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Anti-Obama smears, just right wing speculation, Neo-con propaganda

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posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:08 AM
Yes folks this all I’m hearing from the righties, Obama is going to do this, Obama is going to do that. It appears that this is all the right wingers can do, speculate on what Obama is going to do, below I will list down many of the theories these right wingers have come up with and will show you that the vast majority of these arguments made towards him are of personal nature and offer little more than if one were to theorize.

Obama is a Muslim

Well folks, the last I checked, we live in the western world where people choose what religions to follow. Obama has stated numerous times that he is a Christian, not a Muslim, the proof?

He says his not a Muslim and that should be proof enough. It’s highly hypocritical to say your a supporter of the constitution and freedom yet you spread this lie. I refer you all to Amendment I of the constitution:

The constitution clearly states that people are free to follow what religion they like and Obama chose to be a Christian; the constitution gives him that right. Nobody, not Rush Limbaugh, nor the common conservative American, along with anybody else, has that right to tell him what he must be. He chose to be Christian, it is his right, the constitutions states that it is his right, and anybody for calling him otherwise are clear against the constitution and the freedom in the this country.

In addition, Obama swore to the bible in 2005:

I have heard that simply because Obama was born to a Muslim father that makes him a Muslim. That is a LIE. First off, in Islam you are not made to be a Muslim, in fact, if you do not declare yourself a Muslim, if you do not make prayer 5 times a day, if you do not fast during the lunar month of Ramadan, and if you have not made the pilgrimage to Mecca, you are NOT A MUSLIM by Islamic practices.

I have not seen any evidence as to whether Obama says his Muslim, as to whether he prays 5 times a day and not once have I seen Michelle wear a veil, which is against Islamic law if one were a Muslim.

So in conclusion, according the constitution and to Islamic law as well, and to democracy in general (freedom of choice) Obama is not a Muslim. Anybody who claims such is a bigot, a hypocrite and/or a liar.

Obama is a racist, so is his wife

Oh really, and how is this? All I have seen so far from these threads claiming so are SPECULATION. No evidence what so evidence other than association. Obama has never said he "hated white people", which would be a contradiction since he is part white. Never once has his wife made offending racial remarks to whites or any other ethnicity, in fact, all we have as evidence from righties is this supposed "whitey video" that has yet to be shown by Bush lover Rush Limbaugh... yes, an unbiased source right?
this is where this rumor comes from, limbaugh and his neocon buddies.

"Hmm accuse Obama of being racist so I dont get accused...."

Now if this is "guilt by association", I think that’s utter BS. In fact, if this is the case, we are all racists because we are all some how or another associated with a racist person. How about the Pastor Hagee?
The guy who can be quoted in saying

“all Muslims have a mandate to kill Christians and Jews,”
“Make plans to come and go home with a slave.”

This kind of ignorance gets 1000's of people to his church on a weekly bases, and you wonder why the Muslim connection is being made to Obama.

Hmmm, not very christian if you ask me.

Ah yes, under the republicans you are free... well you are sort of free, you just can’t have an abortion because it’s not your choice despite it being your body. And if your child is raped, she must go through that pain of pregnancy because abortion is killing, just like THE DEATH PENALTY (and I thought it was god’s choice as to who’s life to take). Isn’t it against the constitution to create religious laws in the US? :

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,"

In light of Obama's supposed racism and guilt by association, why did John McCain continue to associate himself with pastor Hagee 2 months after the Wright incident? Knowing full well what kind of person Hagee was? That’s right folks, while the righties were complaining about Wright; they conveniently left out the fact McCain still associated himself with Hagee. What about rev Parsley? Oh wait but McCain chose not to accept Rev Parsley’s endorsement right? So that doesn’t count? Well then how about Farrakhan and his endorsement of Obama to which was rejected? How is that different?

Oh but Obama has been in that’s church for 20years right? So this gives some here the right to be hypocritical? I would like one of you here to show me a racist speech made by Rev Wright before March 2008.

So is Obama and his wife Michelle racist? No their not, no evidence of such has been provided; it’s just been SPECULATION thus far.


