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Aliens Eating Humans, Invasion DANGER...

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posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Paul_Richard

I have heard many personal stories from people's meditations and visions that share similarities with yours. I personally believe there are very 'light' beings we can access if we tried, but I also believe there are very 'dark' beings who would not think twice about 'impersonating' a light being... Having a presumption that they (et's) all follow some galactic golden rule is erroneous - only those who believe in a golden rule will participate. Those who don't believe in the golden rule will not.

I have yearned to know there is help 'out there' since I can ever remeber (over 50 years now) and that death was a beginning, not an end. And after all this time, the conundrum is benevolence requires allowing everything its journey, without interfering because as soon as there's interference, it is no longer benevolent, even if the intention is 'good' (very subjective term). So it again befalls each of us to take personal responsibility and accountability and to open our minds and use our brains and stop whimpering about the world we live in and rise above it - somehow. I can only presume that means something different to each and every one. My fear of being duped has prevented me from ever becoming totally comfortable with any dogma be it new age or buddhism. The answers are somewhere all mixed and messed up amongst disinformation, misinterpretation and real clues we somehow have to figure out.

I worked with many trance channelers and psychics looking for answers and have left all that by the wayside only because trusting anything or anyone is dangerous. It's our core, our soul, our Aku that matters - that's our home, our goal - to return by escaping here (lizard control, even on the soul level....) Possible? Absolutely. That's what the et's want is our passion that comes with our Aku soul - it was given to us and no one else - that's what makes us special and valuable and most unique in the entire universe....

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:46 AM
Can anyone tell me what does PTB and EBE means?

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari
And you know all this to be true read it?

I know this to be true from: eyewitness testimony, logical extrapolation, research and analysis, personal experience, and cultivated intuition.


posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by Paul_Richard

I have had all the same forms of information... and I have not accepted this as fact and a belief. No one should. It is a possibility however it is also quite possibly.. what they WANT you to believe.

It is possible that the whole eyewitness that disappear scenario is part of disinfo to cement your fears.

Just a thought.. but it is also in the realm of possibiltiy. While that possibility exists.. I cannot accept it as truth or fact.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by kshaund
I have heard many personal stories from people's meditations and visions that share similarities with yours. I personally believe there are very 'light' beings we can access if we tried, but I also believe there are very 'dark' beings who would not think twice about 'impersonating' a light being... Having a presumption that they (et's) all follow some galactic golden rule is erroneous - only those who believe in a golden rule will participate. Those who don't believe in the golden rule will not.

Communications, messages, and visions derived from meditation stem from telepathic contact with spirits or discarnates, not physical aliens.

Most people on the Other Side are not devoted to The Light. Consequently, most of the information derived from people on the Other Side, especially on important issues like this one, is erroneous and inaccurate. A lot of it is intended disinformation. Talk to a group of discarnate Greys and you will not be given an objective overview about Reticulan society. What you will get is propaganda, i.e., what they want you to believe.

Discernment of the Dominant Aura Colors of those one is in telepathic communication with is the key to determining if any given message is from a reliable spiritual source. Most do not practice auric discernment and are therefore misled by lower, agenda-based, deceptive, discarnate elements.

The Golden Rule does play a key role. Those on the Other Side, from any planet, who purposely deceive, shrink their consciousness and weaken their connection to The Light. This is reflected in their Dominant Aura Color.

Originally posted by kshaund
I have yearned to know there is help 'out there' since I can ever remeber (over 50 years now) and that death was a beginning, not an end.

Death is but a continuation of the journey that was started after The Original Creator completely and irreversibly divided up the Godhead into trillions of basically spiritual yellow-energy angels -- after The Big Bang was manifested with The Light.

Originally posted by kshaund
And after all this time, the conundrum is benevolence requires allowing everything its journey, without interfering because as soon as there's interference, it is no longer benevolent, even if the intention is 'good' (very subjective term). So it again befalls each of us to take personal responsibility and accountability and to open our minds and use our brains and stop whimpering about the world we live in and rise above it - somehow.


Originally posted by kshaund
I can only presume that means something different to each and every one. My fear of being duped has prevented me from ever becoming totally comfortable with any dogma be it new age or buddhism. The answers are somewhere all mixed and messed up amongst disinformation, misinterpretation and real clues we somehow have to figure out.

The highest mountain of development can only be climbed outside of any conventional religious foundation and the supportive energies thereof.

Originally posted by kshaund
I worked with many trance channelers and psychics looking for answers and have left all that by the wayside only because trusting anything or anyone is dangerous. It's our core, our soul, our Aku that matters - that's our home, our goal - to return by escaping here (lizard control, even on the soul level....) Possible? Absolutely. That's what the et's want is our passion that comes with our Aku soul - it was given to us and no one else - that's what makes us special and valuable and most unique in the entire universe....

