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The Truth About Reptilians

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posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 08:30 AM
Some people believe Reptilians are in control of the earth. They say that they were the indigenous race on this planet. I agree to a certain extent. Reptilians are in control of the planet, and they are the indigenous civilization of the world. It is from their great culture that all other cultures have derived.

PART ONE: Civilization Lost

Convention tells us the Sumerians were the first real civilization. They cite the first evidence of writing, the first cities, and the building of ziggurats as proof of this fact. But could there have been an advanced civilization before Sumer? In fact, there was. The Ubaid culture (5500-4000 BC) were the immediate predecessors of Sumeria. They are the ones who settled what were to be Sumer's great cities. Adab, Eridu, Kish, Kullab, Lagash, Larsa, Nippur, and Ur, were all founded by the Ubaid. Of course, the Ubaid didn't spring up from nowhere. Before them there was the Halaf culture (6500-5500 BC). The Halaf is noted for their fine pottery, which has been found from Southeastern Turkey to Iran. Scholars continue to debate how and why the pottery spread so widely. My point here is that there is always a precursor civilization to all the world's great civilizations.

The question becomes is there an advanced precursor civilization that is the well-spring of all the world's great cultures? I believe there is and I will present archaeological evidence to corroborate this. I'm not saying it's Atlantis but some may call it that. Some may call it MU, or what I prefer to call it, Lemuria.

This civilization was quite large, inhabiting a large region of central Asia stretching from the Eastern Europe and the Black Sea to Siberia and China/Mongolia. The people were of an Ural-Altaic super-stock race that carried a predominant gene that manifested in red and blond hair and green or blue eyes. They were the first actually the first writers, and the original pyramid builders.

The name Lemuria comes from the ancient family of lemurs, and was coined by nineteenth-century English zoologist P.L. Sclater to account for the similarity of lemur fossils found in the southern tip of India and the Natal province of South Africa.

The land of Lemuria is so called because there was an abundance of Lemurs living there. Of course, lemurs no longer inhabit anywhere except Madagascar and the Comoros Islands off Mozambique. But at one time central Asia must have been home to lemurs. And in 1947 in Altai, some evidence of this was found when a mound containing six separate tombs was discovered. The bodies showed signs of advanced embalming, equal to the Egyptians. Brains are organs had been removed. Most strikingly, the men had extensive animal tattoos, including the ring-tailed lemur.

Then another tomb was found, in the Tarim Basin in between Mongolia and Tibet. Like the Altai mummies, these Tarim mummies were tall in stature, the men 6'6" tall and the women over 6'. They also had light skin, red or auburn hair, pale eyes.

And yet another tomb was found containing The Takla Makan Mummies

In the late 1980's, perfectly preserved 3000-year-old mummies began appearing in a remote Chinese desert. They had long reddish-blond hair, European features and didn't appear to be the ancestors of modern-day Chinese people. Archaeologists now think they may have been the citizens of an ancient civilization that existed at the crossroads between China and Europe.

Evidence of writing was found in Romania that pre-dated the Sumerians. Called the Tartaria Tablets, the symbols are amazingly similar to Sumerian symbols that were still 1000 years into the future.

The Slates found at Tartaria (approximately 5,300 - 5,200 BC) by Nicolae Vlasa in 1961 have revolutionized the theories regarding the appearance of writing, as they were considered the first written message in the history of mankind. Thus, the inventors of the "Sumerian writing" were not, however paradoxical this may sound, the Sumerians, but the Transylvanian inhabitants who had settled in the Carpatho - Danubian space 1,000 years before the Sumerians.

The circle amulet is a piece of the Tartaria slates. The rectangular image is Sumerian writing. To me, the similarities between some of the symbols are too obvious to ignore.

PART II: Pyramid Builders

Recent finds in Eastern Europe point to this civilization as being a pyramid building people. A possible pyramid in Bosnia, which may date to the last ice age (8000 BC), is now being overshadowed by the Ukrainian pyramids.

Unlike the alleged Pyramids discovered in Bosnia, the discovery of the ancient pyramidal structures found in Ukraine are actually being called Pyramids as they resemble the Aztec and Mayan ziggurats in South America.

The structures predate the pyramids of Egypt by about 300 years, and appear to have been built to worship a sun god.

With this discovery and the unusual formations found in Bosnia, you have to wonder where the inspiration for the Pyramids in Egypt actually came from!

