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Bush and the 100,000 Acre Woods : A Chavez The Pooh Tale

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posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 12:12 PM
I’ve been reading about the rumor of President George W Bush purchasing property down in Paraguay in South America a lot lately. I began having a discussion with a long time chat friend, Terran Blue. He and I have been discussing Global Politics in MSN all day since ATS Chat has been down, and quite the funny thing happened along the way, seeing as both of us know a thing or two about Politics as well as the way the world works.

Thing is, IF he really does have a home there, nearly 100,000 acres according to the previously mentioned ATS’ers submission, and IF they do try to Impeach him, or charge him for War Crimes, no one is ever going to forget the American citizens will guarantee that. Of course, this could be complete baloney to begin with, him having a home there, or it could be real, and giving Congress a legitimate reason to go into South American area with armed forces, to go get our recalcitrant President/Former President, all as a sham, just to get our troops there, to take out Chavez as a staging ground since Buenos Aires Argentina, was forced to make a treaty with America and the UK for interdiction after WWII, Paraguay does not have that same agreement. Because of the Nazi's, Buenos Aires was going to have the US/UK and other Allies on their collective butts as Nazi collaborators.

Any possible reaction of America, and or its citizens, will make Chavez have the "legitimate" reason to retaliate against "America", just like Bush abused his power to retaliate against Iraq through Saddam Hussein.

America would be sucked into yet another needless war, with Chavez claiming we’re interfering with South American politics as well as his sandbox, because Chavez is playing right along, knowingly or unknowingly with their plans. Russia's backing Hugo Chavez, or rather Chavez is backing Castro, and Castro is backed via Russia, because Chavez just recently asked Russia to forgive Cuba it's debts to Russia for Cold War expenses, before Fidel Castro stepped down for Raul Castro to take his throne. This might just revive the Cold War, via the War on Terror, making it a "hot" Cold War through duality and double-meanings. Of course this would mean the vast majority of the politicians are either in on the game to begin with, but then again I've pretty much figured out along with a lot of other ATS’ers and fellow citizens of Earth, that every war since WWI, probably further back, has all been a charade, as a means of population control and war-profiteering through the false flag-waving and claim of patriotism being the reason to go to war, when a patriot, a true patriot does not want to go to war for any reason other than an invasion on American soil.

Bush Buys 100,000 Acres of Land In Paraguay - Disturbing and Relevant Questions

The Prosecution Of George W. Bush For Murder

Venezuela Denies Report That Chavez Invited Russia To Open Military Base In Venezuela

What if the whole thing is a ploy just to get the United States of America involved and embroiled in yet another war we as citizens do not need nor want through the War on Terror?

This would of course be a ploy to get closer to Chavez and the Venezuelan oil, yet another war needlessly stretching our forces beyond belief, and as well a potential political platform for Barak Hussein Obama or John McCain to stand upon and smile the political smile of knowing more about things than the American populace will ever about things behind the scenes.

So, this having been said, the Secret Service as well as possibly Blackwater, or some other "Private Contractor" organization would be needed to defend Bush there, because 100,000 acres is a lot of property to be living on, let alone protect from would-be assassins.

[edit on 26-7-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

[edit on 27-7-2008 by MemoryShock]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 12:55 PM
I personally don't believe Paraguay would be the best place to launch a hit on Chavez from. The distances are too great, unless the attacks are limited to air strikes. And what of Brazil? Would Brazil like to get caught between the US and Venezuela? And what if the Russians arrive in Venezuela? Does Brazil fancy antagonising the Russians?

Hardly likely, as Brazil might jeopardize the cosy relationship of the SCO

I am inclined to follow the idea that the recent US troop deployments to Paraguay are for the protection of the growing retirement village of Elites there... protection for time served and with no fear of extradition. Lets not forget, its not just Bush down there.

As for Chavez, I don't believe he has the balls or the means to hit the USA, and I certainly don't believe he is that foolish to do so, as he knows it would be suicide. Any war he fights is likely to be a defensive one, or in support of Russia.

