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Name Any "Inconsistency" Of The Bible, And I'll Explain How It's NOT Inconsistent

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posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 03:31 PM
It is no secret, God created man to love and serve him.


Yes they were all their, they all tell different aspects of Christ's life from each of their unique points of view. This helps us to better understand him because we are able to see four different views of God.

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 03:43 PM
wtf is it with this Lucifer ?? There is no such thing in the bible as Lucifer that was a complete mistranslation (and a deliberate one I might add).

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by SimpleTruth
DaRage, yeah you bring up a few good points. I'm not sure if those numbers really referred to the body and spirit. I explained it a little ways back in the thread, but it could very well have a double meaning.

I wasn't referring the numbers to the soul/spirit bit i was talking about. I was reffering to the soul/spirit to the plurality below.

God made man and women in his image. According tot he people from the early days if we have a soul and a spirit. If we have a soul and a spirit....and we were made in Gods image...Then God must have a soul and a spirit too. Thus the pluralrity

Originally posted by kinglizard
Yes ktprktpr, I was wondering the very same thing.

Genesis 1:26-27

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

Why the plurality?

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 03:50 PM
DaRage, good question, but I already touched on that issue further back in the thread. Check it out and let me know if you still think there are problems with it.

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by SimpleTruth
So, basically, because of God's perspective, He knew how things would play out from the very beginning. In that sense, everything is pre-ordained. But just because of this fact, DOESN'T mean He is forcing us to choose. He simply KNOWS ahead of time what decisions WE will make, and He has figured that into His plan!!! Make sense??? Lemme know!

Probably the best answer to this so far. I don't have enough time to bring up more with it, I'm going to work.

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 04:50 PM
Wow. Well thanks for coming and contributing to the thread Faceless. You mentioned so much in one post, so I'll try and take it a chunk at a time. For future posts, could you also address smaller chunks because it's easier to have an exchange. Thanks.

Ok, your first criticism was that God created man just to be a gardener for His garden. Well, God created people for two reasons. The foremost reason was to, yes, serve Him, but not as gardeners, but as to praise and worship Him and to spread His glory. To obey Him. Secondly, He made us because of His desire to share His love with a creation, and for us to be benefactors of that love. And about the garden, it's funny to consider that God even needed a garden. He doesn't need one, and therefore doesn't need gardeners. If He needed one, well He would be here on earth stuck in one today. No, the purpose of the garden, and of earth in general was to provide humans with a place to live and a means to sustain them. He had them tend to it because He gave Adam domain over Eden. It was his. If you own something, you need to tend it, whether you own your own business or a piece of property or car or what have you. To be able to tend the garden was a privilege because God gave it to Adam to command as his own!! Not as a chore!
Unless, you are someone who wants no ownership of anything, you should understand this very well. But you say it gives no reason as to why He created us. These become apparent as you read the bible.

Your next criticism is of God lying to Adam and Eve about their death. First, realize this. Before they ate the fruit, they had not sinned as of yet. They had intimate contact and communion with God on a level that we cannot experience today. Their spirits were completely pure and not marred at all. However, in the act of sinning, their spirits lost purity and were pulled away from God. Why? Because if God is to be God, He cannot have sin or evil Himself, nor be amongst it, even commune with it on that same intimate level. He is the epitome of purity and love. So basically, the sin set a barrier between man and God. THIS is what God refers to as their death. Death originally means to be apart or disconnected from God, so this makes PERFECT sense. Also, Adam and Eve lost their immortality, and so would later die in flesh as well. And no, God didn't want to keep them from eating the fruit to keep them dumb, but so they could remain with Him, because He desires to be with us and love us. So God speaks TRUTH of their death.

Next. The serpent comes along. You say He tells the truth. Only partially. Yes, he's correct when he tells them they will gain certain knowledge. But the knowledge is of what it's like to be apart from God, as satan was. It's knowledge in the sense that now, Adam and Eve realized they didn't HAVE to follow God. But, just because a new option for a course of action appears for you in life, doesn't mean that it's automatically better. Satan decieved Adam and Eve in order to disrupt their relationship before. And as a result, the PARADISE and carefree ways of life were ENDED for Adam and Eve, because of satan's influence and malicious lies.

