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Top Tips To Shed Weight Quickly

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posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 06:16 AM
Hey guys.

A number of times on this website I have seen threads and posts asking how would one best go about losing weight, so I have decided to make this thread to answer some questions and get people in the know.
I am not a fitness expert by any means, but I am a fitness enthusiast and train regularly in the martial arts and fitness training, and I do know how to drop pounds fast.

So here's how you do it:

1. Drink only water. By giving up sugary juices and soft drinks you will heavily cut down your sugar and calorie consumption, and just by doing this after a little while you will notice a positive change in your body shape.

2. This ones a no brainer but exercise regularly. Just 15-30 minutes of moderate exercise a day on top of what you normally do in your daily activities will burn extra calories and build muscle. It will also help speed up your metabolism which will help you lose pounds.

3. Eat smaller meals regularly. Rather than three large meals a day have 4-5 smaller meals a day. This will maximise your metabolism rate, helping you lose weight.

4. Make sure to eat 2-3 hours after an exercise session. If your body does not recieve the fuel it needs it will start breaking down muscle, which you need to keep your metabolism steady.

5. Be more active in your daily life. Rather than taking the lift, take the stairs. When taking stairs, jump two steps at a time. Stand on the bus rather than sitting. Little changes like this will all add up in the end and help you burn calories.

6.Try and have a healthier diet. This in my opinion is the hardest bit, but even small changes to your diet will make a difference. Eat plenty of fruit and veg and just make sensible choices. They're are plently of alternatives to junk foods out there that are just as nice and are way more nutritious.

7. Eat breakfast. Eating breakfast kickstarts your metabolism and will help you lose weight

Well there's my tips.
Feel free to add more if you have any and I will also try to add more soon.



posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 11:17 AM
drink green tea 2-3 times a day. I love that stuff and it always feels like i'm shedding kilos, when I combined that with training.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 12:35 PM
Thanks for the reply.
Anyone else got any tips?

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 01:52 PM
I always have half a grapefruit in the morning,
Its an amazing fruit which is a fat burner, It helps regulate insulin levels which is a big +

Also eat a pear before each meal, It fills you up quicker and make you feel full up,

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by PeaceUk

Cool. Can you post some of your results, such as 'lbs of BF lost over time'. Do you know your current BF%? Starting BF%

If you know, how many calories do you consume daily at your given weight? (assuming you weigh between 180-200bs, for example).

Do you know your daily macronutrient breakdown? (% /gms of Fat, Carbs and Protein). What percentage of your daily intake is protein (gms protein/lb of body weight).

Can you talk a little about the 'process' of weight loss. The 'how'?

Note I'm not asking for 'personal details', just for representative numbers.

For instance I try to eat 0.8gm protein/lb of body weight.

Thanks for the interesting post.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Badge01

Lol to be 100% honest I have no idea about the things your asking me. As I said I'm a martial artist and a fitness enthusiast, but I'm more of a go out and train to have a good time sort of person. I'm not a bodybuilder and I'm not a fitness guru, just a guy who's into keeping in shape.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:23 PM
Here's what I've been doing.

Breakfast and lunch. Slim fast with 2 Tablespoons of wheat germ, 2 of soy lecithin granules, 2 of brewers yeast and 1 of olive oil.

I have a snack if I need it around 10 am and 3 pm, protein bar or something like it.

Tonight I had chicken breast grilled and broccoli.

I have been exercising, weight training and pushing it. Oh yeah, stair climber 30 minuets.

Since May I've lost 14 pounds and arms, legs, neck, shoulders and back are getting bigger. Can't find shirts that fit. Nice problem.


posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:27 PM
I am personally glad to see that this thread is about the HEALTHY way of loosing weight. I am all for people improving their personal self image. A person I knew once brought her total caloric intake down to 300 calories a day on average, sure she shed the pounds quickly, but the effect on her emotionally was terrible.

Doing this the right way is paramount in my opinion, don't be discouraged by those times that you don't seem to be loosing any weight at all, I have found that these are plateaus. These plateaus seem to regulate the metabolism with the amount of exercise and intake your body gets.

After a while the body will continue to loose weight on a healthy and non destructive diet. It will take longer, but it will be far healthier, and the pounds will stay off.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:55 PM
do this cleanse for 1-2 weeks. everyone i've sent this to whose done it has lost at least two pants sizes. it works on the gut bloating. and it's very healthy.
i personally lost three pants sizes (from a 14 to an 8) and kept it off for a year now.

LGS Diet
First thing in the morning: Drink warm/hot water with lemon.

