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Gay rights and abortion rights should not affect your vote!

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posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 05:00 PM
By Richard Benedetto, USA TODAY

Abortion, a touchy issue that could play a role in the 2000 presidential election , continues to trigger mixed feelings among the public.

A USA TODAY / CNN / Gallup Poll shows what Gallup polls have been showing since 1975: Most Americans support a right to abortion, but they also believe it should not be absolute.

About one in four Americans, 27%, say abortions should be legal under any circumstances.

About one in five Americans, 16% say abortions should be illegal in all circumstances.

55% say abortion should be legal only under certain circumstances, such as rape, incest or to save the life of the woman.

Overall, 71% support some or total restrictions on abortion.

Be wary of Polls and Statistics, they vary quite a bit depending on who does them and when. I would direct you to this site.

Polls - Click here

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 05:50 PM
Thanks for the tip ..................

But when all is said and done..............ONLY 16% -1 IN 5 AMERICANS POLLED (which includes YOU) think it should be illegal under all circumstances. I too believe there should be some restrictions such as parental consent and partial birth. Therefore................I REST MY CASE

[Edited on 3/23/2004 by Venus]

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro

The problem is, is that you can't legislate situations. You can only go on the whole. There is injustice in any law in any country, but the general preservation of life is the best we can hope for.

That is an interesting point. I thought about it alot and tried to think of something to compare it too. You couldn't make a law that would cover every situation that might actually justify an abortion.

If you did make a law such as to save the mothers life it would be extensively abused by crooked doctors. Look at the medical marijuana laws in california and it's abuse. They write prescriptions for such stupid things as being stressed.

Again the problem lies with people doing the right thing. That is something that will never be accomplished.

How could you prevent the abuse of any law protecting the mother? Got any good ideas anyone?

posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Venus
Thanks for the tip ..................

But when all is said and done..............ONLY 16% -1 IN 5 AMERICANS POLLED (which includes YOU) think it should be illegal under all circumstances. I too believe there should be some restrictions such as parental consent and partial birth. Therefore................I REST MY CASE

[Edited on 3/23/2004 by Venus]

Wait wait wait. I never said I supported a total ban.

The health of the mother is important too and I never said it wasn't. Under a health risk to the mother I would leave it to the medical community, but abuse is bound to happen there as well.

What I am not for is elective abortion, in any case.

posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 10:15 AM
Whats wrong with Marijuana use for stress relief???

I thought that was the whole point. If you live in a world of walking-wounded-primates that forcesyou to play a character your whole life...then I say smoke it up. Might even help evolution a bit

posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
I think that "the view of a few" is very misleading.

There is a great percentage of women who think the opposite of you, and that goes for men too (but they don't count right?)

We could argue all day about what people have the right to do.

But the fact is, is that there is no justification strong enough to allow elective abortion. Self defense is one thing, inconvinience is quite another.

Sorry......I misunderstood your EXACT words

What do you mean by "self defense"?

[Edited on 3/24/2004 by Venus]

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