By the end of the 19th century, in the steppe region of Ukraine, Vikenty Khvoyka, a Ukrainian archeologist of Czech origin, found traces of an unknown ancient culture later named Trypillian, after the place of discovery. This year, the Ukrainian community celebrates the 110th anniversary of Khvoyka's discovery, and today we possess thousands of artifacts. We know many facts about our remote ancestors who lived in the area now occupied by Ukraine and other Eastern European countries between 4,000 and 7,000 years ago.

Anatoly Kyfishyn made the first solid connection between the two cultures when he deciphered pictograms on the so-called Stone Tomb in the south of Ukraine. These pictograms, chiseled into the walls of this unique artifact dating from 12,000 to 3,000 BC were samples of the early Sumerian writing. Ceramics created by the ancient Trypillians also bore Sumerian script, leaving no doubt that Sumerian writing originated with the Trypillyan civilization. The pictograms on the Stone Tomb clarify the origin of inscriptions made during the 12th to third millennium BC. So Sumerian writing, the first writing in the history of mankind, is a product of the development of a human civilization that for many thousands of years thrived in Europe and the Middle East.

And finally, a major ancient Scythian city is found.

So, I think it's clear that a very advanced pre-Sumerian civilization existed in central Asia some time from at least 10000 BC, if not earlier.

This proto-Scythian race migrated to (Black Sea Flood??), or invaded all the ancient cultures surrounding their homeland: Mesopotamia (Ubaid and later Sumerian), Egypt, Northern Europe and British Isles (Celts), Mongolia, China. They brought with them their knowledge of agriculture, embalming, writing, and pyramid building.

They were also skilled metal workers, the originators of bronze working. Their warriors wore armour made up of small bronze scales that turned green when tarnished. This gave them a lizard or fish-like appearance. Ancient writers called them dragons. It is from these legendary people that we get the myths of Oannes and Adapa, and the modern day myth of the Reptilians.

They also brought with them a culture of gold from the gold-rich areas of Transylvania. The culture of gold would shape history and is still prevalent today. They then became the rulers of all these lands. And it is their bloodline that has been preserved to this day through dynastic means.

So, yes, in a way the Reptilians are in control of the world.

[edit on 18-7-2008 by TheComte]

[edit on 18-7-2008 by TheComte]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 08:58 AM
Starred and Flagged!
Awesome post!
You certainly have done your homework on this one!
I have always thought that civilization is much older than accepted theories. This is very enlightening information. Now it's time for me to do more research and "homework"!
Thanks TheComte!

p.s. the whole reptilian thing has never sat very well with me, until now!

[edit on 7/18/2008 by BroonStone]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:06 AM
May I be devil's advocate and ask you how you know this is the "Truth"??
Some solid evidence would be good if you are peddling the truth.
Otherwise this is just interesting information, which might be the truth.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by ThreeDeuce

I'll have to get Hanslune to tackle this one. Lemuria and Mu are made up and Atlantis was more likely the Minoans. I do believe civilization is a lot older than previously thought, but we have to find more evidence to support it. I do not believe the Sleestaks controlled the planet at one time.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 06:07 PM
I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't think you can label it "truth" without proof. To me truth is something that needs to be able to be proven scientifically, with evidence. Otherwise, it is only researched opinion.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 06:33 PM
I agree more proof less speculation.

Having said that, it does bring to light some new information about the age of human culture.

According to this information as stated then where did this older civilization come from?

If every civilization is based on an even older one?

I'm getting a headache this is like those russian dolls

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 07:59 PM
Well, I understand that for some proof is impossible to come by while sitting behind a computer in your home. Especially of something that happened 10-12000 years ago. That is why I posted in Skunk Works. What I have provided is evidence that has been uncovered just in the past few decades. More evidence is being uncovered all the time.

Understand that the culture that I call the proto-Scythians was made of many tribes spread out over a great distance. Most lived in the regions around the Black and Caspian Seas. Some, on the Steppes of Central Asia. What they had in common was a tall stature, light skin, light hair, and pale eyes. They were the first to domesticate the horse, around 4000BC.

