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Israel: World's Deadliest Defensive Force

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posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 02:06 PM
Isnt any army a defence force?There is no way that the IDF is the best,by a long shot!

Without mentioning the 3 giants in the world,there are plenty who could beat them hands down!

UK,France,Germany are three that come to mind straight away

Yes the IDF are good,very good!They should be with the hardware given to them by Uncle sam.They have also had a lot of experience dealing with terrorist activities(like the UK)so have well trained troops used to danger

The best?no way

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by SwiftFootedAchilles
i don't know what to say. That is some major conspiracy there, including when the israeli's blew up the WTC buildings. I think he was a plant, not to bring publicity, but to breed terrorists so they can be caught in a "supervised" act, than one plotted themselves that could lead them back on the streets again. Or he would be there as an inside job, so while gathering these terrorists and comitting crimes, the law enforcement will be cracking down on them and murdering Black September. So this could possibly discourage future criminals and masterminds.
If you are that guallable to force yourself to believe that then you really are STUPID!!!

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:38 PM
Swift I will ask you again, how does the IDF become the best defensive force in the World when the only people it fights are unarmed men, women and children and a rag tag force of freedom fighters. How does that make them great, if faced with and equal force do you think they would be great then. And dont rant on about what they did years ago that has no bearing in the present.

The IDF and its Israeli supporters are criminals who commit crimes against humanity and I wonder what you think about that. I would like to hear your views.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:43 PM
israel does fight a force of ragtag freedom fighters, but so do the USA, UK, and other UN troops. Israel has had a much greater success fighting these forces than any other country.

Trying to answer all your questions. Sorry

Israel, is the best defense force out thier, i mean a literall defense force. Most other countries are made to be on the offensive. OK, and whoever mentioned Germany, UK, and other countries is wrong. Germany, i recall, has lost its city, Berlin, in WW2 on both fronts. They also were dumbfounded when the 1972 Massacre happened, thier police didnt know what the hell to do, as well as thier military. Again, other countries have built it back up with their help. They haven't had a chance to prove themselves since then. The UK, was shaking in thier boots when Germany took over and reaped France. When the Americans got involved, OH YEAH, they repelled future invasion by storming the beaches. WITHOUT MUCH HELP FROM THE UK. HAHAHA PUSSIES.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:48 PM
then, Israel kicked the # out of its neighbooring countries during thier war of independence. It is a good history read for the concerning few out there like Fritz. Thanks Fritz for the info, never heard that before, glad someone understands the importance of history. Im more into classical history more than more modern.
Two thumbs up for fritz. So far, no other country has proven itself in defense more than Israel has. Again, they have been constantly fighting for hundreds of years now. The whole place is a freaking war zone. Thats why nobody messes with Israel much anymore, because they will kick ass. Plus they have help from the most powerful nation in the world. The good ole' USA!!!!!

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 06:01 PM
The trouble is Swift Foot, that there seems to be a plethera of pro-Arab Jew hating nutters out there who simply do not believe that it was and is still the case, that the majority of Arab countries want to see Israel wiped of the face of both the maps and the world.

Few people know for example, know that Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini or Yasser Arafat for short, was an Egyptian ex-pat who stole weapons from both the Egyptian and British army and smuggled them into the so-called Palestine to be used against both the British and the Jews.

Few people know that Yasser Arafat was the figurehead chosen by the Arab states, to be seen by the world, to represent the armed struggle against Israel, after they were defeated in 1948.

Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan created the PLO, not Arafat. Arafat created the group known as 'Al-Fatah' to carry out attacks on unarmed men, women and children in the bus depots, the markets and in their homes, in order to bring terror to Israel and force that Nation State to hand over lands to the so-called Palestinian people who, incidentally, are the descendents of the 12 ancient Arab and Jewish Tribes living in the pre-biblical days in the Lands of the Ancients - a Land called Caanan.

Few people also know Swift Foot, that Yasser Arafat and the PLO openly supported Saddam Hussein's ill fated invasion of Kuwait and [he] fled Kuwait [where he was living] once people got to hear of this.

Even more Swift Foot, few people care to remember that Arafat sold out the Palestinian people to the Israelis in 1988 - forcing the Americans to call a hasty Camp David conference where, begrudgingly, Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin shook hands and signed a peace treaty of sorts, along with Shimon Peres.