Despite their high technology, the Reticulans are spiritually retarded.

The highest spiritual source currently available is not to be found on any spacecraft or planet, but in the Higher Realms of Spirit. Aligning oneself with that spiritual source is how we uncover the absolute truth, at least on an intuitive level. To then find evidence on a physical and testimonial level, and through inductive and deductive reasoning.

Some of us here have significant spiritual potential to evolve to a high level, to actualize in energy after we leave our bodies and return to The Light.

Hence, the smartest and wisest approach, for those of us who are ready and willing, is to evolve spiritually to a high level and learn how to stay there, as in the link below to the wallpaper-poster which provides an overview on how to become a lesser god after bodily death.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:13 AM
The whole idea of their only being light and dark beings and that light beings are good while dark beings are bad is a religious construct. It a MODEL for a way in for some people to understand THEIR view of the universe, not an actual state of reality.

Aliens don't eat humans. There are so many points that argue against it. It makes no sense.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari
I have had all the same forms of information...

You HAVE NOT had the same forms of information, analysis and/or experience.

If you did, you would have come to the same conclusions.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:19 AM
Ok, so help me out with this thought, if you will. If aliens are eating and abducting humans for underground storage and everything that entails, why is the earth said to be over populated? Wouldn't there be considerably fewer individuals here now?

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by Paul_Richard

Just to clarify one point I was trying to make which will affect what was understood, in saying that beings can disguise themselves as 'light' beings, I am not talking about alive grays - I am talking about technology available above and beyond the greys. Technology that can be used or directed by Sirians or Orions (or?) to portray something in that astral plane slick enough to cause 'us' to report back that they saw the light, they talked to a god, they 'felt' something, etc. etc. What about the possibility that even our astral plane is controlled - given scenarios, backdrops, holographs to satisfy us so we don't look further for our true home and therefore keep our souls reprogrammed so we forget over and over how we got here and more importantly, how to get out? What if reincarnation isn't reincarnation but is recycling? The best slaves 'think' they are free. My point in the end is trust no one and no thing - not even in the astral plane... their technology is billions of years old - you think they can't manipulate our feelings and thoughts on that plane too?

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Marsrising
Aliens don't eat humans.

There are not only accounts of Reptilian consumption of Homo sapiens.

There are also abductee testimonials about their captors strapping them down and using their glandular extracts as vitamin supplements.

The Reticulans use all facets of their victims in whatever way they wish.

However, regardless of belief, all empires are karmically doomed to fail and fall.

These space aliens are no exception to the rule

No empire on this planet has ever lasted.

Thus, it is not a matter of belief that they will fall.

It is just a matter of time.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by uplander
Ok, so help me out with this thought, if you will. If aliens are eating and abducting humans for underground storage and everything that entails, why is the earth said to be over populated? Wouldn't there be considerably fewer individuals here now?

The population on this planet, in the overall sense, is increasing much faster than the number of people who are abducted by Reticulans and never return.

It is all a matter of degree. Even with hundreds of thousands, even millions taken, this world is still growing in population.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Seaman_Richie

"People just want to believe so badly in any ridiculous “story” they will defend it to the end…..very sad case indeed. To each his own let who ever believe in whatever they want…no matter how ludicrous it is …heh"

You have a point, it's interesting to note how many out there believe in say:

Moses and the red sea departing.
Noahs ark and the flood of earth.
to name a few!

I don't believe myself in all the things written about Dulce but I have not closed the door to WHAT IF some of things could indeed be true? We have to at least look at something, read about it and consider? Who these people are, why they said what they said etc. etc. etc.

Now if the title of this thread was say:
Humans eating Humans DANGER,

The story line changed into lets say groups of pagans or underground cults sacrificing children, drinking their blood and eating them. Well I would have a feeling most out there would believe it because these kind of things have been going on in our history for as long as we know.

But since the story is Aliens eating Children it sounds much more unbelievable.

What do you think?
Which sounds more unbelievable?

Aliens eating children or
Humans eating children?

Naturally our minds will dismiss Aliens eating children quickly and regard it has sci-fi the minute it enters into our brain.

But when we read Humans sacrificing and eating children naturally our reaction is hmmmm, I'm interested this could be true.

So before you can believe in the possibility of Aliens eating children you need to have a strong belief in Aliens.

So for the majority of anyone reading this the entire thread is a joke to them because they don't believe in Aliens in the first place so it's ridiculous for them to even think it could be possible that Aliens are here and eating children.

On the other hand those who have been abducted by Aliens or have first hand contact experience or have done extensive research and are believers in aliens well I'm sure they can quickly accept the possibility of Aliens consuming human flesh and blood. At least it's a subject to consider with what evidence and testimonies are out there.