The group that I will refer to as the Reptilians, are an elite Scythian clan. The Reptilians dominated other Scythian tribes. Herodotus relates:

“ Then on the other side of the Gerros we have those parts which are called the “Royal” lands and those Scythians who are the bravest and most numerous and who esteem the other Scythians their slaves.[23] ”
“ The elder brothers then, acknowledging the significance of this thing, delivered the whole of the kingly power to the youngest. From Lixopais, they say, are descended those Scythians who are called the race of the Auchatai; from the middle brother Arpoxais those who are called Catiaroi and Traspians, and from the youngest of them the “Royal” tribe, who are called Paralatai: and the whole together are called, they say, Scolotoi, after the name of their king; but the Hellenes gave them the name of Scythians. Thus the Scythians say they were produced; and from the time of their origin, that is to say from the first king Targitaos, to the passing over of Dareios [the Persian Emperor Darius I] against them [512 BC], they say that there is a period of a thousand years and no more.[24] Source

As for the culture that preceded them, I do not know. There is no evidence as yet of an earlier culture that were not hunter-gatherers.

The second century geographer Pausanias called the later Sarmatians dragons. In the lore of the ancient cultures, the dragon was emblematic of wisdom. They were the keepers and bringers of wisdom. I assert that these proto-Scythians were the original 'dragons', bringing wisdom to the ancient civilizations. See, Pendragons.

Oannes - The Fish Man

“A man, or rather a monster, Half man and half fish, coming from the sea, appeared near Babylon; he had two heads; one, which was the highest, resembled that of man, the other that of a fish. He had the feet of a man, and the tail of a fish; and his speech and voice resembled that of a man: a representation of him is still preserved. This monster dwelt by day with men, but took no food; he gave them knowledge of letters, arts, and sciences; he taught them to build towers and temples; and to establish laws; he instructed them in the principles of geometry; taught them to sow, and to gather the fruits of the earth; in short, whatever could contribute to polish and civilize their manners. At sun set he retired to the sea, in which he passed the night. There appeared likewise others of the same species.” Berossus, from ancient fragments (Isaac Preston Cory)

Interestingly, Scythian warlords were also known as the Sumaire. In the language of Old Ireland, sumaire meant coiled serpent.

Leprechaun stems from the word lepracorpan, in which lepra meant scaly (as in leprosy). It relates to the scale-like bronze armour as worn by the warriors. They also wore helmets that were distinctly conical, giving their heads an elongated look, or, in the case of Oannes, a head upon a head.

Picture of a steppe warrior, complete with plate body and horse armour. Note the Phrygian cap/helmet.

Related Link: Scythians: Wiki

Scythian women often fought alongside the men. The Scythian tribes are the origin of the Greek Amazon Warriors.

[edit on 18-7-2008 by TheComte]

[edit on 18-7-2008 by TheComte]

[edit on 18-7-2008 by TheComte]

[edit on 18-7-2008 by TheComte]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 10:21 PM

Herodotus wrote about an enormous city, Gelonus, in the northern part of Scythia[28]
"The Budini are a large and powerful nation: they have all deep blue eyes, and bright red hair. There is a city in their territory, called Gelonus, which is surrounded with a lofty wall, thirty furlongs..." [Polytonic

Herodotus provides four legends of Scythian origins, including their own

...which portrays the first Scythian king, Targitaus, as the child of the sky-god and of a daughter of the Dnieper. Targitaus allegedly lived a thousand years before the failed Persian invasion of Scythia, or around 1500 BC. He had three sons, before whom fell from the sky a set of four golden implements — a plough, a yoke, a cup and a battle-axe. Only the youngest son succeeded in touching the golden implements without them bursting with fire, and this son's descendants, called by Herodotus the "Royal Scythians", continued to guard them.

The Dnieper:

...was a hunter-gatherer culture that made the transition to early agriculture. The economic evidence from the earliest stages is almost exclusively from hunting and fishing.[1]

Many ethnic people today claim decent from the Scythians. Why? Is it just because they want "to extend back in time their national history, and to provide a prestigious connection with classical antiquity?" Or is it because there are indeed many ethnic groups descended from them?

The Scythians feature in some post-Medieval national origin-legends of the Celts.

British historian Sharon Turner in his History of the Anglo-Saxons, concluded

“The migrating Scythians crossed the Araxes, passed out of Asia, and suddenly appeared in Europe in the sixth century B.C.”

Citing many ancient sources, Turner identified the Scythians ("Sakai") as the ancestors of the Anglo Saxons. However, that conclusion remains controversial.

