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Terra Papers - I was there

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posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Eleleth

Originally posted by kshaund
Not sure what the relevance is with not finding any human statues...?

Okay - so here's some clarification or muddying of the Isis/Osiris relationship - Isis is represented in hieroglyphs as a throne and a throne (throne of thrones). Sirius and Orion (Isis) had a marriage - the throne of thrones and the star Sirius (civilization of Sirius).

The great pyramids of Egypt are built to scale of the belt of Orion, and what is referred to as the Kings Chamber (because we are taught that men are always bigger and better) - is actually the Queens Chamber and that what's always referred to as the Queen's chamber was really the Kings.

That is what Robert Morning Sky says; it's not necessarily what the Egyptians said. And obviously he would tell you what supports his story!
As Undo says, "challenge yourself" and read what they said for yourself:

And I am sorry Undo, but the Gilgamesh flood story is clearly the prototype of the Biblical story. The story of Utnapishtim sending out birds, and the gods smelling the "sweet savor" of his sacrifice, is too much to overlook.

[edit on 17-4-2009 by Eleleth]

Okay, I'm totally missing your points. Firstly, what I posted above was not all from Robert - Bauval has also written about the Orion constellation and its relationship to the pyramids.

Challenge myself? With Wallis Budge's translations? The website itself is titled myths... and I've looked at Budge's books years ago. What makes him one hundred percent right? Or wrong for that matter? These translations are done so with a preconceived mindset of what it 'must' mean based on today's terms!!!!

What I don't get is why you guys are set "against" the idea that Osiris and Isis might be different than your pieces?

How do you know what translation of Nin is ORIGINAL? It was properly translated as "sister" ? I also said the Nin-Har-Sag was treated as a sister with full privileges - I don't get why you think there's a contradiction especially over thousands of years and through hundreds of hands between lady of all earth and sister? How do you know it wasn't originally something else? Even more important, bottom line is we were still created in a test tube by aliens and NOT in control of our destiny, they are. THAT'S THE POINT!

I'm the first to say Robert's work isn't for everybody - but for me it made sense of previously spending thirty years reading everything I could get my hands on. It allows to ask even bigger questions.

Perhaps you guys could challenge yourselves and think outside your boxes...
I have no idea how old you are, I'm 54 and have been reading and meeting as many authors and researchers as I could since I was 16 and this is where I ended up after decades of looking at all religions, metaphysics, parapsychology, new age, old age, history, NWO, etc.

It works for me. Most importantly it just makes sense, especially if you look at the bloodlines and languages. Unfortunately religion and other dogmas have done an exceedingly good job of mind-numbing the entire population and keeping everyone bickering over 'god' while their control continues...

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 03:48 AM
it WAS originally something else. it was 7 sisters. 7 birth goddesses of enki and ninmah who was like the "midwife" (i think she was the me in this example), 7 gates, or at least, that's the theory.
it correlates with the 7 reins of the bull of heaven, the 7 stars in the pleaides, who again, are 7 sisters (it's a story in the sky that correlates with events and things on the planet)

now if they are 7 queens, they are still in taurus not in orion. the only conclusion that can be derived from the discrepancy is that the gates went to several places, but for the sake of the earth example, the theory is that the 7 gates on earth, went to at least 1 gate on mars (the hathor gate).

i'm not trying to say your data is incorrect, just that i think there's more to it, and that what may seem like the answer is really only one side of the story.

i mean, consider the crowns. they're disks surmounted by bulls horns. enki is called a great bull. look up the phrase" bull of heaven"

[edit on 18-4-2009 by undo]

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 04:00 AM
gilgamesh and the bull of heaven is a good place to start for this particular line of research. first it acts like a big vacuum, then like a big faucet. this may be a description of the flood event. the water on mars is syphoned threw at least the hathor gate "(and probably more), sucks all the water off mars and dumps it in the earth's oceans via the abzus such as sokar.

[edit on 18-4-2009 by undo]

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 11:11 AM
Data will never be complete. We will never have the full story no matter what because there's an infinite amount of "sides" to it and as has been said many times before, history is always written by the winners.

