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Thanks to you, impeachment will be heard Friday

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posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 09:40 AM
Woo-Hoo! I love that guy! Way to go, Dennis! Even if nothing comes of it, he makes me proud and hopeful that there are still some human beings left in Congress.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 09:40 AM
is there an online petition and would i be able to sign it? Could someone please link it to this thread thanks.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by nahsik

Here's what I found:


second link

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by jhill76

he has been touting this for over a year.. and he has brought it up in congress allready... he isnt getting any where with it.. your post is very misleading.. he might as well talk to the wall.. even his own party wont back him on it.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by jhill76

While the idea is noteworthy, it's also worthless. Impeachment is merely bringing charges against a public official. By the time impeachment hearings are set, Bush will have long been out of office. Even if this had happened two years ago, there's no guarantee anything would have been done. Remember, Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives in 1998. This is just something to get everyone stirred up.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by jhill76

Unfortunately I see this going absolutely nowhere. Dennis absolutely has a case for impeachment, but unfortunately he doesn't have enough of the right friends to make it happen. If this gets more than a brief mention on the news then that's the best we could hope for.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Koka
but a quick look on Wikipedia gives a better idea of where the man is coming from, and it's from the left.

Which would explain the narrow opinions which are beginning to appear on this thread.

My opinion on this has nothing to do with right vs. left. If this was done a year ago I could be convinced that there is a goal here other than "political points". Bush is going to finish his term at this point regardless of the outcome of this.

I'm also growing tired of contantly seeing the opinion that Bush is trampling our rights. The congress has been controlled by the democrats for quite awhile now and they deserve their share of the blame in our current situation.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:43 AM
This is what congress gives us? with all that they could be working on they are wasting time on this? ridiculous...and they probably think this is going to bring their numbers up by doing this while we have soldiers in harms way.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by JesterMan

Don't Impeach, Imprision.

You cannot imprison without a is a product of another. Due Procees is still a standard in impeachment proceedings...Don't worry, Bu# will get his!!!

EDIT:to fix quote

[edit on 23-7-2008 by daddymax]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 11:18 AM
An impeachment may not end the Presidency any sooner, but it will bring the truth out. Impeachment means investigation, and I'm talking about "air the dirty laundry" investigation, not "tie up the loose ends to cover our butts" investigation like we got from 9/11.

That's why his own party doesn't support this impeachment idea. Because they're in on all the con jobs the government has pulled on us. It's not Democrat vs. Republican like they want you to think, it's Them vs. Us.

Kucinich knows he can't get rid of Bush before he's out anyways. That's not what he's trying to do. He's trying to air the dirty laundry. Republicans are the dirt, Democrats are the laundry. Following that analogy, we need neither dirt nor laundry: we need new clothes.

That's what Kucinich is trying to get us with these impeachments he's pushing for.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Intellectual Enema

I'm not going to hold my breath on the Presidents impeachment.

I understand the apprehension completely...but the good news is that "WE" can do something about this! These people work for US! Somewhere along the way, they got the impression that when the election happened, they were no longer subject to the law...or at least the penalties of breaking the law. You, me, grandma, cousin Joe, etc. can sign petitions, call our representatives, write to public opinion forums, so on and so forth, and make this happen. What better way to send a message to these fat, money hungry, non representing lower level elected officials, then to take the man up top, and publicly chastise, and punish him...? Whip his ass in the street...that's my redneck view!!!

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by mattifikation
Kucinich knows he can't get rid of Bush before he's out anyways. That's not what he's trying to do. He's trying to air the dirty laundry. Republicans are the dirt, Democrats are the laundry. Following that analogy, we need neither dirt nor laundry: we need new clothes.

It's nothing but a great big waste of time. Your analogy is wrong. They're both dirt. The laundry was disposed of a long time ago along with the washwater. Politicians are ruthless and believe me every person in Washington stepped on somebody to get where they are. They know that if this takes and anything is traced to Bush, all of the bad information Bush has will leak out and take out a few major democrats. From there, it's a chain reaction of backstabbing and most of Washington would fall down like a house of cards. This might sound like a good idea to you, but for the politicians this will directly affect (Kucinich included) it's a major catastrophe that they will never let happen.

My two cents...

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by crmanager

And this man is a HERO to you? All because he wants to impeach GWB for protecting your butt?

