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People are not Voting for Obama Because He’s a Fraud!

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posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 01:51 PM
People are not Voting for Obama Because He’s a Fraud!

Rumor has it that some people are going to vote for Obama because they want him to be president. However, many people are not going to vote for Obama because they know he is a complete fraud with next to zero accomplishments. The only reason Obama is so popular is because of the millions of black voters that are voting for him simply on the basis that he is black. Likewise for the millions of apologetic white boys out there who feel the need to vote for a black man simply to mentally exonerate themselves from any blame for slavery that was conducted 150 years ago. But I have good news for those white boys; they weren’t here during the time of slavery and, therefore, they are not responsible for it.

Despite his very own admission of being unqualified to be president after his 2004 Senate victory he went on to announce his candidacy for president in 2007. Two years later Obama miraculously acquired enough experience to become president. This rapid acquisition of experience has been seen to be indication of Obama’s status as the chosen one that would eventually give rise to his messianic status. His supporters frequently recite the Obama gospel which foretells the messiahs purpose being to save us all from the clutches of capitalism, individualism, and our sinful ways of living in excess with our SUV’s. How will the messiah accomplish this and deliver us from western heathenism? Simple things like increased taxation, inflating our tires, ritual flag burning, and the sacrificial killing of the unborn will be our deliverance from our sins. And the messiah has said “these things shall come to pass and you shall be delivered.”

For those of us who have not seen the light that Obama and his Obamiacs shine upon the world, we continue live our sinful selfish western lives raping and pillaging the world on our quest for more oil to power our SUV’s.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by LiquidMirage

What's really great is that in a generation or two, you and your constituency will be obsolete. I know more interacial people these days than I do know African American or European Americans.

The Interracial people I know are also not limited only to the two cultural labels I just mentioned, but many other cultures as well.

The races are blending and it's beuatiful for many reasons. It's rough for some though. The self validation that we are genetically conditioned to receiving from developing among large amounts of people who exhibit similar phenotypical behavior isn't being provided anymore.

Developing without a cultural narrative which justifies all of your unique characteristics can be very difficult. It was for me.

That's the rough part of developing in this Post Modern world.

But fear not. Because soon the races will be sufficiently blended to have communicated an understanding, throughout the global culture, for many general human characteristics which we currently fail to understand.

Obama is post racial because he is interracial. Which is exactly what a country which has been divided ,as we have been in the past, needs to progress to the next level in this great experiment in democracy.

This is what I love about democracy, as the older generations die out, newer more blended generations replace them wholesale, and along with that comes a deeper undersanding of humanity, and a deeper love of humanity in general. This is the strength of evolution, and the next step for mamallian existence.

Yep eventually there will be no talk of race, and multiculturalism will not be a threat due to extremists, but a reality found through interbreeeding among different cultures.

I saw the most beautiful story the other day about a Chinese woman and an Arab woman who were married and raising a boy they adopted. If that isn't post modern multi-culturalism, then I don't know what is.

This is why millions of people are voting for Obama, and millions of us are continuing to give to his campaign, $50 at a time. We can endure at $50 a month for long time and still have more in our warchest which we can give in a time of need.

This is a election is the head to the current American cultural battle between archetypes of Progression and archetypes of Fear for our Security. This is what will guide the votes in November.

I feel assured that Obama will win in November, and the next few generations will see the demise with perspectives like the one held by the OP.

[edit on 3-8-2008 by Quazga]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 02:57 PM
If everyone on this planet looked exactly the same nothing would change. People would find reasons to hate and reasons to play the victim. It's called human nature.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Quazga
This is what I love about democracy, as the older generations die out, newer more blended generations replace them wholesale, and along with that comes a deeper undersanding of humanity, and a deeper love of humanity in general. This is the strength of evolution, and the next step for mamallian existence.
"Yes", we can all see how our country has evolved since the fifties.. We have rampant crime all across the country, drug abuse and AIDS are almost at pandemic levels, we have millions of people that are unemployed, underemployed, or homeless, and what amount to a welfare state populated by people who believe the productive members of our society owe them a living. Yeah, hooray for evolution and progress!

