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Is my 7 year old daughter being prepped for disclosure by her school?

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posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by Faith628
I just think that using aliens might conjur up fear in a child instead of a fairy like Tinkerbell.

To me, this seems totally irresponsible. For one thing the child's world should not have element of fear introduced into it like this, especially ino the haven that a playground might represent.

It's also uncontrolled, in that there might have been children in the class who had some alien dreams, screen memories covering up parental abuse, or some other pre-existing condition that this could have sparked a real sense of lingering terror.

Though this is unlikely, and children tend to see scarier stuff on HBO, it's still not an ideal situation.

Who's to say that some of the shyer children will now be less outgoing when they go out to play. This teacher is unlikely to be a qualified child psychologist in any sense.

I'd suggest you at least call the teacher and ask her 'did you say the aliens would be landing next summer?', just to see what she says. You don't want to seem alarmed so she's truthful.

BTW, you should think long and hard about your wish, that you can't wait until they get here. They're likely to be a lot dirtier and scarier then you anticipate and I'm not sanguine about encountering any of their parasites. Seriously.

Good post and good follow up. Totally real looking homework and coherent story for a change. Starred!

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 08:34 PM
Personally I see nothing wrong with the first homework assignment, I'm 16 and see similar things in biology class. The second one is a little odd because it doesn't actually teach anything unlike the first. I'm not sure how I feel about this one yet.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by scobro

About damn time schools were beginning to teach, or at least tell our kids, the people of the future, about such things as aliens.

Well, i do hope there is some sort of secret disclosure program goin on in schools, maybe the governments told the schools to slowly explain this to the children, because one of those 2 sheets is asking what your daughter and her friends would do if aliens landed. In my opinion they are doing that to get an idea how people, or in this case children will react.

Theres some huge preparation thing going on over here in Holland too.
All the televion networks are only broadcasting sci-fi series as off two weeks ago. Suddenly they started to broadcast Heroes, Taken, Invasion, Bionic Woman, Flash Gordon remake on a daily basis. Preparation for something? Definatly, why do i think so? Because they very rarely broadcasted sci-fi shows until the begin of July. And i didnt even mention all the movies they have broadcasted since this July. Idependence Day, Close encounters, ET.

Come on i mean, 5 sci-fi shows on a daily basis and a sci-fi alien movie like 4 times a week too... compared to before July 2008 there almost never was something alien-orientated being broadcasted!

Definatly something coming up

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by duffster
I wonder how long her teacher has been a member of ATS

What part of Australia?

Joking aside i think it would be hard not to put your own personal thoughts in to your teaching But you have to draw a line and i think this teacher has steped over that line BIG time

I don't have kids my self but i don't think a 7 year old would get the concept of Aliens and ufos Most kids would be scared out of thier brain

I would be talking to this teacher in question and asking some very strong Questions

Good luck with that

Stepped over the line BIG time?
Why? Because she mentions a topic of we ourselves are the big proof? We as a human being are proof of life. There are uncountable Earth-like planets so why cant there be alien life?

So because our governments are telling us not to think for ourselves, are telling us that we are alone, a teacher is stepping over the line?
Is she crossing the line when she talks about God also?

There is more proof aliens exist than there is proof of gods existence. Look in the mirror and you will see a human being, proof of life in this universe. Commons sense and logical thinking will tell you that it is in fact not insane to belive in aliens, it is insane not to. We should not be laughed at, people who dont belive should be laughed at. Such a big universe, unlimited amount of planets and the only life would be war-loving, killing, hating, stealing and lying human beings? Come on dude.

She didnt tell her class to go murder someone. She didnt rape a boy from her class, she didnt use violence against one of her kids...

Quit the crap, it is time we begin to teach our children like we should. She didnt step over the line BIG time, she didnt step over the line at all. Stop overreacting, this teacher did nothing wrong at all.

I applaud for this teacher. Standing ovation!

