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Sunscreen = hormones chemicals and cancer

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posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 05:59 PM
Found this interesting a while back...

Wearing sunscreen makes people stay in the sun too long - and could release cancer-causing substances into the body, according to specialists.
Sunscreen 'increases cancer risk'

Did a little more digging today about it..

Chemicals that absorb ultraviolet light could damage the thyroid in people. The thyroid gland is located in the neck and secretes hormones that affect growth and metabolism.

In 2001 Swiss researchers reported that 4-methyl-benzylidene camphor (4-MBC), among other sunscreen chemicals, mimicks the reproductive hormone oestrogen and accelerates the development of the uterus in rats.
Sunscreen chemicals distrupt thyroid in rats


Read this a while ago too..

The EWG tested out in total, around 1,000 sunscreens, and found that 85% of them did not meet their criteria for being safe enough to use by a consumer.
85% out of 1000 Sunscreens tested 'unsafe'

I think I'll pass on the stuff, Thanks. Maybe I'll invest in a large funny hat.

Cheers to this thread and this thread for reminding me about those articles and how important my skin is.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 08:05 PM
Anti-antiperspirants, products with fluoride, mercury in many types of fish, unsafe drinking water, and now THIS!?

Does it ever end? Jeez. It seems like I can't use anything that is supposed to help me (i.e. sunscreen, deodorants, toothpaste, etc.).

In the not so distant future, hats will be discovered to have lethal toxins that leak into your brain that cause degenerating tissue syndrome (if that's even real) if worn excessively.
joking of course.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 08:21 PM
This one is actually pretty easy to avoid--use a physical sunblock rather than a chemical sunscreen. You know, that stuff that gives people white noses. Supposedly they cannot be absorbed by skin, and many brands are completely natural.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:08 AM
You can buy zinc-based (physical) sunscreens that aren't opaque.

As an added bonus they don't stink either.

It's sold alongside the fluoride-free toothpaste and sulphate-free shamoo.

OK, the last bit was facetious. The sunscreens work brilliantly and I would never use anything else. I don't trust manufacturers of chemical products, especially products promoted by the government.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:41 AM
Wow, I'm sitting here thinking about how much sunscreen I've slathered on my kids and myself over the past 20 what? The sun will kill you...and the sunscreen you use to protect yourself from the sun will kill you...AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it's too much!!!!! Maybe I'll just start letting my kids sleep through the day and play outside at night...


posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 02:08 PM
As a general rule, taking into account recent posts about antiperspirants and other cosmetics;

Cosmetic products are designed to alter the way the body looks - often, as in the case of antiperspirant, by changing the way they work.

This, in effect, makes many of them unregulated, over-the-counter drugs - and means that extreme caution should be exercised in any case where the function or possible side-effects of ingredients are not understood by the consumer. As i couldn't even pronounce many of the chemicals active in sunscreen - it does not surprise me that unforeseen consequences may result from its use.

I'd take a big goofy hat any day

Michelle - don't do that, then vitamin D deficiency would kill them! Waaaah!

[edit on 23-7-2008 by ScriptKiddie]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 02:25 PM
HAHA......I just created a thread identical to this one without realizing you had this one here already. I feel like a dufous. All that time invested in that thread too.......

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Monsterenergy791
It seems like I can't use anything that is supposed to help me (i.e. sunscreen, deodorants, toothpaste, etc.).

Toothpaste is fine. If you're worried about fluoride, worry about the water you drink.

Fluoride is only bad when you consume it. You consume water. You don't consume toothpaste. That is why there is a poison warning on the back of the toothpaste bottle. If you consume more than you use for a brushing, it can poison you.

Originally posted by Michelle129
The sun will kill you...

Not really. Sun rays have Vitamin D, which your skin needs.

Sunscreen blocks that out.

Why is it that even as sunscreen becomes more popular and prevalent, skin cancer numbers continue to increase? Thats the question people have to ask themselves.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

Clarification: rays don't carry vit D - they enable cells to absorb it effectively

And yeah, fluoridated water supplies are scary - they boil down to drinking really dilute but aggressive bleach really. I know a hydrogeologist apalled by the practise - but what do the experts know?

typo edit

[edit on 23-7-2008 by ScriptKiddie]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Monsterenergy791

Does it ever end? Jeez. It seems like I can't use anything that is supposed to help me (i.e. sunscreen, deodorants, toothpaste, etc.).

In the not so distant future, hats will be discovered to have lethal toxins that leak into your brain that cause degenerating tissue syndrome (if that's even real) if worn excessively. joking of course.

You knew this was coming didn't you...

Q) You remember the guy who drinks tea to excess in Alice in Wonderland?

A) Yes - the Mad Hatter. So?

Q) Hatters were the guys who made hats.

A) And?

They all ended up total loons. The mercury they used to rub into the cloth to make it rigid got into their blood-stream and poisoned the lot of them. Goodness knows what walking around all day with their handiwork on your head did to the population at large.

Industry found a way to poison people through hats so long ago its been forgotten.

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