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Life in the U.S. is a joke

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posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by slackerwire

Why wonder about? Founded severall hundred years ago by the famous pilgrim fathers, which were english separatists, you are living in a puritan nation. It's your old history and not nothing new. You were a child, not knowing, or worrying about anything, now you're adult, and you have to face the truth.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 07:51 AM

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:27 AM
To those of you who keep telling people who dont like it to leave... Whats your plan when all of us do leave and your taxes get hiked so you can't afford all your nifty things? Hopefully for you the border wont be locked down by then...

If you do want a free home, try Amsterdam... that place is truely free...

Funny how they have all sorts of "immoral" and "horrible" things there... but yet i feel safer walking their streets at 3am than i do at the mall here... even without my gun.

We/America need to get our acts together...

Also for those who endorse censorship "for the kids" I (sorta) quote George Carlin "Frag the kids!" Kids are the parents problem, if you think "free" media should be censored for the kids then you shouldnt have had any... mainly just to remove your "unable to be responsible for yourself" genes from the gene pool. Tell me why should I have to pay for uncensored media? You should have to pay for censored media... and not with my tax dollars either.

Its called personal responsibility people... if you dont have that then the supreme court recently upheld the 2nd amendment (thank goodness) so go buy a gun and remove yourself from the gene pool.

Everytime you censor or ban something, (porn, guns, drugs, etc.) you dont get rid of it, you just push it to the black market and give criminals a way to make more money, which they use violence and other methods to achieve. YOUR the source of America's problems, not those of us who want to "free it up".

Sorry if I ranted and got off topic, but ignorant people annoy me.

Anyways, the OP is right, this country is going downhill and if something isnt done soon then the only people left will be those telling everyone who complained to get out... and they'll be in line, at the death camp.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by ALightinDarkness

Did you go to school on a "full ride" scholarship? I have a very strong feeling the answer is no.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by slackerwire

It is exactly the same here in the UK!

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 02:14 PM
The world is running out of easy to access good quality oil. This is a reality. Saudi Oil production of good quality crude peaked in 2005, all their increases since then, have been in low grade crude. The end of oil's domination, due to its abundance making it too cheap for alternative energy sources to compete, has arrived. Those who want to live in denial of this reality are not part of the solution, they are part of the problem.

This is good news, as the development of alternative energy sources will be far more labor intensive and far more difficult to control by the world's elites who came into power primarily due to oil's domination of the worlds energy supply. The industrial age is ending, and the information age is just beginning, and it looks like the information age may free us from the IC's NWO efforts, and vastly improve our society.

Modern technology has created greater changes to humanity than humanity has ever seen before, and we are still adjusting to these changes. But a few generations before, most of the world killed and cleaned their dinner on the day that they ate it. Survival was a challenge just a little over a hundred years ago, life was cheap, and you couldn't just turn on the boob tube and zone out. Today, in the developed western nations, you can live on the streets as a bum, and not have to worry all that much about survival.

The generation gap that existed in the sixties is pretty much gone these days. The family structure is starting to repair itself. Fathers are re-discovering their roles as fathers in the west. The IC's want to keep us busy all the time, to keep us from regaining control over our lives, to keep us earning money that primarily goes to the worlds elites. The IC's want to keep us in debt, keep us on the run, keep us from enjoying the vast increases in productivity that working people have created.

We should all be working thirty hour weeks and enjoying three day weekends every week and four day weekends on the holidays. Election days when we are to vote should be mandatory national holidays, so that people participate in the democratic process. This is how we can take back our liberties.

Ignore the smoke and mirrors and educate yourself on the realities of this world, and start pushing for 30 hour weeks. That is the first change we need to start insisting upon.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

Come here to the uk it all happens here.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by Justice11

Say what you want about the CIA ,FBI or the US govt ,it all falls on deaf ears here until this war is won

This level of ignorance is beyond me... Are you some kind of psychotic mental patient? You seem like a very scary person...

it all falls on deaf ears

Was you actually THINKING when you wrote that?
Do you know how much innocent blood has been spilt because of people like you?

I really hope your not real...