That all might change though. Who knows what might pop up in the next few years. If, and I stress IF, what SKL says is right, and the new Cold War is just a ruse, then Chavez needs to realise he is just a pawn in a system he claims to hate so much.

[edit on 26-7-2008 by Terran Blue]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Terran Blue

Terran Blue, I think maybe you missed part of it, I believe because Chavez is in direct contact with Russia, because of requesting they forgive Cuba's debts to their former Motherland, that Russia would back Chavez in any play he makes towards the defense of Hugo's homeland. Chavez, Castro, and one other nation signed a non-aggression pact a few years back, which is the same exact thing that Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito signed before the blitzkrieg into Poland.

Wikipedia : Non-Aggression Pact

U.S. Department of State : Chavez and the Terrorism Hub of South America

[edit on 26-7-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 03:53 PM
I have to say I'm amazed that no one else has thought of this in light of the majority of politics is all saber-rattling, posturing, and decrying one person is the evil Hell spawn of Satan.

Chavez did that in the middle of the United Nations as a ploy to gain him more attention, plain and simple.

[edit on 26-7-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 08:13 PM
Considering Bush thinks that Chavez is actually supporting terrorism in South America through Venezuela, I would have to say this is the perfect plan if it is something he's up to. It would be a small contingency of the regular detail of Secret Service plus Blackwater on what equivilated a TDY assignment in Paraguay, a hop, skip, and jump away from Venezuela.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 05:51 PM
Anything's possible with the Decider I suppose. Personally, I think he was snatching up that land when the first signs of a one way trip to Hague seemed like it was in his future for all of his crimes against humanity, but with this lunatic, who knows. Good thread either way, some food for thought...

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
Anything's possible with the Decider I suppose. Personally, I think he was snatching up that land when the first signs of a one way trip to Hague seemed like it was in his future for all of his crimes against humanity, but with this lunatic, who knows. Good thread either way, some food for thought...

I understand that George W Bush will be tried for War Crimes against America, the Hague and World Court as well as the United Nations will take care of that, the problem herein lies the fact that he might just jump on Air Force One with his direct Secret Service detail and skip the country to hide down in South America, Paraguay, or Buenos Aires are irrelevant, South America is known to harbor fugitives, drug runners, and terrorists, Bush will fit right in.

Some suggested reading to see the finer details of this analysis :

The Game of the Foxes;: The Untold Story of German Espionage in the United States and Great Britain During World War II

My Amazon Review

This book was recommended by someone I respect very much. It was definately an interesting look into the planting, hunting, and detention of the German spies before, during, and after World War II.

The Double-Cross system was also informative as well, and the games that spies on all sides played in order to make certain their side won were informative and interesting.

Some of the things that were done were quite simple and some were extremely difficult and diverse. It was definately worth purchasing and I only wish I had heard of the book sooner than last year.

IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation

Amazon Review

Was IBM, "The Solutions Company," partly responsible for the Final Solution? That's the question raised by Edwin Black's IBM and the Holocaust, the most controversial book on the subject since Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's Hitler's Willing Executioners. Black, a son of Holocaust survivors, is less tendentiously simplistic than Goldhagen, but his thesis is no less provocative: he argues that IBM founder Thomas Watson deserved the Merit Cross (Germany's second-highest honor) awarded him by Hitler, his second-biggest customer on earth. "IBM, primarily through its German subsidiary, made Hitler's program of Jewish destruction a technologic mission the company pursued with chilling success," writes Black. "IBM had almost single-handedly brought modern warfare into the information age [and] virtually put the 'blitz' in the krieg."
The crucial technology was a precursor to the computer, the IBM Hollerith punch card machine, which Black glimpsed on exhibit at the U.S. Holocaust Museum, inspiring his five-year, top-secret book project. The Hollerith was used to tabulate and alphabetize census data. Black says the Hollerith and its punch card data ("hole 3 signified homosexual ... hole 8 designated a Jew") was indispensable in rounding up prisoners, keeping the trains fully packed and on time, tallying the deaths, and organizing the entire war effort. Hitler's regime was fantastically, suicidally chaotic; could IBM have been the cause of its sole competence: mass-murdering civilians? Better scholars than I must sift through and appraise Black's mountainous evidence, but clearly the assessment is overdue.