But it's for sure MOST Humans will accept an article stating.

Humans sacrificing babies and drinking their blood and eating them.
This clicks in our brain as possible and probably true. Becuase it has happened before and we know there are some sick people among us!

I guess what I'm getting at is those of you who don't yet know or believe aliens exist well I really don't expect any of you to believe. You need to start doing your homework on ET's and the evidence out there until you feel you believe before you can believe in something beyond that.

I'm not saying what has been presented in this thread is true but there are alot of witness accounts and testimonies that should be looked at not mentioning those who died to get the info out. You have to admit this does strike curiousity at the very least.

[edit on 29-6-2008 by Alien_Question]

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:40 AM
It gets problamatic...

I succumb myself to "over belief " because what everyone is dealing with is enough information to know aa few things and enough history revealed to make theories some of which probably do come close to the truth...

at the same time everyone is slightly full of bull when they act like they know the full story, others are sometimes deluding themslves more than they think and it's obvious to everyone else.

WE should try to all stick to the basics of what we do know or can reasonably presume.

1: There is something in our skies, it's not us, there is a cover up... too many abductions, too many inestigations, too many sightings, too many overall vibes and impressions from people that believe it's real. Too many credible people have accounts.

2: Our history is regardless of individual theories, filled with what is certainly "heavenly interventions" and as well with encounters with things bellow our feet... Reptillian, serpent based encounters are omnipresent in all cultures...

3: Our history or shall I say pre history goes, by artifact, by archaeology and particularly now underwater archaeology, further back in a major way then our calendars do and it appears to match accurately a 36,000 year time frame of our homo sapien genome

4: we know most stars have planets and it would be foolish to play center of the universe and think we are alone...

5: The government has allot of underground bases, we are Not privy to what goes on, we do have technology and black budgets way ahead of what we consider "modern technolgy"

6: There is no reason to assume any alien life is benevolent or that our governements have our best interests when they do not inform us or leave us a vote on these decisions

7: people disappear, legends warn us against these beings, many of us feel an extreme negative reaction to these things when we are shown images of them, those feelings for me personally ion life have almost always served me, we all have feelings when it comes to... other living things, fight or flight etc...

The rest is assembly of evidence, none of us knows for sure... If we KNEW Dulce was an Alien base we'd be ut there with pitchforks K? But we might just raid a government jail and all deserve to go to jail... so we do not... it's not fear of death... it's fear of being wrong

Certainty, dispells belief, certainty comes off as untrue when the certainty isn't real...

I am certain of very few things... other intelligent beings are here, many if not all of them are harmful and deceptive, the full truth is hidden from me...

Do they feed on us? WE feed on other intelligent life... why wouldn't they? Sorry Dogs are smart, Horses are smart... people eat them all the time... they are not AS smart as us, they don't feel like we do... They feel, they know their name, I know some humans that aren't as advanced emotionally as my dog...sad but true...

Whatever these things are... they don't respect us as equals

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by kshaund
Just to clarify one point I was trying to make which will affect what was understood, in saying that beings can disguise themselves as 'light' beings, I am not talking about alive grays - I am talking about technology available above and beyond the greys. Technology that can be used or directed by Sirians or Orions (or?) to portray something in that astral plane slick enough to cause 'us' to report back that they saw the light, they talked to a god, they 'felt' something, etc. etc.

What you are actually referring to are discarnate communities or Group Entities who further their own god-icon agenda or other false paradigm. There are Reticulan Group Entities, Muslim Group Entities, Christian Group Entities, Pagan Group Entities, New Age Group Entities, etc.

The discarnate dimensions largely consist of many special interest groups.

Originally posted by kshaund
What about the possibility that even our astral plane is controlled - given scenarios, backdrops, holographs to satisfy us so we don't look further for our true home and therefore keep our souls reprogrammed so we forget over and over how we got here and more importantly, how to get out? What if reincarnation isn't reincarnation but is recycling?

The "alien soul tower on the far side of the moon to enslave and/or recycle us after death" idea, furthered by misled "experts" like John Lear, is in itself propaganda that was and is promoted by lower discarnate elements. I wouldn't be surprised if it was also furthered by incarnate Reticulans through brainwashed abductees via screen memories.

Deception occurs on many levels, in the flesh as well as in the Spirit.

Notice that one never hears from After Death Communications and Near Death Experiences regarding someone on the Other Side, while traversing the heavens, being sucked into a local black hole. Or damaged by a supernova. Or injured by an atomic or even antimatter explosion.

It doesn't happen.

The reason why those things do not injure discarnates is because when one is on the Other Side, one's vibration is above all facets of physically-based energies.