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:46 PM
Apparently, safety is more important than freedom. People have become so scared of death that they would be willing to live in a bubble their whole lives to avoid dying. Personally, I would rather spend the next two years of my life free and scared rather than twenty years of being protected while my freedoms were next to nothing.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Alexander_Supertramp

well, the more that we understand that liberty comes from w/in, the less they will be able to take this from us. we have the right to say "no" and that IS liberty! we are just, as a country, submitting to this idea that we don't have this right. we aren't speaking out enough. some are and i can guarantee you those ppl have made more of an impact, however small we think it is, than those of us who have submitted far too long.

i think this is the most important thing (this thread) that i have ever come across in my life. it has helped me to realize that "they" can say all they want that i don't have rights (which is, comparably, at a minimal when it comes to my own personal desires), but "they" are wrong. at any point, i DO have the right to do whatsoever i choose to do.

when more of us "get" this, we may be able to render this system we are living under useless.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by justamomma
reply to post by Alexander_Supertramp

well, the more that we understand that liberty comes from w/in, the less they will be able to take this from us. we have the right to say "no" and that IS liberty! we are just, as a country, submitting to this idea that we don't have this right. we aren't speaking out enough. some are and i can guarantee you those ppl have made more of an impact, however small we think it is, than those of us who have submitted far too long.

i think this is the most important thing (this thread) that i have ever come across in my life. it has helped me to realize that "they" can say all they want that i don't have rights (which is, comparably, at a minimal when it comes to my own personal desires), but "they" are wrong. at any point, i DO have the right to do whatsoever i choose to do.

when more of us "get" this, we may be able to render this system we are living under useless.

We may have that innate right, but if the government holds those rights against us then those rights are ultimately worthless in terms of the real world. I agree with you that we have to stand up for our rights though, and nothing will ever get better unless every single American realizes this.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by slackerwire

if you dont this country get the # out!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by Alexander_Supertramp

i understand what you are saying in the beginning of your post. the way i think of it though, i will NOT submit. i am done. serious. i am tired of talking about WHAT to do, when i have known what to do along (just didn't realize it). i will continue to talk in hopes of waking up others, because we desperately need that, but i am gonna start "doing" more.

they can THINK all they want that they are using my rights against me (if i understood you correctly), but they ARE only doing such if i allow them.

i trust and believe in myself. that is enough for me. and i won't be so naive as to not say 'i only hope i am this adament' if/when i am put to some horrible "test" such as torture, etc. i have the deepest fear that i am questionable about in terms of surrendering my rights locked away in my head (not stupid enough to put that down for all to read lol), but short of that and w/ God on my side hopefully in spite of that, i will keep my dignity and my stance as a human being for the right to life as i choose it to be intact.

they only can have what is most important to all of us if we surrender it, and i know they are banking on that fact.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:23 AM
slackerwire, good post, at least i know there is one smart American out there.

My Advice, pack you bags and get out of the country.

Good post.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by GenReaper

GenReaper, I wish it were that easy.

Slacker is way ahead of most in his generation. I know I'll get heat for this but whenever I deal with the 18 to 25 age range of people, in the US of course, most seem to have a level of confidence that this system is always going to take care of them and keep them satisfied. I've grown up with some wealthier people and witnessed the entitlement philosophy at its worst, but this generation puts this kind of trust in the system no matter what socioeconomic background from where they came. It's as if access to MTV, the Internet, remote and cellular everything is eroding common sense in this country.

Bottom line is, we have no freedoms and the ones we enjoy are situational at best. Can I go to work in a T-shirt and shorts and do the same level of productivity as I would any other day, without being reprimanded or fired? Can I stand on a street corner and hand out political or religious material without being harassed? Can I express myself among a group of my peers by listening to hip hop, or drinking microbrew or imported beer, without being labeled a "wigger" or a "drunk"? The founding fathers had some great ideals over 230 years ago, yet even if they meant for us to have a life if liberty, we've been set up from the beginning to be a nation of haves and have-nots, and that's all there is to it.

Since I anticipate some of the replies I might get, I will say that "go to school and get a better job" or any of that neocon nonsense is by any stretch of common sense, not realistic for a single and nearly middle aged white man in this country, so please save this kind of critique to yourselves.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by redboar]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:44 PM
After dragging myself through each page of this thread, I think the overwhelming feeling of people here is that freedom doesn't exist the way we want it. That's fine, and to be expected.

'What? You're fine with our messed up freedoms?'

Not at all. I do think however that some people here, and a LOT of people all over the US have grown up with a bad definition of freedom.

Main Entry: free·dom Pronunciation: \ˈfrē-dəm\ Function: noun Date: before 12th century 1: the quality or state of being free: as a: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action b: liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence c: the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous d: ease, facility e: the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken f: improper familiarity g: boldness of conception or execution h: unrestricted use 2 a: a political right b: franchise, privilege

okay, the first definition is up for debate. #1b. Who's in chains and writing on this forum? Slavery exists in the US, yes, but does it exist freely, accepted, within our society? No.
#1c-f. Don't even get me started on this one. How else can a bunch of uneducated, ill-informed sheep start baaing about their problems in a nation with a better quality of life than the majority of the world's population? We can get away with an awful lot that in other nations would have us arrested or dead in the street as a lesson to others. As for the other definitions of freedom, I feel we have more power as individuals to effect change within our legal system legally than all but a handful of nations worldwide.