It should have been 'peace in our times' but as usual, Arafat having wrangled the better of the deal from the Israelis, then reneged on the deal, supporting further acts of terrorism against Israel.

Yasser Arafat was not support 'by the people' other than those he could buy or bribe and neither was he 'for the people' because, according to an independent investigation of the 'Palestinian' in 2003, Arafat had creamed off approximately $1.3B from the funding foreign governments were sending to Gaza and the West Bank.

This, then, was the man who went to Camp David on a second conference, this time with Clinton, Arafat and Barak.

Barak offered Arafat a 100% withdrawl from the Gaza Strip and a 97% withdrawl of the West Bank and an independent homeland. All this was what the PLO demanded. All Israel wanted in return for all this, was a settled peace.

Arafast refused to sign the peace accord knowing that if he did so, he would loose the one thing he had lusted for all those years - absolute power and the world stage for the fourth rate actor and liar Arafat had become.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by fritz
The trouble is Swift Foot, that there seems to be a plethera of pro-Arab Jew hating nutters out there who simply do not believe that it was and is still the case, that the majority of Arab countries want to see Israel wiped of the face of both the maps and the world.

Few people know for example, know that Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini or Yasser Arafat for short, was an Egyptian ex-pat who stole weapons from both the Egyptian and British army and smuggled them into the so-called Palestine to be used against both the British and the Jews.

Few people know that Yasser Arafat was the figurehead chosen by the Arab states, to be seen by the world, to represent the armed struggle against Israel, after they were defeated in 1948.

Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan created the PLO, not Arafat. Arafat created the group known as 'Al-Fatah' to carry out attacks on unarmed men, women and children in the bus depots, the markets and in their homes, in order to bring terror to Israel and force that Nation State to hand over lands to the so-called Palestinian people who, incidentally, are the descendents of the 12 ancient Arab and Jewish Tribes living in the pre-biblical days in the Lands of the Ancients - a Land called Caanan.

Few people also know Swift Foot, that Yasser Arafat and the PLO openly supported Saddam Hussein's ill fated invasion of Kuwait and [he] fled Kuwait [where he was living] once people got to hear of this.

Even more Swift Foot, few people care to remember that Arafat sold out the Palestinian people to the Israelis in 1988 - forcing the Americans to call a hasty Camp David conference where, begrudgingly, Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin shook hands and signed a peace treaty of sorts, along with Shimon Peres.

It should have been 'peace in our times' but as usual, Arafat having wrangled the better of the deal from the Israelis, then reneged on the deal, supporting further acts of terrorism against Israel.

Yasser Arafat was not support 'by the people' other than those he could buy or bribe and neither was he 'for the people' because, according to an independent investigation of the 'Palestinian' in 2003, Arafat had creamed off approximately $1.3B from the funding foreign governments were sending to Gaza and the West Bank.

This, then, was the man who went to Camp David on a second conference, this time with Clinton, Arafat and Barak.

Barak offered Arafat a 100% withdrawl from the Gaza Strip and a 97% withdrawl of the West Bank and an independent homeland. All this was what the PLO demanded. All Israel wanted in return for all this, was a settled peace.

Arafast refused to sign the peace accord knowing that if he did so, he would loose the one thing he had lusted for all those years - absolute power and the world stage for the fourth rate actor and liar Arafat had become.
You must be crasy, you must be absolutly CRASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Jews are the ones that started to attack the Brits in the 40's, these people are not "biological" decendants of Biblical Jews.

1. History of "modern Jews":

2. Who really was behind the anti-Britsih movements in Palestine

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Lambo Rider

I am sorry old chap. I simply cannot abide Intolerence or Hate.

Intolerence or Hate?, I hear you ask. Well yes, I am afraid so. According top my Yoggie Gatekeeper Pro, the two sites you link to, preach nothing more than Intolerence and Hate.

How can anyone take you seriously when all you manage to do is poo-poo anyone and everyone who has a differing view to yours?

I would not mind your ranting so much, but at least you could do me 2 favours:

1. I am NOT crasy - as you spell it. I at least, have 2 pieces of paper from RAF Hospital Wroughton [Belfast Ward] which - according to the very small print overleaf, pronounces me sane.

