posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 06:41 AM
Oh My,
well what a question. It is very important to have a understanding of this to understand the current wars and future geo politicl structures being
The scope truly is not able to be covered in a spread.
Really a lot of reading is needed, I would advise you buy some books and get your head down. many have come out over the last few years showing the
For a quick historical perspective.
Bin Laden (before taliban) employs bush (jnr)
Bin laden money from family and saudi radicals.
Bin Laden money from ties from Warlords Afghanistan Opium.
Bin laden money from CIA in payment for most of the Opium (fact)
Russia involvement in Afghanistan.
Cia more money $1million dollars in used notes once a week for a short while dropped with spies into afghan area.
Radicals (oil middle east) increase funding to support brothers being attacked by infedels.
CIA and now MI5 weapons/supplies and money to Laden first freedom fighters in Afghan.
A meeting of 3 people is held in London. one is part of british intel MI5. One from the CIA one from one of bin Ladens Allies.
from the above over tea and afternoon tea on the thames darling, the name "al Queada" is createdwith the organisational paramiters and strategy.
A working consensus is agreed, youdont support israel and us involvement, you dont like US, we dont like you links to the palestinians and the Islamic
state wanted, we dont like the drugs you make (unless we can ship and sell them!) but hey we will ignore you if you ignore us on these key issues and
just kill some more Commies pleas!
The aim being, hey radical heroin dealing guys, kill all the mad communists (aka russians) and we will fund you, arm you, support you, give you mney
and allow us to make huge amounts in black money selling your heroin and shipping it back to the USA.
But lets never talk about our apparent diametrical veiws.
A long war ensues with the "taliban" (just afghan population who are now after the above meeting, under control of al quaeda and Laden) against the
Whilst this war continues the funding increases, the heroin production goes up and the supply on the streets around the world increases. The supplies
increase and Al Qeada is left alone, infact they are now(historicaly then) being trained by the Seals rangers and eventually the SAS gets involved
Russia withdraws, the end of the cold war. The Taliban expect support from the West now, funding, partnerships etc, We have bidded them to fight a war
for years with lots of promises.
REALITY CIA/SAS/MI5 withdraw all funding and support almost immediately.
RESULT a smashed and mentally disturbed (after years and years of fighting and poverty) nation is left like it was in the dark ages.
America attaks Iraq (st time) really pissing off laden (as mad ole saddam had before the war converted to Islam, he didnt mind the americans helping
him, but they should not lay foot on a islam state without being asked first).
Afghanistan poverty, No governance, full of drugs and guns, no infrastructure (levelled by the russians) stumbles about trying to find its place in
the world after fighting for years with one superpower, and being dropped by the other.
Anti islamic sentiment rises as terrorism increases. The Taliban start to take over large parts of Afghan as no opposition and ripe area for
radicallisation after all of above.
Laden gets moe radical and starts getting back at the infidels, lows up various embassies
Bush and Co and PNAC is written, the worlds Oil co realise they need Afghanistan again to have there OIL/Gas pipe line. Its critical.
During this time he gets more radical, blowing up embassies and the US Cole etc, limited response from the west, the Opium is still bought and allowed
through, total Totalitarism is spreading in Afghan, it is observed and allowed.
Taliban Al qeada grow in confidence and strength, use Afghan as a training ground and centre of operations.
As the attacks increase funding from "sympathetic" leaders in the middle east incraeses to.
Plans start to invade iraq, iran and afghanistan.
Neocons wait for the right time.
9/11 happens - 1 day later bin laden is reported to have been "suprised" by the attacks but spins it immediately and takes responsibility infamy
His entire family also are the only planes allowed to fly the day after in the USA to safe places, as he is "suprised" at 9/11 his family are being
flown back in US planes sanctioned by the white house to safety.
To today, the country is occupied by coalition forces and Opium production is rising again this year! I wonder how it all gets out to the west? (read
mr nice for info on CIA smuggling globaly)
etc etc, mm before you look at this though you do know right that george bush grandfather , beyond any doubt at all, no conspiracy theory here, was a
freind of the Nazis and funded a lot of the german war fighting machine, both prior to and after the war started?
You do know that Bush jnr first company was paid for by the Bin Laden Family? they invested in him when no one else would as he had failed in business
so many times?
If you do know these facts, and facts they are historically archived and totally provable documented facts, well then you start to not worry about any
lies being told about funding now, they are all linked in each others pockets and creating the world they want with our money, blood, and
Kind regards
PS sorry about spelling gramah, in a rush for work, hope easy to read!
a good reading list
Weinmawr the economic road to hitlers berlin
Black Gold
Dark Deceptions the truth about the financial system.
The Modern Opium Wars
all of chomsky!