Knowing this confirms that nothing like a physical tower to enslave Terran spirits after we transition, can ever truly exist. Now and forever.

The soul tower on the moon idea is an example of fear-based propaganda

Originally posted by kshaund
The best slaves 'think' they are free. My point in the end is trust no one and no thing - not even in the astral plane... their technology is billions of years old - you think they can't manipulate our feelings and thoughts on that plane too?

No discarnate community or personality anywhere regulates or governs the infinite and nonliving Light on the Other Side. The same Light which judges us after we leave the flesh. The more spiritually evolved the soul, the greater the ability, once free of matter, to ascend or expand in The Light.

The higher the plane in The Light, the brighter and more powerful the dimension of energy and the greater the expansion of consciousness. One is limited in The Light by one's spiritual development. Ultimately, there are no limitations in spiritual evolution.

Group Entities in the Mid and Lower Realms can temporarily mislead someone into thinking that they are a god or God, but they cannot overcome the barriers of their own spiritual underdevelopment. In other words, Group Entities of yellow-energy angels on the Fourth Plane (in the traditional Seven Plane paradigm) are very limited in scope of energy and influence. For example, once an angel prophet's body is destroyed completely, they are unable to create a fully grown body to replace it. But large GE's can do lesser manifestations, e.g., turning water to beer or wine, creating small objects, teleport small objects, levitation, etc. The larger ones can also do a form of teleportation (with a body vis a vis Criss Angel) called phasing.

Next time you receive a telepathic communication from anyone, close your eyes and try and see or sense the color behind the message. If it is not sky blue and/or white - especially if it is yellow, orange, and/or red - it is probably a deception because it is not coming from a spiritual, objective, and truthful source.

This applies to alien spirits as well as local Terran ones.

[edit on 29-6-2008 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Paul_Richard

THAT is a very egotistical view sir.
NOT allowing oneself to be confined to any aspect as a definitive fact is NOT the result of LESS information or even experience but simply a mind more aware of the fact that illusions are rampant and truth is still an illusion.

By such a statement you cheapen my experiences and make yours more valid?

I am less intelligient or enlightened because I do not THINK like you?

I am saying either is possible but we should hold neither as factual until we can be certain. You are saying that having an open mind means I have not done as much research or had as important of experiences as you have?

That view is stagnant and very typical of someone still in the My way is the only way organized religious mindset.

Are you aware of just how self important that post came across?

THe point? You COULD be right, but then again you could be wrong.

[edit on 29-6-2008 by NephraTari]

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:54 AM
Remember, to get here from the light, you must pass threw the dark, upon your return to the light, you must again, pass threw the dark.

If you believe this life you have grown is correct with all its mystery, fables, and godly/ungodly characters, you will pass into your beliefs, whether dark, or light.

To begin here, it is asked only to believe.

If the aliens control our conscious and we follow there agenda(s), than I will be passed on, to never perform a return visit, since I know of them and the total BS perpetrated in this realm.

Our suffering and misery feeds the agenda(s) as well as our numerous emotions.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by NephraTari

It didn't take you long to run out of the shallow arguments you had and resort to sophomoric insulting.

I have no need for discussing anything with the likes of your prejudice and ignorance.

There are others here who better deserve my attention.

Welcome to Paul Richard's ignore list.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by kshaund

This is what I have been saying.. we have to keep an open mind to all possibilites. Thank you for adding this kshaund it was very insightful.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Marsrising

"Aliens don't eat humans. There are so many points that argue against it. It makes no sense."

I believe you could be wrong but I hope your right!

If you click below you can see a few human mutilation cases that were not covered up in time. Some say there are thousands of human mutilations that go unreported or are covered up that take place and most probably underground like in the Dulce base for instance.

Keep in mind hundreds of thousands of people go missing every year!

One thing is clear:
Somebody is sucking organs, draining blood and taking human parts for use.

Pictures and cases of humans that have been mutilated can be presented as evidence don't you think?

If your argument is well a human is the one who mutilated the other human think again. Read the article in full, the doctors of this world have no explanations for them.

Blood completely drained!
Organs sucked out with precision tools used through little tiny holes in the body.
It's impossible for any doctor to re-create these mutilations in any part of the world but I can't say I'm an expert so you decide.

More evidence that supports the possibility of aliens using our organs and blood etc. etc. for their own use or food.

These pictures are at least something to think about?
Click this link and scroll down to view many graphic disturbing images.

[edit on 29-6-2008 by Alien_Question]

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by Paul_Richard

well that is irony at its best. You tell someone if they don't come to the same conclusions as you have that they obviously have not had the same amount of research, information or experience and then you put them on ignore for stating that is was an egotistical statement? I stand corrected you are totally OPEN MINDED.

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