posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 04:46 PM
This realy is a shame...
For the city of seatle, and its fans...
Its also a missed oppertunity for us here on ATS, from the day the OKC guys bought the team, there was a conspiricy to move them to OKC, even though
they played one last season in seatle...
How was the season... ever seen the move Major League, where the owner gets rid of all the vertern players, and brings in a bunch of no-bodies, and
rookies... Well, the SOnics played an NBA version of that this last season, the owner throwing the season from day one. The only diffrence between the
movie and real life, in the movie, they won, and they stayed, and they even had some sequals...
However, there is no happy ending here in seatle, there will be no sequals, basketball has died in Seatle... 41 years, was worth about 30 million to
the city... just pathetic...
We missed the boat here, we should have been screaming for a whole year about this, ponting out all the garbage, about how David Stern was complicit
in this whole process, giving one of his buddies a team... just sick...
This was it, a real live open conspiriacy, you just had to be concious to notice the sonics were on thier way out, but no one cared til it was too
late... we stood by and said nothing, as curropt bussniess men made consiricies to screw a city out of a team.
I hope Seatle gets a team back, the Gizzles stink, and New Orleans isnt doing very goood money wise... Mabye within 5 years, you will have a team back
up there...
But to lose a player like Durrant because of this mess, is heartbreaking... Last year, Durrant And Oden go 1-2 to Pacific Northwest teams, and that
should have been a riveraly that lasted years, 2 teams, very close, both super-stud prospects... But Fate got in the way, Oden never played, and Now
Durrant is gone...
What should have been an epic life-long rivlerly, between two dominate players, on rivial teams, ends as a 0-0 tie... basicly, it never happen...
What more to say, i dont know, how do you end a funeral...
A couple things to say though, The Durrant Sonics Jersy is going to be a collectable one day.
And, I vote for the Oklahoma City Weasles... or Jerks...
I realy hope OKC is totaly torn to peices by the fans in the other 29 cites, cause this can happpen to anyteam... i would die if the Lakers just moved
to Vegas one day... so i feel my fellow fan...