Through the day: Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water. This dilutes and flushes headache-triggering toxins...staying hydrated can speed metabolism by up to 3%

In the morning: Make two smoothies/shakes (16 ounces) with rice protein powder (three scoops...about six tablespoons), fruit like bananas mangoes, pineapple (key), papaya (key), and berries, flax seed (two tablespoons) and flax seed oil (two tablespoons). Drink one shake (8 ounces) for breakfast, and take the other to work or set it in the fridge for midafternoon. Add ice to make it easier to blend. I also add a few drops of royal jelly sometimes.

Mid-morning: Eat about six ounces fruit "salad" with fresh papaya and pineapple. Also can have half a cup of broth.

Broth is onion, garlic, sea salt, celery, spinach, purple cabbage, carrots, turnips, all simmered for an hour.

For lunch: Half a cup of brown rice, with sea salt if you want, and all the vegetables you want (I did mostly spinach and teen baby carrots and cheated a bit with that ginger and sesame dressing you spray on?)

Mid-afternoon: A cup of broth.

Dinner: Same as lunch but add six ounces of protein like salmon, tuna, turkey, or chicken.

Fruit salad between dinner and bed if you want/need.

For constipation: a senna laxative, which will ease constipation within 12 hours.

For bad breath or body odor: "Supplement with Chlorophyll. This powerful antioxidant, detoxiefier and anti-inflammatory speeds the liver's ability to break down odor causing to try Nature's Way Chlorofresh.

Papaya: Within 30 minutes of eating 1/2 cup, digestion improves markedly, and the benefits last for hours, UK studies suggest. Plus, the sweet treat's protein-digesting enzymes (Papain, Chymopapain and Papaya Protein-Phase III) destroy viruses and bacteria before they have a chance to damage and inflame the GI Tract lining.

Pineapple: The fresh fruit contains hundreds of anti-inflammatory enzymes that triple the body's level of infection-fighting white blood cells and help reverse LGS. And eating just 1/2 cup daily improves the digestive system's ability to process foods and fluid so dramatically, bloat drops significantly in several days.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 04:29 AM
Here's what I do... I've went down from like 174 pounds down to like 159 pounds in a matter of a few months.

I am not on any kind of diet. I believe that diets are an ineffective way of losing weight because once you're off the diet than you're probably going to gain the weight back.

#1-- Drink fewer high calorie drinks. Read the labels of the drinks that you are drinking. Sodas tend to have a lot of calories in them and diet sodas have chemicals in them. So drink less high calorie drinks.

#2- Drink more water. Have a cup of water instead of having a cup of your favorite beverage.

#3- Eat only what you need to eat. Don't just go out and eat something because the food tastes good. You know like if there's something nagging you and makes you feel like you have to eat: DON'T EAT... if you really feel like you must eat... eat something small... and limit the amount of snacks you give yourself each day.

#4- Work out, exercise, come up with some kind of stretching routine. I find working out a positive experience. I like exercising... playing basketball... anything that requires you to move your own body is good.

#5- Eat organic food! Don't eat food when you don't know what's in it!

#6- Don't frequent restaurants. I don't know what restaurants put in their food but whatever it is that they put in food IT IS FATTENING! That being said, you can go there every once in a while, but I wouldn't recommend frequenting them.

#7- Tame your stomach. Don't let it mess with your brain! Don't let it take over!


posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

I starred this because I think it's a very sensible, low tech, and uncomplicated way to diet.

Myself, I prefer the highly technical, detailed approach, but I like this method a lot and am moving towards it.

In a way, it's like learning music. In the beginning you learn notes and scales and all this 'technology'. In the final form, it's smooth, flowing, and intuitive and natural.

But some people just 'play by ear'. In the end we're both in the same place and successful.

Nicely put! I might add something specifically about sugar and corn syrup, but you could say that 'eat organically' could contain that part.

Thanks for the post.

I also starred the post above about the 'LGS' diet.

Though I didn't start there I ended up eating instinctively almost an identical diet.

Lots of protein, fruits and certain vegetables.

I also have lowered drinking cow's milk (just me), and cut back on 'sugar' and corn syrup. (use Splenda).

For the protein, generally fish and seafood, protein powder and eggs. But plant sources of protein are fine also, maybe with some soy PP supplementation to get a certain amount per day.

(what does LGS mean?) Got any links?


[edit on 26-7-2008 by Badge01]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 09:54 PM
Yeah... there is only one thing that makes my way of losing weight rather difficult. There are going to be times when you are going to want to go out with your family or your friends, and, say, you have lost a lot of weight, and you are forced to eat out. You're going to gain weight... whether you like it or not. Or say you want to order something to eat... it's going to be fattening whether you like it or not. So if you decide one day that you want to treat yourself to dinner at a fancy restaurant keep this in mind... so DON'T FREQUENT restaurants or order a lot of food.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Actually there are a lot of options you can use.