I wish everyone could have access to other works by Robert that details the star languages and linguistics - I believe that his work is as close to the original as possible, and that from this all these other epics were born throughout history.

But I really don't understand your perspective (and not asking you to explain it as you've already done so through other threads)...

I don't believe the God in the Bible is "GOD", Creator Of All That Is. I think God in the bible is Ea/Enlil and the Annunaki and Nephilim all having space technology and abilities that made them gods to us, the slaves, the test tube prodigies to serve the Lord and Master.

I don't believe Jesus Christ as portrayed in major religions is anything like that - IF he existed, he was probably a human or hybrid gifted with special abilities and an Ea-Su (teacher of Ea) and from that came the Essenes.

I think every way has been mistranslated on purpose or accidentally, portions lost, portions added to benefit a king here and there so that whenever we read accounts they have to be taken generally as the details can be totally wrong or misleading.

That's why we need to think outside the box we've been "put in" on purpose and by design. That we can even think at all is pretty special, seriously, if you look at animals that don't ponder the stars, that was us at first. Now that we can wonder and dream, well, that's just not allowed when you're a slave.

I honestly can't ready through all the translations because I have a very literal brain so when they talk metaphorically I just get lost and can't bother. I prefer the Cliff Notes version and then check out parts and pieces.

I don't try and ignore anything at all that adds to the story - but I don't want to get bogged down in something that in the end doesn't make any difference to the result - here we sit on the verge of being wiped out from many fronts (biological, chemical, radiation fallout, etc.) and time is too precious anymore to me.

So my bottom line is to get right with my soul - and hope that at my time of passing I can somehow demand my free will to choose to leave or not - rather than being recycled back here through the mind-wiping technology they have to capture and rebound our souls !

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by kshaund

but i just proved to you that the 7 sisters, the "nin"s of the enki and ninmah story, were connected to taurus and the 7 sisters lore. i can't believe that you think someone went to the trouble to change every single inch of written history, even stuff that's been buried for thousands of years, even in light of the fact that most universities are not even remotely abrahamic or religious for that matter and haven't been for at least 300 years. in fact, they are the ones telling you not to believe the ancient history. they are the ones writing books claiming that these people and those people never existed. that this and that is a lie, a myth, a fantasy, and that for 5000 years of written history, not one bloody person could write an honest historical text.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 06:43 PM
here's some examples:

they said ancient troy never existed. the claim was that the ancient greeks couldn't even write during the time their classical writings and histories were written. so they tossed them all out of historical consideration in the name of enlightenment. then with the advent of archaeology and another forty years of digging, it was discovered the ancient greeks could write.

a couple hundred years after that, the city of troy was found. but sadly, the original decision removed from consideration, key historical markers for the passage of ancient events all over the ancient world. and it inspired other university documents, theses, and books, written to disprove most if not all the ancient texts. if you take out just one key element from the structure of history, the entire structure tumbles down - a cascade effect.

they started making pronouncements about various places mentioned in the bible, in an effort to disprove it as well ..........before the advent of archaeology. when the places were discovered later, they ignored it. if similar info was recounted (epic of gilgamesh flood, biblical flood), clearly one was a forgery of the other and the other was simply a fairy tale, as gilgamesh was clearly an archetype, an epic hero template... till his city was found buried in the deserts of iraq.

the more they say ancient history is a lie, the more evidence is uncovered that it was not only real, but that many of the events mentioned in them happened as well. these events that were once thought to be myth because they were not "scientifically" possible, are NOW scientifically possible, so clearly they were wrong about that too!

this goes on and on and on. it isn't that our ancestors were liars, it's that about 300 years ago, in an effort to free themselves from the tyranny of the holy roman empire, they did a complete flip flop, turned the whole thing on its head and made some of the biggest critical blunders in history. but we don't acknowledge the correction, because we are all now brainwashed into believing the ancient world is one big lie.