Next, let's look at the criticism about the name of Adam. You are at least partially correct of your translation. I know that Adam implies earth or of the earth. I have not heard of the blood, but that's fine, I give you the benefit of the doubt. You don't think the way God refers to humans is respectful. Well, a couple points on that. First of all, He doesn't refer to Adam as WHO he is, but WHAT he is. You're right there I guess. Well, do you not like it when parents refer to children as kids, or child, or son or daughter? If a dad has a few boys, and calls to one of them, "come here my son", he is not specifying the certain boy. He is using a term that is generalized for all his boys and not by the son's own name. Secondly, earlier in the bible, God says He made man in His own image. So, if God was disrespecting Adam, then He would be disrespecting Himself as well. Third, I just don't think this is a big deal.

You're right on about Eve and the rib.

So, let's recap: On one hand we have the all loving God. He created man to share His love with and to have him glorify Him and spread His glory. He granted Adam control over the garden and animals as an amazing privelege, not to be gardeners, because God doesn't care about having a garden other than it was necessary to provide a living place for people. His warning of death was truth and warned because He didn't want His intimate connection with Adam and Eve to be broken. He knew that if they did, they would be cast out and suffering would ensue afterwards. This is evident today as you look at the way of the world. He did not want this for His creation.

On the other hand, we have satan. The deciever and father of lies. Satan basically ended the paradise that A&E had and the spiritual closeness with God. He made them aware of choice a they had, but at a fatal price. He made them aware of a choice that they wouldn't have made had they known. But you know what? Ironically, God uses what satan did for Adam and Eve for His own gain. Because of this choice they now had, love could be realized. In order to love, it must be from your own heart and will. If there is no way but one to choose, how can that be called love? More like dictatorship. This is why God even ALLOWED satan to even approach Eve, so that the return He got from people that love Him is genuine and of their own choice. Choice is an awesome, and terrifying gift at the same time.

So would you have preferred to remain in paradise as God had intended, or do you have preference to suffering of the world by way of satan? God, or satan?

Last comment. Your take on Genesis is very interesting. It's impressive actually because of certain insights you show. But think of this: If satan were the one who cared for us, and God the one who decieved us, why would God in his deception, give us a chance to hear of the "good" thing satan did for us in the very book that describes and glorifies Him? A deceitful God wouldn't. That, perhaps, is the most convincing and simple truth out of all these arguments of why you have it backwards. I hope that helps!

[Edited on 6-3-2004 by SimpleTruth]

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 05:06 PM
If I missed this anywhere then smack me, but explain "The sons of God"

"Genesis 6

The Flood

1 When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with [1] man forever, for he is mortal [2] ; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown."

As for the Holy Trinity, that is a Catholic belief as far as I know, correct me if I am wrong. The Father the Son and The Holy Ghost are all the same person.
So you are saying it's kinda like the Queen of England saying "We' are displeased? Even though she is referring to herself?

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by KrazyIvan
how come the gosples of john, mark, matt and luke all have differents parts of the last days of jesus. weren they all with him at the end?

That's a pretty good question. Although, SonsofLiberty answered it well already. He/She's(?) right. They were simply four different guys. Some of them were observing closer than the others at times, and at times further away. Some of them were witnessing some events that Jesus went through while maybe the others were not present that day. If four different people are watching a football game, one sitting on the east side of the stadium, another on the west, the other on the south, and the last on the north, they will all observe the same game from four different perspectives. Some of them will have better view of certain plays while others, from their angle can't see what happened as well. There are four gospels included in the bible to give more credibility because more than one or two guys witnessed Jesus' acts. Make sense?

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by SimpleTruth

"Clean" animals were used for sacrifices for God, because they were more pure,

Why dont people sacrifice for god now?

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by NetStorm
If I missed this anywhere then smack me, but explain "The sons of God"

I can't explain it. There are only a couple of references to the sons of God in the Old Testament and not much is given up in those references. I know they are where God is (or at least are at times). I know they come together as if to meet. That's all I know.

