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POLL: Nearly half of Americans surveyed say they are tired of hearing about Barack Obama

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posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 02:43 PM

i made a hilton is now running for president...

so you thought obama had to much media..lordy lordy.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by johnsky

We've got our hands full with peacekeeping and negotiations, nuclear deliferation, and helping starving nations get back on their feet.

Where were you people whe the U.S. invaded the middle east.All these fruitcakes need war or they'll lose their money. You guys just don't understand America.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by beforetime

Yes it would be hysterical and hilarious all at the same for the fact that people are actually going to be voting for Obama.

Big difference and not quite so funny anymore.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:24 PM
As much as I hated the thought of Hillary in the White House, Obama would be down right sickening. I get sick to my stomach everytime I hear his voice. His speechs are filled with hot air and no substance. Can't the Democrats snap out of their coma? Any opinions are he has change with the wind direction. He is completely hollow and can only deliver pre-written speechs. All freelance conversations are from a struttering dunce with a big foot shoved down his throat. His inexperience is glaring. To the first poster, if you don't vote, your opinion is worthless.

McCain is just standing by just waiting for Obama to hang himself. A smart move that maybe is working.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by ben420
reply to post by BlackOps719

I just seen a vid of Mccain flipflopping an issue in 11 minutes!!!!!

[edit on 6-8-2008 by ben420]

Yeah, I saw that one last night I think it was. It was on his position on gay marriage legality actually. Although it could be one of many considering politicians.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:42 PM
Maybe i should start a poll in ATS to check how many people are tired of reading anti-Obama threads.

Should i...?

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by eagledriver
As much as I hated the thought of Hillary in the White House, Obama would be down right sickening.
[.. ..]

McCain is just standing by just waiting for Obama to hang himself. A smart move that maybe is working.

Ditto on the first comment.

a insight about McCain....
his Puppet Master (advisor) is Kissinger, who probably gave McCain the advice noted above

Obama's Puppet Master (advisor) is Brezezinski,

to me they are both elite, globalists, who view themselves as 'Lords' of the worlds unwashed, the useless-eaters and the bourgeoisie alike.
Do i mean Kissinger-Brezezinski or Obama-McCain....

i said both

++ = ((as for the source for Brezezinski & Kissinger affiliations with the candidates....)) 10 minutes & old grainy stock footage of the elites

[edit on 6-8-2008 by St Udio]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:55 PM
I think one of the reasons that many Americans have become disenchanted with Obama is that they were backing an "ideal" rather than a "person" and when the real person started showing through they realized he isn't the "ideal" they thought they were signing up for. In the "ideal" they were seeking, I think they wanted a JFK and MLK hybrid...a modern JFK with flash and class, but with MLK's dream of an America where race was no longer a ball & chain holding an entire ethnic group back. But, upon closer inspection they have found that Obama is neither a JFK or a MLK but rather an inexperienced politician who is expecting people to vote for him based more on the color of his skin rather than his principles and his stance on issues.

I think a second reason that many American have become disenchanted with Obama is because they now realize his "change" mantra and rhetoric is no guarantee that he offers a good form of change, but rather just change of any form in order to win votes. Interestingly, President Bush promised to "change the atmosphere in Washington", and he has certainly done that, but is it a good change?

I think a third reason for the change of opinion regarding Obama is quite honestly the fact that so many foreign countries are putting pressure on the US citizens to vote for Obama because they like him. Americans aren't fond of being told what to do, and we don't often conform to foreign pressure because foreign people like something--be it a tv show, a popular singing group or performer, or a type of clothing. Our society was born out of rebellion and in most Americans that is still a bit of that "rebel" who abhors being told to conform to a mold that is controlled by an outside force. Look at the music industry in the U.S. and the groups and performers who are HUGE in other countries who have failed to ever make a dent in the US music business.

Finally, the adage of "familiarity breeds contempt" seems to be proving itself true with the case of Obama.

Anyway, this is my two cents worth as a U.S. citizen.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:11 PM
Setting aside Obama's politics, which I cant stand, he is certainly a hardliner for flip flopping, which means he will say and do anything to get elected but aside from that I cant stand how he is already acting like our president. He is arrogant beyond belief, if he is this arrogant now can you imagine what kind of monster he will turn into once he hits the white house. I have even seen humble presidents in the past turn into Royalty when they become elected. Obama feels like being President is his manifest destiny, imo. My dad told me once that the best person to lead is the person who doesn't want to. When I first heard that I thought it was stupid but through my years I understand now what he meant. A man that realizes the pressures, the weight that they have to bare to be a leader understand that they may not be the best man for the job, doubt is good, but a man that hungers and wants leadership most generally wants the power thinking he is the only one that can control it, and wield it. I want a cautious man in the white house, one who understand what a tremendous responsibility it is and once he take the oath that he remembers where his loyalty's lie - the people.

[edit on 6-8-2008 by alienj]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

I've noticed that when the public goes ga-ga over something in a big way, the pendulum always swings back with equal force.
Who wants to take odds on when it will happen with Berry?
Seriously, he's something new, a black politician who speaks with ellegance, who can articulate in a non offensive manner to the masses. Why shouldn't the public love him? Put him side by side to the previous examples of black politicians who have tried to run, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton. All notable gentlemen to be sure, but JJ and AS seemed to focus their public speaking to the lowest common denominator of the black caucus and consequently, the rest of the world would not take them seriously. In steps a man like Barrack Obama, who does not reduce to lowest common factor and ta-da! A winner that the people like, can support, etc. I've listened to JJ and AS both speak off mic, and honestly (not counting the latest thug comments by JJ), they would both of gone a greater distance by not tring to sound like a Dr. Suess quote.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by xtradimensions
I think a second reason that many American have become disenchanted with Obama is because they now realize his "change" mantra and rhetoric is no guarantee that he offers a good form of change, but rather just change of any form in order to win votes. Interestingly, President Bush promised to "change the atmosphere in Washington", and he has certainly done that, but is it a good change?

