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The Destruction Of The American Family

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posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 07:52 PM

The Destruction Of The American Family

The bill calls for screening new mothers and providing essential services, including social support, therapy, medication, and hospitalization when deemed necessary by a trained provider. Postpartum psychosis, in which a new mother may experience hallucinations and thoughts of suicide or homicide, is said to affect 1 out of 1000 new mothers, but this bill provides grants to private or non-profit entities or state or local governments to screen new mothers before they leave birthing centers or hospitals.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 07:52 PM
Just more intrusion into our personal lives. Add to this bill the Pre-K and Education Begins at Home bill and we have gov't workers entering our hospital rooms and homes for mental health screenings.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 08:37 PM
Well for what it is worth I think there should be mandatory licensing for those wishing to conceive. It would save many (but not all) children from a life that is less than it should be. I will even go a step further on this only for the children part and no other reason. I think that there should be some sort of mandatory temporary (vasectomy/tubes tied) form of birth control done at a very early age. Later this could be undone when they person is ready to conceive. This again would keep a great deal of children from being born to crack addicted mothers and many from being born of rape or even incest. This would reduce the number of teen pregnancies as you would have to be a legal adult of have a consenting adult allow for the surgery to be undone.

As for this bill I am not fully sure though. It could save some children from horrible deaths. After all who wants to see another child drown or put in the microwave by their mother? I care more about the kids than I do most of the adults. Adults can often choose what is happening to them and often cause it though their own actions. Children on the other hand need adults to help them though life. Having the wrong adults around to do this can be very bad for the children.

My ideas might not be that popular, but I think in the end they could solve a lot of problems that children face or may face daily.


posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by Vikturtle
Bills like this are the reason our country needs good trial lawyers. If an over zealous nurse puts a brand new mother in a loony bin without justification the hospital she works in will be sued into the ground and its reputation will be unredeemably darkened. I bet more pregnant women will choose midwives.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by Raist

Your plan will save no one. Women who are sterilized become asexual and power driven. People like you will just become more miserable. Super competitive women would kick you out of your job, your house and then laugh at you as you sit on a side walk. The Sumerians understood that there is nothing more bitter than an infertile woman.

[edit on 5-8-2008 by eradown]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Raist

So basically you agree we should switch the control of children over to the government, because as we know the government never abuses or harms anyone. And forced surgical birth control on children would not be considered abuse.

I'm sure your opinion is growing more popular and one day we might go to the zoo just to see children, caged and separated from adults because only the government can be trusted to do what is best for a child. Scary world, hope I don't live to see it.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 09:55 AM
The traditional white family has been targeted for extinction for quite some time now and this process will go on until such families no longer exist.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Raist

Ah yes a licence to breed. Hmm I wonder who would be left that are deemed "worthy enough" to conceive? I guess you would have to make over 200k per year?

your post smacks of NWO population control man.
I can agree with SOME of your ideas, mainly those about teen pregnancy, but some of your other ideas sound a bit NWO to me.



The traditional white family has been targeted for extinction for quite some time now and this process will go on until such families no longer exist.

what the heck does THAT mean? Last time I heard that sort of talk I was down south and the people that said it were white supremacists.

As far as the original post goes, I think this is to help some mothers get the treatment they may need just in case they do become postpartum depressed. I can also see how it can be abused.

[edit on 8/6/2008 by whatukno]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Raist
Well for what it is worth I think there should be mandatory licensing for those wishing to conceive. It would save many (but not all) children from a life that is less than it should be. I will even go a step further on this only for the children part and no other reason. I think that there should be some sort of mandatory temporary (vasectomy/tubes tied) form of birth control done at a very early age. Later this could be undone when they person is ready to conceive. This again would keep a great deal of children from being born to crack addicted mothers and many from being born of rape or even incest. This would reduce the number of teen pregnancies as you would have to be a legal adult of have a consenting adult allow for the surgery to be undone.

As for this bill I am not fully sure though. It could save some children from horrible deaths. After all who wants to see another child drown or put in the microwave by their mother? I care more about the kids than I do most of the adults. Adults can often choose what is happening to them and often cause it though their own actions. Children on the other hand need adults to help them though life. Having the wrong adults around to do this can be very bad for the children.

My ideas might not be that popular, but I think in the end they could solve a lot of problems that children face or may face daily.


Wow, where do I even begin with this.

Who exactly should determine who is fit to be a parent? Why not just have a "morals police" like they have in several middle eastern countries to take care of such matters. Heck, why stop at birth control, why not just take children from parents you don't deem worthy of reproduction.

I'm sorry, but your post really rubs me the wrong way.