Obama is not an American citizen; he is not a natural born citizen of America

Oh yes he is, the last time I checked, anybody born in America to an American parent makes him a natural born citizen. Anybody who argues otherwise is clearly making an attempt here to keep the smear alive. His certificate was confirmed by the Hawaii Department of Health. The hypocritical side of this argument from the righties is that John McCain, born in Panama in 1936, would technically not be eligible to run for president as well.


Obama is unpatriotic

By whos standards? Bush folk?
this is just another Neo-con tactic. Why should a person have to wear a flagpin or any symbol to be a patriot? Since when was this stated in the constitution? Isnt it very "sheeple"?. Why should he wear a flagpin to make the righties happy? Most of whom are posting this garbage.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:09 AM
Obama is part of the NWO agenda, is a Bilderberger, is the Anti Christ, is connected to Muslim terrorists and is a pan-African extremist.

Bit of a stretch if you ask me, even by conspiracy standards.

Here are a few example threads right here:'

Hey lets indirectly tie the man to 9/11, typical Bush tactic I tell ya... it worked back in 2003, surely it will work now. Any excuse for the righties, less policy debating, more lies.

Only within the last two months did these accusations come out and for the most part they offered little more than SPECULATION and rumors. NONE of these claims offered any proof what so ever, none of them are about the policies of the presidential candidates... and the fact that all these accusations have come in such a short period time goes to show how readily propaganda can accepted on this website, a website built on the foundation against such propaganda. Its so easy for members to claim their against the corrupt establishment, yet how are these kinds threads, this propaganda, able to get such positive attention?

All I see above are speculation. No evidence besides more conspiracy sites, the "guilt by association" tactic and rightwing blogs.


All Obama supporters are Sheeple

No im sorry, generalizations are not counted as evidence. Its real funny the stuff some come up with here, you can almost link them directly republicans under Bush:

By 2004, despite the evidence indicating that Bush is a liar, people still supported the war and voted him. Move forward 4 years, anybody who still believes the reason for the invasion of Iraq was legitimate would be rightfully frowned upon. But despite the overwhelming evidence that the war was a complete lie at that time, and now, there are still people who prefer to believe otherwise. In fact, so far critics and Propaganda posters on here conveniently forget Bushes blunder over the past 8years, I see denial from many that the GOP messed up in the white house.

What about listeners of Rush Limbaugh?

One of the biggest supporters of Bush and his war of lies. Yet people still listen to him and post threads on what he says.

This guy gets paid millions a year to tell the right wing what they want to hear. Yet at the same time they do anything he says and they believe anything he says, these same people are the ones pushing these smears. Sheeple? I think that’s a weak generalization, and at the same time we have these kinds people listening to this crap, pushing propaganda coming from the neocon-machine. Hypocritical I tell ya, but its ignored here, it appears that members prefer to give into these kinds of threads instead of debating policy wise.

And of course fox news:
The news channel many here still prefer to follow.

Obama supporters are not sheeple and its obvious those making such accusations prefer to turn away from their own hypocrasy. 8years of Bush and McCain offers little difference. After the lies from Bush and the GOP on this war, anybody could be forgiven for supporting Obama.

In 2003 there were plenty of sheep in America, and some still prefer to stay in such denial. They will go and hide behind fox news and Limbaugh, the ones paid to tell them what they want to hear. If you were against the war in 2003, you were a traitor, you were labeled as one. If you didn’t follow Bush and his war of lies, you were unpatriotic. Of course I refused to follow the man, I stuck by what I believed in at a time when those around me called me a traitor, told me that I was unpatriotic. To this day I still stick by where I am and I know that McCain will continue Bush policies and under him, Bush will be allowed to run free.