2. Learn to control that temper of yours and of course write your post on Word, Works etc, then spellcheck.

Until you learn to get YOUR facts right, I am afraid I will have no other option but to press the 'Ignore' button and I urge everybody to do the same.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 01:04 PM
# YEAH!!! DUDE YOU JUST GOT SOME. IN YOUR FACE!!! I hate the people who think they know everything, because it gives a bad name to those of us who do.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:01 PM
Swift, I think you dont know anything of history and if you think the US did it all in ww1 or ww2 your quite mistaken. If you want to come over as a stupid, ignorant and arrogant American thats OK but dont expect members here to take you seriously. I'm not saying your are that because I dont know if your just baiting people but reading some of your posts it leads me to believe that you are not as clever as you think you are and you do appear to be quite insulting to people when they write things you dont agree with..

If you do start a thread try and keep to it and make a special effort not to insult people or call them names. Some of the details you have posted are quite ridiculess and untrue and it just shows your lack of knowledge on certain matters.

Getting back to the thread to make a statement that Israel has the best defensive forces is untrue simply for the fact that they have never been tested by equal forces. Its like certain Americans and and others saying we the superpower were victorious in Iraq when Iraq had no real means to fight the forces ranged against it. That does not make you powerful it just means that you had the stronger forces.

With regard to the IDF if they were faced with a foe of equal strength then we would possibly see a different outcome. But as the IDF has not had to do that and has basically been used to attack civillians and a few freedom fighters that dose not make them great. Nukes aside if Israel was attacked by its neighbours it would loose. It is the fact that the US supports that corrupt and illegal occupation of Palestine that Israel appears to be strong.

And it is that support from the US that probally stops any major attacks on Israel. Should Iran be attacked then you would see Israel destroyed in no time at all simply by the fact that it does not have the resources to fight a protracted war with anyone. And there would not be much support from the US as its current costs for Iraq and Afganistan are breaking the bank. The US Goverment is borrowing billions just to continue those conflicts. So to your statement I would say no that are not as good as you think they are. Perhaps we will see if and when Iran is attacked.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:09 PM
first of all, force has been tested before. When fighting the common enemy, like everyone in the world is doing now, the best two are the IDF and US Army. I know my history, and IDF has proven itself many times, or have you been blind the last several posts i made about Israel. I know it does sound like I masturbate to Israel, HAHA, they are a kick ass force. The USA can kick any countries ass out there, so you can shut the hell up becuase the USA can defeat any country in this world, including the GOD DAMN Russians. Give me one good reason why we shouldn't.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 03:19 PM
Swift, I can give you many reasons why the US could not do what you say it can. It is simply pointless and irrelevant to state we can kick anyones ass when you have not done so.

In the first World War the US army was tiny, and it was only in 1917 that it got involved in the fighting but the war was already won becuase the Britsih navy had blockaded the country and the people were starving.

In ww2 after Germany had rampaged over Europe we fought them on our own from late 1939 till the US got involved in late 1942 in Africa.

I cannot understand your reasoning of how good the IDF is to the US can wup anyones ass.

In Vietnam, which was previously French Indo China you got your asses wupped by men and women in pyjamas and sandles and that was after you threw everying at them bar nukes. I know it was the people back home that really affected the outcome of that conflict but never the less it was a conflict in which you did not win.

Korea in the early 50's a joint effort and yet again the US and its allies where fought to a standstill by the Chinese.

The US spends more on its military budget than all others put together but that does not equate to superior forces or capability. The truth of the matter is that even if the US did try what you claim everyone would get nuked and there would be no winners just alot of dead people.

Let me ask you this would you rather see your Goverment illegally invading countries that cannot defend themselves that cost the US taxpayer 12 billion every month and the terrible human cost or would you rather have your Goverment stop the 4 thousand forclosures a day and families in the US homless and broke.

You see Swift you cannot have both, if you spend all your money fighting wars you have nothing left for the people. The same thing happened to the former USSR, the people and the infastructure suffered at the expense of massive armed forces and it eventually all fell apart as all Empires do.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:40 AM
good point, but there is much of a difference.

Number #1- The good ole' british fought of germans in world war 2, for a while. When the America's entered the war then the rolling up of german lines started to take place. Not before but after US boots were on the ground.

