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Synchronicity - The Beginning - A true tale#1

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posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 11:07 AM
When I was 18, working a grave yard shift, I got a ride one night from my girlfriend of two years. She parked.

The lot was in the rear of the property and the back of the building. She met me at the front passenger side of the car to give me a hug. As we stood there in the dark parking lot holding each other, a sudden familiar feeling, memory, more correctly defined; synchronicity washed over me.

I remember holding her and lifting my head looking beyond her shoulder, staring into the night, unsure if I should mention what was happening in my thoughts. There was a slight breeze to end a hot day and as the feeling increased, an awareness of this place, this time, this breeze, this scene filled my minds eye as my senses, thoughts, and physical being awoke. Heightened, acute, as if I knew the answer before the question. As I absorbed the robust kaleidoscope of emotions that whirled in, through and about my entire being for what seemed to me an amount of time in the 5 to 6 minute range and as slow as if I had watched the second hand, it's movement retarding slightly with every tick.

As alert as I felt, this surreal moment had been but the majority of a minute, though my thoughts and physical being were never more clear, included reflexes faster than gravity.

I was mesmerized by the silent chaotic commotion busily approaching a crescendo as if a broadway musical unfolds in act III, entertaining aprivate audience of one - inside of me. Eerily, I felt alone. A private synchronistic communion within my mind, even as abrupt as was the encounter. Alone we were, still hugging.

Though the parking lot was scattered with vehicles, their owners, now customers inside the building. This is when she relaxed her hug, shifting her weight from me, reiterating the words spoken that I had not noticed.

Her presence invoked a sense of peaceful calm, as if gentle waves caressing a beach without disturbing one grain of sand, I recalled thinking this same thought in my previous encounter here As she spoke. " What's wrong with you?" She insisted, as lines of concern formed across her brow, eyes squinting slightly.

This is when I felt compelled to relate the synchronistic feeling that had reared it's head, right here, right now in the dark, breezy parking lot. Exactly at 10:55PM, while together, wrapped as one, bodies intermingling, blanketed in spirit and pleasure. Angelic comfort. Soft, measured, embraced as we were in each others arms.

Her question notwithstanding, I spoke.

I told her how familiar the scene was to me. How, I surely had been through this exact scenario previously, and how awakened my senses suddenly became, and that beyond the overwhelming synchronicity of this revelation, there was more.

Indeed, I remembered(?) - that in the synchronistic replay of this exact happening, I was to continue the progression my mind visualized with words.
As I noticed her attentive interest, I was uneasy about what I had foreseen, but the urge to continue was great.

I told her that as clearly as this parking lot scene was, nor was it my intent to cause any unwarranted alarm, That I had remembered that something bad happened. Now, the thoughts were no longer vivid, and I could not specify what happened that was so bad, but it definitely was bad.
As the details abandoned my thoughts, in earnest, I assured her that it is likely just an overactive imagination on my part and that she not worry. I ended by asking her to drive careful and call me when she made it home. I waited for her to drive off, then went inside and to work.

Now, for the rest of the story....

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 11:13 AM
Busy with my work, I hadn't noticed the time. When I was caught up and checked the clock, it was almost 12:30AM. I asked the three employees who would have answered the phone had it rang if my girlfriend had called. This took a few minutes as they were not together and I had to locate them individually. After the third negative reply, I began to feel a bit concerned. I went to the office, and as I was reaching for the phone, it rang. It was her.

Barely breathing a hello, she began blurting out words, some incomprehensable as I listened to the shallow quick breaths between tears, and the frantic animated roller-coaster pitch in her linguistic attempt.

I was sweating, the hair standing up on my neck and arms, listening, hoping to decipher her emotional testemony. After a couple minutes, I was now aware of the jest of her tale, most important, she was fine and home. (She lived with her folks at the time). I was over the feeling of shistening mine hosen now, and she was a bit calmer.

Here is what happened when she left the parking lot. Within two blocks, an older, rough-looking truck started following her.

Was it paranoia? Maybe, at first, but, as she navigated onto the freeway, and the truck changed lanes as would be when passing, she felt relief, until it came along side of her, and paced her speed. Looking over, she noticed an older, overweight noticeably unkept man staring at her. She now was freaking out as it had been but 5 minutes since I had prophecised that something bad happened.

Her home was about 12 miles, and this guy stayed along side her until her exit. As she exited the freeway, she believed that the stranger would have no choice but to continue on being in the left lane and for good measure, she took the off ramp abrupty at cruising speed without signaling.

As she again began to relax and brake to a stop, she hears screaching brakes, looks in the mirror and sees a cloud of smoke billowing from behind the headlights of THE SAME TRUCK, now approaching with haste on the off ramp behind her.

She takes of full thottle, acceleration down the 35MPH road skirting the airport, and I was told she reached 70MPH before coming to the main arterial a half mile down the road. The truck is about a 1/4 mile back, but coming on strong. She takes the right, speeds another 3/4 mile to a signal where she runs a left red arrow and acellerates up a long mild grade. At the top, the road sweeps to the right, and she sees the truck still 1/4 mile back but gaining.

At this point, she tells me she thought that she would try cutting into the residential neighborhood hoping that some quick zig-zag turns would lose the perp, and she felt if that worked, she wouldn't lead him right to the house, where he would find where she lived as well as knowing that her parents may or may not be home from swingshift yet.

As she cut onto a side street, this man had closed the gap and followed her turn. She could not shake him. She was in total fear now, and decided to make it to the house and hope someone was home.
This was about a mile farther and she raced as best she could towards home. As she took the final left, the house 1/2 a block up on the left, she caught a glimpse of her mother's car parked back of the house, but along the side where it is visible. The drive runs along side the house and around back, and she turned in the drive, laying on her horn.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 11:15 AM
The man in the truck turned into the driveway as well. She kept on the horn screaming, just aside the front porch, while the man in the truck stopped in the drive, off the road, idling, bright lights illuminating. Within 20 seconds, her father sticks his head out a window, another few seconds later, her older brother comes running up the drive from around back. The truck sits there. She is screaming, (probably worse than when she called me at work finally), and in the confusion of her paniced speech, no one realized what was going on.

Now, the truck nonchelauntly backs out of the drive, and mosies on down the road at Grandma on Sunday going to Church speed.

After her parents and brother figure out what is going on, her brother hops in his Celica and tries to locate the truck, but to no avail.

Then, she called 911 and an officer comes by to take a report, while two other units patrol the neighborhood, but the truck is not spotted. When the paperwork is completed and the officer bid farewell, insuring that they would increase patrols and continue to look for the truck, things finally start winding down, and she calls me.

This was my first experience of synchronicity, but not the last. I never talk about the ephisodes, but for some reason, I had an urge to tell this one.

The next one had to do with a juiji board.
I'll post them in order, in due time.

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