Obama will be Jimmy Carter II

Funny that, Obama hasn’t even been elected president yet. This just sounds like more speculation. Besides, why do you have to go back 30years to compare a democrat president with Obama? Honestly now 30years ago

Most members here werent born then


socialism will bring the United States down

Don’t get me wrong, there are negatives to socialism, just like there are negatives to capitalism. That being said, this country was built on both socialism and capitalism, whether people want to believe so or not. To single out one of these ideologies and discredit them completely along with a candidate just doesn’t make a point. Socialist programmes have not done any harm to Europe or other western countries; in fact they have rather prospered. The minute Bush came into power and the GOP told all liberals to "shut up, socialist ideals are bad! We're taking over, we'r patriots", and then this country went to the ground

Personally I believe much of this socialist fear mongering is as a result of old cold war propaganda. Obama has not been elected as POTUS, he is yet to establish any socialist programme for people to say anything.

Both parties are the same! Both candidates are the same! Vote Ron Paul!

Some of the same people saying this are the ones posting anti-Obama propaganda, shouting "war hero" every time McCain gets criticized and make any possible excuse to link Obama and liberals in general with the faults of the right wing over the last 8years. Its pathetic and its just more hypocrisy! A shame to true Ron Paulers.

No wonder Ron Paul lost so badly, the majority of his supporters went over to vote for McCain.


There will be more of these smears to come, each one increasingly more ridiculous and evidently propaganda, nevertheless the trolls will continue to try their luck.

Neo-con tactics helped bring this nation down; if you’re against the Bush administration, you wouldn’t be participating in this kind of propaganda, any kind of propaganda.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:16 AM
Awesome post!

Thanks for taking the time to spell all of this out so eloquently.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:19 AM
I second Quazga, starred and flagged my friend, I was hoping someone would 'lay it all down'.

Only thing is, you forgot to mention how Obama supposedly blinks too much!

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by southern_Guardian

Well, since you would like to speak of some truths about Obama here goes a few:

1) is a member of CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) They promote an interventionist foreign policy. Meaning promoting democracy around the world whether the world wants it or not, paid for by mine and your tax dollars. Both Bush and Mcain also belong to this group.

2) Supports the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve through open market operations inflates the money supply which causes the business cycles. In other words, all those foreclosures of homes happening around the country; that was because the FED lowered interest rate to 1% under Greenspan, which then created this entire housing mess, and financial bubble we are now paying for. In fact all bubbles have been caused because of loose monetary policy. ie the FED. The FED is an evil, Unconstitutional organization.

3) Obama supports increasing social outlays: How will he increase said outlays? Well, only two ways...a)increase taxes b) monetize the debt, in other words have the fed increase the money supply. In either case, everyone is worse off.

4) Obama would like amnesty extended to those that have arrived here illegally, further undermining the legitimacy of legal immigrants that have bothered to not break our laws in the first place.

5) Recently Obama said in an AIPAC Conference, and I quote:
"I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Everything in my power. Everything.".....

"Everything" I guess includes murdering tens of thousands of Iranians, mostly civilians – driving the price of oil up above $300 a barrel and destroying the US economy – and involving us in a war that will make the Iraq conflict look like a Sunday school picnic. And for what? So much for Obama the peace maker...

And this is the tip of the iceberg about what Obama believes in, I could go on regarding your Obama the Messiah...

By the way, ALL FIVE of the categories apply to the fascist warmonger Mcain as well, we are doomed in this country.

Both parties are the same! Both candidates are the same! Vote Ron Paul! Yet the same people saying this are the ones posting anti-Obama propaganda, shouting "war hero" everytime McCain is critisized and making any possible excuse to link Obama, and liberals in general, with the faults of the right wing over the last 8years. Its pathetic and its just more hypocrasy. No wonder Ron Paul lost so badly, the majority of his supporters went over to vote for McCain.

Honey, if you think that, then you don't know squat about Dr. Paul supporters. I'd rather cut off my left nut than vote for McMurder nor Obamination. We Ron Paul supporters are not going to vote for a commie nor a fascist, if you want to, go ahead knock your socks off.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by Gateway]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 03:08 AM
Your an idiot.

The right didnt start any of those rumors. Let me tell you who did...wait...wait.


posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 04:10 AM
Soup is right.It wasn't the right, but his competition that started it all.
Besides from that, on the topic of Obama, the man is about as qualified to run a country as Ronald McDonald.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by The_Devil
Ronald McDonald.

Is probably more qualified.