Traditions of the Turkic Kazakhs and Yakuts (whose endoethnonym is "Sakha"); and the Pashtuns of Afghanistan connect these peoples to Scythians. Some legends of the Picts; the Gaels; the Hungarians; Serbs and Croats (among others) also include mention of Scythian origins. In the second paragraph of the 1320 Declaration of Arbroath the élite of Scotland claim Scythia as a former homeland of the Scots. Some romantic nationalist writers claim that Scythians figured in the formation of the empire of the Medes and likewise of Caucasian Albania, the precursor in antiquity of the modern-day Azerbaijan Republic. Claims of Scythian origins also play a role in both Pan-Turkism and Sarmatism.[dubious – discuss]

Various Frankish and Carolingian sources traced royal Merovingian ancestry to the Germanic tribe of the Sicambri. Gregory of Tours documents in his History of the Franks that when Clovis was baptised, he was referred to as a Sicamber with the words "Mitis depone colla, Sicamber, adora quod incendisti, incendi quod adorasti."'. The Chronicle of Fredegar in turn reveals that the Franks believed the Sicambri to be a tribe of Scythian or Cimmerian descent, who had changed their name to Franks in honour of their chieftain Franco in 11 BC.

Note the tie in to the Merovingians, and by extension the Priory of Sion, Templars, bloodline of Jesus, Masons and all that good stuff. It is the bloodline of the Royal Scythians, the Reptilians, that is so important. The original Priest-Kings that were deposed by the forged Donation of Constantine. Their goal is to one day rule again. They were the elite in antiquity, and they remain the elite.

[edit on 18-7-2008 by TheComte]

[edit on 18-7-2008 by TheComte]

[edit on 18-7-2008 by TheComte]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 11:42 PM
Following the Genes

R1a: Detailed Article

The highest levels of R1a (>50%) are found along the Eurasian Steppe: the Ishkashimi (68%), the Tajik population of Khojant (64%), Sorbs (63.39%), Kyrgyz (63%), Poles (56.4%), and Ukrainians (54.0%).[9][10][11][3]

R1a has been variously associated with:

* the re-colonization of Eurasia from the Ukrainian LGM refuge following the end of the last ice age[12][3]
* the expansion of the Kurgan people from the Pontic-Caspian steppe, which is associated with the spread of the Indo-European languages,[10][3] or
* ancient Scythian and Sarmatian domains, which they associate with the Indo-Iranian, Slavic, Satem Indo-European (Proto-Balto-Slavic-Indo-Iranian), Ugric, or even Turkic languages

R1a1 provides genetic corroboration of the Kurgan theory of Indo-European origins, and suggests that the Sredny Stog and Yamnaya cultures of the Pontic Steppe region north of the Black Sea in modern day Ukraine were the Proto-Indo-Europeans.

R1b: Detailed Article

Haplogroup R1b originated prior to or during the last glaciation, when it was concentrated in refugia in southern Europe and the Aegean. It is the most common haplogroup in Western Europe. It is also found in North Africa where its frequency surpasses 10% in some parts of Algeria[13]. In south-eastern England the frequency of R1b is about 70%; in parts of the rest of north and western England, Spain, Portugal, Wales and Ireland, it is as high as 90%; and in parts of north-western Ireland it reaches 98%. The R1b clade appears to have a much higher degree of internal diversity than R1a, which suggests that the M343 mutation that derives R1b from R1* may have occurred considerably earlier than the SRY1532 mutation that defines R1a.

R1b (previously called Hg1 and Eu18) is the most frequent Y-chromosome haplogroup in Europe. It is an offshoot of R1 (M173), characterised by the M343 marker.[14] An overwhelming majority of members of R1b are classified as R1b1 (defined by the P25 marker), the remainder as R1b*. Its frequency is highest in Western Europe (and due to modern European emigration, in parts of the Americas). The majority of R1b-carriers of European descent belong to the subclade R1b1c (M269).


Green Eyes

Green eyes are the product of moderate amounts of melanin. Only 4% of the world population are believed to have light eyes (blue or green eyes) [48]. The 88% of the Icelandic population have green or blue eye color [49]. Green eyes are most common in Europe and to a lesser extent in the Middle East, Northern parts of India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. According with some researchers green eyes are the result of mutations that change the melanin structure. Source

Red Hair

Redheads constitute approximately four percent of the European population.[6] Scotland has the highest proportion of redheads, as 13 percent of the population has red hair and approximately 40 percent carries the recessive redhead gene.[7] Ireland has the second highest percentage; as many as 10 percent of the Irish population have ginger, auburn (red-brown) or strawberry blond hair.[8] It is thought that up to 46 percent of the Irish population carries the recessive redhead gene. Red hair reaches frequencies of up to 10 percent in Wales.[9] In England, the county of Cornwall, the far north, near the Scottish border, and the counties of Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire also have significant proportions of redheads.