[edit on 16/7/08 by TheNetherlands]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by pieman
i doubt it's disclosure, i can't see teachers caring enough about the government line to keep previous knowledge of disclosure under their hats. it's got to be the teachers own personal beliefs if your sure your daughter isn't embellishing. she may well believe 100% that the teacher said the aliens will land in july next year, that doesn't mean the teacher didn't say something totally different. chinese whispers and all that.

Previous knowledge? Who is to say they had previous knowledge.

Cant it be possible that the governemt told the schools that this is what is going to happen and they need to do this with the kids without the schools having previous knowledge?

What if your boss is telling you tomorrow that one of your colleages is gonna get fired? You tell it to the colleage right away, or you prepare him for it a bit. Its the same thing, you did not have previous knowledge. as soon as they told you you told the colleage.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:27 PM
You need to protect your child

Quietly at the very least... explain to her that the same things that apply to people apply to aliens, don't talk to strangers don't get in the car /spaceship ever for any reason...

Let her know not to be anxious to meet them.

This is NOT a good thing, ... I want to home school my kids after reading this, this scares the crap out of me... they are setting these kids up...

The aliens are not... good

You need to warn her, not scare her, just let her know... and know not to talk so much about how she feels it could come back at you, but let her know to go the otherwy...

for the love of g-d... let her know they aren't safe

[edit on 16-7-2008 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
You need to protect your child

Quietly at the very least... explain to her that the same things that apply to people apply to aliens, don't talk to strangers don't get in the car /spaceship ever for any reason...

Let her know not to be anxious to meet them.

This is NOT a good thing, ... I want to home school my kids after reading this, this scares the crap out of me... they are setting these kids up...

The aliens are not... good

You need to warn her, not scare her, just let her know... and know not to talk so much about how she feels it could come back at you, but let her know to go the otherwy...

for the love of g-d... let her know they aren't safe

[edit on 16-7-2008 by mopusvindictus]

OOH MY GOD, how can one person be so narrow-minded!

So you want your kids to become a person with no own opinion and no own thinking. You want your kids to be as all the other people, mindless working slaves whom let the goverment think for them and decide for them?

It is only good if schools are beginning to make start with teaching alternative things. That way in the future there would not be some much close-minded people and people would start to think out of the box, and that could lead to great things for mankind.
But hey, go home school your kids, that way you are sure of them not having own opinions and own thaughts. That way you are sure they will become people whom only care about money and status and that way you make sure we as a human race would never make any progress towards a better world.

And damn your way of thinking about aliens. They are not good? And you know for a fact that every specie is not good just because the greys are doing things that in our way of thinking is bad?
So if a black man on earth kills another person, all black people are killers and bad? It is exactly the same as how you talk about aliens.

Your kind is one of the most dangerous on Earth. Hitler believed all jewish were bad too, and see where that took us.

Damn this really gets me angry. Greys are bad so all aliens are bad. @#$%! THAT!!

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by TheNetherlands

And, you, my friend, have a pie-in-the-sky viewpoint.

Aliens are NOT likely to be 'good' for us.

If they are space faring, then they're aggressive, xenophobic and will more than likely to see us as FOOD! There's only one or two narrow scenarios where any alien (regardless of intent) will end up being good for a society. Though any one alien might not be too harmful to any individual person. Deerslayer (Natty Bumppo) (James Fenimore Cooper) was a friend to the Native Americans, but the white race screwed them over as a whole.

Why try and give the children a hopelessly over-optimistic point of view.

If the aliens are GOOD, it will be proven by them AT THE TIME.

Much better to be cautiously suspicious and to stay back than to run up and get abducted, exploited, harmed or worse wouldn't you say?

Believe me, they are dirtier, scarier and more harmful than you realize. They're not the Space Brothers, though if they prove that, then maybe...

Didn't you read the sci-fi works where the seemingly benevolent aliens suck in the Earthlings until they can't escape? It's even scarier than the reptilian mythos. They become dependent on some kind of panacea serum and then get reamed.

AND, if the aliens might be nice (take a look at chaos theory in Jurassic Park), then their tiny livestock (read:parasites) are NOT likely to care about your health and well-being.