Number #2- We did beat the # out of Korea and Vietnam, we did not follow up on a pursuing counter-attack, in fear that China would sally forth its main force. Most of the VC we were fighting were Chinese more than Korean. It is very hard to conduct military operations when your marching on the main road, and they have guerillas in every cave waiting to go on a kamikaze mission. IT IS MUCH MORE EASIER TO DEFEND THAN TO ATTACK!!! They had enough time to booby trap every road to and fro Korea and Vietnam. This has happened before. A GOOD EXAMPLE IS THE BRITISH IN AMERICA, WHERE THEY GOT THIER ASSES KICKED SOME MORE. AMBUSHES WERE ROUTINE, AND THATS HOW WE BEAT YOU MF ERS.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 02:42 PM
Swift, I must correct you yet again about the War of independance, The British, were fighting the colonials, the French and the native indians who sided with those forces. And on that point who do you think the colonials were they were mainly British or mainland Europeans who wanted to be free from the clutches of their relevant Goverments.

I think you see a scenario of the US marines fighting us when the above is true and again there is no need to be insulting you can still get your points across without resorting to insults.

Just look at the Iraq scenario its been 5 years now and their is still no end in sight and its breaking the bank. The actual number of casulties for American forces is not just the 4k that everyone talks about its hundreds of thousands with everything from PTSD to accidents yet that is not published in the media. The Iraqi deaths aren't eveny counted but estimates range from 500k to one and a half million. What has that done for America or its people.

All those damaged by war will get pensions for the rest of their lives, money that has to be paid by the US tax payer. These actions have only fermented hate for America and its people and the more America does the worse it will get.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 06:53 PM
Never Forget 9/11. Let every #er burn.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 03:33 AM
Swift, the problem with 9/11 is that their could be collusion by Your own Goverment. Remember history is full of such actions where the people are murdered by their own or by religeous zealots.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 02:54 PM
i don't think so. We will find out one day. And if it was government related, fellow Americans needed that push to believe we need to fight the insurgency.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by SwiftFootedAchilles # YEAH!!! DUDE YOU JUST GOT SOME. IN YOUR FACE!!! I hate the people who think they know everything, because it gives a bad name to those of us who do.

Swift Foot. My comments were not for YOUR benefit. You are just as bad with your silly claims that the US is the best kick ass outfit in the world.

Believe you me SF, you ain't! Not by a long chalk. Not that we Brits are any better, either.

A long ago, I threw my adoration for the IDF out of the window. Why? Because of the reasons stated by other posters but mainly for one simple fact.

Israel has, for some reason best known to her political masters, become the very thing they were facing in the ghettoes of Europe during the Nazi Occupation.

No, I know they are not transporting Arabs to their deaths in their millions, but they are forcibly splitting up arab families with this bloody great wall they are building.

They are actively laying seige to the Gaza Strip - not that I blame them, and are riding roughshod over the very people who actively support them.

In the West Bank in particular, the Israelis are creating the next generation of terrorists who will bomb and main their own people.

Hearts and Minds held in a mailled fist is what is required in Israel at the moment, not Merkava Mk 4 or M16s.

As to your assertion that the Chinese were fighting in Viet Nam. Rubbish! If that had been the case, the NVA, VC and all the other crazies would have joined the USA or USMC to fight against them.

The Vietnamese people hate the Chinese more than they hate the Americans. Why do you think they fought 3 wars with China once they kicked you guys out?

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 04:19 PM
Swift, Am I to assume that you agree with the killing of all those people on 9/11 just to fight a bogus war on terror because thats what it sounds like.

And that I may add it was that kind of scenario that was put forward by those who have a vested interest in war.

Now could you please answer some of my questions. How dose Americas actions and the human and finacial cost of those actions make you or any other American safer or better off.

Given the fact of these actions and possibly others that will eventually lead to the demise of the US in its current state to one of a regional power again how is that good for the US or its people.

I asked you would you rather see the Goverment spending 12 billion a month on an illegal war and occupation or would you rather have your fellow Americans saved from losing their homes or jobs.

Its easy to be a war monger or supporter of it but eventually it all has to end, do the means justify the end, no I dont think so.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 08:27 PM
not vietnam. The Korean War dumbass! Don't tell me they weren't cause my grandpap fought in the war as a colonel. He said they fought chinese. So # off, and the USA IS THE BEST FIGHTING FORCE OUT THERE!!!!!! HANDS DOWN. YOU GOD DAMN PEOPLE FROM OTHER COUNTRIES ARE JUST JEALOUS

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