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A spaceship in Ft Lauderdale?

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posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 01:53 PM
I am currently in Ft. Lauderdale Florida for a conference.

As a few may know... I am an avid skeptic who is looking for any kind of proof. I do not believe anything we currently see on YouTube or posted on ATS is"real". What I am about to tell you is 100% true and anyone from the Ft Lauderdale area can back me up. (reasons are obvious later in this post)

On Saturday July 19th 2008 10:00 PM I took a walk on the beach.

I stopped and took a seat on a beach chair and stared at the full moon (on my right), it was an amazing sight. To my left at about a thumb above the horizon was a very bright light, it was so bright it was producing the light effect on the ocean. I know no "star" can produce that amount of light so I was intrigued.

As a few minutes went by I got distracted by a cruise ship going into port. A watched that for a little while and then turned back to the light. I stared at it looking for the tell tale signs of aircraft. Lights, motion, sound... Nothing.

As a skeptic, I figured there was an explaination but try as I might I could not find one suitable.

So.. I sort of got spooked, I figured there wasn't enough time to go back to my room to get a camera and my image would suck anyway. As I was pondering all this, I realized I was not looking at the light so I turned my head.

It was gone.

I was like .. "Damn! I missed it"

Thoughts of UFO's and aliens flew around my head.
I was thinking how sucky it was that I did not have anything to record this moment, and also how easily debunked this would be as a second hand story on ATS. (how I would debunk it mercilessly) I started to think.. maybe..just maybe I was being too hard on people in general who have seen "UFO's"

I mean, I am a skeptic, I have seen most explanations and I know that the majority of sightings are just people uninformed about what is up there.

Just as I was thinking all this I looked back...

The light was back and just as strong as ever.
Over the next hour or so it went in and out for a while it was there and a while it was not. Each time, I was not looking, I was distracted by something or other (yea.. I know). .

Through circumstance and my extreme attention deficit disorder I would look away for a few moments (the moon was glorious!) and there were so many ships and lights (on the water) to see.

I got to the point where I told myself I would wait for a light and if I saw it I would NOT even blink. It must be something as it was up there for a long time.

Around this time,two young ladies also spotted the lights and were talking about it. I won't go into any detail just suffice to say that they were convinced it was a "spaceship". I wasn't about to jump on that bandwagon, but I was certainly on the fence. The ladies left, probably to go get a camera or something. But I stayed and I hunkered down and waited.

30 seconds later it appeared again. So I watched, determined to make sure I saw it go out. One minute, two minues, three minutes go by... suddenly...

It made a left turn...

Solid bummer, it was a plane making an approack to the Ft. Lauderdale Airport. I was an damn fool for thinking for one minute that it was a UFO.

I was sitting in the direct light path of the planes flight paths for the airport and the blinding lights were just planes on autopilot. You canmnot see blinking lights from the front as they are washed out by the front light, the planes rarely devite from path so they would be in the same spot for over 3 minutes at a time and they would fade in because they were getting closer.

If I had only watched it solid for a minute more originally...


I felt both stupid and enlightened.

Stupid because the airport is just a few miles away and enlightened because if I can be fooled, even for a minute, by something I should have figured out.. anyone can be and I shouldn't be so harshe and quick to judge someones intentions.

It doesn't change my positions, it just opens my eyes a bit to the possibilities of what others "see".

It is easy to be fooled into thinking something is something when it isn't.

It doesn't mean there isn't something out there

just that once again, a real explanation fit the situation, where oiiot could have been interpreted as something otherworldly.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 04:34 PM
I enjoyed the post!

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