The moral argument turns on one question: How much did IBM New York know about IBM Germany's work, and when? Black documents a scary game of brinksmanship orchestrated by IBM chief Watson, who walked a fine line between enraging U.S. officials and infuriating Hitler. He shamefully delayed returning the Nazi medal until forced to--and when he did return it, the Nazis almost kicked IBM and its crucial machines out of Germany. (Hitler was prone to self-defeating decisions, as demonstrated in How Hitler Could Have Won World War II.)

Black has created a must-read work of history. But it's also a fascinating business book examining the colliding influences of personality, morality, and cold strategic calculation. --Tim Appelo --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler

1st Page of "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" on Amazon

I've read all of these books researching and sifting through the information in order to use detective skills to find that South America was not just a place where Hitler and the Nazi's just up and decided to flee to, it was a pre-planned event they had insured would be able to happen decades in advance before WWII even began by buying up property, opening businesses, and making deals with the locals ahead of time.

A wise strategist always has an exit plan strategized well in advance of the first striking move and it is with this information I believe the Nazi's had South America as a strategic fall-back position before the blitzbrieg into Poland through regular businessman and women taking vacations down to South America as advance scouts to scout out the locations. The Mossad is still searching and or watching for Nazi's there to this day due to the events of the Holocaust and 6 million Jews and 5 million other souls being eliminated in Dachau, Auschwitz, and Berkenau, to name a few of the Concentration Camps.

The Axis Powers of WWII eliminated billions of lives between them.

Israeli Mossad Website

[edit on 27-7-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:38 PM
Oh, if I had to harbor a guess, this last post of yours, SKL, seems the most plausible to me. There's a lot of room to hide in those thar woods. lol. We were all screaming that back when this story first broke. It seemed a pretty conspicuous place to snatch up such a giant expanse of land--Sort of like somebody was foreseeing the writing on the wall, and making preparations for going on the lam when necessary. But it could go either way-It could be an escape route, or it quite possibly could be some sort of maneuvering ground in this self-grandeurized "revisionist's" plans...

[edit on 27-7-2008 by DimensionalDetective]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
Oh, if I had to harbor a guess, this last post of yours, SKL, seems the most plausible to me. There's a lot of room to hide in those thar woods. lol. We were all screaming that back when this story first broke. It seemed a pretty conspicuous place to snatch up such a giant expanse of land--Sort of like somebody was foreseeing the writing on the wall, and making preparations for going on the lam when necessary. But it could go either way-It could be an escape route, or it quite possibly could be some sort of maneuvering ground in this self-grandeurized "revisionist's" plans...

[edit on 27-7-2008 by DimensionalDetective]

DimensionalDetective, I just had a thought after reading your last post here.

What if the rumor is in fact true, but I got it wrong in that Bush may run away to Paraguay, but instead it's a future Blackwater or Greystone facility location right in Hugo Chavez's backyard?

Wikipedia : Blackwater

Blackwater Worldwide Website

Greystone Limited Website

ATS TinWiki : Blackwater

ATS TinWiki : Greystone

Blackwater : Right-Wing Conservative America, Whether You Like It Or Not...

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Or it could be a COMBINATION thereof! I have a feeling that some of these mercs will be put into use when TSHTF, both foreign, and domestically...That's why I think they're pushing so hard to establish domestic training bases here. Now, perhaps you're on to something---Perhaps a simultanious launching pad for a corporatized and privatized war might be initiated by one of these "guns for hire" corps, AS WELL as serve as a "buffer zone" for TPTB inside a hard-to-reach parameter?

Hmm, interesting indeed...

