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Aliens Eating Humans, Invasion DANGER...

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posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 09:05 PM
Isn't it sad that minds can be fed such fiction and believe it with no more than enthusiasm for proof!

Let us know when they surface eh.......yawn!

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by mandrake

The answer to both your questions is that the Greys are a dying race,they have cloned themselves so many times(over milinia)that they are redundant now,they are dying and need to cross breed with a race(humans for genetic reasons) to survive,there are very few greys alive in the universe,and they are all clones,to my knowledge.The reason they "can't synthetically make these proteins" is for the same reason they have to cross breed and create hybrids-using replicating genetic technology causes redundancies and thus ultimately failure in the code.They MUST use NATURAL bases for nurishment,there is no way around it,they DID use replicated protein codes THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO,you must understand this species have been around for BILLIONS of years,they should have 'ascended' many milinia(if not billions of years ago) ago,but because of their genetic tampering they haven't-and CAN'T.Thats why they NEED US,to DESTROY US WOULD DESTROY THEM..You have to understand you can't think 'conservative' here.

***Sorry if this has been answered before but I felt I had to jump right in here,I will catch up tonight on this thread.TO the OP and 'Timothy':I have sent you both u2us,great thread,great posts,although this has been discussed here on ATS before,people forget,and information changes,I think it is important to keep this in the 'main light' now,the time of change is fast approaching(2012),keep up the good work.

My threads that might be of help:

The Underground Empire

America's 14,000 mph Secret Transit System

Americas 'Ultra Black' Reversed Engineered Projects

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 09:23 PM
Due to the plan to create a space wars and the propaganda of distilling fear in the media, I'm not sure that the Dulce base is true or disinfo. But even if it is, bear in mind that the PTB nazis that came through project paperclip into US, and the bloodlines that are behind all this, are most likely the ones orchestrating this negative et agenda. According to a few sources they've been cloning for years, perhaps the small greys are our own clones. Thats the thing, just how far ahead of our science is the shadow government? Ive read over 200 years ahead of us. How do we know the dracos didn't come out of that jurassic park mosquito and some cloning?

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by mystiq

It's funny you mentioned you've heard we are 200 years ahead secretly,I have heard(from a physical source among others)That every year since 1947 we have advanced militarily(secretly)47 years..........okay lets do a little math.................47*61(1947-2008)

2867 years ahead of todays technology!!!! that puts us secretly in evolutionary standpoint technologically in the year 4875!!With 47 more years coming next year!And we don't have our own starships?

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 09:44 PM
I know this video has been called a hoax,but it does seem oddly like what Castellio and Schnider said the vats were like a Dulce,this video is supposedly stolen footage taken from the base.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 09:49 PM
"Q -- Others have suggested that some of the entities below Dulce are not of 'extraterrestrial' ORIGIN, and that they are actually descended from saurian or reptiloid beings such as the Velociraptors or Stenonychosaurus Equallus -- a 'serpentine' race or races similar to that hinted at in the third chapter of the book of Genesis?

A -- Yes, some 'reptoids' are native to this planet. The ruling caste of 'aliens' ARE reptilian. The beige or white beings are called The Draco. Other reptilian beings are green, and some are brown. They were an ancient race on Earth, living underground. It may have been one of the Draconian beings that 'tempted' Eve in the Garden of Eden. Reptoids rightly consider themselves "native Terrans." Perhaps they are the ones we call the Fallen Angels. Maybe not, either way, we are considered the 'squatters' on Earth. "

So certain dinosaurs escaped extinction by living underground? I would imagine that there wouldn't be too much to eat underground, especially if your a Velociraptor.

Maybe the Draconian's were a hybrid creation by aliens.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Interesting video. No sound, but still interesting.

However it seems a bit too professional. A regular person videotaping might behave differently with a camera, in my opinion.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 09:54 PM
Who really is the slave us or them. Think of all the ignorant happy people who have had wonderful lives because they themselves made it so. We can do the same if we believe. But look what will happen if we believe this truth. They grow with the fear and are dependant on us. Bow down to us already lucifer...

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 09:56 PM
So even the aliens hate fat people and preferre the fine dining experience of a small slim humanoid package. The only defense than is to blubber up and they will leave ya alone.

When I eat meat, I hate fat and will not eat steaks or pork, so the aliens may like my chops.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by mystiq

"Ive read over 200 years ahead of us. How do we know the dracos didn't come out of that jurassic park mosquito and some cloning?"

How are all of the ancient civilzation stories, sightings and paintings explained if this is the case?

Also I believe it's very narrow minded to think we created aliens with our supposed black opps hidden technology discovered only in the 1900's.
One only needs to use common sense here!

You can watch the video with Bob Lazar who was basically hired by the military to figure out what alien space craft was and how it worked? If we created them they wouldn't be finding people out there to reverse engineer and figure them out now would they? Bob Lazar is one of many who have come forward about viewing craft not of this world that have been asked to basically figure out how they work and if they can duplicate them.

If we know one group exists from other planets, we know they all do and it's all real. Planet earth is nothing special, its a small spec in the universe of infinity universes which can also be called dimensions. One only has to look through their telescope to open their minds, we can't all be that naive.

Now I know everyone wants to believe earth is so so special and we are so so special but we are just another race among billions and billions of lifeforms and humanoid races out there.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Alien_Question

Did you get my u2u?