In the United States, anywhere from two to six percent of the population is estimated to have red hair.[2] This would give the U.S. the largest population of redheads in the world, at 6 to 18 million, compared to approximately 650,000 in Scotland and 420,000 in Ireland.

Red or reddish-tinged hair is also found in other European populations particularly in the Nordic and Baltic countries as well as parts of the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Russia and Southeastern Europe.

The Berber populations of northern Algeria and Morocco have occasional redheads.[10]

In Asia, darker or mixed tinges of red hair can be found sporadically from Northern India, northern Middle East (such as Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Jordan,) and in rare instances in Japan[11] and the South Pacific. Red hair can be found amongst those of Iranian descent, such as the Pashtuns.

In Argentina people with red hair also make up a significant amount of the population, due to British and Irish immigration during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. [12] Source

Remnants of the genes are found all over the world, even Japan. But, we see that the Scythian genes pooled in the Northern Europe and the British Isles, particularly Scotland and Ireland. Why? Were they persecuted elsewhere? Driven out or hunted down? Questions that remain to be answered.

[edit on 18-7-2008 by TheComte]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:56 AM
Hypothesis: How did the 'Reptilians' become the leaders.

Evolutionary Origins of Leadership and Followership

Department of Psychology, University of Kent at Canterbury

Drawing upon evolutionary logic, leadership is reconceptualized in terms of the outcome of strategic interactions among individuals who are following different, yet complementary, decision rules to solve recurrent coordination problems. This article uses the vast psychological literature on leadership as a database to test several evolutionary hypotheses about the origins of leadership and followership in humans. As expected, leadership correlates with initiative taking, trait measures of intelligence, specific task competencies, and several indicators of generosity. The review finds no link between leadership and dominance. Source

Around 14000 BC, there settled the first small groups of hunter-gatherers in areas around the world. The first evidence of these settlements we have found are located in Mesopotamia and the Meditarranean region of the Levant. One example is the Natufian culture. These settlements did not yet deliberately sow grain, but did harvest the wild grasses that grew around their settlements.

They lived in this way for thousands of years, slowly building up a large sedentary population. Then, the Younger Dryas period happened around 12,800 to 11,500 years ago, causing a sudden drought. No longer could the wild grasses compete with scrub brush in the dry ground. Something needed to be done.

Meanwhile, around the Black Sea we have the 'reptilians' forming the same settlements. These however, learn to sow grain earlier because of their more northerly locale. Then, when the Younger Dryas hits, the level of the Black Sea goes down, and the people all crowd around the now smaller shoreline. This warm refuge is known as the Ukrainian LGM refuge. They continue to refine their agriculture techniques, learning about hybridation.

Ar­chae­o­log­i­cal ev­i­dence shows that com­mun­i­ties in south­east Eu­rope were al­ready prac­tis­ing early farm­ing tech­niques and pot­tery pro­duc­tion be­fore the Flood. With the cat­a­stroph­ic rise in wa­ter lev­els it ap­pears they moved west, tak­ing their cul­ture in­to ar­eas in­hab­it­ed by hunter-gatherer com­mun­i­ties across Eu­rope. Source

About 11,000 years ago the Younger Dryas ended just as abruptly as it began. The Black Sea slowly rose back to it's original levels, flooding new settlements and displacing a large population. Many just remain in the area, resettleing in old locations. Some migrate out in all directions.

Now, I realize the Black Sea deluge theory does not line up in terms of dates. However, they are not far off. If the deluge happened around 5600 BC, that is 7600 years ago. If we allow for a slow rise to normal levels, and a margin of error for the dates, they could come pretty close.

All along the Natufian-type tribes manage to survive, but neither prosper or grow larger. They are culturally stagant and resort back to hunting and gathering for survival. One day a group of strangers, 'reptilians' arrive in the land, carrying with him hybridized seeds and advanced techniques of ploughing and fallowing. He has metal ploughs and tools, for he is a master metal worker. Back then, the transformation of metal was regarded as magical so the smiths were regarded in a mystical or priestly light. Some are wearing bronze scale armour, tarnished green from the long journey. They are physically tall, probably with long, unkept hair and beards, wearing conical helmets/caps. Their stature, along with their knowledge, and the physical evidence of larger harvests and increased surpluses, causes them to be elevated to the leadership role of the tribe.