Yep eventually there will be no talk of race, and multiculturalism will not be a threat due to extremists, but a reality found through interbreeeding among different cultures.
[edit on 3-8-2008 by Quazga]

wow! that sounds like such a Utopian society. The problem with multiculturalism is, most of it's supporters are unwilling to give up their own cultural biases and ethnic prejudices to embrace anyone else's culture.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:01 PM
I don't like McCain. I am voting against Obama in this election because he is a fraud.....and a liberal Democrat.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:02 PM
will there be room for the christian conservative white heterosexual family in a post modern multi cultural society?

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by LiquidMirage

You are the victim of your own inability to see past your insecurities. That thoughtless diatribe was full of hate and fear. It's funny to me, because you are the one that will victimize yourself until you blow you lid. I sympathize for the people in your life that must put up with your perspective. I hope you are not stubborn too, that would realy suck for them.


posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:05 PM
anyone who votes because of race is an idiot.
wether pro obama or anti obama. dosnt anyone care about real issues?
same goes for gender.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by hannamtong

Back when Japan was a closed society there was predjuce towards the people that were garbage haulers or their decendants. Even today old hatered can be found in rural areas.

I find it odd that early in the bid for the nomination Obama was accused of not "being black enough" to garner black votes. Oh, does anyone know if Jessie jackson still wants to uh, cut off...yeah, old bitter pills there since Jackson twice failed a bid.

Personally I feel that Obama's support (quite a bit was anti-Hilary) will lessen in the privacy of the voting booth where people are free to not vote "progressively" in front of their peers.

While it will be contest, the divisions will be between rural and urban lines more than anything else. Pretty much how the last few elctions have been when you look at it. VP nominations may have more of a deciding factor for the elction than anything else really.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:14 PM
Obama bin bomba
your next president has your ticket punched and there is not you can do about it

Mccain can not win he is too clumsy trips himself every time he speaks and
its becoming a joke.

The Republicans are desperate to replace him but can't .

in the end Obama will win and by a considerable landslide
Bush castrated the Republican party and many people will not vote for them

enough to turn the tide in Obama's favor
at least until the debates where Obama will be the organ grinder and Mccain the monkey.
Americans will look on As Obama says a change we can believe in and mccain says we need war lots of war and nothing but war

after obama is president look for a transfer of wealth from the whites to the blacks and natives to seal a second term in office for him.

it wont be as bad as South Africa but it will be apparent that whites will no longer have the upper hand in America.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
I don't like McCain. I am voting against Obama in this election because he is a fraud.....and a liberal Democrat.

Allthough I consider him a true hero and I honor him for his service to our great nation I don't care for his left of center politics and I won't vote for him either. On the other hand, I refuse to vote for a lying, two faced, back stabbing, anti-American liberal. If only Reagan was alive to run....

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by LiquidMirage

Well if is something I have learned during my life as a voter with quite more than a few presidents under my lifetime is. . .that is not such thing as an honest politician.

They all frauds, and if you don't believe me just research from whom they get their biggest campaign funds because those are the ones that will get the favors.

Perhaps if we all Americans get together (instead of dividing ourselves for dirty political candidates and bickering so much) and donate enough money (perhaps a few millions) we my be able to bid and compete with big interest to buy back some of the politicians in Washington and have them work for us for once in the history of this nation.

Good luck with the Fraud OP.

[edit on 3-8-2008 by marg6043]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by TheRepublic
anyone who votes because of race is an idiot.
wether pro obama or anti obama. dosnt anyone care about real issues?
same goes for gender.

While I somewhat agree with this, let's not forget that race is still something of a problem in this country. Although the race card has very little to do with why I am not voting for Obama, the fact that he does come across in some of his letters as being more for the black ppl than the white is an issue that ppl should not ignore completely.