Obama is a fool to be playing victim about these rumors. Everyone knows Hillary Clinton started them.

The original poster looks like a fool now. Like anyone else who brings this topic up and blames conservatives.

Obama is an Idiot. Why couldnt we have nominated someone who could win in november? serouisly. This loser can even get 10 points ahead of Mcmuffin.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by soup_sandwich]

[edit on 29-7-2008 by soup_sandwich]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 07:19 AM
Dont you love how everyone here and in the media, spends all their time "debunking" attacks against Obama? Have you EVER seen them do the same for attacks on McCain?

You guys spread these rumors more than anyone. I never see any of this stuff, until one of his followers posts it. I think its a campaign to make Obama a victim. Nobody actually believes or spreads these rumors (except democrats), but they are able to turn Obama in to a poor little victim. Its what democrats do best!

[edit on 29-7-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 07:45 AM
Lets start a rumor, see how far it goes.

Obama is really a Reptoid Colonial from Elgar.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 08:28 AM
oh no! another koolaide party...

yes let us all praise the christ child obama, leteth none speaketh ill on him.

Lord look down from heaven above
and touch Obama with love
protect and guide Obama
Till each and every day is ovah
remind us often that its true
Obama is a gift from you
A miracle youve sent on your way
Lord, Bless Obama today

would anyone else like some more obama kool aide?

get real man hillary is responsable for all that crap.
and if you think ron paul supporters would ever vote for mccain you are seriously deluded, as was so elequently put earlier by Gateway i would rather throw myself into a woodchipper than to vote for either "Juan hesus McCain" or "Barak The Obamanation"

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 08:40 AM






posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by soup_sandwich

can i get a hallalujah brother?

dont forget #5: "Thou Shall talk tough about being diplomatic on Iran and then go to Israel and say you support attacking Iran to the Israelis press"

hmm i guess that one dosnt have as nice a ring to it, but who cares

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by Dronetek

Yep. But here we go again, time for the weekly 'woe is me, the eeeevvvvviiiilllll conservatives are spreading lies!' by Obama supporters. Of course, as everyone has already mentioned, this stuff originated in the Democratic primaries. The act was old and tired three months ago. They've beaten this dead horse into the ground.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 08:47 AM
he is just as sleazy as Mccain if not worse
both will make a president Americans will regret

Same old thing in America voters too stupid to vote for the statesmen
they vote for sleazy
Sheep are easily cornered

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by TheRepublic
oh no! another koolaide party...

yes let us all praise the christ child obama, leteth none speaketh ill on him.

Lord look down from heaven above
and touch Obama with love
protect and guide Obama
Till each and every day is ovah
remind us often that its true
Obama is a gift from you
A miracle youve sent on your way
Lord, Bless Obama today

would anyone else like some more obama kool aide?

get real man hillary is responsable for all that crap.
and if you think ron paul supporters would ever vote for mccain you are seriously deluded, as was so elequently put earlier by Gateway i would rather throw myself into a woodchipper than to vote for either "Juan hesus McCain" or "Barak The Obamanation"

Why do you always blame liberals, the GOP messed up in the whitehouse over the last 8years, this kind of propaganda is from the Neo-con machine, the exact same one that mislead the public to the Iraq war. The righties are now blaming liberals for everything

I was against the war and Bush at the time people were drinking Bush kool-aid, iv never changed. Iv supported Obama since he came into the spotlight, when Hillary was the presumed nominee. I dont think that makes me "sheeple" or guilty of drinking "koolaid". The only people guilty of such were the ones who followed Bush in 2003.

I think this whole koolaid thing is just an excuse for the fact republicans hate John mccain. I feel so sorry at the fact you have to vote for the candidate you dont like to keep Obama out

[edit on 29-7-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by solo1
he is just as sleazy as Mccain if not worse
both will make a president Americans will regret

Same old thing in America voters too stupid to vote for the statesmen
they vote for sleazy
Sheep are easily cornered

Oh yes and hows that? Do you have evidence or do you people just like calling every popular politician "sleazy" and part of the "establishment". Id swear if the most perfect politician ran for POTUS, we'd still get people suspicious thinking his "sleazy". I mean its no winning with you fellas.... honestly now
Im sorry you feel that way. Ron Paul had a chance to win but its a shame he doesnt appeal to the majority of americans. I guess its better to make excuses over how he lost.