AH HA HA AHA HA...I'm sorry, I hope you can hear me from the floor I'm rolling on...GW Bu# butt. He has been sticking it to said body part since before he bought the presidency...I'm not real sure how effective it is to have a man "protecting" us from himself...What a conundrum. Thanks crymanager...I needed that

[edit on 23-7-2008 by daddymax]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 12:51 PM
For a board full of people who claim to know whats really going on in the world, we sure do have a bunch of left-wing sheeple that continue following around Dennis as if he were anything more than political grandstanding hack and a professional ring master in the middle of a created political circus.

Congress has done nothing worth while since it began its new session in 2006. You can't blame Bush for that - he has vetoed almost no bills offered by the 2006 congress. Unfortunately, the Congress is to busy trying to figure out how to pander and get votes rather than get anything done. But since this sort of pandering is aimed squarely at the left-wingers and mass media trained bush bashing demographic on the internet and ATS, its acceptable to them.

The DNC is known for having legions of lawyers that makes anyone tremble in fear. If they even thought they had a prayer to get Bush impeached, it would have been done years ago. But they know they don't have anything, so they just play the sheeple and get them excited. And its working - playing ATS left-wingers and those like them like a fiddle. Its very funny to watch.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by ALightinDarkness]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by jhill76

Anyone else notice the "view numbers" haven't changed from "41,037", so it won't make it to front pages.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 01:08 PM
I haven't read any other responses yet but I'm sure you are going to get what I get here at work: "He's a nut job." Why is it that that term is the one always used for people who stand up against the government?

Anyway, I sent him a letter/email stating how much I support his stance against the machine. I told him he is a hero for asking the tough questions in front of the country. If people would just watch some of his speaches in Congress they would get a better feel for what he is truly about.

He is about the CONSTITUTION. He no longer sits in on 'secret' congressional meetings (shouldn't be any such thing anyways) because he says that the only one he did sit in on he felt that he ended up selling his soul. This was because he cannot speak about it (which also supports his character). What was the 'secret' meeting about? It was held for one of the current administration just after 911.

Why would he feel that he has sold his soul about that meeting? Something that he wishes he could disclose about it but can't because he signed a non-disclosure agreement. I can make guesses but let's let his actions do the speaking.

What has Dennis done that has gotten his name in the papers most often of late?

Last year he brought articles of impeachment up against Dick Cheney. Then, with the release of the congressional hearing on the intel that got us into Iraq, he proceeded to move against the rest of the administration.

Why? I bet he heard quite a bit in that 'secret' congressional meeting just after 911 that he has garnered an intense anger and hatred for the people in this administration. He has been waiting for something that is public that he can use to start the process of calling these criminals out.

That's what I believe. It's total speculation of course. Just my thoughts.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 01:22 PM
Well... I signed the petition. I hope this works, otherwise my new mailing addy will be some Rex84 camp. Hope my gas chamber has a nice view. Maybe I'll get to share one of those spiffy rubbermaid coffins with a fellow ATS'er

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by JesterMan

Don't Impeach, Imprision.

We have to impeach in order to imprison.

Impeachment is the first of two stages in a specific process for a legislative body to forcibly remove a government official. The second stage is conviction.

Several commentators have suggested that Congress alone may decide for itself what constitutes an impeachable offense. In 1970, then-House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford defined the criteria as he saw it: "An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history." [3] Four years later, Ford would become president when President Richard Nixon resigned under the threat of impeachment

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 01:52 PM
I'm disappointed in you people. You really think this is going to help? You really think George W. Bush is the tip of the pyramid? You really think taking him and his cabal down is going to make things better?

Think again. Taking him down will be a small moral victory for us. It will do nothing for this country, it will do nothing to hold these criminals accountable and it will do nothing to change the status quo.

You know that thing called the Federal Reserve? As long as that is in control of this nation's money, the current status quo will remain the status quo.

The president of this country, no matter who it is, is nothing more than a puppet to those who operate the Federal Reserve, and those they associate with. Removing the current puppet will do nothing but give us a feel good story before we vote one of the competing two puppets in on November 4th.

It will never end. That is what you have to realize.

George W. Bush is not the mastermind of anything. He is not to blame. He is controlled. Removing him does nothing.

I appreciate Dennis Kucinich's efforts, but they are misguided and useless.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

No, I don't think Pharaoh Bush II is the top of the pyramid.

But I do think that at least actually hearing the impeachment articles before the whole Congress, could possibly, make a Lame Duck lamer, and 'pre-emptively' prevent him acting in anyway on Iran, i.e. forcing America's hand in November towards McCain's policies.

Maybe I have bought into the word 'Hope' that is getting bandied about these days.

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