As far as gender, IMHO, I think that men are better leaders than women. Women are often led through their passions. But, just to make it clear, just because a male often is the better leader, doesn't mean that every man is worthy of the leadership role for this country.

I just highly doubt that I will ever be convinced that a woman can lead this country better than a man.

[edit on 3-8-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by LLoyd45

Originally posted by Quazga
This is what I love about democracy, as the older generations die out, newer more blended generations replace them wholesale, and along with that comes a deeper undersanding of humanity, and a deeper love of humanity in general. This is the strength of evolution, and the next step for mamallian existence.
"Yes", we can all see how our country has evolved since the fifties.. We have rampant crime all across the country, drug abuse and AIDS are almost at pandemic levels, we have millions of people that are unemployed, underemployed, or homeless, and what amount to a welfare state populated by people who believe the productive members of our society owe them a living. Yeah, hooray for evolution and progress!

You are right, It is always darkest right before the dawn. We've always had problems after serious changes.

Think about the "gangs of new york" scenario if you will. We've progressed much from there. Eventually we ended up with the 70's and heroin running through the same places, but we recovered from that as well. New York is still a rough place, but nothing like it was then.

Thats the beauty of humanity is that we adapt. Recently in Houston hope was made for treatment which basically kills HIV. These are horrible things, but we will grow through them.

The plagues of Europe made the descendants of the survivors (those who were exposed but lived) immune to HIV. Our generation's descendants will have this same ability through the progress that we have made.

Economics are also trend based, and the crisis you speak of today, although actual and painful will subside with time and innovations.

It may indeed get worse before it gets better, but it will get better.

Yep eventually there will be no talk of race, and multiculturalism will not be a threat due to extremists, but a reality found through interbreeeding among different cultures.
[edit on 3-8-2008 by Quazga]

wow! that sounds like such a Utopian society. The problem with multiculturalism is, most of it's supporters are unwilling to give up their own cultural biases and ethnic prejudices to embrace anyone else's culture.

Well see that's where the obsolesence of these types of people comes into play. They will all eventually die out. Their children are interbreeding with other cultures. And no amount of honor killings will stop this. That, my friend, is human nature as well. We are stubborn folk you are right, but that which we are stubborn about changes from generation to generation, especially when faced with the power of the post modern world views today vs the outdated world views which are dying off.

For those of you who are into metaphysics etc, you will recognize this as the death of the old God and the birthing pangs of the new God.

It happens anytime there is a major shift in consciousness due to progress. Think about the effect of the printing press on the world at large. One specific example of this is that it was a key aspect in the power of the Reformation.

Today we are still witnessing the collective effects of mass comunications and the ever shrinking world. This is not a Utopian dream, but what happens in gene pools once they find their boundaries. It happens in tribes sperarated by distance, and happens in larger groups seperated from other cultures, and is happening globally as the cultural walls that divide all of these gene pools come crashing down. This is how each culture develops immunities to certain diseases, some of which they carry as natural biological weapons of conquest.

Here in Altanta I see more interacial couples than I see anything else. Regardless of the cultures involved. These are the types of people in my circle of friends:

1. A Muslim Indian Woman who is married to a Jew from New York.
2. A Half White, Half Paki Lady who is involved with the son of Jamaicans who lived in London.
3. A Norwegian/English American Man who is married to a Cherokee/African American/Irish American Woman

Now we all vacation together and have been to eachother's weddings etc. The cultural polination that results is amazing. My point is that this is not limited to just my circle of friends. It's a cosmopolitan trend that will continue, inexorably, and eventually the distinctions will fall away. (Unless of course progress is stopped due to some catastrophe like Yellow stone or something.)

This is to me an obvious pattern in history of how civilizations develop and merge with others. We still carry The hallmarks of some of them in our own constitution.

[edit on 3-8-2008 by Quazga]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Well if is something I have learned during my life as a voter with quite more than a few presidents under my lifetime is. . .that is not such thing as an honest politician.