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by NetStorm
If I missed this anywhere then smack me, but explain "The sons of God"

"Genesis 6

The Flood

1 When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with [1] man forever, for he is mortal [2] ; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown."

As for the Holy Trinity, that is a Catholic belief as far as I know, correct me if I am wrong. The Father the Son and The Holy Ghost are all the same person.
So you are saying it's kinda like the Queen of England saying "We' are displeased? Even though she is referring to herself?

Cool, I'm glad you asked this. Although this isn't really an inconsistency, I'll explain it anyways, because it's pretty awesome. Although it's shocking too. I've been researching that same passage, because I wanted to know what it was talking about too.

Basically, the sons of God are angels. However, these angels in Genesis 6 aren't just angels in general. They took fancy to the daughters of men, and married them, but more relevant is the fact that they had sex with them. Now, angels and humans are separate creations of God. He didn't want a cross of creations like this. So the angels we're talking about here are the fallen angels. Satan's followers and rebels. Most likely, they interbred with women more for the purpose to screw God's design up rather than just to marry them. Why? Because it says the offspring they produced were Nephilim. This means giants in Hebrew. The bible gives a quick description of them. They, aside from being massive in scope, they were men of renown, powerful, intelligent, but obviously, as the offspring of human and fallen angels, they were extremely wicked. They were a perverted race or a distortion. So basically, they tainted the genes of humans. You can think of it like they breached our race to corrupt it. It was satan's second method of disturbing God's design after he tempted Adam and Eve.

Now, when you realize that this is mentioned in the same account that the flood is described, you begin to realize WHY the flood happened. Most people just think He wiped people out because there were no good people left. This is partially true. But God is consistent, and if you look at the world today, He should be flooding us again. He should have done this several times by now! The world has tons of evil today. But God IS consistent, so this implies that there was another variable present then. Something to prompt God to need to flood the earth, that ISN'T here today. The main purpose of the flood, was not because God is a meany, but it was to cleanse the earth of the Nephilim. By Noah's time, so much of the entire race of humans had the "blood"(if you can call it that) of the fallen in them, that only Noah and his family were still perfect humans! This whole scene also explains a problem people see when they read about Noah. It says that "Noah was seen as perfect in God's eyes." People can't understand this, because no man is perfect except the later Jesus. Why does it say that? It's referring to the fact that he still had untainted blood and wasn't related by any way to Nephilim. So he had perfect human blood and pure genes. This is what that means! God had to refresh His creation of man in a sense.

Now, if you search the net for traces of ancient signs of giants, sure enough, you'll find em! They have even been discussed here on ATS. You can find pictures of humungous skeletons and tools and such. These are what the bible is speaking of in Genesis 6! These Nephilim were around 14 feet tall! If you want more details, just let me know!

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 05:47 PM
As for the Holy Trinity, that is a Catholic belief as far as I know, correct me if I am wrong. The Father the Son and The Holy Ghost are all the same person.
So you are saying it's kinda like the Queen of England saying "We' are displeased? Even though she is referring to herself?

Yes, I suppose you could think of it that way. It's a hard concept to be honest. There are three parts, but they are all one at the same time. I guess, think of there are different individual parts to a body, but they are all of ONE body. This is probably only a rough analogy, but something like that. So this is why God uses plurality at times.

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 05:50 PM
ST...I disagree with your response to the question concerning the Sons of God. I do not believe them to be angels. Also, please read this from a post I made in another thread concerning the Nephilim.

The Nephilim are the descendants of the "sons of God"* and the daughters of men. Genesis 6: 4

*KJV translates this word as "sons of God", but the New JPS Translation of the Torah translates it as "divine beings".