[edit on 18-4-2009 by undo]

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by kshaund

but i just proved to you that the 7 sisters, the "nin"s of the enki and ninmah story, were connected to taurus and the 7 sisters lore. i can't believe that you think someone went to the trouble to change every single inch of written history, even stuff that's been buried for thousands of years, even in light of the fact that most universities are not even remotely abrahamic or religious for that matter and haven't been for at least 300 years. in fact, they are the ones telling you not to believe the ancient history. they are the ones writing books claiming that these people and those people never existed. that this and that is a lie, a myth, a fantasy, and that for 5000 years of written history, not one bloody person could write an honest historical text.

I'm so not trying to be dense here undo!

I don't know how the seven sisters stuff 'proves' connection to taurus, etc. (and therefore if I don't know that how could I even disagree with it?) I don't believe someone went to the trouble to change every single inch of written history and know what's taught in schools is archaic at best - so we're on the same page there!

I think what's happening is I'm simply looking at the very first origins and not the subsequent happenings (which would be the writings you're referring to). I can't get my head around the epics and metaphorical contexts everything is in - like I said Cliff Notes are perfect for me. Everything you say may well be in records and have accuracy to them - but again there's the problem of translation and interpretation throughout centuries and still does that negate the original story of Ea/Enlil?

I guess my question is if the nin refers to seven sisters in taurus, how does that negate that an original reason for the name was to identify the females who came here from Orion to rule at the side of the Sirian Kings? In my thinking, everything comes after the events (writings, translations, etc.) which certainly lends credibility to the intention of mixing up the languages (babel/babble).

Since the beginning nin and most every other word has been used in various ways and meanings. I'm trying to stick to what they called themselves, not what we or subsequent people/beings called them...

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by kshaund

I'm trying to stick to what they called themselves, not what we or subsequent people/beings called them...

okay, let's do a little exercise then.
what did they call themselves/ here's what the enki and ninmah text says:

Let Ninmah act as your assistant; and let Ninimma, Cu-zi-ana, Ninmada, Ninbarag, Ninmug, ...... and Ninguna stand by as you give birth.

so i guess i don't get what you mean.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by undo

I read the link you provided above - it sounds like the creation story of man - the failed experiments until they got 'us'. Nin - is in their names - to me this means she is descended from the Queen of Orion or is a priestess of.

Then its used in names but more as titles with Nin representing one thing and the rest of their names meaning something other.


posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 11:08 AM
Hey undo - I recalled several conversations back you mentioned you have astral traveled? Can I ask you some questions about it? I'm wondering seriously about astral travelers who have experienced any limitations out of their bodies, like being stopped somehow at a point...

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 01:50 PM
here's a repost of it

While sitting at my kitchen table in broad daylight, I had a waking vision, an OOBE. I was, at the time, browsing the net on my computer, which was perched on the kitchen table. Suddenly, I was hurtling threw the air, up into the space above the earth where the satellites orbit. I could hear the noise of various electronic gadgets accessing the satellites, even though there is no sound in a vaccum. It was a jumbled up noise of tv shows, cell phone calls, radio broadcasts, and digitized, robotic sounds. I gazed around me and saw, just hanging in space, two "beings" perched at a console. Imagine its like you're looking threw the front window of a spacecraft at two figures. Here's my crude rendition of what I saw

the area around them was see threw, as if they were just floating in midair, no craft was visible, just the hint of it threw the window. The two figures were male and had long dark hair, dark eyes, and masculine noses (which i didn't do a very good job depicting). They had no facial hair. They were actually much larger looking than my pic does them justice. More muscular and more dangerous looking, to boot. They were also almost holographic, kinda shimmering and nearly transparent but for the light from the "console" of the ...craft they were in (which as i said before, was totally invisible, as it were cloaked).

Mind you, this is all happening very rapidly. I look back towards the earth and see it curving away beneath me, and in the distance, shimmering things surfing along the top of the atmosphere that I realize are human males. It didn't make any sense to me but I achieved a kind of knowing of what I was seeing: These were the human friends of the two beings in the craft. They were from an all human male organization on earth, that, whether they realized it or not, had one thing in common with the two beings - they absolutely hated human women. Although the beings also hated human males, the human male organization was not aware of it.