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Or it could be a COMBINATION thereof! I have a feeling that some of these mercs will be put into use when TSHTF, both foreign, and domestically...That's why I think they're pushing so hard to establish domestic training bases here. Now, perhaps you're on to something---Perhaps a simultanious launching pad for a corporatized and privatized war might be initiated by one of these "guns for hire" corps, AS WELL as serve as a "buffer zone" for TPTB inside a hard-to-reach parameter?

Hmm, interesting indeed...

Interesting concept indeed in the fact that this would be a "privatized" military it won't be a direct attack through regular military channels, yet still accountable to the Pentagon and Department of Defense, as well as it is a way to bypass any and all treaties with any country within South America and any and all allies and treaties with nations that are aligned with any one nation within South America to boot. This just keep getting deeper and deeper and more and more interesting as every day goes by the closer we get to the upcoming election.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 09:44 PM
asside for the being tried on war crimes, one other thing i found intresting is that bush has given the IMF permission to audit the federal reserve. i believe they have already started the audit actually, but bush gave them one condition...

the result of the audit cant be published till he has LEFT OFFICE!

he is a common criminal, a crook, fraud, and liar.

military, police, and government agents, on here listen. if you support or protect bush you are serving a traitor. by protecting him you gurantee you and your families, and your childrens children will all live in a rotted out corpse of what this country once was.

bush deserves no support from this country and its officers. he should be arrested and impeached on war crimes and on the willful bankrupting of our great republic...even if we have to go to bolivia to get him.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by TheRepublic

It's not just Bush though it's Congress as well in backing him up with the telecommunications corporations and their spying on American citizens. All in the name of war against the citizens through privatizing every military and intelligence agencies operational duties.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

you are correct about that. bush is just the most crystalized example of being a traitor.

most of congress and the senate are too. money hungrey corporate globalist whores one and all. bankrupting the country, marching us into WW3, and planning a summer home in the wilds of bolivia.

stop the planet, i want off...

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by TheRepublic
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

you are correct about that. bush is just the most crystalized example of being a traitor.

most of congress and the senate are too. money hungrey corporate globalist whores one and all. bankrupting the country, marching us into WW3, and planning a summer home in the wilds of bolivia.

stop the planet, i want off...

Polticians, President's, and Bilderberger's are to blame in that they have all colluded together to ramrod their asinine agendas down our throats to keep the money in their hands and out of ours. Privatizing the military is plain and simple a way to side-step everything our country is supposed to stand for and it is bastardizes everything we as citizens want from our representatives.

Not that I care for Hugo Chavez, Bush, or Cheney, I believe all politicians are as useless as a sword made of vulcanized rubber, limp and uneffective.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:16 PM
The answer to this is quite simple. He bought the land with one of the biggest water reserves. The fact is WATER is going to be the OIL of the future. I know its hard to believe but its a fact. Pretty soon fresh water will begin to run low as we have seen in major areas like Atlanta. So people like Bush just like the Oil gurus will be able to sell water at a premium. Also people like GE with their desalination technology will also be selling fresh water at a premium. $5 to $6 a gallon. And we will HAVE to pay for it or not survive. That is why he is doing it.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:24 PM
This is news to me, although I admit not having been online a lot the last couple weeks, so playing catch up before going further on this will have to take its time.

Once up to speed, I'll drop back in with my take on this.

[edit on 27-7-2008 by ADVISOR]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I agree,
As was stated in the hearings,

Bush cannot be prosecuted WHILE IN OFFICE..
but when he's out, he's fair game.

Thus, as soon as he's out '' if that day comes '' I expect him to announce a long vacation on his new property.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I agree,
As was stated in the hearings,

Bush cannot be prosecuted WHILE IN OFFICE..
but when he's out, he's fair game.

Thus, as soon as he's out '' if that day comes '' I expect him to announce a long vacation on his new property.

Well, let's hope and pray they prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. Not some resort prison either, the Super Max facility where the Unabomber is currently residing would be a great location.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 11:28 PM
Id take him one step further, those super prisons mean no one can touch him, he's virtual sealed off.
throw him in rykers or something.
.. say screw that.

Lets send him to guantanamo...

after all waterboarding isnt torture, and we need all the info on his cohorts.

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