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'Inflate your tires'

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posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:29 AM

Posted Just because I thought it was funny.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:51 AM
Of course the clip was so short we don't know what was said before or after, but check it out:

Energy's Easest Fix

Want to help the country save a quick million barrels of oil a day? Drive 5% less. Slow down. Inflate your tires.

Those three steps would reduce U.S. oil consumption by 1.3 million barrels a day immediately, according to the Alliance to Save Energy, a conservation group running an efficiency campaign backed not only by environmental groups but also the auto and oil industries.

That's nearly twice the estimated daily oil production that could come from drilling in the Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, according to the government's Energy Information Administration.

Yeah, that Obama's stupid, all right.

You mean he's right?!?!?

*Rushes out to inflates tires*

[edit on 31-7-2008 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 10:04 AM
President GWH Bush got flamed 16 years ago for being out of touch after making a similar comment.

Now, Barack Obama is Mr Goodwrench.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 10:34 AM
Proper Tire Inflation?

Yeah, that Obama's stupid, all right.

omg you finally agree with me

har har

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 11:38 AM
Here's the video on what he said:

According to Obama, regular tune-ups and inflating tires = the amount of oil per day that could be produced by domestic drilling if we opened up restricted lands.

Yeah, doesn't any sense to me either.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by sos37

thanks sos for the life of me I can't figure out how to post the youtubes.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by sos37

thanks sos for the life of me I can't figure out how to post the youtubes.

I find it annoying that this "issue" is being spun to make anyone look bad. If (insert your favorite Republican here) said the same things the wingnuts on this board would be all for it. But anyone else says it and they must be totally out of touch.
And if you really want to talk about looking out of touch, let's go over how well McCain's visit to the grocery store & German restaurant went the other day, shall we?

Stormdancer, are you Sen Stevens (R-AL)? Do the "internets" and the "youtubes" leave you frustrated? [j/k BTW]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by observer

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by sos37

thanks sos for the life of me I can't figure out how to post the youtubes.

I find it annoying that this "issue" is being spun to make anyone look bad. If (insert your favorite Republican here) said the same things the wingnuts on this board would be all for it. But anyone else says it and they must be totally out of touch.
And if you really want to talk about looking out of touch, let's go over how well McCain's visit to the grocery store & German restaurant went the other day, shall we?

Stormdancer, are you Sen Stevens (R-AL)? Do the "internets" and the "youtubes" leave you frustrated? [j/k BTW]


that door swings both ways.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 10:08 AM
I was amused to see that John Hinderaker ran the acutal numbers on exactly how much oil we could save by inflating tires. The result seems to be that it would take over 11,000 years of proper tire inflation to save the amount of energy that we could get by drilling for oil in areas that are now restricted and off limits.

ANWR: 10 billion barrels
Outer Continental Shelf: 18 billion barrels (estimated; the actual total is undoubtedly much higher, since exploration has been banned)
Oil shale: 1 trillion barrels

So, on the above assumptions, it would take only 11,308 years of proper tire inflation to equal "all the oil that they're talking about getting off drilling."

Then Mr. Hinderaker goes on to say what we all know to be true. We love to laugh at some of the stupid things that George Bush says, but in all honesty Obama seems to be twice as dumb about common every day things that most of us would take for granted knowing. Once Obama gets off his written script, he's dumber than dumb.

Obama is a curious case. He gives the impression of being an intelligent guy, but through his unscripted comments we have learned that he knows little about history, science or mathematics. He also seems rather shockingly short on common sense, as this most recent gaffe illustrates.

I think even Obama realized that he said something stupid. Watch the video again. He pauses after his initial tire inflation statement and then goes back and adds in tune-ups. Yeah, tire inflation and tune-ups too just to be safe. What a moron. We don't need more oil, we just need more tire pressure gauges and fresh spark plugs.

[edit on 1-8-2008 by dbates]

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by dbates

Thanks for the great find! Star for you. Yeah, this is a pretty stupid blunder. I'll say it again - Obama is not a great speaker or thinker when he's off the teleprompter.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 10:27 AM
So, if we properly inflate our tires AND drill in ANWR we could save even more oil...right?

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by BlueTriangle
So, if we properly inflate our tires AND drill in ANWR we could save even more oil...right?

You forgot tune-ups. Very important those tune-ups.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 11:54 AM
Maybe what he actually meant to say is if people would get their oil leaks fix we could save millions of barrels of oil a day.My ex wife was pulling out of my driveway the other day and I swear she was leaking so much oil I thought she was trying to repave my driveway.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 08:47 PM
The Tire Guage Solution: No Joke

How out of touch is Barack Obama? He's so out of touch that he suggested that if all Americans inflated their tires properly and took their cars for regular tune-ups, they could save as much oil as new offshore drilling would produce. Gleeful Republicans have made this their daily talking point, Rush Limbaugh is having a field day, and the Republican National Committee is sending tire gauges labeled "Barack Obama's Energy Plan" to Washington reporters.