I jerked my head back around as panic and pain starting registering in my body. I caught one last glimpse of the two figures who were now aware of my presence and were very angry about it. I wasn't supposed to be able to see them, particularly because I was female. I don't know why, but I was actually experiencing the sensations as if I had literally gone up there without a space suit. I guess it was a very odd OOBE. My head jerked back and my eyes started rolling up into my skull as I began to pass out from any number of things -numbing cold, no air, vaccum (de)compression i dunno. Was painful, that's all i knew. The entire thing lasted 3 or 4 seconds. But in that three or four seconds, I learned a heckuvalot.

Meanwhile, wham, I'm back in my seat at the table. My whole body felt as if pins and needles were sticking into it, like when you sit on your foot and loses feeling, that tingling, but uncomfortable sensation. It dissipated after a couple minutes. I thought, "What the freak was that!?" But I didnt say anything.

An hour goes by and suddenly both of my kids, who were 8 and 9 years of age, come out of the room where they've been playing video games, to complain that it feels like its RAINING INSIDE THE HOUSE.

I looked at them in shock and horror. "What did you say?"
"It feels like its raining, like little rain drops on my skin." Says my daughter.
And my son agrees with her -- "Yeah, like cold water splashing tiny dots"

At that point, I began to panic. I examined them to see if everything else was okay, grilled them for more answers about their symptoms, and then got on the phone and called my sister (who is alot older than me and alot wiser). I explained the entire thing to her and she said,
"Don't worry. They can't hurt you." I was like, "How do you know this?"
And she said, "I just know they can't hurt you." I was totally perplexed, but was reassured by the confidence in her voice.

The next day, a man came over with a buzz saw and cut the trees down in front of my house, which was a rental property RIGHT next to a huge radar dome on an air force base in Florida. The dome had been blocked from view by the trees. Well it wasn't right next to it, but across the street anyway.

I always wondered if perhaps I had somehow, via some freak electromagnetic anomalie, combining with my computer and the radar dome, been subjected to some kind of weird OOBE that effected everyone in the house.

Isn't that weird? I still can't get over how strange that entire thing was.

read the rest here in my ats thread on the subject (just skip the first post since it's a duplicate of this post)

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by kshaundell
Has anyone checked statistics on missing children in the USA alone? What's that got to do with anything? Everything.

Enki/Ea is the one to whom we should be grateful for our existance and freedom, albeit tenuous. For true seekers, Robert's work is worthy of a second and even third look. Regards - Karyn.

I have just recently come across the Terra Papers. They would seem to tie many threads of religious and ancient writings together. Definitely worth a third look in my opinion.

You ask about the missing children. Could they be used for genetic experiments as this purported time traveler says?

I will tell you what kind of genetic experiments are going on in Dulce New Mexico DUMB or Deep Underground Military Base. It has to do with trying to unlock the other 95% of the DNA that we presently do not use... called junk DNA, but it is not junk! They are trying to genetically ressurect the Anunnaki race that created us. The 'mistakes" are poor souls kept for research. It is my understanding that they are close. Once they have created the advanced being with all the intelligence and memory of the Elohim of old, they will attempt to transfer their life essences into their cloned bodies. We have that same DNA and... well, when I have time i will I will go into a little more detail.


From reading the Terra Papers, we should be grateful not only to EA, but the Akhu for their strand of DNA.

Could the Akhu be the genetic scientists talked about here?

Your body was fashioned many thousands of years ago by genetic scientists from another multiverse system. They were worshipped as gods until they left. The good news is that they are returning. A group of entities from a star system in the constellation Draco came here about 50,000 years ago and enslaved most of the humans until a cataclysm occurred and forced them underground. They remained there till this juncture in time. You call them "reptilians". They have been at war against the Elders, the ones who created you, for thousands of years.


Food for thought.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by undo

Hey undo - apologies for not saying 'thank you' sooner, been away doing real life things like working.... thank you for reposting the story - I have some thoughts about it generally, but not sure if my time will allow the luxury of wondering. Times are really getting weird everywhere! (I'm in Canada)...