1. pick a good restaurant, but not too expensive (Chinese food can be good) and avoid fast food places like all you can eat or all the fried batter food you can eat (haha);
2. order a double plate of cocktail shrimp and a salad. The shrimp are not breadded or covered with butter;
3. ask for an order of plain boiled or roasted chicken without sauce;
4. use the salad bar;
5. eat at home first so you're not really hungry and then just have a small plate of something to join in with the group.

Above all, don't be easily discouraged If you make a diet mistake just restart the next day.

Good luck!

I'm not sure why you feel this will make you fat or ruin your diet with a couple meals eating out unless you're going to a low end place like Long John Silvers. Can you expand on why you think this will happen?

[edit on 26-7-2008 by Badge01]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:08 AM
I go running with a black trash back over me in the noon. That's the fastest way I know how to shed those pounds. Sometimes I shove my finger down my throat too

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by Badge01

It is from my personal experience that I say this because after I have a night out with my parents I usually order what I like. I sometimes forget about the fact that I'm trying to lose weight so I feel to eat what I feel like. Usually I don't get to pick the restaurant I go to when I eat out. But even when I do pick my own meals, when I get back home, I weigh myself, and the scale says that I weigh around 3 or 4 more pounds than before I had the meal. That's what is making me say this.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Possibly because the food's still inside you and hasn't passed through yet?

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Possibly because the food's still inside you and hasn't passed through yet?

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
Here's what I do... I've went down from like 174 pounds down to like 159 pounds in a matter of a few months.

I am not on any kind of diet. I believe that diets are an ineffective way of losing weight because once you're off the diet than you're probably going to gain the weight back.

#1-- Drink fewer high calorie drinks. Read the labels of the drinks that you are drinking. Sodas tend to have a lot of calories in them and diet sodas have chemicals in them. So drink less high calorie drinks.

#2- Drink more water. Have a cup of water instead of having a cup of your favorite beverage.

#3- Eat only what you need to eat. Don't just go out and eat something because the food tastes good. You know like if there's something nagging you and makes you feel like you have to eat: DON'T EAT... if you really feel like you must eat... eat something small... and limit the amount of snacks you give yourself each day.

#4- Work out, exercise, come up with some kind of stretching routine. I find working out a positive experience. I like exercising... playing basketball... anything that requires you to move your own body is good.

#5- Eat organic food! Don't eat food when you don't know what's in it!

#6- Don't frequent restaurants. I don't know what restaurants put in their food but whatever it is that they put in food IT IS FATTENING! That being said, you can go there every once in a while, but I wouldn't recommend frequenting them.

#7- Tame your stomach. Don't let it mess with your brain! Don't let it take over!


This is like me. But I do still eat like a horse. More organic food though and not a lot of processed food. Be creative in the kitchen and your significant other will love you for it.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
reply to post by Badge01

It is from my personal experience that I say this because after I have a night out with my parents I usually order what I like. I sometimes forget about the fact that I'm trying to lose weight so I feel to eat what I feel like. Usually I don't get to pick the restaurant I go to when I eat out. But even when I do pick my own meals, when I get back home, I weigh myself, and the scale says that I weigh around 3 or 4 more pounds than before I had the meal. That's what is making me say this.

OK, then. Well, hahahahaha, this isn't a diet problem, it's a brain far t problem.

So whatsamattaya, you can't say 'hey MOM let's not go to Che Allya KanShvdnyergullet and try that Chinese place?'

I eat a lot of watermelon. It's, uh 'Heavy Food'. So if I went and weighed myself right after, I'd be heavier, too. But I don't have to change to larger pants or my shirt doesn't pop buttons. So I haven't really gotten fat.

Besides, I just gave some tips you can use some times. If you'd rather just have your eyes glaze over and roll back like a Great White Shark then that's up to you bro. (just teasin' ya.)

But seriously, it's OK to 'go off plan' and just have a 'free eating night' now and then. This recharges your hormonal systems.

*(For you scientific types, look up Ghrelin.)

[edit on 27-7-2008 by Badge01]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 06:02 AM
I think the most important thing really to identify, is that losing a large amount of weight requires a total lifestyle change.
No crash or fad diet's going to do it for you, if you're not 100% in it.
It's also important to love youself while doing it.
Losing weight does NOT mean depriving yourself and working against yourself. You have to have a positive mental attitude and aim.
I also believe the support of family and friends plays a big role.

[edit on 27/7/08 by PeaceUk]

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