Concerning the word "Nephilim: This specific word (Chaldean in origin) is only used in two places in the Bible. This passage and Numbers 13:33 which is where Caleb and the spies reported back on what they saw when they scouted the land of Canaan. ALL other references to giants use a different word. The JPS translation translates these two references Nephilim. This word is plural in both instances. "For other Chaldean ancient versions of these texts the meaning is "the giant in the sky, i.e. the constellation Orian, plural the greater constellations. Etymology of this word is uncertain." Some have compared this with a similar Chaldean word which has been rendered as "great, large in body; but this is incorrect; for it means, excellent, noble, skillful. It seems to be preferred to render it in the context of "falling on, attacking..." (This information is taken from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance and Gesenius' Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon of the Old Testament)

Here is a link to a post:

[Edited on 6-3-2004 by Valhall]

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra

Originally posted by SimpleTruth

"Clean" animals were used for sacrifices for God, because they were more pure,

Why dont people sacrifice for god now?

Yeah, that's a good question. Basically, in short, those sacrifices took place during the old testament before Jesus' life. They were done to show respect to God in ways but mostly to gain appeasement for their sins. However, because of Jesus, that is no longer necessary, because HE became the sacrifice to atone for our inequities, which is pretty incredible if you think about it. I can explain more about it if you want, but that's the short of it.

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 05:52 PM
I am a he Simple Truth
. Your doing an excellent job by the way, I'm just here to help.

Ok, sacrifices were necessary before Jesus Christ came. Sacrifices were made to cleanse oneself of sin, this had to be done repeatedly all ones life in order to please God. However, God sent His son, Jesus Christ, as the ultimate and final sacrifice. Jesus was crucified then resurected symbolizing his sacrifice, this is why He is sometimes called the Lamb of God (the belmishless lamb was used in Old Testament times as a sacrifice). When Jesus died on the cross, the vale in the Temple split in half and fell away. This symbolized the seperation of man and God falling away. No longer would man have to make blood sacrifices to God, no longer did man have to go through priests (the tribe of Levi) in order to "commune" with God. Jesus Christs sacrifice was the final and ultimate sacrifice, therefore we no longer have to commit blood sacrifices.

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by SonsOfLiberty
It is no secret, God created man to love and serve him.


Yes they were all their, they all tell different aspects of Christ's life from each of their unique points of view. This helps us to better understand him because we are able to see four different views of God.

makes sence. than you for clearing that up.

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Valhall
ST...I disagree with your response to the question concerning the Sons of God. I do not believe them to be angels. Also, please read this from a post I made in another thread concerning the Nephilim.

The Nephilim are the descendants of the "sons of God"* and the daughters of men. Genesis 6: 4

*KJV translates this word as "sons of God", but the New JPS Translation of the Torah translates it as "divine beings".

Concerning the word "Nephilim: This specific word (Chaldean in origin) is only used in two places in the Bible. This passage and Numbers 13:33 which is where Caleb and the spies reported back on what they saw when they scouted the land of Canaan. ALL other references to giants use a different word. The JPS translation translates these two references Nephilim. This word is plural in both instances. "For other Chaldean ancient versions of these texts the meaning is "the giant in the sky, i.e. the constellation Orian, plural the greater constellations. Etymology of this word is uncertain." Some have compared this with a similar Chaldean word which has been rendered as "great, large in body; but this is incorrect; for it means, excellent, noble, skillful. It seems to be preferred to render it in the context of "falling on, attacking..." (This information is taken from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance and Gesenius' Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon of the Old Testament)

Here is a link to a post:

[Edited on 6-3-2004 by Valhall]

Valhall, thanks for the input. There are many reasons to support that the sons of God were fallen angels and it would be cool to discuss it. Would you like to start a thread on nephilim and sons of God and that kind of topic? Or I can. I would just like to avoid having the thread shift to focus on this issue amongst all the questions coming in.

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 06:02 PM
Hey SonsofLiberty, thanks for elaborating on that last anwer. You included some key things that I didn't. Hope that helps ya out Cobra.

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 06:11 PM
Okay, have I missed anyone's inconsistency that they brought up? I think I've answered all so far, but there's been a lot, so I could've missed one. Let me know. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 06:13 PM
I must say this is an excellent thread. Fast moving, question and answer, actual *fairly* civil discussion. If all of the threads could be as insightful as this one we would be a world ahead, reguardless what is being discussed.

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