I have heard others mention when they were out of body being sent back or being able to wander around but not leave the solar system - makes me think there is more to the web around us than we know - I mean, what if they (whoever they ultimately turn out to be) really can control our spirit/soul and set boundaries ? That would infer we really may be slaves on a level we hadn't previously considered...

haha - don't use the
often, only for extreme need to chuckle at how bad it really might be!

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by bridas

Hi bradas

If I had to guess about missing children, I'd guess that's only part of the reason. I think many are used as sacrifices and probably even more are being eaten, probably alive. You know, it took me several times to write that last sentence because it's just a horrible think to think might happen, let alone openly say it might happen and even moreso to comprehend the insidious things that could do such things.

I had a really quick look at the website you used, is it channeled? Research? I used to research channeling but don't anymore because there's no way to trust the source - I just know if anything/anyone is capable of not lying to us (humans) anymore.

Have you checked out his website or radio talk?

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by kshaund

the strangest thing about it was that i wasn't even studying these topics back then. in fact, i was having an indepth conversation about the may pole tradition. i had no star gate theory. no concept about sumer at all. i hadn't read sitchin. i wasn't particularly aware of anything ufo-related.

that entire event came out of left field.

[edit on 23-4-2009 by undo]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by kshaund
I had a really quick look at the website you used, is it channeled? Research? I used to research channeling but don't anymore because there's no way to trust the source - I just know if anything/anyone is capable of not lying to us (humans) anymore.

Have you checked out his website or radio talk?

The website which I quoted from was put up by myself. The information was passed onto me, so I have no way to prove its veracity. I have not met the lady who gave me the material and music in person. We only had contact via forums and U2U messages. However, I did feel she was being sincere. She herself said it was important to be sceptical, as that would lead us to the truth.

Anyway, if you can believe it, the information was given to her by a time traveller who claimed to come from the year 2746, sent by ambassadors of the Wingmakers/Shining Ones/Elohim. The time traveller did not claim to be anything but human, albeit a highly evolved one.

He left with the following message:

The awakening, as you call it, is what is happening now... ever so slowly but accelerating. Humanity everywhere is beginning to awaken spiritually and is beginning to learn who they really are. Your body was fashioned many thousands of years ago by genetic scientists from another multiverse system. They were worshipped as gods until they left. The good news is that they are returning. A group of entities from a star system in the constellation draco came here about 50,000 years ago and enslaved most of the humans until a cataclysm occurred and forced them underground. They remained there till this juncture in time. You call them "reptilians". They have been at war against the Elders, the ones who created you, for thousands of years. What you call planet X is really the Elders returning. I am prohibited in saying more about this but the discerning heart knows. The awakening will culminate in 2012 during the Harvest event I mentioned earlier. Jesus mentions this event in what you call the new testament.

Many people have enjoyed listening to the music left by Emit:

Music Link

While reading the Terra Papers I noticed some similarities with the material I was given. Here`s an excerpt from Emit`s history of humanity.

Be advised that the collective consciousness has given rise to stories and movies that reflect ancient times and battles. Star Wars and Lord of the rings are but two of these. The Dark Crystal is a very symbolic story of ancient myths of true history. Even many of the names have been remembered, i.e borgian = borg mentality of the animus warriors with a hive mind. Animusae is another term of the same army of mindless synthetic cyborgs.

There are differences as well in the timeline:

The souls that inhabit the bodies of homosapien throughout history are different from the souls that automated the nephilim that inhabited the earth / moon / mars realm before the great deluge. The Keepers of the Divine First Source, referred in literature as the Elohim, brought the Earth's life giver with them. It was originally called Lunarius and the home abode of the Elohim was called "Caelestiarc" or "Celestia" in some ancient texts. Lunarius stabilized Earth's rotation and provided rhythms to the dynamics of cellular and other life forms in the oceans. After the Luciferian rebellion, the Elohim left but promised to return at their appointed hour. They did leave one master creator behind, the first administrator and teacher of Terra, Yahwey or Yahushua, of the "children of the Elohim", called Adama and Eva. The two were later made to join the outcast children of the rebellion for joining with Enlil, as some ancient texts call this powerful being.

Kshaund, you have been researching our past for many years. Will 2012 be the time when we can finally end all the questioning?!

