', 'Conditioned', and 'Controllable'

Jack Kevorkian, once known as Dr. Death for his assisted suicide advocacy, is now an independent candidate for Congress in Michigan. Kevorkian is running a low-budget campaign and not taking donations. It appears he is trying to make up for the financial limitations with some interesting campaign observations.

At a recent forum, Kevorkian said voters were “kind of sheep-like. You’ve all been conditioned to think and act like sheep.”

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:55 PM
Haha...Go Dr. Death!

Although his campaign will likely go absolutely nowhere, it does sound like he's got his finger on the pulse of one of the main probs that has allowed this current nightmare to take place, and one that is continuing during these CURRENT farcical elections of Bilderberger hand-selected puppets paraded before us.

Kevorkian, spelling out the propaganda Matrix that most of the population is being programmed by, and led into continual

“You are enslaved, but you don’t know it. You don’t want to admit it because you’re walking around free, eating good dinners. As long as you’re comfortable, you’re controllable,” said Kevorkian.In his campaign, Kevorkian quotes often from the likes of Alexis de Tocqueville, Thomas Jefferson and Friedrich Nietzsche. He is definitely not your typical politician.

Kevorkian, who promises to serve only two years if elected, says his main goal is to draw attention to the Ninth Amendment which guarantees the rights not listed elsewhere in the Constitution. Kevorkian believes that this means people can do anything as long as it does not directly harm another.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:00 PM
Great, if he wins that'll just be one more criminal in Washington. I consider him to be one of the most proliffic mass murderers in our nation's history. He got his rocks off by finding a loophole that allowed him to kill people without a huge public outcry from those "conditioned sheep" he just disparaged. That is the only reason he's not still behind bars.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

That is an issue in and of itself, one that has polarities of views.

But if that is your opinion, then you are correct in that sense, he will fit right in with the rest of the murderers in the whitehouse. Only they're responsible for a heck of a lot more deaths, and more accurately, SUFFERING.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:22 PM
I totally disagree with you, Birdman30ott6, on Kevorkian's acts in the past of helping people who are facing nothing, but pain for their future.

I am one of those people, right now I am not what one could call comfortable, as in pain free, but it is for now bearable. As someone who previously worked in the health field, I am well aware that in the future things could drastically change for me health wise, with no relief promised.

I will tell you, I will not stick around once the pain is unbearable and there are no meds or surgery or anything that is going to help, I have already made that decision and plan on taking steps to learn the best way to do it, when the time comes. Hopefully that is many years away.

Kevorkian is right most of the people in this country are sheeple and hopefully they will listen and take steps to learn the truth of what is going on and stop depending on MM for information.

I have actually seen people even on this website, write it is not being reported on MM so therefore it can't be true. One would think someone open minded enough to come here and post, would at least have learned by now, how little really is reported by the mainstream media.

[edit on 6-8-2008 by goose]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 05:06 PM
At least he was killing people who wanted to die, unlike members of our current administration.

Go Dr. D!

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 10:07 PM
I think the resentment of not being able to vote is starting to set in.

It might go something like this..."If I can't vote, I'll just call the people who can names."

What a loser!

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:32 PM
Exactly, you sure got that right. The current administration should all be tried for the blood they have on their hands, from the victims of 911, even if you don't believe they had anything to do with it, they definitely ignored all the warning signs, also Katrina and the victims in Iraq and Afghanistan, and lets not forget the victims from our own military, sending them into battle without proper body armor or proper armor on their vehicles.

Also, look at what they have done to the people in this country, they have given our tax dollars through no bid contracts to their buddies who have time and time again performed badly, they have also drug America's good name through the mud.

If they don't get tried in a world court, for their numerous crimes against humanity, then something is surely wrong with this world, to allow these monsters to go unpunished.

[edit on 7-8-2008 by goose]

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 07:26 PM
I have no opinion as far as what this guy has done in the past as I do not concider it to be any of my business what people do the does not affect me.
However my opinion of his politics is that he will go noplace until he becomes a corporate politican like the others in power.When he tows the corporate line he may stand a chance.

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