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 10:09 PM
Steven Greer has taught many groups and led them as ambassadors of earth. His concept of meditation is very special, because it involves both sitings and contact. His groups are true experiencers. I've ordered cds and plan to get the kit for creating a group. The reason I think its so important is the numbers of people who can, prove this for themselves, make contact and start to inform others. If this groups was overwhelming, surely the pressure on Government would become so great that things would change for the world. In other words its something we could do ouselves. Surely the more successes the more people would do it, and that leads to all the walls crumpling. If worst case scenario comes true and we're all going to be survivors in the hills and woods escaping disasters or martial law and fema camps, we may feel the need to meditate in groups, so we should begin now. For some reason I couldn't add the link for the google video, videoplay?docid=7158929399739557807&q=stephen+greer&ei=b_tmSMvfPKTAqwOUovDLBw

Sigh, such a long link. Couldn't get the video to work at top though. I believe I watched part 2 last night, and it was so good. He talked about God/creator and the stilled mind in meditation, that that was Gods mind, and because God is everything we can remote view anywhere, even out of this galaxy. He said that ptb where upset when he told thousands of people something that they were keeping as a secret. It was such an incredible film, I really think we need to become experiencers/ambassadors/contactees in such large numbers that the issue disappears along with the secret mongering government responsible for so many deaths from starvation and war for meaningless resources.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Alien_Question


posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 10:36 PM
It doesn't much pay to debate exactly what is going on, there is way too much disinformation, even in a forum we get people with paid agendas, then the ones who make things up for personal profit.

This thread has one very valid point... the sheer numbers of people who turn up "missing" is extrodinary, very much so here in the states...

That this should be a gigantic issue goes without saying, more people vanish a year in the States alone then died in the entire Vietnamese war, and they can say runaways, homeless etc? Not in this police state with ss#s and all that good stuff, sorry..

a great many people really do seem to simply vanish, the question begs awnsering...

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 10:55 PM
I’m not here to offend anyone but this is my stance on this.

Its one big load of you knows what….

With that said I for one think this was all conjured up by a very imaginative person who had quite a lot of free time on their hands….

Honestly if aliens wanted “certain” parts from us and “cows,” wouldn’t it be plausible that such an advance race of beings that can travel between the vast distances of space be able to reproduce it on their own?? … I said before this is all a load of you know what : )

Best regards,

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Excellent point,seems like they are doing things 'right under our noses',and how many of these missing cases have been resolved?

All of these people can't be murdered.

All of these people couldn't have just 'left'.

All of these people haven't been kidnapped.

So whats going on??!

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by Seaman_Richie

I guess you missed my post:

The answer to both your questions is that the Greys are a dying race,they have cloned themselves so many times(over milinia)that they are redundant now,they are dying and need to cross breed with a race(humans for genetic reasons) to survive,there are very few greys alive in the universe,and they are all clones,to my knowledge.The reason they "can't synthetically make these proteins" is for the same reason they have to cross breed and create hybrids-using replicating genetic technology causes redundancies and thus ultimately failure in the code.They MUST use NATURAL bases for nurishment,there is no way around it,they DID use replicated protein codes THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO,you must understand this species have been around for BILLIONS of years,they should have 'ascended' many milinia(if not billions of years ago) ago,but because of their genetic tampering they haven't-and CAN'T.Thats why they NEED US,to DESTROY US WOULD DESTROY THEM..You have to understand you can't think 'conservative' here.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by Seaman_Richie

Also,I guess ALL these TOTALLY sperate people made this up and it all was the SAME story?

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 11:01 PM
If there is truth to them feeding on us... the reason in my eyes would be the same reason I eat cows as oppossed to protien shakes... I like it that way...

While I have no assurance the dulce stories are real, (i suspect there are elements of truth) I see no reason to not think that Alien life would feed on cows or us or wouldn't want to just because they are "advanced"

It's all a pov... I eat raw fish, we consume live fruit right off the tree, and eat meat plenty as a spieces, although we do not choose to see it wiggle, raw or rare meat is commonly eaten and we are mammals...

That something would like it's human "live" doesn't suprise me at all...

besides, maybe we are just delicious?

It's not that hard to believe really, that a sentient creature could derive pleasure from the pain or horror or some sort of stimulation of "live prey"

Think about our common sexual acts on eachother which involve the injestion of fluids and reactions that are... not biologically dissimilar to pain... the word "eat" is directly used between men and women, we have all heard the expression "sex is violent"

why is this that hard to concieve of... not saying it's real, I have no evidence of dulce per say other than the same rumors and talk we all have heard and seen...

but the "concept" of why and what is so appealing... doesn't shock or suprise me a bit. It's a main reason I believe if we have made contact we should militarize against it and have full public disclosure and track any visitors that even come near us...

it's not that this doesn't suprise me... it's sort of what i'd expect given the way we treat intelligent "lesser species" here on Earth...

[edit on 28-6-2008 by mopusvindictus]

[edit on 28-6-2008 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by Seaman_Richie

I guess you missed my post:

The answer to both your questions is that the Greys are a dying race,they have cloned themselves so many times(over milinia)that they are redundant now,they are dying and need to cross breed with a race(humans for genetic reasons) to survive,there are very few greys alive in the universe,and they are all clones,to my knowledge.The reason they "can't synthetically make these proteins" is for the same reason they have to cross breed and create hybrids-using replicating genetic technology causes redundancies and thus ultimately failure in the code.They MUST use NATURAL bases for nurishment,there is no way around it,they DID use replicated protein codes THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO,you must understand this species have been around for BILLIONS of years,they should have 'ascended' many milinia(if not billions of years ago) ago,but because of their genetic tampering they haven't-and CAN'T.Thats why they NEED US,to DESTROY US WOULD DESTROY THEM..You have to understand you can't think 'conservative' here.

Wow, that would make one great show if it were ever made to one! Oh wait it has.. it's called Earth Final Conflict....

As I said before ...all these "Stories" are simply...well that "stories."

Best Regards,


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