I was a teen mother, but I guess my son wouldn't exist if you had your own way. Don't mention that my legal guardan was dead, don't mention that I was engaged already & don't mention that at almost 33, I'm still with that same man. Nope, I should not have become a mother becase you don't think it's possible for a teen to be responsible.

& FYI, I know of many children who grew up in what you likely would consider unworthy families who had great childhoods & went on to do great things in life.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 11:03 AM
May I just ask a question? I am a Nurse in the UK so I am not familiar with the US system.

Do you have Health Visitors that come to your home post-birth?

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 11:16 AM
I don't know if it's procedure elsewhere, but I've had three children (all in NY) & never had a post-birth home visit. It may be a case of, if the hospital staff thinks there could be a problem, it might be something they suggest to Child Protection Services though.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by lynn112
I don't know if it's procedure elsewhere, but I've had three children (all in NY) & never had a post-birth home visit. It may be a case of, if the hospital staff thinks there could be a problem, it might be something they suggest to Child Protection Services though.

Okay thanks for that.

In the UK it is quite normal for qualified Health Visitors to visit Mothers and Children when they have returned home from Maternity/hospital.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 09:07 PM
Reply to all of those who replied to my post.

First take a step back calm down and look at what I wrote, not what you think I wrote. It is not about government control, but about those of us alive now controlling/eliminating the suffering a child might have to go through. I never said teens cannot be responsible, at all but there are few that can be. Not all teen mothers stay home with their baby and ignore what their friends are doing; often the grandparents are left to care for the child. Many teen fathers are of no help; even many adult males are little use to the child. It takes a woman and a man to be a parent, it only take a male or female to bring a life into this world.
Yes I believe there are those out there that do not deserve to bring life into this world. When they are the ones to take that life and destroy it or bring it harm that will stick with them for life. Does a woman hooked on crack really need to bring a child into this world? A child that will suffer many physical ailments because the mother cares only for her own desires and addictions? Does a man that molests his children or has a desire to molest other children really deserve to bring a life into this world? What about the mother who puts her baby into a microwave, does she really deserve to bring that baby into this world?

Here is a better thing to think about. Ask a child that has been abused by a loved one how they feel. How do you think the baby put into the microwave felt? What about the child that sees their own mother drowning them?

Forget your own feelings on your family for a moment and think of the physical and emotional feelings of the child that will suffer. Is or right to make them suffer so that everyone is happy or should we not try to keep people that might harm children from having them?

Who would decide who would make a good parent? Why not have society put their ideas to it and use that as a basis to go from. How many of the posters here thing it is okay to verbally abuse a child? Would it not be good to find people who can control their temper better and have better self esteem than that? After all low self esteem does lead to belittling and verbally abusing a child. The parent takes their own issues and pushes their own anger off on the child. What about the adults who live in utter squalor with trash and roaches all over their home, is it right to put the child though those health risks? Heck I know a guy who both him and the mother were teen parents they have 8 kids now. Most of the time they live off the state. They live on little or nothing but they still have cable and other toys for the parents. The kids though get some stuff here and there.

Here is a final question. Who here thinks someone like Britney Spears or those like her needs a child, let alone two of them? She might not be harming her children physically (though if they ride in a car with her they might be in danger) but her children certainly are not getting the best they can. Sure they have money but there is more to life than money.

The question is, is it ethical to put a child through the future they have to come knowing that their birth parents are going to hurt them? Think about this there is more here than freedom but more so knowing that some will be tortured, and that torture could have been prevented.
Again I am not about the government stepping in but each of us. How many times have you seen or known a person that has had a kid that does not deserve them. How many times have you seen a child that deserves even a slightly better life than the hell they are living right now?

What about these people? Is it right to have put the children through this? Check out the Children of God and how they abused children.

Their idea of God and forcing that idea on the children. But hey we own our kids right?
So is it okay?


posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by whatukno



The traditional white family has been targeted for extinction for quite some time now and this process will go on until such families no longer exist.

what the heck does THAT mean? Last time I heard that sort of talk I was down south and the people that said it were white supremacists.

The traditional family is the major pillar of all peoples in the world. In the Western world, this sort of family is now under attack due to the promotion of homosexuality, easy divorce, pre-marital sex, pornography, teenage rebellion, etc. All ethnic groups suffer from this, but whites have traditionally been the least cohesive and homogenous as a group and are therefore far more prone to get damaged by it than eg. Mexicans, Northern-Africans or Jews. Contrary to whites, these ethnic groups still partially manage to preserve their traditions in the midst of decadence.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 05:53 AM
Im sorry but there are far to many trashy parents out there.
I completely agree with screenings for kids and mothers.
To many run off to the bar and leave their kids to commit crime.

