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JonBenet's Father To Enter Politics in Michigan

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posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 11:14 AM
I don't know if this fits here, but here goes:
I think John Ramsey KNOWS what happened to his daughter.
He makes my skin crawl.

I think he's running because it it easier to collect a paycheck by being a legislator in MI. It's VERY well-paid parttime work with beneftis and a wonderful pension. Yeah, I know he supposedly has money, but this would sure be a great shot in the arm to him financially.

The father of slain beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey is thinking about seeking election to the Michigan House of Representatives.

John Ramsey may run as a Republican for a seat in the northern part of the state.

His wife, Patsy, a native of Parkersburg and a former Miss West Virginia, says a lot of her husband's friends have been encouraging him to run.

Ramsey is registered to vote in the town of Charlevoix, where his family has owned a vacation home. The family moved to Michigan full-time last fall.

[Edited on 13-3-2004 by DontTreadOnMe]

[Edited on 11-5-2004 by DontTreadOnMe]


[edit on 29-3-2008 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 11:52 AM
I think both parents know. If I lived in MI, I definetly would not vote for him.

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 11:56 AM
FWIW, I think most people think they know something. And got away with it!
If he does run, and he gets elected it will show just how far our election process has fallen.

He might just win, being a republican and all.
Outstate MI tends to be more conservative than metro Detroit and the larger cities. If he established himself before JonBenet died, he may just have a good support system in his area. That part of MI tends to be either poor, or well-heeled.

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 12:11 PM
What party ticket is he going to run on?
The "I raped and killed my daughter" ticket?

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 12:56 PM
I'm not posting this to defend the Ramseys, but none of us can know for certain what really happened to their daughter. It's possible that things aren't what they seem.

I find it creepy that parents would sexualize their young child, as the Ramsey's did with JonBenet, but there might be more to the story than this. Criminals will look for and exploit whatever weaknesses they can find in their targets. It quite possible that JonBenet's parents were targeted this way.

If you recall the news accounts of the JonBenet investigation you'll know that John Ramsey's defense-contractor company was in the process of being acquired during the period his daughter was murdered. That may or may not be a coincidence, but it set off my alarms when the investigation failed examine this point in greater detail. I'd be interested to know more details about this business transaction, and whether it was done on mutually satisfactory terms. It's frightening to me how this angle was overlooked in the news media.

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 01:18 PM
Anyone really surprised that he would run as a Republican? I'm sure not. Him and his wife need to be jailed for the murder of their daughter.

"She was killed in our house while we were there but we just don't know what happened..." Yeah right...

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 02:34 PM
Well now,

I really haven't paid much attention to this, hell I can't even watch a movie where a woman get's killed. Men, that's allright, I don't need competition any more. I also have a lot of friends that live in Co. and they say it is wonderfull. And I have no idea how reliable any of these sources are! But someone wanted more info so here it is, think what you want. Between the DIA and this other crap, I just don't know what to think about Co.

In the late 1950s, the Pentagon ordered construction of the nation's intercontinental missile factory at a secluded canyon in Littleton, Colorado.

The factory is owned by Lockheed Martin, and it builds unmanned rockets and satellites for telecommunications and space exploration, as well as classified military projects. According to the Los Angeles Times, Lockheed Martin is listed first among top employers in the area, before U.S. West, AT&T, and the National Cable Training Institute. The total population of Littleton is 39,000, from a total of 16,000 families. With over 10,000 people working as employees at Lockheed Martin, that should give you an idea of power concentrated by the defense industry titan in the area.

Lockheed Martin was also the parent company behind the billion-dollar a year company Access Graphics, the Boulder, Colorado firm run by John Ramsey, father of Jon-Benet Ramsey. Access Graphic has been accused of being involved in the underground kiddie porn market.

The military-industrial komplex has long preferred to use younger people in mind kontrol operations, since they are then dealing with people whose personality isn't completely formed. These operations tend to take place in areas where a heavy concentration of defense kontractor resources and military bases are located. Besides children, those who are targeted for such operations are criminals.