And here's my personal definition of freedom. It has no tangible state of being, but is instead an unattainable ideal for any group of two or more people. As a nation it is a huge struggle to approach the goal of freedom, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. No matter what laws we pass or wars we fight, there will always be a minority of opinion or privilege. Freedom is like peace among nations, fleeting and precious, and like every other treasure I think America has come closest to actually touching it. Not right now, because we seem to have decided as a whole that we'd rather feel safe at night. Fools all. No one can just walk up and give you freedom, you'll never wake up one morning and find that it's descended like a blanket over your home. You have to earn freedom the way you earn anything else of worth, through hard work and determination.
Sadly, people within the government have set rules in place that allow them to take our perceived freedoms away for the smallest offense, and only too late have we begun to realize what we allowed into the house. Ben Franklin ahd it right when he said that 'Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.'

I'll close all that stuff with this. I joined the US Marines in 2002 and got out in November of '07. In that time I've set foot on foreign soil I never want to see again, and been in ports that were a breath of fresh air. But nowhere I went did I feel at home, until I landed on American soil. Nothing smells better to me than our mountain air, nothing better than a California sunrise. So it pisses me off to no end to see punks crying about not being able to do this or that. You don't like it? Exercise some freakin' backbone and make a change! But if all you're ever going to do is complain, let me know now so I can ignore your brainless prattle.

Have a nice day!

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Dearg
Exercise some freakin' backbone and make a change! But if all you're ever going to do is complain, let me know now so I can ignore your brainless prattle.

Have a nice day!

i can concur w/ this and think this is the major epiphany this thread has helped to bring me to.

no point in continuing to complain unless one is ready to take some action. what actions? that is up to your own personal discretion. there are actions to be taken all around us, it is only a matter of us realizing the difference between comfort and true liberty.

and thus, i am sure the complaining will continue while little gets done. ppl love their comforts far too much. i have always said i would be fine w/ the amish lifestyle (minus the religion and the head to toe clothing part lol), so there are certainly MANY things i can surrender and/or do to make an impact (albeit, on my own it is dent in a dent in a dent of an impact, but at least i am contributing to the solution now instead of just "blowing out air"; and the more ppl that start letting some of these comforts and security blankets go, the more of an impact it will finally make).

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 01:50 PM
Look I'm Canadian, and even I know that the "freedom" that America personifies was stripped away slowly but surely by international financeers who, prior to America, had always ruled the Old World Europe through usury.
I can't think of any country in history that was as free as pre-1913 America. There was hardly ANY taxes, and a man with a job could easily support himself and his family. There was an INCREDIBLE moral foundation as well, and a universal sense of pride because just about everyone was getting theirs. The currency was based directly on precious metals, and so the US dollar became one of the strongest currencies. Diplomatic relations were based solely on trade, and international alliances were never formed because the founding fathers had forbidden it.

America and Americans are husks of what they once used to be.

And please don't tell me how bad Canada is I know. We were never really free at all.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Dearg

Isn't the fact that we have the "best standard of living" among other countries exactly the point as to why this nation and culture are so messed up? In my estimates, we should all be living like we're in Kuwait, but instead we have had our share of the US's so-called wealth STOLEN FROM US and in a sense, us "greedy Americans" had our birthright taken away by the elites and globalists.

Perception is reality, which is unfortunate because whenever a European makes a comment in chat or message boards about the US it always includes some dig about how wasteful and gluttonous we are. Well that is true of some of us! As far as how we eat, that may be due to the fact most food here (and I include groceries) has the nutritional value stripped away and therefore the human body naturally consumes more in an attempt to balance the deficit.

I'm really tired of people who realized the American dream by sheer luck or wealthy families who give them a huge head start pass judgement upon everyone else, and at the same time skew and misrepresent what is really going on in the US to other countries.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:09 PM
Maybe it comes down to a sacrifice of freedom for wealth, or wealth for freedom. How do you strike a balance. Freedom still exists in this country, and the good ole days were never as good as advertised. I would say we had more freedoms in the seventies, but the energy crisis and cheap labor overseas made us take a step back. We are all on the same planet, and so we all make sacrifices to hang on to what we got. If life gets to be too easy, we all tend to get our selves into trouble trying to find that next horizon.

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