But who's really out of touch? The Bush administration estimates that expanded offshore drilling could increase oil production by 200,000 barrels per day by 2030. We use about 20 million barrels per day, so that would meet about 1% of our demand two decades from now. Meanwhile, efficiency experts say that keeping tires inflated can improve gas mileage by 3%, and regular maintenance can add another 4%. Many drivers already follow their advice, but if everyone else did, we could reduce demand several percentage points immediately. In other words: Obama is right.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by Quazga

I think the real question is How out of touch is TIME Magazine (in partnership with CNN). Leave it to TIME to rush to the aid of Lord Obama! TIME stopped be relevant since the cop out of naming EVERYBODY as MAN (person) of the Year a couple of years ago.

The McCain camp sent operatives to Obama rallies and started handing out tire pressure gauges with "Obama's Energy Plan" written on that is CLASSIC!

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 09:21 PM
haha, obama may be "right", but who in their right mind truly believes we will have every single person in america with properly inflated tires. And as other people have already stated obama has his facts wrong. Complete exaggeration when he said simply inflating tires and getting regular tuneups would save just as much oil as the offshore drilling McCain is proposing. This quickly shows how uninformed he can be. Kind of discomforting when a possible future president makes decisions and comments off numbers and stats pulled from the thin air. And Mccain handing out pressure gauges, haha, at least he has a sense of humor.

[edit on 4-8-2008 by azodrac]

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by azodrac

You evidently didn't read that article.

What he said is exactly right.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Quazga
reply to post by azodrac

You evidently didn't read that article.

What he said is exactly right.

Back in the 70's TIME (in partnership with CNN) had an article saying we were entering into an "Ice Age" So obviously just because it is in TIME (in partnership with CNN) doesn't mean it is true.

I read the article 2 or 3 times and the fact it was wrong never changed.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Quazga

You evidently didn't read that article.

What he said is exactly right.

Yes i read the article, and no it is not right, in certain aspects. But maybe i forgot everything obama says is "gold" and must be true. Both candidates are going to make mistakes and state incorrect information, including obama, but we aren't allowed to point obama out, are we. Just because you read something in an article doesnt make it automatically correct. Yes, as obama suggested, inflating tires will save the amount of gas used as a result of better gas milage, and it would be a big help. However, it will not save as much oil as opening up offshore drilling will provide, thats an exaggeration, and that was my point. A point others pointed out and provided sources for as well.

ABC news stated this on tonights news:
Offshore drilling- 1.25 million barrels per day
Engine and tire maintenance- 800,000 per day

You can go here and watch the video "Good Oil News Doesn't End Debate." Thats one source, other members listed others.

Would it help, yes, but still an overstatement and incorrect. I dont have problem with candidates offering solutions that the everyday person can do to help, thats a good step. But throwing out incorrect information to try and make himself look better or to try and counter the other candidate is wrong and misleading. Should that be overlooked? And that goes for both candidates.

*edit* spelling
[edit on 4-8-2008 by azodrac]

[edit on 4-8-2008 by azodrac]

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 10:27 PM
Someone once told me that intelligent people visit this forum!

Obama has an energy plan that does not include oil. He has recently stated that he would now be open to drilling on our own soil. He wants to see new technologies created for alternative fuels.

But wait! There's more!

Obama also wants the American people to know that, since we are the change we've been waiting for, there are things WE can do.

You mean... We can do our part?

Yes, exactly! I can't start drilling for oil in my back yard because well, i don't have a back yard. I live in an apartment. But I did recently move 5 miles away from where i work, when i used to live 25 miles away. I am saving a lot of gas by doing this. It doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling that i'm saving the environment. Frankly, i don't care much for it anyway. But i do care about how much money I have in my pocket. So, i moved closer to work.

I also checked the air pressure in my tires and they were about 75%. So i spent a buck on the air vac to fill 'em up. Before Barack "gaffed" here, i started driving at more responsible speeds and coasting more often. Guess what? With all of these little changes I made, only ONE of which having been suggested by Barack, I spend a whole lot less on gas, AND i consume less too.

Many of you see Barack as a Socialist, right? I know you guys are having a great time throwing everything you've got at him, but rather than focus on trying to make him look stupid, which he isn't, you should be focusing on how all this we we we nonsense is just another socialist move.

I mean, that's the problem with you guys. You're so busy throwing everything you can at him, you can't pause long enough to see if anything sticks. Everyone is getting overwhelmed and thus not paying attention to any of it.

edit: sorry about the intelligent people comment. i got a little worked up...

[edit on 8/4/2008 by The Cyfre]

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