Dont you love how everyone here and in the media, spends all their time "debunking" attacks against Obama? Have you EVER seen them do the same for attacks on McCain?

You guys spread these rumors more than anyone. I never see any of this stuff, until one of his followers posts it. I think its a campaign to make Obama a victim. Nobody actually believes or spreads these rumors (except democrats), but they are able to turn Obama in to a poor little victim. Its what democrats do best!

I think Iv heard plenty of times cries that "its the liberal media!" "his a war hero" "Bush is a liberal baaah!" and my favourite "his a muslim, he'll declare sharia law, he'll give all out money to the blacks". Conservatives play the victim most often my friend, this is why we have these smears coming ou screaming "foul play".

The biggest lie in modern times from the Republicans and the Iraq war, yet its so easy for righties to turn a blind eye. Oh but its ok Don. You go ahead and vote in that Bush third term, and Ill vote in somebody I actually want to be POTUS.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by southern_Guardian

hahaha wut?

I loathe Juan Hesus McCain and Gorge "el W" Bush.
and obama is a globalist tool just like them. i dont have to vote for anybody. these guys are all a--- holes and if people were brainwashed into actually liking mccain i would give them crap also. he sucks. also dosnt that fact that all conservatives hate mccain tell you something about our electoral system? THEY DIDNT LISTEN TO US. mccain was jammed in their by vote fraud and media spin.

i get so tired of people talking about how glorious the arrival of the new messiah will be. obama the christ child. he is a fraud. he is a fake. he is corrupt as any chicago politician. you wanna sip the kool aide thats your deal. knock yourself out and hop on the phoney bandwagon. just when he breaks every single promise he ever made (other than the ones hes already broken) dont come whinin to me.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Gateway
reply to post by southern_Guardian

Well, since you would like to speak of some truths about Obama here goes a few:

1) is a member of CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) They promote an interventionist foreign policy. Meaning promoting democracy around the world whether the world wants it or not, paid for by mine and your tax dollars. Both Bush and Mcain also belong to this group.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by Gateway]

Good points, but I feel this is the most important one since I think it's fair to say every Obama supporter is against the war in Iraq. The official reason we are there is to establish a self-sufficient governing Democratic body in Iraq.

Since Obama is a member of the same council, the CFR, how can any Obama supporters be sure that the U.S. won't engage in another war somewhere else to impose our principals of Democracy? The answer is, you can't be sure.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by sos37

Originally posted by Gateway
reply to post by southern_Guardian

Well, since you would like to speak of some truths about Obama here goes a few:

1) is a member of CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) They promote an interventionist foreign policy. Meaning promoting democracy around the world whether the world wants it or not, paid for by mine and your tax dollars. Both Bush and Mcain also belong to this group.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by Gateway]

Good points, but I feel this is the most important one since I think it's fair to say every Obama supporter is against the war in Iraq. The official reason we are there is to establish a self-sufficient governing Democratic body in Iraq.

Since Obama is a member of the same council, the CFR, how can any Obama supporters be sure that the U.S. won't engage in another war somewhere else to impose our principals of Democracy? The answer is, you can't be sure.

That's right! This is where their whole "Obama the peacemaker" argument is flushed right down into the toilet. Jesus, the guy has not been elected to office, but he's already started threating Pakistan to clean-up its act, or else. If its one thing I can't stand is an uninformed/ignorant anti-war voter, who gets duped-in thinking Obama will solve everything....

If you want to vote for Obama because he's going to increase your welfare payments then say so, "I'm voting for Obama because he's gona increase my food stamps!!" Fine, I can except that. It's fine that you like the act of redistributing of wealth to line your pockets, from that of others. Ok, you have an immoral and counterproductive to self-reliance set of values, but at least its an honest and informed view of your candidate.

What I can't except is when these dummies tout Obama as the peace, and anti-war candidate, the "anti-establishment" guy.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by Gateway]

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