Be well, but be warned. Don't send your children in disarmed of caution is all I'm saying.

2 cents.

[edit on 16-7-2008 by Badge01]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 10:24 PM
I agree this can't be good. They will enslave us and we will be doing their bidding. They will be smarter and have longer life spans from the get go. We won't be working for "the man" any longer. We will be working for "the alien". They'll have the perks of this world and live long past our lives. We'll have been dead for three to four generations while they're still living it up!

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by scobro

Over the last couple of months,my 7 year old daughter has been showing an increased interest in Aliens,UFO's and the like.

I can recall two of her homework sheets actually depicting both Aliens and UFO's.One in particular had both my Wife and i scratching our heads.
This particular homework sheet depicted a flying saucer landing in the playground,and the questions being asked on the sheet seemed to be designed to gauge my childs reaction to such an event!

Now,if the school wished my child to express,in writing,her reaction to extreme events,then why use a UFO landing in her playground?
I mean,what does a 7 year old girl now about UFO's?
Why not use a picture of a lion or something similar?

Anyway,just this week my daughter and i were out on a walk,when suddenly she blurted out that her teacher had told the class before they broke up for the summer,that an Alien landing was going to be happening next July!!

Naturally i was a bit taken aback by this statement,and so i asked my daughter what exactly her teacher had said to the class.
Apparently the teacher had said that Aliens were going to be landing in Africa,Egypt,and Australia to pick something up,(of this my daughter was'nt exactly clear about.Something to do with seeds or plants she thought).The teacher then went on to say that after that,the alien visitors would be seen all round the world,and that the children were not to be afraid,as they had come to help all mankind!
Her teacher then told them that they would learn more about the subject after they returned from summer holidays!

Now i know my daughter can be a bit prone to telling the odd tall tale,but she swore to God that everything she told me was what her teacher had told her.
And besides,i don't think my daughter knows enough about UFOlogy to be able to come up with this story off the top of her head!
I have met the teacher several times and she seemed to be a nice,sensible person,and not some kind of crackpot.

I will keep you all posted on any further developements,but i would like to know if any other parents out there have had similar stories out of their children?

Edited to include the 2 worksheets that i was able to locate later in the day.

[edit on 16-7-2008 by scobro]

This story reflects tea smuggling routes from the 16th century. This parent's daughter's teacher is a secret service agent and could be one of those tea smugglers that steal people from around the world to use as fertilizer for some cocoa puff planting manufacturing facility.

Green tea cures cancer and the government doesn't want you to know about it.

This person is using his or her daughter as a decoy and an informant. At such an early age it must be really easy to play mind games with a child. You know anything that registers a kids imagination from the back of a cereal box. So while were here playing tic-tac-toe and connect the dots around the alien's brain we should pay more attention to what we learned in school. It beats being slapped on the hands with a ruler or being put in a corner with a dunce cap.

Yep. Be good and stir your powdered milk. Look at the cute goat. Pet the Bees.

Although I have to admit todays Nickelodeon is a bit better but come on bring back G-Force and Voltron to the masses.

God damn it if more kids watched Space Ghost milk would be cheaper.

However orange juice and Apple Jacks is the schiznit.


posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Badge01
And, you, my friend, have a pie-in-the-sky viewpoint.

Aliens are NOT likely to be 'good' for us.

You have no idea what aliens may or may not be like, Badge01.

I can see who's pie really flies in the sky.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by trusername
I agree that there seems to be a lot more ufo discussion in the public view right now than a few years ago. I think since 9/11 a lot of people are more willing to look at the possibility that we're not being given the whole story by the press and officials. And I think there's been some boardroom discussions about what sells and now The History Channel, Travel Channel, Discovery Channel, Science Channel and SciFi Channel have ufo / paranormal documentaries on every day. And the news networks are reporting more and more. They're all over youtubes. And - which is this amazing elite invite only conference - now all lectures are online and very addictive. The editor of Discover Magazine did one lecture on 10 ways our world could end - and I remember at least 2 involving aliens and our not so great track record with foreign relations.