They all frauds, and if you don't believe me just research from whom they get their biggest campaign funds because those are the ones that will get the favors.

Marge I agree with you 100%. All politicians are frauds! My original post was meant only to be comical light hearted commentary concerning not just Obama's status as a true fraud but also too point out that his die hard supporters are propagating his lies and deceit. And they do this while elevating him to deity status.

Perhaps if we all Americans get together (instead of dividing ourselves for dirty political candidates and bickering so much) and donate enough money (perhaps a few millions) we my be able to bid and compete with big interest to buy back some of the politicians in Washington and have them work for us for once in the history of this nation.
Good luck with the Fraud OP.

[edit on 3-8-2008 by marg6043]

We shouldn't have to buy back our elected officials. We, you and I and all other citizens of this great nation, need to remove from office career politicians and send a deafening message to those who replace them that they work for us...not the other way around! Care to join me?

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by hannamtong
will there be room for the christian conservative white heterosexual family in a post modern multi cultural society?

You know, as with anything else. The items that stick around in our cultures for more than a generation, are things that have either an actual, or perceived direct impact on survival.

For example, Take the Catholic Church. When the seat of Rome was moved to Byzantium, Christians there lived in a very multi-cultural world and even adapted traits from Islam, such as no images in churches etc.

However, the Catholic Church left in Italy, was the only establishment left to build the infrastructure. Indeed, it was only through the political alignment with the Pope that the barbarian war era came to a close, and the first reunification of Europe occured.

So, my point here, is that Christianity had very much a direct and percevied impact on survival during those times. The question is, what role does Christianity play today in regards to survival?

I think there are many different answers to that question. But to answer you, I would say, yes there is plenty of room for any cultural aspect and it will withstand, only so much as it is related (actually or perceived) to survival.

Jewish culture is a prime example of this. Their entire narrative is a story of surviving one great calamity after another. Rising to power, and falling, but surviving as a culture and people.

[edit on 3-8-2008 by Quazga]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 04:16 PM
I will support anything that will bring back this nation to what our founding fathers wanted it to be.
for the people and by the people, if I am a dissenter for that so beat it, I will rather die a heroine than a slave and a coward.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Quazga
You are right, It is always darkest right before the dawn. We've always had problems after serious changes.

Think about the "gangs of new york" scenario if you will. We've progressed much from there. Eventually we ended up with the 70's and heroin running through the same places, but we recovered from that as well. New York is still a rough place, but nothing like it was then.
New york is still a cesspool and normal people are afraid to leave their homes at night because of gangs and crackheads. Heroine is also making a comeback in some parts of the country as well.

I don't see where anything is getting better, only worse. America is in a state of decay as a result of too many liberal policies. We need to go back to the values we held to in the past.

Thats the beauty of humanity is that we adapt. Recently in Houston hope was made for treatment which basically kills HIV. These are horrible things, but we will grow through them.

Rather than focusing on cures, we need to address responsible behavior. Aside from the people who got infected via transfusions, these individuals signed their own death warrants by engaging in irresponsible behaviors like prostitution, IV drug use, homosexuality, unprotected sex, promiscuity, etc.

The plagues of Europe made the descendants of the survivors (those who were exposed but lived) immune to HIV. Our generation's descendants will have this same ability through the progress that we have made.

As far as I know, no population is immune from contracting HIV/AIDS. Do you have a source for that? I'd be interested in reading it.

Economics are also trend based, and the crisis you speak of today, although actual and painful will subside with time and innovations.

It may indeed get worse before it gets better, but it will get better.

It will reside when we have a fiscally responsible government, and not until.

Well see that's where the obsolesence of these types of people comes into play. They will all eventually die out. Their children are interbreeding with other cultures. And no amount of honor killings will stop this. That, my friend, is human nature as well. We are stubborn folk you are right, but that which we are stubborn about changes from generation to generation, especially when faced with the power of the post modern world views today vs the outdated world views which are dying off.