It is not unusual for our government to clean up after it's idiots do something. But if there is any truth in this further exposure is neccessary, don't ya'll think.

Glad I'm A,

Polar Bear

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 03:07 PM
Thanks for the reply, Polar Bear

I think you've hit on some very significant details. I was very puzzled about why the Ramseys were so viciously attacked by the national media, and by the local police, and yet were able extricate themselves so skillfully from that whole situation. I've always sensed there were hideous aspects to that story kept from public view.

Linked below is a very detailed account of the entire investigation. It's worth looking at to illustrate how media coverage and popular opinion can diverge from the known facts.


"It took a mere seven years for the Boulder law enforcement community to send the FBI the DNA sample that was found in JonBenet's underpants. It was determined a long time ago that this DNA sample did not belong to anyone in the Ramsey family."

[Edited on 13-3-2004 by Condorcet]

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 03:42 PM
Polar Bear~~
Thanks for that research and link.
They both strike me as very creepy people, and they may be in on some shady stuff, who knows. I didn't need the media to tell me they look creeeped-out

If true that they were somehow involved, or even if JonBenet were the victim of this conspiracy-linked kiddie porn thing, John will probably get elected. It would be his prize for going along with the cover-up.

Once again, truth is stranger than fiction. Ewwwwww....

Thorfinn Skullsplitter~~Since he was a business owner, one would suspect him to be a Republican. In another occupation, he could have been a democrat.
Evilness, esp. when greed and power are involved know no party distinction.

posted on Mar, 14 2004 @ 01:53 AM
I do not believe the Ramseys had anything at all to do with their daughter's murder, first of all there was DNA on the child's body that did not belong to any member of the Ramsey family, the police believed they did it an zeroed in on them but an investigator hired by the police proved the Ramsey's did not do it. As for the beauty pageant thing I myself entered my daughters in beauty pageant, its very competitive and the lights wash your skin color out so everyone puts on a little makeup it has nothing to do with making your child into a sex object. The media slammed this family and used everything they could to make them look guilty, they implied the house was surrounded by snow, so why no footprints leading to the house by an intruder but the sidewalks were shoveled and there were many places in the yard that was melted. They also tried to say the child was sexually abused by the family when her pediatrician said he saw no signs of that at all, in fact the media tried to imply something was wrong because she saw her pediatrician more than the average child, if one was abusing a child the last thing they want to do is take her to the dr. I feel sorry for this poor family not only did they lose their daughter but the media has tried to crucify them. The truth is that while they continually tried to pin this murder on these parents the real killer is out walking around probably murdering again. There is no evidence that points to the parents, if there was they would have been arrested a long time ago.

posted on Mar, 14 2004 @ 11:32 PM
Ok thats it..........

I didn't know this until now,

i'm from Michigan, and this makes me sick.....

I go to Charlevoix a few times a year and to know his parents have a vacation home there!!!!!

That house is goin doowwn!!

That man is scum , I'm going ot make sure he doesn't get in , and it will happen, i'll make sure he's publically humilated on the way out also.

Piece of #.

I hate that dude. I can't wait till someone beats his ass, the murderer.

posted on Mar, 14 2004 @ 11:37 PM
one would hope the bad publicity alone would keep people from voting from him. who wants to be from the town that voted for Jon-Benet Ramsey's dad? then again, some of those small towns up north are a bit...offbeat. who knows?

on another note, why do these people always have a michigan connection? the unabomber, terry mcnichols, the not like MI isn't strange enough as it is.

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 01:09 AM
Why are you all so sure these people are guilty? There is no evidence proving they did it, there is a ton of evidence suggesting someone else did it? The child had someone elses DNA under her nails, she clawed at her attacker and got a piece of him under her nails, the DNA found under her nails did NOT belong to anyone in the Ramsey family.