This scene is then played out at subsequent times in Egypt, Sumer, and Europe, and possibly elsewhere. The Phoenicians seem to be of the same genetic family as the Celts, so it's conceivable that the 'reptilians' were a sea-going culture. Hence the sometime mythical personification of the fish-man.

Phoenician Origins of the Celts?

The seed of their knowledge then kick starts what would become a few thousand years later, the world's great civilizations.

So now we have come to the beginning of our recorded history. At this point we find the civilizations we have studied all have myths of some type of serpent, dragon, fishman, lizard being, that is the bringer of wisdom and knowledge. All civilizations record a legendary flood.

Still to come: The Egyptians, the Jews, and into modern times.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by TheComte

I think proof would be digging up a Reptilian's skeleton. You are stating a bunch of myths and stories. Yes, many cultures have snakes in their myths as the snake is a very interesting animal. I also believe that some truths can be found in myths and legends so I don't rule anything out.
This is an interesting post to read so thank you for posting it.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
reply to post by TheComte

I think proof would be digging up a Reptilian's skeleton. You are stating a bunch of myths and stories. Yes, many cultures have snakes in their myths as the snake is a very interesting animal. I also believe that some truths can be found in myths and legends so I don't rule anything out.
This is an interesting post to read so thank you for posting it.

There are many people who have claimed to find reptilian skeletons and bones some who have reconstructed them for museums only to be quickly confronted and threatened and have what they found taken away from them. A few have come out and spoken about it.

The closest thing I know of to a reptilian skull on record is this:

You might find this link interesting more reptilian info:

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 03:49 PM

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:59 PM
Yikes, they attach to us via our Tan Tien? The Tan Tien is the most powerful chakra point in Chinese medicine and internal martial arts. It is where they say "Chi" or "Qi" is centered, and Chi Kung methods are used to pull the "Qi" upward into other portions of the body, which they liken Qi to electricity, or electromagnetic energy.

Attaching to this could suck it dry, which totally backs up the 4th dimensional energy leeches we've been discussing on this site recently. Not only that, but since it is the energy source or center, it can be corrupted and changed into negativity and evil, no wonder these people seem possessed. Perhaps classical possession is just this .. attachment to the Tan Tien of a 4th dimensional leech?

To the OP: Great thread, I have reddish light brown hair and green eyes, and have a A- blood and I'm also left handed. You add up the probabilities of my existence. 4% or so of the world has green eyes? 7% has A- blood? 10% are left-handed? Uhm.. yeaaaah. So naturally I've been researching my origins for years now. And the further back I can go with it, the more interesting it becomes. I want to know what happened from the very beginning~!!!

[edit on 7/19/2008 by runetang]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by TheComte

humans dont want wars,pollution,povertyetc.

the blue bloods need some love..sending them love in 2 minutes

i hope/wish they change course and save us....that would be epic

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:41 AM

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:42 AM
even if proof is hard to come by you can do some research like what i think is crazy is the reptile gods and stuff that older civilizations painted they painted them walking upright and smart its in most religious books and such even in Christianity they depict the reptile as evil idk it just makes kinda sence if you put two and two together but then again you can find proof for almost anything right now

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by EneMy_On3

They walked upright because they were men. I already noted why they were perceived as being of reptile or fish origin. Just look at the Mayan picture. Note the tall stature. Note the particular shape of the cap. Then go back and check out the pic of the horse warrior.

Now imagine the scales of the armour coloured a pale green. It is no wonder they were thought of as reptilians. And the horse possibly as some kind of chimera.

[edit on 20-7-2008 by TheComte]

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:56 AM
Can someone please explain to me why so many people who speak of Lemuria, Atlantis, Mu or other advanced civilizations are so quick to say with 100% confidence that these people had red and blond hair, with blue and green eyes?? Didn't Hitler believe that? Show me where it is written that this is true please. No one can even scientifically prove the existence of these places let alone bring forth preserved remains of these people. Who is to even say these were humans at all?
When did advanced civilization = aryan features?

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by TheComte

Hey - Nice research, I'm sure loads of people will now be able to understand

Looking forward to hear more.....

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