That's wishful thinking on your part. God made us all different for a purpose, and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon. Who wants to live in a gray World where everyone is just alike? I don't. It's sounds pretty boring to me. People will still find things to discriminate over or kill for, that's human nature.

[edit on 4-8-2008 by LLoyd45]

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 11:34 AM
Obama's "change policies with the tide of the majority" in this election are really making me wonder if his supporters are inclined to think twice about voting for him. The latest waffle on drilling shouldn't have come as a surprise to any of us, what with so many voters wanting to drill domestically in light of the current energy crisis.

I predict next that he will waffle (somewhat) on the immigration issue though it may not be until closer to the election. Immigration is not one of the "big ones" (issues) on voters' minds at the moment - gas prices (oil prices), the economy, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Health Care are the big ones.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by LLoyd45

Originally posted by Quazga
You are right, It is always darkest right before the dawn. We've always had problems after serious changes.

Think about the "gangs of new york" scenario if you will. We've progressed much from there. Eventually we ended up with the 70's and heroin running through the same places, but we recovered from that as well. New York is still a rough place, but nothing like it was then.
New york is still a cesspool and normal people are afraid to leave their homes at night because of gangs and crackheads. Heroine is also making a comeback in some parts of the country as well.

I don't see where anything is getting better, only worse. America is in a state of decay as a result of too many liberal policies. We need to go back to the values we held to in the past.

So we have established that you are a cynic on today. I for one believe that we are much better off today than we have ever been.

In this way I am very much like the Conservatives who say "Our way of life is better than ever".

Thats the beauty of humanity is that we adapt. Recently in Houston hope was made for treatment which basically kills HIV. These are horrible things, but we will grow through them.

Rather than focusing on cures, we need to address responsible behavior. Aside from the people who got infected via transfusions, these individuals signed their own death warrants by engaging in irresponsible behaviors like prostitution, IV drug use, homosexuality, unprotected sex, promiscuity, etc.

Heh.. this is where it gets good. If you remove the risk of these behaviors by introducing a cure, then those behaviors are no longer irresponsible. :-)

A cure for AIDS, reduces the risk of promiscuity that much more. And the more you reduce the risk, the more "Safe" people you have in the pool to have sex with. It's simple economics.

The plagues of Europe made the descendants of the survivors (those who were exposed but lived) immune to HIV. Our generation's descendants will have this same ability through the progress that we have made.

As far as I know, no population is immune from contracting HIV/AIDS. Do you have a source for that? I'd be interested in reading it.

Sure do. I first came across this when I was reading In the Wake of the Plague: The Black death and the world it made

Here is a Wired article about it, but there are tons more to be found through google.

Economics are also trend based, and the crisis you speak of today, although actual and painful will subside with time and innovations.

It may indeed get worse before it gets better, but it will get better.

It will reside when we have a fiscally responsible government, and not until.

Well on this we agree. However I think my definition of fiscally responsibile is informed by different ideas than yours may be. I can't say for sure. But I do agree that our government needs to be fiscally responsible.

Well see that's where the obsolesence of these types of people comes into play. They will all eventually die out. Their children are interbreeding with other cultures. And no amount of honor killings will stop this. That, my friend, is human nature as well. We are stubborn folk you are right, but that which we are stubborn about changes from generation to generation, especially when faced with the power of the post modern world views today vs the outdated world views which are dying off.

That's wishful thinking on your part. God made us all different for a purpose, and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon. Who wants to live in a gray World where everyone is just alike? I don't. It's sounds pretty boring to me. People will still find things to discriminate over or kill for, that's human nature.

[edit on 4-8-2008 by LLoyd45]

Not wishful thinking. It happens all the time. Anytime two or more cultures merge, they eventually create a homogenous one.

It's just a matter of time before it happens on a global scale. And the quickest way there is through progress in all of the fields of study today.

[edit on 4-8-2008 by Quazga]

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