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 06:34 AM
Goose~~at the very least, the Ramseys know what happened. IF they didn't actually participate in her murder. They had knowledge of what happened. They allowed, at the least, a cover-up.
They look guilty as hell.
They will rot in hell. There has to be a place for people like them.
If John Ramsey runs, you just have to wonder if it would be a payoff for their taking the heat. If he wins...well you finish that thought.

So, the media went wild. Not like the media doesn't go wild with every thing, huh? Did you ever think you'd hear the end of Chandra Levy or Laci Peterson? The media is ghoul!!!!!!!!

Hey, MorningCrescent~~I must have missed about the unabomber.
You forgot to mention Gerald Ford, aka I-got-mine-for-being-on-the-JFK-assassination-panel.
Outstate MI is as weird as metro Detroit, just different weird. All that water must affect some in a negative way??

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
Goose~~at the very least, the Ramseys know what happened. IF they didn't actually participate in her murder. They had knowledge of what happened. They allowed, at the least, a cover-up.
They look guilty as hell.
They will rot in hell. There has to be a place for people like them.
If John Ramsey runs, you just have to wonder if it would be a payoff for their taking the heat. If he wins...well you finish that thought.

So, the media went wild. Not like the media doesn't go wild with every thing, huh? Did you ever think you'd hear the end of Chandra Levy or Laci Peterson? The media is ghoul!!!!!!!!

Hey, MorningCrescent~~I must have missed about the unabomber.
You forgot to mention Gerald Ford, aka I-got-mine-for-being-on-the-JFK-assassination-panel.
Outstate MI is as weird as metro Detroit, just different weird. All that water must affect some in a negative way??

So let me get this scenario right from your point of view the Ramsey's who had been a normal family except for being wealthy in one night decided to allow someone to come into their home and murder their daughter and then decided to cover-up the murder, why? It does not make sense. No one had ever seen anything strange about the Ramsey's or their children before that night, now because the media has painted a picture of these people as monsters because the police decided these people did it and pursued that till the very end everyone should continue to pursue that misguided belief. The investigator who the police hired to work on the case who went at the investigation with an open mind found that the killer entered the house through the basement window and hid in the house while the Ramsey's were gone and waited until they went to bed on the third floor went into the little girls bedroom which he had located earlier with a taser stun gun and used it to immobilize her and carried her down to the basement, where he found he could not get out the same way he came in carrying the child, at this point he decided to do what he intended to do all along, at some point she came to and tried to fight but did get DNA of her killer. This is what the investigator found from the evidence, not from the picture painted by the media. The Ramseys had friends who were aware that the police would be looking at them as suspects and advised them to hire a lawyer and to follow their lawyers advice, they were wealthy enough to be able to afford legal help. Had they not been they would probably be in prison for a crime they did not commit.

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 10:47 PM
To label John Ramsey and Access Graphics as a stick in CIA stick and carrot affairs may seem a outrageous allegation. And perhaps it would be irresponsible journalism. Almost as irresponsible as noting that Mr. Ramsey, a well-connected military fellow, resided in Atlanta when a string of over 30 child murders happened in the black community between 1979 and 1981. There are urban legends that the FBI and CIA were actually behind them, that the young bodies were used for some bizarre experiments. (It is interesting to note that the Center for Disease Control has it's headquarters in Atlanta, and that these murders struck in the early days of the AIDS epidemic which has targeted blacks and homosexuals. Preceding the epidemic, homosexuals were recruited into "experimental hepatitis-B vaccination programs" run by the CDC in ads specifically targeting them.) Other tales say it was members of white upper crust families getting their rocks off. The Feds would later pin the blame on Wayne Williams, a black male, over dubious fiber evidence that they proclaimed proved he was the lone madman killer. Even by official claims, however, he was only behind up to 23 of the slayings, leaving over a half-dozen officially unsolved, but beings these were minority children, it was swept away with the "Case Closed" pronouncement.