Yes, Bush also promised all sorts of goodies during his campaign.

He promised limited gov't, no more nation building and more isolationism.

Now lets see how many of those promises were noise

Obama's doing the same thing, just repeating "Change" and "Hope" and flip flopping a whoooole lot more.

Everytime I hear Obama talk, a scene from Team America: World Police always pops up in my mind. Its where Alec Baldwin is giving a "speech", and his speech consisted of repeating "9/11" over and over with the crowd eating it up.

I did a poor job explaining that example, but sadly Youtube doesn't have a clip. But those that remember that scene will know what I'm talking about

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

I wouldn't say I'm "tired" of hearing about Obama, but I've heard enough.
I'm a bit election weary and ready for the thing to take place. And I will vote for Obama.

Just because someone is tired of hearing about it doesn't mean they don't like him or aren't going to vote for him.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

This should no be a surprise as the media is the one for focusing on Obama and not McCain.

So if some part of the population are tired of Obama media attention then they should stay away from the media outlets, I do and I have no problems.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by alienj

We definitely agree on that one, he certainly seems to think very highly of himself.

The whole case of him hijacking the presidential insignia and changing it to fit his agenda was a bit on the blasphemous side in my mind.

Ideally someone would be elected that would be a bit more humble and show a little bit of humility and appreciation for the importance of the position in which he is seeking.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 05:29 PM
This is pretty obvious news. I'm actually surprised that more people didn't say they're sick of the guy. I wonder if his supporters in the media will make an attempt to back off a bit or if they'll just keep shoving him down our throats. The more exposure he gets, the more he reveals himself to be a foolish puppet who is too afraid to reveal his truly radical politics.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 05:55 PM
so it just shows that some hillbilly people buy the cheap ad Mcain broadcasted.. if the comparing Obama to Paris Hilton and Britney works it just proves some americans are gullable.

I think americans in general are more intelligent though!

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 06:42 PM
For the record, I am no redneck, despite the part of the country where I live. That being said, though, most rednecks would not vote for either choice,

What we are wittnessing now is an "obama Backlash". He's been fawned over and coddled and protected by the MSM, And, all of us normal Americans are left to scratch our heads as to why. After the scratching is done, we take one last look at Obama and are finally fed up with it and turn our backs on it. Now, whether that will be for a time or for good.....well, that's anyone's guess.

It'll be real funny on election night in November and watching the pundits try to spin the facts as to why their candidate didn't win in a landslide and only lost in the narrowest margin.

I plan to vote, just to make my voice heard. Everyone needs to get out and vote, expecially those of us who wonder what difference one measley voice will make,

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 06:53 PM
Just wondering if anyone noticed?
But if Obama wins, this is history in the making. (Already history for the Dem. nomination)
So I'm assuming that a lot of those reporters simply want to be a part of that.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 06:59 PM
46% of how many? They make it sound like 46% of all americans, but it is all americans that were polled. So how many were polled? I mean if 46% of 10 people polled said they were sick of hearing about him, big whoop, kwim?

I just don't watch the news, simple fix. If they are tired of hearing about him then turn the channel whenever it comes on. If a shows ratings go down during that period they are talking allll about Obama then they will get the hint pretty quick I would think.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by St Udio

Originally posted by eagledriver
As much as I hated the thought of Hillary in the White House, Obama would be down right sickening.
[.. ..]

McCain is just standing by just waiting for Obama to hang himself. A smart move that maybe is working.

Ditto on the first comment.

a insight about McCain....
his Puppet Master (advisor) is Kissinger, who probably gave McCain the advice noted above

Obama's Puppet Master (advisor) is Brezezinski,

to me they are both elite, globalists, who view themselves as 'Lords' of the worlds unwashed, the useless-eaters and the bourgeoisie alike.
Do i mean Kissinger-Brezezinski or Obama-McCain....

i said both

++ = ((as for the source for Brezezinski & Kissinger affiliations with the candidates....)) 10 minutes & old grainy stock footage of the elites

Good call on "the shadow warrior" Brzezinski.

Not many know the truth about this guy. Founded the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller, a Presidential foreign policy "advisor", and creator of the candidate Jimmy Carter. Even Limbaugh says Jimmy Carter was HIS mentor, when it was the other way around.

I believe Jimmy was the PTB's 1st attempt at "creating" a President, with the "experiment" basically ended in failure, setting the stage for the "Gipper" and his VP, GHWB.

Carter's claim to fame, returning the Panama Canal to Panama, the inability to negotiate release of the hostages in Iran, and an attempt to downsize the US Military, to name a few.

McCain is 3rd generation military, all 3 graduating from the US Naval Acadamy, is a safe bet for the PTB.

Mr. Obama is another story. Very little experience at anything and ties with those hated left-wing extremist. $$$ from Soros. If he gets elected, he may have a few ideas of his own, but after a special viewing of the Zapruder film, the PTB will hand him his NWO script, and he'll be off to the races. And nothing will change.

Woes for us on both counts.

Edit: to try and remove underline from text.

[edit on 6-8-2008 by Oldnslo]

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