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by kshaund

the strangest thing about it was that i wasn't even studying these topics back then. in fact, i was having an indepth conversation about the may pole tradition. i had no star gate theory. no concept about sumer at all. i hadn't read sitchin. i wasn't particularly aware of anything ufo-related.

that entire event came out of left field.

[edit on 23-4-2009 by undo]

I've heard others say events like that are spontaneous - like when in that state of almost falling asleep suddenly something like that happening. I think that it's unexpected just makes it all the more phenomenal and (in my way of thinking) more valid because it wasn't planned and I think then get a real glimpse of what life after death is likely like.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by bridas

Hi Bridas - I have no idea what 2012 is going to do - I'm beginning to doubt that will even be a concern because 2010 looks like crap already with the NWO plans.

I found many sources have similar stories re Enlil/Ea, etc. and from that either the entire egyptian history was a plant (which is not beyond my comprehension because I think they all lie anyway!) or there's something to all this. I tend to think there's something to all this.

I was and am far more concerned with what happens at death than life because I believe while we're conscious 'now' is our only hope of becoming "enlightened" (in other words becoming knowledgeable, informed) at death and (this is my personal feelings) ensuring we Truly have Free Will to leave this ssss-sst-m or not.

I find it really difficult to believe I would have accepted to come here in the first place.. however I have to accept that's a real possibility and take responsibility for it (ugh, more responsibility!) The more I dig the uglier it gets and it's gotten far uglier than I imagined, which was already pretty ugly.

I think they (draco/reptilians) have the technology to capture our souls and that's the ultimate crime and ultimate challenge. So enjoy the day, know your soul because more of its beyond our prison walls waiting for us to come home (freedom) from this recycling of life/death at their control and whim.

The material given seems to be channeled by the words I can pick out. I don't believe channeling is a source onto its own - only an aspect of all that's out there to get information/knowledge from. Best source is books and personal experiences I believe. Books are becoming obsolete and ironically when the internet goes down, which I'm sure it will, books will be all we have which is why whenever I have extra ink I print out stuff from the internet and don't rely on it being there tomorrow.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 05:01 PM
Yes, the possibility of the living game, or enki's soul wiping machine and recycling as perpetual slaves. We need safe passage off this planet and freedom for everyone. This is what I believe this is all about. Freeing this planet from this system of slavery. And partly why some ets are here.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by kshaund

I was and am far more concerned with what happens at death than life because I believe while we're conscious 'now' is our only hope of becoming "enlightened" (in other words becoming knowledgeable, informed) at death and (this is my personal feelings) ensuring we Truly have Free Will to leave this ssss-sst-m or not.

I think they (draco/reptilians) have the technology to capture our souls and that's the ultimate crime and ultimate challenge. So enjoy the day, know your soul because more of its beyond our prison walls waiting for us to come home (freedom) from this recycling of life/death at their control and whim.

Thanks for your reply Kshaund. I`m glad you started this thread.

Talking about 2012, I`m waiting in anticipation for the interview with Robert Morning Sky by Lady Evening Star to be available on their websites.

HOUR 1 - What will happen in 2012? What can we do? Is the World Ending? More...
HOUR 2 - Who were the ‘Ancient Ones’? Who built the Pyramids? More... HOUR 3 - Is Shamanism real? Can I learn? Are there really Spirits? More...

Lady Evening Star Website

You said the reptilians possess a technology that can capture our souls. Emit briefly talked about that.

The Draconian regime joined in the rebellion and inhabited much of the inner earth realms and also the entire inner Luna realm. They tried desperately to work the Grail of Souls, a machine on the surface of Luna, but only the Elohim knew how to operate it. Souls from the Source would still be automatically processed for Earth but the Luciferians had other plans, other designs on it as a soul trapping device. So much hate for the Adamic race simply because their souls are not created by the source but rather emanate from the Source of pure love and thought. All synthetic souls possess this envy.

Link to Emit website

I wonder what, automatically processed means?!

But, yes, as you say I feel it is vitally important to become as aware as possible before we take the next journey in life. I think I`ll be even more sceptical in death than life!

[edit on 23-4-2009 by bridas]

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