Yes, all this is irresponsible perhaps, but very illuminating. And perhaps as illuminating as an alleged claim in the Star that a large amount of kiddie porn had been downloaded on Access Graphics computers. The article also noted that AG did a lot of work in Amsterdam's red light district. Of course, in the tale of JonBen�t, the tabloids have been the lone korporate media sources to proclaim shamelessly that the Ramseys are indeed the culprits. However, this report in particular is a blockbuster, as it hints at JonBen�t being only part of a pattern. While the Star seemed to point the finger solely at Mr. Ramsey, the fact remains Access Graphics is part of Lockheed Martin, and thus any child pornography on their computers indicates a major scandal.

Which leads us back to the front page report by the Star linking Access Graphics to kiddie porn. So far, neither John Ramsey or Lockheed Martin have sued. In fact, they have not even bothered to comment. Which is odd, considering the disturbing claims that the Star made. So the question is why have they not commented, and why did the Star publish it in the first place. I'll let you make up your own minds of the meaning of it, but if anyone has a better explanation than that it was released by the Star to discredit the report, I'd like to hear it.

absolutely fascinating

Polar Bear

posted on Mar, 16 2004 @ 08:16 AM
Polar, thanks for that link. And from it:

I suppose it would also be irresponsible to note that Patsy Ramsey was born and raised in Parkersburg, West Virginia, a city better known for the Federal Bureau of Public Debt Building, a project located there at the heavy insistence of West Virginia's longtime Senator (and longtime Appropriations Chairman) Robert Byrd. Byrd, it should be noted, is fingered by Cathy O'Brien as one of her main oppressors. He has also been alleged (by an article in a fundamentalist Christian magazine) to be one of the main people behind the formation of Michael Aquino's Temple of Set. Do two rumors equal a truth? No, but in any case, Senator Byrd is a "former" member of the KKK.
Adding to the irresponsibility, it turns out Patsy Ramsey's father, Don Paugh, was an engineer for Union Carbide, the fine folks who brought us korporate murder in Bhopal and whose former mining camp in Guyana provided the spot for Jim Jones little Utopian community. Early on, Don was asked to help out John Ramsey's then struggling business, and became vice president in charge of operations. According to Jeff Merrick, a former John Ramsey associate, "The word is that John was going broke and Don bailed him out financially." How he did that on his middle-class income is questionable. The Paughs may have instead used their impressive connections via the Miss America Pageant circuit, which both Patsy and her younger sister Pam had been contestants in after both being crowned Miss West Virginia. Due to her programmed, controlled manner, famed-sportswriter and 1977 Miss America judge Frank Deford wrote in his notes that Patsy was "a little automoton." JonBen�t was particularly noticed for her ability to freeze all motion and hold a pose, an incredible feat considering she was only six years old.


So let me get this scenario right from your point of view the Ramsey's who had been a normal family except for being wealthy in one night decided to allow someone to come into their home and murder their daughter and then decided to cover-up the murder, why? It does not make sense. No one had ever seen anything strange about the Ramsey's or their children before that night, ...

Well, I don't know how "normal" they were. Maybe to their friends, they were "normal".
But, in my scenario, the Ramseys had at least knowledge of what happened to their daughter before her death. I think it was someone they knew, they either participated or were nearby.
You make it sound like the media crucified the Ramsey's. I don't think they media or the police did a very thorough job of investigating the death of JonBenet.

IMO, if JOhn Ramsey runs and wins, it will be that he is being rewarded for his part in the activities surrounding his daughter's death and the events leading up to her death.

[Edited on 16-3-2004 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Mar, 16 2004 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
Polar, thanks for that link. And from it:


So let me get this scenario right from your point of view the Ramsey's who had been a normal family except for being wealthy in one night decided to allow someone to come into their home and murder their daughter and then decided to cover-up the murder, why? It does not make sense. No one had ever seen anything strange about the Ramsey's or their children before that night, ...