We have this block nicknamed divorce alley in my home town.
Its where are the recently divorced mothers go in low income housing.
Growing up around that filth would change your mind.

I got in a lot of trouble growing up because I had no father when they divorced. I spent time at "divorce alley". Its like the projects to black people. It was the projects for white people. That place bread crime, the kids had nothing to do while their moms were off drinking at the bar.

Anyhow its one big circle and the kids the one getting messed up. If you dont wanna raise your kid you need to give them up, dont use them as welfare pawns or tax deductions. Which is EXACTLY what these women were doing. Most of those kids I grew up with are in prison now.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 07:02 PM
Just say NO to any government intervention about childbirth; We all
know how well gov. intervention works out... TOTAL FAILURE, as usual!

I'm with Raist on this, all the way. At least he exhibits the courage to
suggest something be done about the enormous amount of failed mother-
hood, by girls willing to have sex with NO protection, simply because
they W A N T children.


The world doesn't need more over-population by wanty, greedy, sinful
illegitimate children, it's not their fault, it's the MOTHER'S fault!

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by Raist

Yes I believe there are those out there that do not deserve to bring life into this world.

You join company with Adolph Hitler:

Mandatory Sterilization for Black Youth

Nazi Sterilization Program:
Schumann was a part of the sterilization program for both men and women at Auschwitz and Birkenbau (13). He conducted various unethical research on women, including injections such as formalin, novacain, progynon, and prolusion (9). The injections were supposed to sterilize Jewish women and gypsy women. The substances would cause infections and scarring of the fallopian tubes which would prevent both fertilization and implantation of eggs in the uterus. Many of the women actually died from pelvic inflammation of their uterus and ruptured fallopian tubes during these experiments. Schumann's sterilization of men also stemmed around injections, castration and x-rays or intentional radiation of men's penises, scrotums and testes

I could list hundreds of links, but those should be sufficient.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Raist

I think your logic is a bit flawed, Raist. With very few exceptions, it is impossible to discern who will be good parents and whom will not. The teenage mother may become more responsible by the life of her child. The drug addict may use the love for their child to keep them sober. Just as the completely "normal" family (dad has a good job, mom stays home with kids, lives in a good neighborhood) can end in horrible circumstances. See Andrea Yates.

My point is, how would you know who to trust to be a good parent? You would need an infallable ability to predict the future. Anything other than that would only be you and others like you imposing your standards and beliefs onto others.

As to the OP... I think the screening is a good idea, but I don't see it being very practical. In my understanding, postpartum psychosis does not always present directly after giving birth. It can take months for symptoms to manifest, by which time no health care provider is looking for symptoms.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

That is a straw man of sorts to associate me with racists and genocidal people.

I am not suggesting anything of that sort. I simply put an idea out there to keep as many people from harming innocent children. I don’t care what their beliefs or race is all I care about is how they care for their kids. If they are hurting their kids they do not need them. If they are harming any child they should be tortured in unspeakable ways for life.

While you think I am in the same boat as that you are far off. I don’t associate nor have I ever at least knowingly with people who think in such ways.


[edit on 9/5/08 by Raist]

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by Cameoii

Your screening is not so different from the steps I venture to take though.

As for knowing who would be a good parent let me say this. By the time the teenage girl is old enough to want a child and be of age to take care of said child with an education earned she will no longer be a teenage girl. Thus the factor of her becoming responsible enough as a teen is out of the question now. Not only that but there would be little chance of her being pregnant by rape, incest, or even accident. I am sure that we can look at results of the average education a teen mother gets; little education gets you low paying jobs or none at all. That makes it sort of hard to support in a responsible way herself and the child. Not saying it cannot be done but often it is not, there are exceptions to every rule though.

As for the drug addict they would not get the chance unless they could clean up first. We do not need to punish a child with defects that are brought on by some pathetic drug addict that cannot clean themselves up. Everyday there are children born who are addicted to crack, a few years ago in this area a woman drank so much it caused her to go into labor early. Her child died because of alcohol poisoning. She was known to be an alcoholic all along and was still drinking knowing what she was doing to her baby (she did not care about anyone but herself).

I may not be a great parent but I’ll die or kill before I hurt or allow anyone to hurt my son. If I found out that he was harming his child when he gets older I’ll beat him so that he cannot lift a finger to the child again. Children cannot stop what is happening or going to happen to them. As adults we are their only means of support and help, we must stop it possibly even before it starts. Thus the screening is needed.


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