Certainly the movie industry and cartoons have been preparing us with images and scenarios over the last 70 years. But very recently I think the network s'n-word'ing about the subject is changing to "let us inform you on these new developments backed by validated sources."

[edit on 7/16/2008 by trusername]

[edit on 7/16/2008 by trusername]

That female newscaster is a complete and total nitwit. The male one looked almost embarassed at what she was saying and I'm glad he admonished her toi some extent.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 10:49 PM
I think your time spent on ATS is causing you to over-analyze the situation. That is, that is a far more plausible an explanation than to think that a simple elementary school teacher would be "in the know".

The worksheet could have easily said:

"Look at this picture. Imagine a lion was lose in your playground. What would you do? Draw yourself in the picture."

If it did say that, would you make a thread titled "Is my 7 year old daughter being prepped for a lion encounter by her school?" Somehow, I don't think so.

Again, the nature of the subjects on ATS are skewing your thoughts on a innocent and simple child's worksheet. In addition, why would a elementary school teacher know that aliens will soon be visiting the Earth?

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw

Originally posted by Badge01
And, you, my friend, have a pie-in-the-sky viewpoint.

Aliens are NOT likely to be 'good' for us.

You have no idea what aliens may or may not be like, Badge01.

I can see who's pie really flies in the sky.

Your post and your comment make no sense.

I may not have a precisely correct idea, but I have plenty of ideas.

You may picture Yogi Bear. I'm picturing big scary bear, of the Prophecy type:

I hope you're right but I'm not banking on it. I know alien parasites are likely to be no joke.

What's your point?

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by prototism

One of my questions was,"Why an Alien".

I am sure that to many people,the idea of an Alien spacecraft landing in a playground is totally impossible,whereas,there is probably a much better chance of a Lion escaping from a local zoo!

Why use a scenario that to most,would seem ludicrous?

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by prototism

As I understand the OP, the TEACHER told the child that there would be real disclosure in a year, not the OP, or the child.

A kid being asked to imagine a bear in the playground knows bears in Zoos and can see it's an exercise.

But a UFO implies the unknown and to a child that could be more frightening.

What if the worksheet said, 'imagine a bear in the playground, eating your best friend'. Would that raise an eyebrow? It goes beyond the norm. This is the deal with a saucer, and as we've seen from the child, the exercise instilled an unnecessary fear.

It could have said 'imagine ET, the extra terrestrial', and though still puzzling, does not rise to the level of purposeful trauma.

2 cents.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by scobro

Don't mean to beat this to death, but kids have stuffed toys and see lions as friendly in that sense. Tony the Tiger, Teddy Bears. Natural Earth animals.

This isn't the same as saying 'aliens are coming'. Once the teacher saw the child was fearful, did they try and de-escalate and say 'it's only a fun math problem?'

If so, then no big deal.

But to my understanding, they didn't say that. I think it's worth pursuing to find out the teacher's intentions.

Good luck!

Edit: BTW, look at the ship in the second depiction. It's not a friendly alien cartoon, but a closed saucer with a hint of something noxious, like radiation coming off of it. NOT GOOD.

[edit on 16-7-2008 by Badge01]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:06 PM
I would mostly be concerned that your daughter would be scared and would run away with her friends as noted in worksheet #2. I would encourage her not to be scared. Maybe convince her to say HI adn invite them home for dinner. Just pray that you are not the dinner

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by Badge01


My daughter only related this story to me,2 days ago.
The homework sheets probably date back a couple of months.

At this point i would rather not push my daughter to hard on the subject,incase it becomes an obssession with her,(if she thinks i am showing to much interest,she may well try to make the story fit what she thinks i want to hear.You know how kids are.:@@
,and would rather let her come to me in her own time with any further info.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by scobro

This is exactly how it would happen, disclosure to a younger more accepting generation born in the time of highly advanced technology that are prepped by the world government to accept the "aliens" as our friends.

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