Well, I don't know how "normal" they were. Maybe to their friends, they were "normal".
But, in my scenario, the Ramseys had at least knowledge of what happened to their daughter before her death. I think it was someone they knew, they either participated or were nearby.
You make it sound like the media crucified the Ramsey's. I don't think they media or the police did a very thorough job of investigating the death of JonBenet.

IMO, if JOhn Ramsey runs and wins, it will be that he is being rewarded for his part in the activities surrounding his daughter's death and the events leading up to her death.

[Edited on 16-3-2004 by DontTreadOnMe]

On the fact that the police did not do a through job investigating the murder, I totally agree, they did not do a good job safeguarding the crimescene there was only one officer there later in the day and it was basically impossible for her to do all that by herself, when the child was found, she was the one that suggested a thorough search, a ruse to keep the father busy, he and a friend started at basement level planning to work their way up thorough the house. It is believed that the child scratched the person who murdered her, this was only found after they discovered DNA under the nails, this DNA proves that there was someone else in the house that night. Their friends said they were very trusting people and some described them as naive saying they left their checkbooks and their personal papers lying around the house that someone could have easily saw the bonus amount and used that figure in the letter, I believe that the Ramseys had at sometime come in contact with the person who killed their child, may even still have contact with that person but not for one minute do I believe they had knowledge of it. I believe that they both would have if given the opportunity done anything to protect her. Btw the police will lie to you during interrogation to get you to agree to things or say things, they can say anything they want to during an interrogation except physically threaten you, also a lie detecter test is incorrect over 35% of the time, thats why its not allowed as evidence in court. I once saw a cop on tv say that if a family member was accused of anything or ever questioned by police that he would advise them not to talk to police at all without an attorney present. Now maybe John and Patsy Ramsey did follow the advice of someone who was very aware of the law and the way law enforcement works and many thinks thats wrong, but had they not followed that advice they would have been locked up by now, so far the only thing that has saved them is the special investigator who went at the case with a completely open mind, a special investigator who was hired by the police, the same investigator who the police did not want to be heard at the grand jury hearing because they did not like his findings. I will try and find you a link if there is one to his evidence and conclusions on the case.

[Edited on 16-3-2004 by goose]

[Edited on 16-3-2004 by goose]

[Edited on 16-3-2004 by goose]

posted on Mar, 16 2004 @ 04:13 PM
I think John and Patsy were involved in some fashion with people who do not play nice. It could be kiddie porn or mind control. But, no matter, something went wrong and JonBenet paid the price with her young life.
We do not know whether or not the police investigation was botched intentionally or unintentionally. I smell cover-up somewhere. I tend to not give much credence to news stories of criminal investigations.
I just hope to God that the citizens who might vote for John Ramsey don't vote for him out of sympathy!

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 12:29 AM
I think the cover up you smell is the fact that they did not bother looking beyond the Ramseys and it was such a high profile case and that when finally a police officer came up with something that had evidence behind it they tried to stonewall it. And also as you yourself said the investigation was botched from the beginning. Would you not think that the home would be thoroughly searched first and that as the crime scene the people would have been restricted to one area, instead they were allowed to roam all over the house, also think abut the egg on their faces when they are investigating a missing child and her body turns up at the her home, the same home they just searched earlier, oh darn we forgot that one room. Truly the police looked bad but they were determined to find the killer but the problem was that the people they were so sure did was not cooperating in their own persecution, they were rich and had friends who said, get a lawyer, and they followed that advice. Lou Smit was hired by the police not the Ramseys, he did not know them but he went at the case with a totally open mind letting the facts lead him, not an assumption that the Ramseys were guilty, he did not have any preconceived notions about the Ramseys guilt or innocence, his only goal was to find the killer and what he found was that the Ramseys were innocent and that an intruder murdered their little girl. I feel only sadness for these poor people who have not only lost their daughter in the cruelest of ways but to be constantly labeled as her murderers.

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